Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. FFeea The inland Press,.Heaaing Blatk. Bo l aba-147 111 AN 15210(4EITORt. F. dEELH~AaD, 101 L. aBUSINESS MSANAGERO. 0. it. tHA, 'litL. EI)ITOCRS. Athilei ditor, T. to. WOOamoa, '0il L. P. W.JONESi, '9, A.IH.Mc oUeeeAaL,e01h. F. 0. EAA, '00; C. 0. LUte, 'oil M, G. D. HeaoeoeT,'1E. J.0B. Wooe, Oi. The Subscriopriceofl te DAILY ts 2.50 lor he eolle- yeartwith aceegulare dollveoy ber noonoeacli day. Noticeeooeouniaoneteand otetmattler 10teneforlpubelitlliton muslbe handed in at te DALY officebefoe8apat.,.o stalled to thet editor before 3ap, it. elthe day preveious tothalt nwhich thtey are expected te ap feae. Subtecriptieosomay blet l teBatthtILYteicle. Meyer's, o o illm't ewotad, e orilthlBosinees Manager. Subscriberso auil oner aeaoroby reprtig tpomtly at this ofiieeantyfaltdiee el carestot deliverapr All ochanges iloaderotieingta mattersmust be in tteofoficeeb 4 p. tn.on thale day preieesto taet o ttiichIthoy are to appleatr. INaCAREoOF'eTOY'SISSU, JUN Lit 0. WOOeD. TliacDAhILY till tileWe\Vtsl tiog- toti's birthay by cot publishinogtie editionto tmorrowt. THE ]UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. thte larger unoiversity. Undaer the dual, meet system a Michigoan, Clii- cagot, Illiosota ar Wisconasint 0a001may wiot lis evenot in every oeo f the ceotests witla the tother thrtee large unoiversitiest, antd still hoove his title tat the Weternt champliontshtiitdisputed lay a itin ottosioall college witha ato tao ht ecannotat omete. Litter lie Iotlercotllegiate systemo, of course socht a qutestato canoat arise fotr the result of the whotle oteet definitely deterinoes which colilege hotlds the cltitttoshiip aond each race settler bteytonddaispuate the itadividuaal clatimas. lot a duial mieet tite etntries totust necesearily be fetter toothcaoseauetat- ly the raoces lees excitinag tihaotinia mteet welere italtozen otalegestre rup- rcesented. lFraom the staoit oft a comitpetioon sohitch nobodttty doubts he the primatiry reason oter the exislttnce If athletics, the old systemi is coo- dloltedlly the better. If the oldl aIntercollegiate mat~kes better aind taoe excoitingchalet, wciy toot let the aid systeon retoaion. Butt it see tt ous that the best aid moot cosimopolitanareasontaflatethe exisletee tf the Itercollegiate is the need whlicih the stmtall colleges bhave foer it. Te laege unicersitiesithoatul lie the lceaers iii the unaiversal build- itig upIatlotetics. They tre toot 11cr- suinig to broad mtiotdicd policy wsient they selfishly excludae the smalloiicll. i4if4+44++++4+4*444+444441 Microscopical Su,)pues THE + INLAND PRESS -ANANN Dissecting Instruments. ;: NNARBOR Eoorythinegeononeed for Labora- tory work intersl fBinders, . J. J.QUARRY, -ANlt- CAMOPUS DRIUG STOREC. a BLANK-BOOK MAKERS * 4- OltNtbING BLOCK0 COLLEGE STUDENTS COUIfNTRY i t lid ._ -, - SMOKE,_ Surbuu's 601dc 6[i GgtF6 Hy ae s Last year because cerltintotetter- leges fronit their gatmoes. If ai few prices from $15 Uip. of thte Wisciosini track tootmsere(,idefects iniaaministratiaon are the onlhy acqcuittedl (f te ciharges of hroaaese- compthlas aginist it, better attemtpt . - hoattlloe, Michtigan , Chicttgo, andthoa remtethy these thtato sipte ot thte c _"/, Illinoais withdicrete frothte Weslo-rot old baody. InttercolleogiattaeAssociatito. Fair tis ehesna fies s act thte seceedlers swere expaelled (if suocha Best a caorse wit as pssible) by the cathieges rctyoiltit u efioio remaitoning5 itothe associatioin, w Lteray ceytt' fhas'o~Bet .( 6 -i soo repe tof this actiaon. 