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February 25, 1899 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1899-02-25

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A- J)

4,. , a i 1 ' t

VOL. IX, No. 10)7.





Have just 'received a large
Sline of Fancy Vetings for
Spring and Simmer.
Thev are Imp~ortations
Ldirect fromi London. Please
caladse hm


Fresh Today.
Mirngtine restnoftecollege year we
w lselnches at all henrsdayeor
nissht.Fill linne af Pipsptigarsanid
R. E. JOLLY & CO.,
308 So. State Street.
To the
Nolsosy ever leaves
a glass of ourSoda Water
unfinishedl. Whether he
hays a five cent or ten cent
drink, ihe drinks it all-and
comes again.
GdlKins' rhdrwdGu.I
Law Books
Fer the Second Semester
Text Books
Fer all the depa.rtmnents.
Bnught and Exchanged.
Beat Linen Paper, 15, 20 sad 25c per 1b.

Also Seeral Football Games and
Tracks Meets Arranged.
Yesterdny, Graduate Director
Baird retunedi frosissthe west, where
he has beens for the last week arrang-
ing a baseall scedtle. Wile
sway from Ann Arbor lie made good
use ofIhis tisme, f'or besides arrang-
ing a basebsll schedule lie settled
upon three football games for next
fall mnd lhas soptiis on tree track
mseets for this sprisg.
The sprinsg trip will be be from
Atpril l5 to 22. The following hase-
ball games have been definitely de-
cded upon:
Aplril 15, Illisois at Clamspaign.
e{15, Chicago at Chicago.
19, Beloit at Beloit.
21, Wiscoinsin at Madison.
21, Wisconsin st Madisoni.
22 Notre Dame at Notre
This trip sisy be cotinued for
asother stock asd some f the minor
colleges inIl tlisois played. A game
sayte also eplilayedl withs Nrtwest-
eii st Evanson ssons April 17.
Thse othler gamsses sre:
April 29, Illinsois st Ansi Arbor.
Mayv 6, opcen.
Mn y it, Chicmago at Ann Arbor.
May t3, open.
Maiy 20, Chiciagos at Chicago.
May 27, Chicagos st Anns Arbor.
May' 30, Wisconssini at Detroit.
Junie 1, Beloit at Anni Arbor.
Jisie 10, Notre Daise at Ann Ar-
June 16, 17, 19, Coriell in the
A ganse with Coriell sill be
playcd at Ithica omi either May 24 or
Jusse 3. The Haimilton clb, com-
posed sit ex-college ball players, sill
be played at Aim Arbor on one f
the opens dates.
The three football gaises which
are a certainty for next fall are:
Oct.,28, Illinsois at Canpaigin.
Nov. 4, Wiscosins at Detroit.
Nov. It, tPensylvaniia st Phila-
The gaise for Thanksgiving day
tis snt yet beess decided upon, but
it will no doubt be as usual with
'This is the hartest schedule which
any Westerni college has ever at
temspted to play. The long trips
iecessary to meet Wiscoisin and
Pennsylvania, the hard gaises tu be
played withi very short resting spells
between them (especially short if
Northiwesterin and seie other colleges
are sandwiched in,) isake it necessary
that Michigan should have next year
the best team she ever ad. These
three big gaines had to come so iear
together iii order to accommsodate the
coitracts which were made last year
for return gaies this year. Last
year a coistract was signed to play at
Chiampaigns next fall ons Nov. 11.
This was the only date which could
be obtainsed for an Eastern gains and
Illinsois very courteously agreed to
play two weeks earlier on Oct. 2.
Thle game with Peninsylvania was ac-
cepted though we had offers from all
the large Eastern colleges, because
they alonse promised us a return game

