2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Published Daily (Sundays excepted) durtng the Cotllege year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. 'Fmaca: TheiandaPes's,Henning Block. Bath Phones 147. MANAGING EDITOR. F. ENGeaaacnD,'01L. BUSINE'S'S -MANAGEat. 5). 11. HlAtS, '00 L. EDITORIS. AthltatcaEditor, T. R. WOOaaaO', 'St L. P. W. JaNES, '99, A. H. MaDaUG aLL, '01 E. P.D.EANc '00, C. H. LUNDa,'00M, G. D.Ilassass. '01 E. J. 13. WOaD, 'an. Th esutbscriptian price at the DAILY it1.50 for hecle eat ' arsswits areaguarelaivaryhafarea noncats ay.' Notiaes, caoamusnicatians, and otheersaattaraintanddtfae pubhicaatianamsat se handed inaa ts dorattteDIL fica hataee 8 p. in., oa mnailad to the edttar ttfoaes 3 p. in. at the day previaustaathsataonwhich theyaeeected ta op ear. ubhsasiptians tnaoytbelt at the lDAILYoffoe, Meye's, or Stattaet's newstanad, as withlaBustnes Managr.Suhscriettsewils ofrafvrb reporting promtlsty at tisoftic any fattureeat carriers to dettcvepaper. At] ctansgeinadvetising soatasrtoast he in the aticahy 41p .o n 11e0dany previtousto that an sahicta they ar to apspear In NHREn oaTOAY'S ISaaE, P. W JONES. UNIVERSITY THEATRICALS Comedig Club is Rehearsing For Their Coming Performance. The Comedy Club which has been so successfcal during the last twvo years, will coutinue thacir goosd record tbis year. The club Ihns now been relicarsing fosr several weeks anid a very gosd opisaiosn cars be fssrmesd of the maerits of this year's cast. The indicationas are thast if nothainsgon- forsees abappenis thac comnag performo- atace swill eclipse all preceeding ones. The oname of the play whlichi aill be prsduced this year is "'A Nighot Off." It is as very laughable farce comsedy: uric awhiclh is just stuited ho Univer- sity life. Notbisnb definite thas been slecided abtout the date, except that it will be ina the latter part of Marcih. As formerly, it will bse given ian the Athns Theatre atidtrill be oadte osne of the society events of tbe col- lege year. Tbe profits derived frora tbe performance will be gives] tsotlae diffo rent Ustiversity charities. There will bse 11 chtartacters in the cast which, excelpt for a few slighat chaanges, is abosut comiplete. Tlae re- haearsals bave already prograssed as l C t t t e $18.00 and $20.00 NOBLE'S SUITS and OVERCOATS STAR CLOTHING HOUSE. Choose thsm an you choone; thyae $ 1 3 5 0 1 1 af aBSTFPI NO 05U1LITIES Of AEOUR SILENT ADVERTISERS. + $ 15.00 SUITS and OVERCOATS IOL' ohckthen an younanltonpitk. They are n55w-J to STAR CLOTHING HOUSE. Altihoughn tbe mtajority of Mici car ao rhe sesonda act,-anda risesucceecd- ; j ; y dz l D 0 INI gaas stuidenats maiay stot be lot accosrd assg acts atoll be t akensathitbs week.OOPBBSADAUAOBBmP witia Mr. Bryant as regards his filass hs years officers of tine Comaedy IPRESADMNFCUESO cital anid solitical ideas yet no mian, Caub are: Presideott Ralphi H.CIELCA anPHS AL PAR T . proiaossitbeste tacprbli cul Iage, voce-presiesitMoss F lorenice MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS. Headuarters for all Labora- iaave received a mtore courteous asad M asl, secretaisy, Lafayette Yittasg, 112Silisis iS. Main Streat. Ann Arbor. SMich. itearty welcomse tlttanlie received a7";bu-sness moanaeer, Rny C.'sWood -_______________________________________ Strla.Mr, Bryans is an old col- wortis; stage directssr, Edward P. TRY HOT CHOCOLATE, lege atan bimaself asic knew low to DtsPotnt. oese1 lah appreciate a typical college reception. Te iadividual cabinet phsstcgraphss 200 EAST WASHINGTON STREET, His genseros act of sdonatinog a oums of all senior elton officers of thte viari- 316 SOUTH