THDE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 The kind that wear right, ® and NITE ROBES Fit right, are right, and P a ja m a s_________ at_ RIGHT PRCE. I i j r i is 50C to $4. Goodspeed's, - -I t9 Main Street. MIGfiIGfIN GENITUIL "The Niagara Falls Route. CENTRAL STANI)ARD TIME Taking Effet Aug. 04, 1898. Mail ad Expresst .......3 4crP aI N. Y. & Boston Special..i......4 08" Fast Eastern.....a .........9 43" Attantic Eopress............7 45 A.. Detroit Night Express ........55" Grand Rapids NExrs ........t111 Mail & Exprers. ..............9 t8 A. M. Boston. N. Y. & Chicago ......81 F'ast Western Express .........1380F. m, G. R. & I. EB ress..........54 Chicago Niglat Express .......94 Pacific Express.............12 3O A. 0 0. W. RUGGLES, B. W. HAYES, G. P. & T. Ag't, Chicago Ag't Ann Arboi TIME TABLE Taking Effect, Nv. 10, 1898. Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Stand aned Tine. NORTH ( SOUTH a YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED Something New!pehpwtthBORyoar getting.Thenookeoa change. 'Gioe pleased.8oopersweek.Only tws blochslfromothscComs-52 E.Wah- ocgton St.-3 do ors cwestif etods Plaitn ande cloth covcred'lat all prcs chrh J. S. BRASMIE, Is. S. PARKER, fiom 50c to $2.00 at Propr. Sitead. brown' Drug ALARM CLOCKS, $+1.00. DrU3 iI r i. . OF M. PINS, 5i0 CentS. Fine Wntch Repairing a Specialy, Good thtngs to sear whet ou~O go J. L. CHAPMAN, skatinog. 106 Soote Main Stiest r CALENDAR. <"Brolter Joec" Corbett will coach -Motnday, Feb. 20-JuotrsLaw the Uttiversity of Caliifsortnia biase- Oratorical Conteot, inlBawe lecture boll team. room. Tue Jtunior Law oratorieal eon- Monday, Feb. 20-1Pedaooical teot is to he held tis evening iii the Society, lBnIRoomto4,Tappan dll. t lahw lecture toots. Tueoday, Feb. 21-\Vehster So- ________ ciety Bouquet at Nickel'o Hall. Intercollegiate Chess. Wedixeoday, Feb. 22-Hon Chais. Oxford and Cambsridge have ae- IA. Towine ini University Haloil iesit cepted lte challenge to a ciseso match Atnntial Waohington's Birthdaty aoiteih Yale, Harvard, Princetots ansd -dressonot the subject, Lest We Colomiid. Wiocoinoin recently sic. -Forget," feated Beoit its a cheoo cotiteot playedi Wedneoday, Feb. 20-Prof. A.C. over the lsog diolanee telephosne. _McLatughln addureooes Diughtersofo __________ the Ainericati Revolotiotiit Hamrs FOE RENT-A very deolrable sttite Hall at S p. to. oti Ilisse Spaini Lost sith twos clooets. Well healed with t'Her Colonies." hot seater. Stationtary bowtls ansi ali _Friday, Feb. 24-Frebtiei Late isodern conveiinices. 439 S. 1)ivi- Banquoet at the Cook Housoe. Sion St. 5 Go and get a skate on at the AnnB Have ysu seen the announceent Arbor skating park. It is fiue, of the Muisic Co., on Washiington~ St. Tinitk of it!! 200 Waldo Mlanidolini Li FOR RENT-Snite or osigle; bath,, tansd guitars, anid, bstotf all, tihs *12:40 P. Ni. 1:50 P.oAz 17:25 A. i.