2 'THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. L[ of elucational intitution), and I,500 r w.w, . w .. i MV/ W / 'V ti i 4, L1t~ ill the ladies college. The graduates Published Daily (Sndaysexcepted) doring the ofl these schools are versed ini three$180 and $20.00 Colleg year.at orfour foreign tongues. 1.0 n CH NVRYOlle IA , Athenians have not forgotten the NOBLE'S SUITS and OVERCOATS THE NIVRSIT OFMICHGAN defeat they suffered at the last COiym OFoco: The linod Preeslenning tBoc. pic gaimes, therefore titers is Sucha Choose them as you choose; 13tiPons17greait activity throughout teintire STAR CLOTHING HOUSE. they are nam- MANAGING EDITOR. kitogoron in athletics that at the next F. ENELAec,oo'01 L. nest the Grecian athletes weli give a $ 3 5 BUSINE+'SS MANAGER. better account of thtemoselves thtan 0. 0. OeSc, '50 L. they dli three neaors ago). EI)ITOS. If you tick for my opinison of Ath- Athletic Editoe, T. R. WOecuow, no L. ceis I owould call it a hetaven onlearth f f Ii..+.... f f P. W. JONES,'95, A.. M DcnLL,,'it.iand a dwellitng plaoce of angels who + OUR STERLING QUALITIES + a.0D.00 ceTT. 'so E. J. n. Wean, '0. tt all bet are very fly. ++f4..f~.441+Fffff ,ftoet to cay that the weather MO here is clbaroilogly beatifu lit iiyou_____________are_________ apt_____ iitothinik of a bright American : 50 The esubcripioneepeie of the DAcoYis"2a50 foreCay, hot that owould not he a true $IOU the conle,;,yeroilh a ecoelocodelivoresef'recoinnaricsofoor'aniAthenian ]iglit noneach lay.. Nootice"..omnaiatos n other imatteinttened 'f ior poollioabioo must 1behs iiiore glor'y thooan llAiierican SIS n VECASNOBLE' S hooded in at the A fic elfore z;c , or d a) ole coillever riail. 1 shallS edthe ma ied to looe edi tooe 30P0IIsOfcitooe m astyno it Pickhthem as you wanO On pith. Previ tootaion 0)whilich they aretedt totid ni ext uimiier at Consctaniiniiople ilii They ore sow-' Mo'ee'osioioi.iio.iti o col 0000Wof ih i ,, ' $1 .5 STAR CLOTHING HOUSE. Maonager. Siolcciloee mill cofer a faorc by al heerycl> reorinpooptly at oio olioaooy faloore of J. IG. IluAritAN. z earrersetoodlier oot r All eloaoogo'eltadtiinyomatoute ntoile i ihe oficle iby alo. m,.ooilocolay previios oIa ti l'on ich theyareco' apearooo. IN CRIof eaTonec'o ItIUE, F. 1. EANMAN. A Letter From Greece. The DAIiLv has received toe fol- looing lier wochiis pnlib hood be- cause of the rather ulonuuhl and un-i expoected subojectosodiscasedl,.IBeidesc the usuial ecticy' over the beauty of the Grecian sky, there is ati accouant of Greciaii bibilousness owhichi maiy he a swarning to slote of our roadters: ATvioERs, Feb. 0, 1899. To the U. of Ml. Daily. DEA-kit'noi' xs-Loog before this I wcould hiaive written thiis proimised letter bail it not boeii for the iiisfoor- tune that has disableod sy' right ariii for the last tbreoweeks froi doaiig aiiy writiiig. ''hre weeks agoo I wcas tbe victimi of Spoanishiotreaoliery. DOniiiorniing dresseod in the U. S. IN. uniforim I was out for a long walk, aiid whlje crossing a raviiie abouot a mile froii the city limiits, I ws attacked by toowell dressed persons woshoo beeiiftloowiiig inc. During the strouggle for life I giltlilt by a rock 010 liii right shoulder bltide. 'raki g iie by surporise they diol soiie very' harod hittinog at ilie start, hot after a while a smiishier lauded by [le oni the back ef the leader's ear madoe the cotest iiiore cecii. Oii accouiit .f the puniishiiient I had received at first, I fotiid iiysell to be a very poor persii to catch the flecinig eiieiy. 