THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 4 THE UNiVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. SECOND SEMESTE LAW BOOKS Cooley's Taxation igh, Extraordinary Remedies Legal A .°:.. D.A.Tinker& Son C, , ~334 S. STATE ST. InterGoIleuiate Bureau of l f1adeG Costume. GOTRELL & LEONARD, ALBANYs, N. Y. Caps, Gowns, and Hoods ma ds to order and rented. Also Class Canes, Class Hats anod Caps, Class College .Pins. Address W. C. HERN, Western g. Hcakell IvInsein, Uiv..of ChicagE, WE KEEP UP TO DATE. Every rig in our basin is being repainted and vasnisbed for spring trad~e. HOL.MES' LIVERY. TELBF,4ONE 106. 515 E. LIHE.RTY. CanoIpy furnished for parties LA PZ)FOSTIUDfE N TS, XWe call atteutioin to our complete line of Center Draft Nickel :Plated Lamps, ranginig in price from 75c to $2.50 each. These Lamps are of the latest and muo't improved patterns and makes. Including "The New Rochester, ""The Yale," "The Royal,"'"The Berlin Student Lamp," "{The -Perfection Stndent Lanip." If you want the heat Lamp fur the Lasot 1oney coioe aiid oee no Old Numbier: E A 4450O. MAIN ST., D AN O ANN ARBOR, MICH. o n W. J. BOTH, PEnS. W. ARNOiii, ist V ice-presI J. V. SHEEiA, 2d Vic-pens JOHNi.C. WALTZ, At'. Csier Hollands, Jurisprudence Greenleaf, Evidence Vol. 1I Mechem, Cases on Agency Elliott, Municipal Corporations JOS. W1KOLLAUF, TCAIILOR, Has Received a Fine Line of New Goods. 2154 F~as aC shlington St., na 5th Ave. 8TRTE 8FIVINGS BRMNK Elliott, Cases on porations Private Cor-I SHEEHAN &Co. University Booksellers. Students' Laundry Association Wmc. VOC(UG-Win. 1R. cOX,oageits tor TH'E(GRAND LAUINDiRY, of D)ETROIT The iestl iigh graie icatcciy iinthosMae. Tice oniy inchies domesitic, fis in the Wesi. Ginveofinishsalsgivn~. All sonricpromoptiy, neatiiyanid careiully one~. O1i11c 225. Stateci. Riensce60Lawncie sti. NewSate Pine. 441. A TRIAL 03R DER. '1 hat is X1ll I rsk for ily 1Laililry Agety . Ccindidcites fur the Juioir chass relly teaii will report at the Gynm- nasliiially daiy at 5 p. in. P. iH. Loui), Manager. WASsINOoNs BIRTHDAY PARTY. Mrs. Graniger will give a Washing. fon's Birthday party next Wednes- day eveninig, Feb. 22. Dan~cing at 8:30. 50 cents a ciuiple. Ladies of the University of Michi- gall, join classes at Mrs. Ross Graniger's School of Daiicing. $3 froii Satuirday uintil the seasoin closes,' Masy 1. Walter Bennett, captain aincienid of tii year's 'Vasrity eleveis iao comipleted his eiigiiieerinsg coirse and xwiii leave for his lioiiie ini Chicago next Saturday. Howl For a Prize. Th'le howling allcy is cinder iiew .nanailgemntatdsoulii give a box of igasoti the one masking the higelest three game ilverage in 30 dlays from Mcnday. Prices reduced. A large iiiiimber of Anin Arbor people saw Nethersole in "Carmien" in Detroit Saturday evenling. Storij biy a U. ofl M. Man. Mr. ties. ucrton, cc University niMichiganc "radateicis te accthcnccia ciccy entitled "A 'PailBin-mcd," cowcrunnincg inc tse Chicago imets-Herald,Sucncay ediltion. Ticesublishes wrtll Ms. P. Meyer, ltceir cagent liheesfollowos: "Is conctionwiiti theinclosed ecisar e thoughtit ccighct baof o~ints oyuccicto nw 11111 tcci Mr. Go. unttl,,lice atttortof"The FairlBrigandl," ix s icadctoifciAss Artoc. Doubtlcsscmcloy 1people is Ass