THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 ILzB A THE NEW TAILOR, + Hl~lff~j RAND9110 E Washington St. + + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++*++++f+++++++++++++*++*++ +++++*++*++*+++**++++++++++++ M IGtI flN GENIEI "The Nigura Fuls Route." CENTRAL STANDIARD TIME Taking Effect Ag. 14, 1898. Mail and Epressn...........347 P.M.f N. Y. & Boston Special .........4 50 Pat Easten ..............43" Atlantic Epessn........7 45 A. M. Detroit Niht Expres........ 5 5 Gratdhpd 5118Evpeeno....... i 10S Mal & Eprecot.......5........ 18 A. M. Bol. N. Y. & Chicago ......1 17171 Wetern Exi,:os..n.. ... 1 M0P.. G.iH & ai Ears ...........5455 S Chliatgo Nigt Epes ...... 9 4 Pacific Expecan.............230 A. M. o. W. ItUtGES, I. AYE, 0.G P. & T. At. Chicago. A't An Abor TIME TABLE Taking Effect, Nv. 20, 1898. Trans0leave Ann Abr y Cetal Stand ,MotTO stuUTti e:4 A. A. ,25A , i 2:40P. M. 11:25 A. M. 150 P. M. Snan e. M. ntRun between Ann Arr and Tld ony All traina aily except cnay. E. S. GILuOII, Agent. W. i. BENNETT. G.. A. DETROIT, YPSILANTI & ANN AR- BOR RAILWAY. Crn leave Ann Arbor for Ypsilanti and Detroit every hlf hour beginning at 7:15 a. m. U. of M. nr leaves City Hal, Detroit, every night after Theater. Special U. of DI. ars for all exra coca- sions. Baggage, expreo and Stdent' supplies received and °delivered. Wait- ing rono, coner of Ann and Mit streets, Ann Arbor, 111 Griswold street, Detroit. Trains 4 and 1t-Continental Limited. Magnifient new fot trains i th Wabah, with free reclining chair carol Wagner sleeping cars, palace coace, and faios dining car, Dloing east this train leaves Detroit at 8:25 p. in. arriven New York 3:0 p. in Going west, this train leaes Milan at 8:07 a. in., ri ies Chicago 2x0l p. in., St. Looms 6:2 p. in. Kanaao City 7:15 a. in. The Wabash is a good road. One trial will convince you. f yoo contem-. p late making a trip to New Yor, 01 to California, or to any point in Missouri, Kansas, Texas, etc Clro, and will writs to the undersigned, we will be glad to give you any informatin. F. A. PALMER, A. G P. A, Chicago. C. R. CRAE, G. P. & T. A., St. Louis, Mo. R. S. GarEeWOOoy, M. P. A., Chicago. Ohio Central Lines THE DIRECT LINE TO Bowlinag Green, AMniett, rissdtay, Athenis Columibus, Aldfleport, and Cigarlestol, W. V'a. Columbus trains use Lake Shore Union Station at Toledo. Through trains with Sleeping and Drawinig Room cars from Detroit aind Toedo. MOULTON BOCK, OGeneal Pasengee Agt. Something New! YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED pehpwtlte 3031RD yo7 are getting. Then makeoa hangce.,Give PAPER VleTSedn , 2u5o per al: ltwo blecks11from7the7.Ca7p10-;23iV.Wash Plaiii anidelothlconvered, at all pricens.5 BAhurcWh. P0RFR 10rom 50c tto$2.00 at iPropr. Steward7. pnuinc DruA LAMT1CLOCKS, $1.00. IUVI1 StIine ~Watich Rlepairing a Seily Good thlings to wear whenl you go J. L. CHAP'MAN skating. 