TE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 than those N"isei con the hill of San try to determine the ultimate fate of the ability of the United States to do of the foreign relations committee in Juan, and that th naval battles of Mla- those islands by negotiation. Such, as what she pleases." ie adds: "I believe the senate recently said in a speech, re- nila and Santiago will s iitnp oilr- a matter of fact, is the manner in that we should adopt the Enlih colon- ferring to the Filipinos: "I would bring son with the most imoi rnitieamerts which it has been done. Article IIl, of ial system. * * * The Filipinos should them up tenderly but in chasisenent if of the greatest iapim.ns of he ,ea, ,o1 the Treaty of Paris of Deceiber 10, be ruled over by a military resident or we must." succeeding ages will rcall that wat, 1898, "cedes to the United Sltates the governor, having practisatly absolute Upon reflection it must seam to all of in the ablity and heroism of DPiwey and archipelago known as the Philippine is- power." Senator Davis, cohainman of us monstrous that men living in the Schley and Roos volt, aid their brave lands;" and that it may nare clearly the Senate Commnittee on Forcis ite- great republic and after a hundred associates, added a new title to the appear to have been the result of 'no- litions and one of the Paris peace corn- years of the benign and salutary sway grateful remembrance of mankind, was gotiation" rather than of "conquest," missioners, has also declared that in of our constitution, can use langage the consciousness of faing death in the same article of te treaty provides his judgment the governmaent of the like that which I have quoted. Why, every awful form to an the prize of for the payment to Spaon of p20,000,000 Philippines should be along the general our fathers, in words that rn round liberty for an alien people. Let us nwake out of the treasury of the United Staes, lines of that of the English crown col- the world and, even if we prove re- them secure in thi high heritage.Lot It is all "hire and salary, not revenge. ' (onies. Notbody proposes to form terrn- creast, shall echo through all time, de- us see to it that the caplets plced We have not conquered the Filipiso, tories preparitorily to statehood. Sit- clared that the power which it is now upon their brows by 'o.le genis of self- we have bought them. Theirs is not 'uated in the tropics they can never be- proposed we should use over the Fil- sacrifice be not witra d by the toucan even the poor satisfaction of figuring come colonies in the true sense, because inos can never under any circtmstanes of greed or stained with tie blood of in- among the spois of honorable war. our people cannot occupy and possess be rightfully exercised by anybody over nocence. They are the sorry chattels of a hig- them. The only altrnatie to grant- anybody else. Almost every line of the The possession of the Philippine is- gling bargain-and-sale between the ing them their freedom and the right, Declaration of Independence is an in- lands was in no way namcesosy to the benkrupt monarchy of Charles the Fifth subject to a limited pr tee'.ctora- by tmhe diclmnent against this proposed system success of the war nor within it:mpuu- and the recreant republic of George United States, to establish and main- of misgovernment in the Philippine is- tose. Admiral Dewey went to alanila Washington 1ain a government of thin oen, is to lands. in pursuance of his well known im struT- The condition of affairs in the Pill- hold them indefinitely as a subjeot a- Thoughtful men cannot have failed to tions to "ind the Spanish fleet and de- ippine islands at this moment cnsi-u- i0n, as a dependency under military notice, what has seemed mto me a most stroy it." In his subsequent operations tutes the ineffaceable stain upon tie control. unhappily significant thing, to what it was assisted by the in-urgent Fili- onor of this courtry. Ia.ving bought The objections to any such system lengths some of our American states- pinos,, who were engaged, like the reb- out the shadowy and unstable autnority are numerous and very serioas. Waiv- men have gone in an anxiety to con- ols of Cuba, in an effort to throw off the of Spain we have succeeded to her ing now the question of power, although strue the constitution as authorizing yoke of Spain, if possible a more heavy equity in this rebellion, or, rather lt us I think it plain that under the C'nsti- the acquisition and governmn't of de- burden and a more odious tyranny in say, to her inequity, for we have ng tution there is no authority inthe govern pendencies wholly without restraint the Philippines than in the Antilles. since given full recognition of the jus- ment of the United States to establish and as clothing congress and the presi- Said Admiral Dewey on the 27th of tuce of the rebellion. Oh! lthe mag a colonial system, overwhelming consid- dent with a power as absolute as des- June: "I have given the insurgents to power of gold. By paying $20,000,000 of erations of the highest duty and exie- potisim itself. Is it not omninous, the understand that 1 te'nsider them as it we have transformed patriotism into diency seem to me absolut-ely to con- bare fact that men feel impelled to friends, because we apose a mutual en_ treason, our allies into rebels. Thm demon the project and to counsel the make an argument like that? It must emy." The publications of the govern- era mun whose aepiratons for hit ry obligation, wisdom and advanitge of be that they have forgotten how and ment show beyond all cavil that what-a few short months ago we supported permitting the Philippines to organize why the constitution was framed and ever mentat reservations the Washing- with our army and navy, we are today and maintain a free, stable and iunde- upon what theory it rests. In the pre- ton authorities may have found it con_ engaged is shooting to death. By the pendent government of their ovi under amble of that instrument the purpose of sistent with their ideas of honorable light of the burnmng villages about Ma- the protectorate of the United States. the exercise of all the powers conferred diplomacy to entertain our represena- nila and of Iloilo let us read the fol- It is not too late to do this. 