ini the West. Pennsmylvaiaiagrmes PROFESSOR MCLAUGHLIN
to give us a return gamie in 1901, sir___
onme ini 1900 if they sire sccessful Will Glee a Lecture on the Teach.
financially dtirinmg time cosmimig seasusinsfaitoy
of 1899.igo iitrj
So mny large gsaies are nccessary A public imeetinagsif the Political
in order to settle rivalry betwecemnthme Science Clash will tie said ini thin
western colleges. Ofrecourse there lecture roosmosiT 'apphan Itall, Wed-
was hesitaiscy about playinigsill thessmesalay afternisoon, March 1, sit 4:15,
ands they have seen agreesd nponslnly whmen Prof. Andlrewc C. McLauighlin
after consultationaistll Fitzpatrick, will give a lecture ons 'tme 'teachinmg
Ferbsert, ''Jissi" Baird, tHeninger of History, liar leasharly ini Seconidary
ansi other lproiinent alumnmi. Schools." Time object sif this ieet-
Mr. Baird schem a skoed about the haag is toa give tim all stilosmisy be his.
report that the annausal Chicago game terested ama moportuniity to sear a
was ass lomnger to be playedan md thaut careful presenstationssoo somse ohftime
Stasgg claisseil the Western colleges latest cosnclumsionssims this subject.
were boycottimig hum stail. "I doi inmt Prof. McLautghslins is chanirmans sf
wishs to say much emsthme subject for timeatell kinownisCmosisiittee of Seven,
I ito nset believe iii criticiisig sanyaslut at thic last imetinigosithtie Aiseri-
college or settling trenables in the 'caiii Historimal Asociissmadimse anl
newpapsers. Chiceagoa mush Michsigian elaboxrate repsort eimbodmis mg the re-
are sam very frienidly relmatiomis as we suits reachmed by timecommiittee after
alwtays have. beess. There is no rea. a 111(st exhasustive stumdy of time vari-
somm to believe that ace mwilsmot hsave otis qisestims in mvolved. This reolart
the usual Thainksgivinig siay gamein still douibtles srove tinshiean epcimmch-
Chicago. The report to the conitrsary markimig dmocuimeint intshie history of
nmust hav-e originsatedl with smie news- eduicationin sathmcUCitoil States; mmnd
paper co irresposndentt. It is nomt ens- it is hopiecdltimat a larger nussmbcr tboth
tosmary to settle upI)time conmtracttsiu of time stuidenits mmmii of time faculty,
summaser ands theme is isi reasosiuy scill imiprove time oppomrtumnity tim
anmy sipecinalhisaste shouiilisoesmile this knsow wthat arc smmmsesit its mstss ims-
year. 'The form mer gamses hamvoembeiipmrtmant featurec.
satisfacrtory tos both lparties ands there - -
is niothing to sihisw that they still slim Whist Club Elects New Officers.
continue tiso .'"Omaccisunitmif exira ecollege sworki
Ttse question of a sdualmu seet swiths this semuester seversal omfticerssiofttme
Chsicagmo humChicmagouonsaiilsy 20, thme Vist Club store blgie to give tip
samae dasy as time bash gamse. Wisimmi their pomsitiomnsansd siselchtion timok
sums oifers us thi smasticdate for amaseet place Ilast evensinmgtom fill.thseir plauces.
in Milwtauskee or Madisons. Illiusois 'lie follominmg were elected: Ptresi-
also stishmes isse sassthse samse dastie stlimit IP. I. Murrell; vice-phresidlent,
Cbmpmmaignu, iii return for their tripi 1. (G. 'Fiser; secreotary, C. C. Smsithm;
to Amas Arhbor hlast year. 'time hecisionu treassurer, L. D. Veirdier. 't'mese still
as to which of these three oilers still imimldi omiice until tise beginninmg of
be accepted for thme trmick teamss sill mext year.
he left tim this Athileticm Boamrd. limelesmeetinmg last nighst tas smne sif
the best attseidamid liveliest of time
Sugar Making in the Summer year. 'Tie elishaseentms to have takenm
School. 'a non gripm snmmexistensce mmmid tromises
Time subject of beet sugar pirodhuc-ten th rmadrofhessn
-wsithm 'rest elt bu 0wr
thou is to be provideil for isa time osis-reenlsteemingt. houg50ascore
user school osathte Uniersity. A Ibeofthmasessiig ntlot lia.Ttu
cus-of hlabratory work andshlee, hcoesf me dla stenig 'treis
turesion tiis siuhject is promsised0 sirssusd mstbymmg mc i
T- ,11 ___1 by followus:

Erits .4Ewell01, of Wasingtomn, usne
of time sugar chemists outht~e Unsited
States Depmartmenmt of Agricultuare.
Mr. Ewellawas osesofu the ceontribu-.
tosrs to Spencer's Hanidbooks fur Beet
Sugar Manufacturcers mnss in use iii
the factocie& He as time authosr of
"Every Faatnas Expeimmenit Sta-
tion,'' in the yearbook of time1)e-
partsmenitsit Agriculture for 1897;
also of '"Produtionu of Ammisoniai of
the Soil by Microbes," in voluume
VIII. of Scienuce if Agriculture.
Mr. Ehlwelhlatas a stuidenat at time
University from 1889 to 1890.
A careful study of mmetlisods omf
beet sugar mmauafacturcestill lie made
by the presenst class iii orgasmic cihesm-
ical teehssilsogy intsh~e lectures by
Alfredh H. White. As a special stum-
dent sit Prof. Lunage at the Zurich
Polytechnic. Mr. White has hand
tbe best sit preparatison for this teach-
iug. In thme ansalysis of beets for
sugar amid for time factor of iimpurity
tbere is nows a small but very enthu-
siastic chaos iii time chemuical labora-
tory, unuder the imstractimi of Dr.

umnusa HAllD SOUTH.
Ellsworth and tRusselli.............11
Leonard and Bimrmdshey ..........:..204
Israte ansI Hustoan................04
Ovtersmith end tteistte............203
Guthrcie used Wade.... .....196
ianiels mnd Fits ...........195
Robertson and :Lamier ........190
Chnrchman mnd Mtayhew.... ..189
Averasge, 199.
Paul and Kelsey...........220
Lawe and Macshall .......214
Prentiss and Diillon..........212
Ilabcock anid Robinson.....t..21
:Murrili and Fisher ...............206
Coon and Paddock ...............196
Trible end Allyn .............. .. .196
Welt and tiolmnujist...... 178
Average, 204.
Fresh Lain Banquet a Great Success.
'time 'Ohlassfieliltheir hbanquet
ast evensing at time Cools lisuse
whlichs sus a complsete success is every
Iparticuhlir. Unmfortunatmsey a fall ac-
count cams mut his givenm initosday's
issue, but will be givens in Monday's
Prof. M. L. D'Ooge is iii Grand

Up rown
State St.

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Plin nSt

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