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October 06, 1898 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1898-10-06

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18 S. MAIN ST.
CENA Sand all Musical Supplies at
TakiNg Effect ASg. 14, 198. We operate the finest tailoring trade in the city, and SHAEBERLE MUSIC STORE
Mail aad Express.... 347P.m equal an in the State.
N. Y. & Bosta Special. .......458 anYte
Fast Eastern ..... " We respectfully solicit your valued patronae 114 West Liberty Street, Ann Arbor.
AtlanticEpress............7 45 A. M.rsetfly yu ptoae
etrit Night Express. .55All garments made by us kept pressed and in repair for Only 3 doors from Main Street.
Grand RapidsEpress ..... is.made.kept and in
GOING WEST. one year.
Mfali &RExpress.............9 18A. M. U C HE L
Boton .E rs. ..0.... 1 .M. .M. MAR TIN.,
Fast Western Express ................1 38 P.o.
.. & El. Express ...45 106E.Huron. New State Phone 43. FUNERAL
Chicag Night Epress.5....945.. lUNER.
Paciec Express. ....120 A. M.
G. P. & T. Ag't, Chicago. Ag't Ann Arbor "A Boy Wanted." Notice. Embalming a Specialty. No. 200 Fourth
ATTENTION! U. OF M. RIFLES.-- Ave. Ambulance night and day. Res-
Charles E. Blaney's greatest suc- Mesting in Room 9, University Hall, idence 302 Fifth Ave.
cess, "A Boy Wanted," the talk of atin.0ishRp ,FridayUeveritg ballr
the theatrical world, which has done at 7.00 sharp, i ay evening before
the most phenomenal business ever out and men desiring to join are in-
attained throughout the country the vited to be present. o joiar.n
patseason by any farce comedy, vited to e pres st Sren.lI11 n
TIME TABLE p ast STANsELL, First Sergeant.
will be at the Athens Theatre next _______
Taking Efrect, May 7,1898. Monday night. The same big com- There are eight woman students in Leadig
Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Stand- pany, with its host of pretty girls h W m . Arnold
adi Tine. clever cmdas talented 'iges the Dental Department this year. W maa. , Jeweler
NORTH SOUTH comedians, singers, Three of them are from Germany,
expert dancers and high class vaude- d d
8:43 A. M. t7:35 A. m. le artists makes it one of the lar the d country preju ice against co-
*34P. M. i:25 A. M.g-edctiondiigte oAeia
4:34 6P. M. :45P. M. est and strongest combinations on the bedLrghHA .
+4:5A. M. +:54P. M. road. The funny situations rThe total enrollment in the Dental
T'n between Ann Arsor and Tledos nl> numerous and fun sigt atin are Department stood at 206 yesterday
taiy Toldo andaHswell Al other trains Blaney's happiest vein. The songs, morning, as against 223 at the close AT
E. S. GILMORE. Agent. jokes, wit and dances are all new, ast year. W W. T T U TTLE'S
H. W. BENNETT, G. P. A. and to overlook attending this play "Adam was but human-this ex- 35 So. State Street.
will be to m3ss the treat of the sea- plains it. He did not want the apple- -
son, for the apple's sake. He wanted it
massImeeting wasAheld-only becase it was forbidden. The OUR PHOTOS
DETROIT, YPSILANTI & ANN AR An athletic mass meeting was held mistake was in not forbidding the
BOR RAILWAY. recently at the University of Illinois serpent; then he would have eaten ..R. A E
- at which there were a number of the serpent."-Pudd'nbead Wilson. PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH
Cars leave for Detroit at a quarter ladies present. A good example for
after every hour, beginning at 7:15 a. their sisters at Michigan to follow. Friday evening Oct. 7th, the T H E
m. and up to 11:15 p. m. For Ypsilanti President Draper addressed the meet- Fr'iy eveing O ct. th te
at a quarter before the hour up to 12:45 ing and closed by stating his inten- Uive itScol a ninga BerrymranyStudio
a. m. Cars leave corner William and tion to join the Athletic Association gve its complimentary openids and all
Main Sts. Tickets on sale at Brown's and to place the names of his family students of the U. of At. are cor. 11I2 West H uron St.
Drug Store. on the list also. "Why can't these dially invited. 11 state ronSe 119
sports be introduced at Michigan?" ___ivtd _SaePhn19
0. M. Leland, three years with the
"Even the clearest and most per- '99, engineering classes, has a A. G. SPALDING & BROS.
THE .. . feet circumstantial evidence is likely government position in Tallahassee, TbelavsctOuarassle.
KINDERGART EN to be at fault, after all, and there- Fla. He is assistant in the Sur-
fore ought to be received with great veyor General's office there, at a FOOT BALL
OIGAR STORE caution. Take the case of any pen- salary of $1,500. SUPPLIES
Carries over 75 brands of Tobacco, 50 brands of ci sharpened by any woman, if you Official outfitters to all the
Cigars and 30 brands of Cigarettes. A chance have witnesses you will find she did The Waldo Mandolin that the Ann leading college, school and
05 a Pipe Ices wit every psrcbase. it with a knife; but if you take sim- Arbor Music Co. carry is certainly a athletic club teams.
102 E. HURON ST. ply the aspect of the pencil, you wonderful instrument, beautiful Sal OfficIalInter-
will sav she did it with her teeth."- tone. If you are going to buy ex- U1sedexcluoivelybyYale Princeton, Harvard
U. of . y athRo RomS Pudd'nhead Wilson. amine them by all means. 10 Pensylania, Cornell and all oer leadn
colgsaduieste.Mngr hu32SOUTHI STATE STREET._______ write for prices and sanpes before rdering
32 Uelsewhere. Spalding's Otic al Foot Ball Guide.,
Ladies' artistic Hair Dressing up stairs. Old """' """edited by Walter Camp. Records, photo.
friends call again. We welcome new cKI. graphs of leading teans, 1898 rules, with in-
J. . TROJANOWSKI. fl~y ~ a~. A . es and explanatory notes, Jon.
- '1Rentschler, the, i otographer. i A.G. SPALDING&RBROS., New ork, Chicago
WfIKKfN 1Nth Bard6' L -J----yer's Llllry A elcJy
New Quarters in the Thompson Building.
Only First-Class Barbers Employed. InterGoleAate Bureau o ft a emiG Gotume. At News Stand, 607 E. William St.
OOTR LL LEOAR DGive me a trial. First class work and
THE MODEL of State Street GOTRELLA&, LONARD. prompt service.
BARBER SHOP If you desire Caps, Gowns, and Hoods made to order and rented. Also Class P
first-class work and courteous treatment Canes, Class Hats and Caps, Class College Pins. Address
try George and Harry at 332 S. State St. w. C. KERN, Western Mngr., F. J. SCHLEEDE,
Haskell Museun, Uni. of Chicago. 340 . State St.,
EN IETERLlE Embalmer and Binds Boostfocr 25c. and upward, ad eos
E FuD L P Dlne D tor. Every kind. WatermaFontan Peas for 1.25 andp
Calls attended Day or Night. RANDALL.1THE PHOTODRAE 1 A. STAEBLER, AIf Linen Paper, 4 lbs for 50c.
N. 161 11. Liery Street. Residence ba .WSIGO LCf:: ANABR 1 West Washington Street Ppr
F.Lrth Are, Phe2c9 15. WASHINGTON BOCK. AiM ARBOR. Both Phones, No. 10. Ann Arbor. Finest Stationery in the city at lowet price.

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