206oentc Main Street. CALENDAR. ( Freshman Late Class Oratorical Friday, Feb. 24-Freshmen Law Contest. Baniquet at the Conk Hntise. The colntent loot iiighit was wni by Friday, Feb. 24--Ronnell H. Con- W. 1. Harinon, '98 lht,wo gave oil wnell, in the S. L. A. courne at 7-:45 oraton onoi Iperiatlisim." ie woil P. m. eansily, beiing milltiled first by each1 Tuenday, Feb. 28--Meeting of oiie of tihe nix juidges. The olther iNormlTriiilg Association. contestats cam1110ill the follolwing Wedineoday, March 1-Prof. Mc- order: Ingebretoen, Corbitt, Miss Lolighian on "~Teachiiig of History Gilmolre, Landier, aindlAndlrewes. in tile Sectoidanry Schools iii Toppanl The judges onl thoughlt aind cliposi- Hall at 4:15. tion were: Coler, Kelley aind Finney; on delivery: Bowers, Stivers anld Loonr-At the Gym Friday iiiglit; Springer. Dtit.v office and receive reward. Caiididates for tile Juinior class relaiy teaii will report at tile Gyimi nasitimlanly day at 5 p. mn. F. H. LOUD, Manager. Mro. Ellen H. Rficliards spoke yes terday afterinoon in Uiniversity Hall before the women of the University tin "The Education of Women in tile Twentienth Centtiry." Ladies of thle Uiniversity of ilhli- gaii, joitn classes at Mrs. Rose Graiiger's Schlotf Danciing. $ 3 fromlilSaturday tuitil til esociloses, May 1. After the Jtiocr Holp-Th~en I'll porchiaoe one of thosne Wldo mindo- ins of the Music (o. 1 coil alford to at thleir price, wchethier I wont it or not. NO NEED To seind to the manufacturers when you can totain a genuine LL Manolin o asiiuurn Guia Itigit liere il Aiui Arbor, At tile SHAEBEBLE MUSIC STORE No. 1 14 W. Liberty St. 0. M. MARTIN,, FUNERAL DIRECTOR Embalming a specialty. No. 29 S. 4h Ave. Amlbuance night and day. Res icence 302 Fifth Ae. "t1idhIm1" Ill Win. Arnold Ledn GET YOUR LUNCHES A W. W. TUTTLEE S 338 So. Sate Street. OUR PHOTOS PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH THE Berryman Studio ! I1I12 West Huron St 4 State Phone 119 A. G. SPALDING & BROS. NY orTik - Chicago. ATHLETIC GOODS. I Oficial outitiers to all the leading collees " schools arm latletieclbAftie country. Tie Spaligtiyle, eidden by the tstAerolleiallr, A. A. A. A. Chamlpin no.nd pnl tilt ladtg college rides. vey ei Sste me Bae Ba2, oot Bul, (ol, Tennis, IAthletics,tGymnasiumn. Spalding's Offiial League Bal In tihe Official IBaliSifithe National Leago anlS all tie leading ecollee aasocitonn. Sliaud-nowe Cataoue 52 Aihleticlie Opaldilg Officia Ba~se Ball Guide cne 180 1 A. G. SPALDING & BROS., Ne York, Chicago THE BUCKEYE ROUTE. COLUMBUS, HOCKING VALLEY 44! AND TOLEDO RAILWAY, +a Is 111 nly line, fromithe Tltd niConoSotio 1111 Imbe ad oinbyond,utngUCoins 5Parlor Crs on Day Trains, toos 2 ts. CPullman lepes on Night Trains 7Y5 Stndenlc doexiig lneualled Iciliie are in vT iedtoe tie Bckeehoute.null511 patics lassonoppliaiono Inonal ticeta gntis, oe W. Ii. FISHE,. P.nd T. A., Colmisn. Ohio. Aam:AE lRentscbler, the Plh'otographer. riuZ.I21-0444 Zl * '-7Iim5m II2 rTIIZhhttLhIZ; uS1uIn l hhiihI12 flm uZUiF. : ; 7 . -. H N H N M N H M M N N nl NH iy 1H' wM r} { r}j N H (INCORPORAT ED) ARE WOE' MAKING SHOES ON MEN'S SHAPED LASTS The Newest All Kinds aQft Fashions One Price %P ..Ju Stock will be in our Ann Arbor Store about March 1 st. nso EAST HURON STREET. xxa ~ zn1iii 5z1 z'zrxxx ZxnZI z3jjflue soonzr WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE.