4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 4 THE UMYEJL~SITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. SECOND SEMESTER LAW BOOKS Cooley 's Taxation GO To Stabler's Art Store. FRArt Novelties and FRFine Frame Mouldings.' 217 S. 4th Ave. Phono; 173. I WILL GIVE 20 per cent Reduction to all Students of the U. of M. on goods purchased at myl store. Salisbury's Drug Store, High, Extraordinary Remedies Legal Hollands, Jurisprudence Greenleaf, Evidence Vol. 1I Mechem, Cases on Agency Elliott, Municipal Corporations Elliott, Cases on Private Cor- porations SHEEHAN & CO. University Booksellers. Students' Laundry Association Wet. VOUGHT-Wma. R. FOX, agetnts for THE GRAND LAUNDRY, of DETROIT The beat high geade taunadeyia the State. The only emachiae doetetie Sfiih in the Weet. Gove fianish atso given. Att week proamptty, neatty and eareflty dane. Office 202 S. State t. Reatdeaee 6tt Lawrene at. New State Phoae. 441. A TRIAL ORDER.I That is all I ask for may Landry Agenacy. P. C. M EYE R, 607 E. Wifliatat St. THE RENOWNED MANDOLIN VIRTUOSO MR. W. EUGENE PAGE, Will give lessons on the mandolin and guitar at the University School of Mitsic every Friday. For Terma and hours apply to the Secretary. RANDAL;hOU Peninsular Engraving C o-mpanqj, DETROIT, MICH. Intorolloniato Bureau olflc~adlnniG 6ostume. GOTRELL & LEONARD, ALAaNY, NO. Caps, Gowns, and Hoods made to order and rented. Also Class Canes, Class Hats and Caps, Class College Pins. Address W. C. KRsN, Western sangr., Haskell MRermc, UnIv. efChceago WE KEEP UP TO DATE. Every rig ino our hamn is beitog repainated and varanishted for spring trade. HeO L MES' LIVERY, TE.L.EaPONE 106. 515 E. LIB3ERTY. Canoipy furtnished for parties. LAMPS F STUDENTS We call attention to our complete line of ('enter Draft Nickel Plated JLamps, rangitng in price front 75c to $52.50 each. 'Theae Lamaps are of the latest and most improved patterna and makes, Including "The New Itlocloesler, ""«The Yale" "'lbse Royal, ""The B~erlin Studenot Lamp," 1'"The Perfectiont Student Lamp." If you want the best Lamp f or the Leost Mosey come atod see ua Old Number: 44 SO. MAIN ST., DEA & O NNARBOR. MICH. D A 0 JOS.W. KOLLAF _THE- TCAILOR, 2t4 East Washaingtoe St., neare5th Ave. ANN ARBOR. W. J. BDace, PRe.lT W. Assets, 'at Viespees T T, J1. V. 2daa Vice-prodsVieeIpee BRINK Transacts a general; Bankitig Business. FIRST NATIONAL BA N K atss r16 Capital, $100,100. Sneptue and Peoftt, 840,00e 'ransacts a genereat banking bueinese. Foeign exehancehbougttand sold. Furnishl etters at credit. E. D. KINNEPrens. HIARRISON SOUlLE, S. W. CLARKSONCasthite, tee, Main and ttiei Cspital, 050,. Sur.ustet, 120,000. Teansaetsa generat bakint basones. R, K'Eea, Pres. t.tE. GRNEVice-Pes. Fans. aHa ELSE. Caer. The~ Rin flrflor Savlnup Bank Ca'pitnl Stack. $50,000. Sueplus, $15ti00. Resoueces,.55.ti0,000 Oreganized undee the GeneattBanking Lawe at this State. Rleceiveedepoteite,btyaend sels echange en the peincipial citteiet ttote United Stat. Drafeets eaehed uoprotepee identiticatin Safety deposeit boeseto rout. tOet' cn:Cheitan Mack Pres.; W.2D.uHarri man, Vicee-Pree.; Chas. E. fliceace, Caoie; M J. Fritez AseostanttCase. LAMB & SPENCER, .THE,. Fancy Grocers We keep everything usnally kept in a first-class Grocery and Bakery. Call and see ue. 318 S. STATE ST. YOU'RE NEXT U. of M. Barber Shoff; aned Bath Rooams. J. RI. TROJANOWSKI, Peep. 322 R. State St PATRONIZE WARREN THE BARBER, AND YOU WILL ALWAYS BE IN LINE, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. THE MODEL of State Street BARB R S OP as DaUNa & IEtan BAR ER HOPIf you desire first-class work and courteous treatment try George and Harry at 332 S. State