'The assailants swere Spaniards for they spotke the Sloan ishi, anid they were tobovell dressed aud too iiiexperieniced for highiway robbers. NV fiatever their object might have been, it resulted in a comiplete victory tsr Amiirica. This is the tiiie to visit Athens, when the natioinal miotto in: 'Eojity the life to the full," anid out of loy- alty to this miototo, mny are gettling abuiidantly full Let not tis prac- lice seemi obnooxisus toouo, fotr the Greciaii druokard is not pugnacious', but very mnocical, going though the aveniues of Athiens, with a dee-perate attemopt lie discords all the national airs of Greece. At iighitswhen oiie is trying to get a little sleep thoe An.erican drunkard is iiuch prefer- able. In order to appreciate miore folly the beauties of Hellos I left out that part of the program. This year there are 2,U00 studenots in the University of Athens (a cs- "Soph." Oratorical Contest. Dii Tueisdlay eveilog the prelimi-. oai' orlatorical conitest of the soopobo- ololre literary clasowas held aiid re- suted iii (ilia..Vanu eireii beitng e'lioseii as repreecitative of this chase ito the isni atliniversity debate. The contest beteeii this toomiinisof highest raiikswas exceedingly close, the sciiimilo aiks beinig thisoasis, but i thi sumili ot grades Van Keuireni hatd 495 holilts out of a jIoosibls 600 agaiost Mlottosill's 49 2 -2. This formoer spioke sii 'Theodoore lRoose- velt,"' this latter on "Aiieric'an Citi- zeship~.'' Thisjoidges ontihtooighit aiid coonohosiiiooiiwere Mlessrs. Braod- shiawc, Stivers aiid Latitner, oole- livery Messrs. Strauss, Croooker anio Wi~traoid. 'The coutestants, nameol ini order of their fioual raiik, wsrg ('los. Vani Keureno, P. W. Mother- sill, V. ID. Wells, M. V. Bickel, H1. A. WestonD, Miss Getievieve ID. 0'- Niel, J. McArthiur failed to qualify. Freshman, Attentioni Comuolsory gyiiinasiumn work comb imeioee~t loday of this oceek. Th'le roll 'has beeiitaken every day aciio all abseiicesoct11 have to be iiade lil. Aonyohio have not registered for the seconio semester must do so at ooico', atid floor niombers ocill he assignied to them. The banger this delay, fhi larger oct11 be this number of ah- senses to make good. Graham Taylor Sunday. Prof. Graham Taylor, of Chicago University oill delis-er his annoual oaddress befere this students of eMichi gun niext Sunday moriig at New- berry halt at 9:15. Mr. Taylor lia been connilected for a long timie owitho this famous social settlements of Chicago and oct11 speak concrning that work. ATHENS THEATRE, ATTRACTIONS Saturday, Feb. 25, My Friend From India.. Monday, Feb. 27, IIn Gayest Manhattan. Tuesday, Feb. 28, Uncle Tom's Cabin CHEMICAL and tPHYISICAL APPARATUS. MICROSCOP IC FINDINGS. Heoaduters for all Labora- torySooplhes112 S. MainStrieet, Ann Aroor. Mich. TRY HOT CHOCOLATE, Nooe ite it elsewhere 200 EAST WASHINGTON STREET, 316 SOUTH STATE STREET. The larettassoestiof Cunoies heicity, olde hourlhy. Ohstoessrcod is anstcyle. ... BOYS ! AH STOP ! MIL.LARD KI RAT M THE PRtINTERl FOR A GAME OF POOL OR BILLIARDS_ Huron St. East of F. and M. Bank. Ass Aebor, Mish Students' Lecture Association, RUSSELL H., O ELL UNIVERSITY HALL, FEBRUARY 24, 1890. Admission, 50 Cents. Watch the Bulletins and DAILY. 1899 Crescents M STAEBL ER Crescent Bevel Gear Chain. Cycle Emporium, less, - - - $60.00 Juveniles, - - - 25.00 009 WEST WASHINGTON ST., All fitted with Dunlap Detachable Tires. ANN ARBOR. GRANGER'S SCHO0L OF DANCING. ,$5.00 per Termu of 12 'Weeks. PROGRAMME PARTY EACH SATURDAY EVENING. Private Lessons; by Appointment. Belt 'Phone 246. A 1NEW THING In Patent Leather Shoes for Spring, is the Englioh Flat Last. 'We have them ino Button anod Lace. If you want to be successful, (look successful "and wear onr oboes. tWRILI~'8 C)11V n1W T~ a i Ashington St. Rl RIVVU SHOAnS 1 Arbor.