STATE STREET. of monsey for the furthnerance at ocsceatuot;foeUavriy Tene sa~saet5C saat a7 _ Miligaa sitretingodgvet- ulud be ion the hand~s stf the snautig- amade hourly Oystesserved inanay style. wnot raised hiiaitoa iigb notch lsinosg editor of thte Mic/ligonenoisas not ______________________________________________ tlhe estimsation of tihe Ann Arbsr stu- later thn Marchs 1. The grsosp phlo- sients. Shsould Mr. Bryan ever visit tographs of the various college orgtan- BOYS ! T P n ro gi emyb sue TTE1iL ~ R Asso Aror gaia besna beasssedizatioss, swiich are to appear us the A ~ ,of a rigiat roysal receptioan wlatever atstotal should be toakeni at onsce asudl IM DEN(ART F THlE capacity ise mayeosie in, orahlat- b addi o ae hnaoePRINTERI ever htis political views may be. date. The insdividathuassnaes ansd FRAGM FPO RaLOR recods f al Seior itsLawsandAnn Arbor. Mis Second Semester---Freshmen. resd falSirLt, Las uad rlan St. Bat of F. and M. Bank. Engineers shsonld also be filed not_____________________________________ Thsere is an enrollneont of 62 neat hater thsan March 1. Mr. E. C. stndentrs int the University, beginning Smnitin will recieve thssse of tine laws, the second semester. They are ap- Mo'. McMillan those sf the itsaosd psrtioned asmong the different depart- Mr. McKee thsse of the engineers. mnsa olw:Js ADN aaigEio. Stude s' eI ture Anocia 1 1 i, Literary.........................37 1020 S. University. Medical..........................e ____6____ Dentalh.......................... 6A Law............................. 5 Of the four stndents arrested at DIQQ Enginoering ..................... 3 Madison, Wis., for distnrbing tihe R S E L H O " Homeopathice...................... vas interrapted here, tars aere fined Totalh.........................62 aud two dischoarged by the authsri- UNIVERSITY HALL. FEBRUARY 24, 1899. Pro. Tueloo, etetaied r.ties. Thae University anthorities Brya.a andua fear eerssi ie r.have not yet takcenaaction in the Admnission, 50 Ceiits. Bryanand fewmembrs o thematter.4 faculty at dinsser Saturday eveninag.__________________ Prof. Trssebloosdansd Mr. Bryan awere - ______ _ Watch the Bushletis and DAILY. clasmates at Illinosis college, Jack- snville, Ill., whlere bsth pursued flh ____________________________________ special work in oratory. Those en-li tertainsed at the dinner besides Mr.'I1 9 Cr s e t Bryan. were Prof s. Prescott, Kelsey, II $35.00ER Justian R. Whiting, of St. Clair, the AT I N Crescent Bevel Gear Cisain- Cycle Em oi , recent gbraoilcniae a y less, - - - $60.00Em oim gubenatria canidae T A Ti'.. Jnveniles, -_ 25.00 119 WEST WASHINGTON ST., AdacdCei. ~AtlOfited wsth Dunlap Detochable Tares. ANN ARBOR. Hereafter, stndento who, on enter- ~ ing, desire advanced credits most G A G R S S H O F D N I G preseont tlheir applicationa to the $5.00 o~er Term of 12 Weeks. and returos the blanoks for recsrd be-~ PROGRAMME PARTY EACH SATURDAY EVENING. fore thse 1st of November. Private Lensons hy Appointment. Bell 'Phsne 246. For studeants eatering~ in February, The Mutual Life Ins. Co., .1"1 the da tes sill he respec tively MarchOfNwYr.N E H N 1anMac15Ases$277,516,325.36. In Patent Leather Shoes for Spring, is the English Flat Resslutisn adopted Feb. 15, 1899. Guaranntses larger Paid-up Insurnnce, Cash nndLat Wehv tseniBusn nd ac.Iyo aat Lo_______ a iaeoa'nd Extended Insusanse thannnny Ls.W aete nBto n ae fyuwn The law conditions trill be issued oteopnAgents Wanted. to he successful, hook successful and wear our shoes. this re.Addessn, D. A. PIEBSON, tDist. Snpt. DlIIC CIIAG CTA 109 Wahington St. tiwek48dave., Dtrisat Micha. li lIbO) LS SM IUIb Anan Aror.