'Pi fiacers wsecu in-ttalled: A. E. 13'yoon - the fahh the ctascs of tbe rutulre havitng toothpesiteit; S. Sanoger, vice-aresi- :--~-e- o left thte Vest, the three catiheges acot; vJ-'titEl-reatr lag ece- . wsere ivited to returto into the otl aty .J eco ioica eceay _ . agreetetit.i. Day, treasurer; H. Rydalcht, As yet Mlichigan has not doneeso critic; IR, M. Dye, sergen tait. OLDs e he esds edOtseWabe auatCslg _______It conasnseerly 3te portraits ofartiiststand collegians, besides giving tsome aon adas thoc track season approtochoes, ITe indihviduoal cabtinet photographis- \ ofatshe caosructon of Washbarn instruets antd a comppeseelitt of ott prices. the q~uestion wsitho shoota we are gointg of all senortecht-ss officers of thou TOrt bFirsd-clssts stcaes thewrdoeaelWsbrs risrmnsmyb to cootpete, bucomtes quite pertinoent.-altbtdepreootothsmftthuUtoivrsit If swe do tot hparticiptate ini thou Ioter- shouhd be iii the htandastaf the oatag- LYON & HEA L Y, CHICAGO. colhegiate a series of chual meets oill leg editor of the Miu/igancatiate iot have to be artonged. It is ruoaread later thiaoo March 1. Tate grouop pho- that thtis is the intention of M\ichiigan oligroaits aof thou varioustacolhege 0ogait- ad of hile othoer Itorger Westerno tuti- izatioes, wli citare ho appuear int hue riis nti a hywl e nuls l etkna nead Students' Le saved fromtothe ouylanoce taf theIbe lhandedtainhootterott'thanooia bove ~IO UaULU sooaller catlluges swhtosever senda very date. ITe inodividul onames atid mnty or very gaoch athletes t(o the records of coil Seonior Lits, Loossantd trackcmeaet, htbut o hatve a vaice otin Engieers shaold also be filedthtl the adooioistrtoo of the asocia~tidon toeHua.oc U S equal tao that oaf the untiversities twhotiSmoithi sill recieve those taf thee hatws, scnd large teamos. Thtough flits otay Me. Mallanoo these taf the oitad be a griesvonce it dates not seetot to too Mer. McKee those otf the entginteers. UNIVERSITY HALL. FEBRUARY 24, 1899. to wvarranth the dlestructon of the sys- JAhs. BatDtIiN, Mana~igin~g Etditor. hern anid thte staartig of floe dualh 1020 S. Utiversity. Adrsos 0Cns meet phao. Thoere are manouy reassons agaitoiWth ieBleisadDo the cltatoge. The first restlt still beWthheBltisadDIY ho divide floe Wesernt collages ino. ATHiENS THEATRE, two alasses as thtey onotwate ito lase- Wednesday, Feb. 22. ball tad orte sto itofootball. We _1899______Cr______c___nts_ must consider toot aonly aourseves, but I, hhe effect such a cl aossiicattio n i ll J .H . I 1 A V E R L Y 9'js 1 8 9 9.Cr e s c e n ts-M A E L ERha eo u m l e egSb or.cni~ ery byav esightswe ehoi otote g n-ooINdeRedS. lets, - - - $60.00 by s i se ae ttruiog oetho gto. IVINSTR LS. Icveotlecs, - - - 25.00 119 WEST WASHINGTON ST., soolr asool goo f al. fics n otoatelt ATNET2:, erall gpitidofna It is untffar tjAll fittcd awit Dunlap Detachaubls Threa.ANN ARBOR. thte somaler colleges for iftswill cooto- Perice, i~e, Obaid te. GR ANGER'S S COO" L OF DAN ING." pel a gaoal atilete htigao tsoe large" university iin order tofinlod caoloueti. EVENING: 25c, 50c, 7ceandYsi. $5.0 per Ternstof 12 Weseks. tion. If hoe goes to a stmall college PROGRAMME PARTY EACH SATURDAY EVENING. hoe will oever have a chance to beet The Mutual Life InS. Co., Peivate Lessons hy Appointment. Bell 'Phone 246. the best mteto of thte West, buftstill 0.00Nuw Yook. Sioeaotcu eet a have to comcouete swih hue muediocre Assets i orfao t e an udt athtletes foundchin the sthe sonall Col- Garsate agevid-p Insunce Cabhand youtat. tetto leges. Loovus and ndeaIsyrnc tay 11$stAt. StaTE g te opn.This will not he a lots to him alote Agents '[wanted. 11 S. MAIN ST. but will d' ecthy affect the athlete in Address, D. A. PItdaSUN.JlDist. St.hBeull Phoue ;satei94.