'time un- by it was stated in one folloiing mem- lives immediately in contact with Emilt lowing language from tthe president's fortunate breaking out of hostilities orable words: "To form more perfect 1h Aguinaldo and his coadjutors treated proclamation made publti by Gen. Otis between us and theni do's not commit union, establish justice, insre domestic the insurrectionists as allies and that on the 5th of last month: "The missionit s to the extermination of the 'ili- tranquility, provide for the common de- we were honorably bound to respect the of the United States is one of bnmvo- pinos. It is never too late to he just. fense, promote the general welfare and relation. Such was tihe situation when lent assimilation." And in conirmtin There is no obligation upon this great secure the blessings of liberty to our- they organized a governm'nt, declared of this benevolent disposition let us read nation, such as might to an intconse- selves and to our posterity." A distin- themselves free and indepentent, adopt- again from his Cuban message of April quental state arise out of a false sise guished judge of the United States su- ed a constitution, raised and m ainined 11, 1898: "I speak not of forcible anne' of pride, to carry on the slaughter al- preme court has said, in rendering a an army, collected revenues, onaucted ation, for that cannot be thought of, ready begun. It is still possible to his- decision of that tribunal, tot it is al- military operations according to the that, by our code of morality, would be ten to the dictates of humanity, and it ways safe to read the letter of the con- laws of war, and captured and held criminal aggression." For saying this ought to be easy to do so when h-u- stitution in the spirit of the Declara- many thousands of Spanish pridshners. and len doing what we have done we anity squares with inteest. The roll- hun sit Independence. How will the ad- During all this time they made no mys_ shall hardly escape the revenges of his~ ficatin of the treaty, toot complete voates of the employment of an ir- tery of the sacred object of their en- tory, except as to the exchange of foramali- responsible rule over the Philippines deavor. They were striving for inde- But it is said that the present no:ili- ties, has made the question a domestic justify their attitude in the fact of the pendence, for the overthrow of the ties were begun by the Filipinos. The one. In his speech at Boston the other sublime and inspired proposition that Spanish power and, the establishment facts are not quite so well authenticated night the President said that the sub- governments "derive their just powers of a Philippine republic. They eagerly as could be wished, especially in vices of ject now rests with the American pess- from the consent of the governed," and welcomed the sailors and soldiers of the the claim of Agoncillo that the Ammeri- pe; and surely we should be broad of the limitation of the authority of the United Etates, and gladly accepted and cans were the aggressors and precipi- enough and big enouegh to deal with it national government to the broad and returned our assistance. My riends, if tated the difficulty for the purpose of in- it a spirit of sobriety and righteous- beneficent objects recited in hie pre- under suceh circumstances we harboced fiuencing the then pending vote in the ness. There is a disposition in some amble? against our allies a secret intention of United States senate on the troaty quarters to regard the whole matter as The tendency to which I have just re- snatching from their grasp the lard- ratification, and considering also the finally disposed of by the formal ac- ferred goes far to justify the apprehen- won reward of all their suffering and vigilant censorship of the cable main- ceptance of sovereignty over the11 Phil- sions of those people who regard it as valor as soon as it should come within tained by our military authorities. But ipines under the treaty; and unques- not wildly impossible that gradual their reach; if we deceived and proftod accepting the statement as true, where tionably it well suits the designs of cer- abuses of power must ultimately lead by their confidence only to force upon rests the ultimate responsibility? Does tain persons to propagate that impres- not only to the destruction of the guar- them the milder though scarcely less it not lie against 's for not havmg sion as widely as possible. But this antees of our constitutional liberty, but welcome overlordship of the Ur ited long before given to the peopile of those status cannot be permitted to remain. to an actual assumption by the govern- States in the place of the Spanish des- islands an asurance th. they should The conscience of our people will revolt ment of imperial forms. There is not potism they rebelled against; if, in have the right of instituting and main- against aw ar of "criminal aggression" indeed much difference betweene the short, we led these people up to a rear taming a government of their own? in the Philippines. Even they who statement of some of our eminent gen- view of freedomn only at last to give That is what they have been ighting counseled violence in the beginning will eals respecting the necessity of a them a change of masters, hien may Spain for. That is the only thing they be compelled by avyakening public seon- magnificent and crushing exercise of God forgive us and in some way ohield desire. Why was not the ass-ranse timent to accept accommodation by and force over the Filipinos in order to im- us from the retribution we deserve and given? My answer is, because the pow- by, making merit of a tardy virtue in press them sufficiently with a concep- that all history teaches us we must else ers that be in this country did iot its- the spirit of that character of Euri- tion of the hopelessness of resistance, receive! For such am act would he worse tend to allow the Filipinos to govern pedes who says, "If it be needful to re- and the following statement of Bea- than Punie faith, a deed withouit a themselves, and will never hereafter sort to injustice in order to attain pow- consfield in the house of lords in support name, in the presence of whi-ch the gar- grant them their independence unless er, let us have recourse to it; but under of his bill to confer upon Queen Vic- tered trophies of a hundred years wiuld compelled to do so by the liberty-loving all other cirumstances let us be bon- toria the title