Arbor sill re- mcccmcbcer it.h ilt M. Honcih s uctccilreccently Stoee icitd tates cosat iAthcess, IGreece, whetch lic ersic icrthstorcy cwascobtinedl. We' thicik ifyouil cailcil tis fttotIn e atstin- tiocnifyoccc p51r0n5 iwill Ssbeofcsideraiile Iauetooin scecing subccccctionlis inr 11c Suicicay Ticoes-Hercald, aiid tshlS e glad ifiti has tistresucl." Yours truly, 'TsE llsICAssnTTES-HERsALD. -There is ine skating at floe Ann Arhiir skatling park. Loss-At the GymiiFriiday night; a siiake skin card case. Return to DAILY office aiid receive rewvard. WANTED-Every con saby the Ilestand mstIintslt sice aeevcerisvested. "Booe Boll s omesi." It is played Sy Iwo pesoso eacS repreentccinga Base Bail sise and willsce snasus, Silo asd errosthesamelass iaiy game plnyedlus the field. 5Sntprepaid tin y address ossreeipi ofil5c. BASE BALL AT HOMEa CO., c5. 509. Chasmbes of Comimeice, Detroit Mich. Transacts a general; Banking lBusiness. FIRST NATIONAL BANK ci AsAln 16 Caspital, w100,000.cSrlus and Profits, 140,000 'rractstgenerathl tank~ing busiest. Foreicn echalngcboughtaned cold. Frshlcecters ci cedit. E. 0. OINNE, Precs. HARRISON SOULE, Vicec-Prsc S. 'W. tCLARKSO(N, Casicier u &i"krhanirnik (Cr. Mainanc s ict i c Si e Capiitll.$50,000. Slsti.$3000. Trasctsta B FREDi.PHs . CEtsoCsshie t TDc Rieu firbor Savings Bank Capitail SixeS. $50,000. Srpluc, 6150,000. Resotcrces,$1,100,000 Orgacszcdtundcrltcetics eraltBnki nslg Las of th~is Stacc. Receivsdepstst, 1 oct lacdsells ecag ontheinci c i ies oficcci1cc itced O ClERnSChr0 itia~l nc. Prs. ;Vs. 0. Hsrri maVice-Prs.; tChas. IE. Ilisceces, Cashier; M J.Frtz AssistatCashier LAMB &SPENCER, ..THE.. Fancy rcr We keep everything usually kept ina first-ciass Grocery and Blakery. Call and see us. 318 S. STATE ST. YOU'RE NEXT U. of SVI. Barber Shop J. R. Tatolosxwssi. n3225 S. lSae St PATRONIZE WARREN THE BARBER, AND YOU WILL ALWAYS BE IN LINE. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. THE MODEL oh St'te Street BARER HOPis Di s& ELY'O BARBER HOP yot ou desire first-class work and courteous treatment try George and Harry at 332 S. State St. ENOCH DIETERLE, Fnra irco Cauls ottesded Day us Nightl. No. ill E. LibetyStreetl. Resideace 113 THOSE NOBBY TROUSERS MIL VWARD THE TAILOR DRESS SUITS STAT1E ST i P. C. MEYER-, All engiueers. wisohing to try for' 0is7 )". Willi a"t. thxe Tech reqiiesteid ____________________________to repoit 'lhicrsdsoy, Feb. 23, at 4 p. THEEENWNE MASISLINIIITIISO in. in Roomi 3 engineerinig buiilding. THE ENONED ANDLIN IRTOSO MIITOoN C. IIAOTIOAN, Lecader. MR. WV. EUGENE PAGE, 'the fsooig teacbers will give Will give lessuss on the muandolin and their couirses cdurinog the suimmoer guitar at the University Sciesasal of schooli: Prof. Bemoain, McLaugholin, Music every Fridcay. For 'Terms and Truebood, Rolife, Btenchi; Junior hours apply to the Secretary. Profs. 'Taylotr, Scott; Assistant Prrsfs. Reed, Msarkley; Istructors, Higley, Lighty, Menlsel, Guthse, Hall, Strauso, ANDA L L, Gouliiinig, Effinger, Pillobuory, Denni- s111, Gransurd, Munsoi; Asistanst R State Phone 144. Instructors Caimpbell, Bliss and Wait. The New Blue Shades in Gentlemen's Neckwear--- We have just received tf!:em---A little spring-like, but handsome. WfAGNLN & GO., 123 S. MAIN ST. ...TAILORS.