St. fITDCEmbalm erDiedo ENOC 0 C TRL FunrlDrce Calls attended Day us Night. Na. 162 E. Liherty Street. Residene 63 S Fourth Ave, Phone 129.; AT THE ATHENS. Just a little of the story of "My Friend from India," would not be amiss La view of its preentation at the Atlasas, Saturday, Fieb. 23, by Smythe and Hices comedy company. Ti e scene of "my Friend from India" is laid in New Yorte, and dsals with the advent of a' very innocent peretsoage, a barber, who is forced in his desire to clothe his nakedness, to don a yellow bed spread and being introdueed in that attire by the son to a retired Kansas City pork. packer who is over anxious .o shills in sociey, the doors have heretofore been cloned to him, and knowing of lhs "Order of the Yellow Klobs," the barber, having been called "B y Friend frott India" by the son, seizes upon this iens to introduce to society a real lion, and thereby gain his own entrance into the chartmed circle of tbs 40,.'lbs many amnsing complications arising front this state of affairs have been the means of affording the aetbor full scope for lots inventivenese, and out of it all has arisen the most successful contedy of the present period,.isl. 'A alter Per. kiss, who originally and still plays the part of the hapless barber, is more, than ably assisted by a comapany of comedians enpecially engaged for their exe-hlence in their neveral roles, and therefore a perfect rendii'n of "My 'riend from India" may be reasonably expected. __________ Home Board. 'Three or four people can fitad first class honon hoard at 924 E. Ann St. Price $3. MRS. T. M. GARNIER. The lecture ota the "'laxation of Securieties in the United States" whlichl Prof. Taussig of Harvard delivered here last 1month111is pub- lishied inth ie Marcha number of thte .Pofitical Scienoce Quarterfy. Capt. McBride of tile Yale foot. hail team states defititely that Yaole will nlot play Pennsylvataia next fall anid that Harvard atod Prilicetoll wiol he Yale's large games for next year. L.Losr-At tlhe Gytn Friday ttigltt; a stnake skin card case. Return to DAILYv office and receive rewvard.,.Q Stortj by a U. of M. Man. r. Oee.lHeotn,aeUiviteeity at Miehigan gerituate, ia theautoreeoeta eteeryeentitled 'A Faire Brigand, ' new erunning tt: the Chicago 'rTiomesIHeld, Sunday aditio. 'heOpblishohers weriae r. '. SMeyee,,theieagent teren, aasillwe: 'tooItconnectonwitho the inclsed circuiarwe thoughtotitaihlt heatof teee-toyu toaknow that tiia ter.eNo.lHotoni,tt th eeuth orore Faie Beigand," it a graodii eaoatAeon Aeboe. Dcobtlesnoany peapie ton Ann Arboe citlr. mmerhiaa. Ate. I~eetto a h as niltreceently be en tUnited Staies con.eal at Athens, Ureeece, weee aoea5teeiaor te s toey weaotioneid. We thinok it yea wolt ealiithisafact ao the atteto- tlan atf yor ptonsait will he af conaieae value toayoainsecurinog subsceiptionstforaloe Suoaiiay Timoe-Heald, and ehall he glad it it hoo thi tloreutt" Yaoersttruy, TsiE UCaceaTamEnas.EAL. WANTED-Every oae ta hay the latest and mao iniereesting game eteinteated. "Btare all at Hoeme." It is played hy twa peesona eah repreenting a Basesailtnialan d will score is aunt, hotsand errors aoeeome as anygxame played on the field. Set prepaid to any addresi us reeiptoa t ta. BASE BALL AT HOME CO., 5as, 509, ChamereofacComece, Dtetroit 5Mc. fl nn't Thr'nw Ynnir o - Iwo I M p ' vrswbe, fsw. s G I'aseRTOSE NOBBY TROUSERS Glasses to matter boo' badly thtey are broketn, We .way trill repair eye-glasses andI spectaocles whiole you twait, or MviI L W AR D letod yotu anothoer pair wvile . yours are beitng fixed. Nothoitg TH E hbut ttheat oateritols, expert wvork- TAILOR nmanshoip atto hottest prices. Eyes examtned free at charge. . IDRESS SUITS STATES1