of Empress of India: "ft fall to ashes and the sun of the republic people of the United States. est." is only by the amplification of titles that set in blackness forever. iWhat are the evidences of this? The The whole scheme of colonialism is you can often touch and satisfy the The peace procotol was signed August hurrying of reinforcements to the Phil- out of harmony with our institutions. imagination of nations, and that is an 12, 188, and by it, while Spain expressed ippines, the negotiation of a treaty pro- It belongs to imperialism, not o re- element which governments must not a willingress to relinquish her sover- viding for the cession to us of sovr- pubi-canism. No republic ever ruled despise." eignty over Cuba and to cede Porto eighty over the islands; the persistent colonies otherwise than oppressively. There is also noticeable a growing dis- Rico to the United States, which points refusal of the government to make any It has been repeatedly pointed out that position to magnify the office of the were subsequently confirmed by the definite announcement of a policy when the attempt led to the downfall of the presidency. All will recall how congress treaty, the following provision was a word consistent with the natural and Athenian democracy and transformed at the beginning of hostilities with made as to the Phiilppines: just expectations of our former allies the republic of Rome into an empire. Spain voted the sum of $),000,000 to the "Article 3. The United States will would have been a perfect guaranty of There would be an infinite demoraliza- president to be expended absolutely at ocupy and hold the city, bay and harbsr peace; the reiterated demantu of the tion to domnestic peace and progress in his discretion; and it is only a few days of Manila pending the conclusion of a president and certain senators to know the contemplation of a portion of our since that representatives of the con- treaty of peace which shall determine who would "haul down the flag"; and domain cut off from the privit ges of grssional majority proposed to clothe the control, disposition and government the refusal of the senate to pass a sim- liberty and the rights of self-govern- the chief magistrate with the discre- of the Philippines." pie resolution similar to that in whin, ment. Every advance that freedom has tinary powers of increasing the stand- Thus, until the matter should be final- at the outbreak of the war, asstrace ever made has been gained by sacrifice ing army by 00,000 men. Notung has ly settled by the treaty of peace, the was given to Cuba that wewould not ex- and maintained only by vigilance. His- been more common in the course of the status of the parties in the Philippines ercise permanent jurisdiction in that is- tory and analogy teach us that tyranny recent debates, both in the senate and was determined by the protocol and land but would withdraw upon the ae- would sooner travel from the Philip- in the house of representatives, titan fixed as of its date, August 12. The at- complishment of its pacification and pines to the United States than liberty for prominent statesimen to attempt to tack by the troops of the United States leave its government and control to its would travel from the United States to explain the absence of any legislative upon the city was not made until the people. Such a proclamation even now the Philippines. It is amazing to notice plan of action by the fact that the next day, August 13, and the formal bythe executive of this government, or to what an extent even the tentative president had not yet deciared his pol- capitulation occurred on the 15th. 'What- better yet, a doclaration to that eff"ct establishment of absolutism in the Phil- icy. This last circumstance is but one ever under other tiruotstances might in a joint resolution of both houses of ippines has corrupted pubi' sentiment. example of many that might be offered have been the effect of the capture of congress signed by the president, would It has already lowered the high ideals to exhibit the gradual and, in the ag- the city of Manila upon the sovereignty instantly re-establish peace in the is- of the olden times. It has taught many gregte, treamendous aggrandizement of of the entire group of islands, and tracted Philippines, of us a new language, the languag of the power of the president. The ques- whether or not it would have passed But such a procedure would interfere the despot and the bully. Mr. Murat tion relates itself to far too large an that sovereignty to the United States, it with the program which, whrver it Halstead, a distinguished newspaper inquiry for preesent consideration; but I is clear that after the execution of the originated, seems now tolerably well ee- writer and public educator, after a visit desire earnestly to direct attention to it protocol, the capture could not possibly termined upon. It is proposed to estab- to the islands, gave a careful estimate as fraught with the greatest future im- confer any rights beyond the provision- lish a colonial empire foundedu pon of the difficulties of governing them and portance. While I desire not to be al occupation of the city, the bay and force and maintained-by mitay ococu- declared that in his judgment a rela- thought an alarmist, yet in my opinion the harbor of Manila. When, therefore, paion. Governor Roosevelt says that tively small army "could hold the the citzens of the countryi cannot be too the president of the United States says, the Filipinos "must be made to realize Filipinos in subjection." One of our frequently reminded, in the language of as he recently has said, that our pos- absolutely that we are their masters." great newspapers quotes a prominent in American watchword, that "eternal session of the Philippine islands rests Gen. Merritt is reported mis saying: army officer, lately returned from the vigilance is the price of liberty," and upon the "right of conquest," he is cer- "We must go at the matter systemati- Philippines, as declaring it to be neces- that freement cannot view with too tainly in error. When he signed theb cally and whip them so soundly that sary for us to sweep the inhabitants careful a jealousy even the slightest protocol he expressly bound this coun- they will make no further question of into the sea, The illustrious chairman excess of constitutional authority,