- It:i25A. it. 8:40rP. m. *ssn betweee AnnArbss and Toledo only All trales daily except Sanday. E. S. GILMORE, Agen W. H.]BENNETT. G. P. A. DETROIT, YPSILANTI & ANN AR- BOR RAILWAY. Cars leave Ann Arbor for Ypsilant and Detroit every half hone heginning at 7:15 a. m. U. of M. ear leaves Cit3 Hall, Detroit, every night after Theater Special U. of M. earn for nil extra occn sions. Baggage, express and Students supplies received and delivered. Wail ing roons, corner of Ann and Matx streets, Ann Arbor, 111 Griswold street Detroit. Trains 4 and 1-Continental Limited Magnificent new fast trains via th4 Wabash, with free reclining chair cart Wngner sleeping cars, palace conches and famous dining ears, Going east this train leaves Detroit a 8:25 p. m.n arrives New York 3:30 p. m Going west, this train leaves Milana 8:07 a. in., arrives Chicago 2:4G p. in., St Louis :52 p. in. Kansas City 7:15 a. m The Wabash is a good road. On trial will convince you. ff you contete plate making a trip to New York, or t California, or to any point in Missouri Kansas, 'Texan, or Colorado, and wil write to the undersigned, we will b glad to give you any information. F. A. PALMtEn, A. G P. A., Chicags C. R. CRAoN, G. P. & T. A., St. Louis, Ms R. S. GunEENOnDM.P. A.,Chicago. Ohio Central 1ines THE DIRECT LINE TO Bowling Gireean, Marietta, Findlay, Athns, Columbuns, Mhicleport, and Cliarleston, W. Va. Colunibus trains use Lake Shore Unlo Station at Toledo. Through trains witii Sleeping any Drawiiig Boom ears from iDetroi and Toledo. MOULTON BOUR, General Act. NO NEED To seins to the anufactrers when you can obtaitn agnuine WashburnManolin o t WashburnGuiar o Itight here i Ani Arbor, At the SHAEBEHLE MUSIC STORE No. 114 W. Lierty St. 0. M. MARTIN,, FUNERAL 1 DIRECTOR Enhalming a specialty. No. 209 S. 4th Ave. Amsbulsance night and day. Res idence 3025Fit h e aWin. Arnold, Leading r Jeweler GET YOUR LUNCHES W. W. TUTTLE'S 33 So. Side Street. t1 OUR PHOTOS f ...ARE.., PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH THE Berryman Studio 112West Huron St. Statetphone t119, A. G. SPALDING &t BROS. New, Yorka - Chicag. ATHLETIC GOODS. Offisal outitters t: altOtie leading collg sosols and athlitic clubs of the coatry.e The Xp ading eynir, riddes, by the Isoercoliegsacte A. A. A. A. CIos:pioes, ad :pall tihc le adig conieio rider.leery Reqi- Osite gf oc seha,ool al, ol, Tennis, I Athletics, Gymnsiom. Mo pang's Official League ali Iis tshe Oflial Bal o tic Natiosal Leagae yanss all theosling college asociaitos. i lasdo omie ataiwic o Athletic Spr F Cree us ayads. hping10 OliciicBos Bll Cide or 189 ,p March M 10'Cnts. SA. C. SPALDING & BROS., New frk, Chicago THE BUCKEYE ROUTE. OCOLUMBUS, HOCKING VALLEY AND TOLEDO RAILWAY, Is Ihe ony lsns.from the ToldsUtios Statin :qlo olimsiolansd pioots byosd, usig Uno nqpotterminatlsat col umbras. IParlor Cars oay Trins, Seas 25 cts. EPllmoan Sleepers o Night Trainn Studensodesiring unieualledfcdItilitie se is plied tiausocthelic ley R loi. Pull paion loass aisisleao oloal ticetagenine w, 11 FIHER, G. P. and T. A., n Colubs, Ohi 9 y r. s' t- n t, Le s; S) it a. it t. a. ie s- o l li )e o. o. 1 1 >n id if r 7 1 furiiace. 331 Packard ot., 3z blocks price. A miandolin case 75e, set of fromn camlpus. 4 strinigs 20c. a a p , lIRentschlcr, the Ilb'otographer. I 5.iga rzrrrrn zrjjrz zxuz uzrruz=zjrrzuuztj jjnzz HEB ZZZI n S rL I Z I S Z 72 jZZIajZZZZTTjSS'Zjjjjjy($ja1"ZZjj II U~ 14 N TheuitNCORPoRAeD ARE WOMEN'S I 1 MEN'S APED ITS! MAKING SHOES t ON1 The Newest All Kinds $35 Fashions One Price$35 Stock will be in our Ann Arbor Store about March 1 st. i so EAST HURON STREET. : N N H! Nr MGM V t Hi Nr N NM H1 N NP H'r N .!} ryN} N h IIZZZ ZZ7InZZI IIZ Z.ZRZZZ:YZ2ZZ ZZZZZZIiZ2ZZLI.ZS.ZZZ =ZT7r BH-irZZBOTooI TT-TTI ZZ7=AZ YZ2J WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE,