o c VOL. IX, NO. 103., ANN ARBOR, MICH., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1 899. THREE CENTS VOL. IX, No. 103. ANN AILBOR, i'aLJCH., MONDAY, FEBRUAI~Y 20, 1899. THREE CENTS WIW L T H E T I 0 R G. H. WILD CO., THE TAILORS 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. Have jest received a large line of Fancy Vestings for Spring and Summer. They are Importations direct from London. Please call and see them. T H E, T I L 0 R Allegretti's Chocolates Fresh Today. WILDR'S PI.RMAY Oen Ddu and NOh *h Dainethe res tiofthe ceilsge year we w isev luceseat ail hourse day o neiht. Full line of Pipes, Cigars, and Tobacco. R. E. JOLLY & CO., 308 So. State Street. To the . DrTegs,-,, Nobody ever leaves a glass of our Soda Water unfinished. Whether he buys a five cent or ten cent drink, he driiks it all-and comes again. GdlInS' rfldU. Law Books For the Second Semester Text Books For all the departments. SECOND-HAND BOOKS Bought and Exchanged. Best Linen Paper, 15, 20 and 25c perlb. WAHR5 BRYAN WELL RECEIVED. Greeted With Cheers When His Git to the Uniersity tas An- nounced. William Jeni"s Bryan lasscr- tainly reason to believe that the stui dents of the University of Michigan can overlook party lines when it means that they are to hear discussed the problem of the retention of thes Philippiies. Mr. Bryan lectured upon Imperialism Saturday night in Uiversity Hall under the auspices of the Good Government Club, and thoughi i the large audience there probably was but a small miority who supported his political ideas two years ago, yet his reception was warm enough to do justice to a nominatiig co"vetion. About a thousand students were at the Michigan Central depot to neet Mr. Bryan upon his arrival from Grand Rapids at noon. He was at once taken in charge by the Demeo. cratic committee who entertained him until evening. In the afternoon he was tendered a rousing reception at the court house, where about three thousand people shook his hand. Before introducing the lecturer, President Mulholland, of the Good Government club, read the following letter addressed to Dr. Angell: "In order to stimulate study on subjects it connection with good gov- ernment I hereby give $250 to the University on condition that the money.be invested and the annual income be given as a prize for the best essay on good government topics." The letter was signed W. J. Bryan and it was received with tumultuous applause and rousing U. of M. yells. In his opening remarks Mr Bryan said it was always a pleasure for hie to speak to students, as their minds were not fully made up on political questions, and they listened to the opinon of others gladly and readily. He spoke in part as follows: The only question to be considered and decided is whether the perma- nent retention of the Philippine is- lands is desirable. And in consider- ing what is desirable we must consider what is best for the people of the United States and what is best for the Filipinos. Those who oppose the colonial policy deny that the adoption of such a policy by this nation would be beneficial either to the United States or to the alien race over which our sovereignty would be extended. "The sooner the question is settled the better. It is putting the cart before the horse to say that the na- tion cannot reveal their purpose un- til theFilipnoslay down their arms. If the nation would declare its intention to establish a stable and independent government in the Philippimes and then leave that government in the hands of the people of the islands, hostilities would be suspended at once and further bloodshed would be avoided. What would our colonists have thought of a demand upon the part of England that we first lay down our arms and surrender to the king, and then trust to the decision he would make. Now, that the treaty has been ratified and Spain DECLARED OFF. eliminated from the question, the American people are free to take Michigan Will Not Send a Team to such action as the circumstances re. the Notre Dame Meet. quire. Shall our nation enter upon a career of conquest and substitute The first result of Athletic Direc- the doctrine of force for the power tor Fitspatrick's return is that it is of example and the influence of definitely decided that Michigan will counsel? not be represented at the Notre Dame "The American people cannot a smeet. Within half an hour after his ply the European and monarchical arrival in Ann Arbor last Friday doctrine of firce in the subjugation Fitz was over at the gymnasium and government of alien races and at watching the practice. Saturday the same time stand :forth as a de- afternoon he put all the men through fender of the principles embodied in several trials. As he had expected, our Declaration of Independence and very few of the men were in any constitution. A i man may live a condition to run. Most of them after double life when only one of his lives i brisk run of a couple of laps is known, but as soon as his duplicity around the track came in puffing becomes manifest to the world he hard. In view of the fact that the can lead but one life and that the iea are not now in any condition it worst. As soon as we establish two was thought impossible to round forms of government, one by consent them into winning form during the in this country, and the other by three weeks which remain before the force in Asia, we shall cease to have i'meet. Mr. Fitzpatrick said he had the influence of a republic and join no doubt that he could get the the spoliation of helpless people sprinters and hurdlers into shape but under the pretense of conferring up that the time was too short to get the on them unsought and undesired long distance runners into form. It blessings. Independence for the was thought better not to send any Filipinos under a protectorate which team than to send one not fully pre- will guard them from outside inter- pared. ference whle they work out their Training, however, wili continue destiny is consistent with American thought it will not be as heavy ts traditions, American history and was expected. The Eastern teams American interests. The sooner the have just commence light training declaration is made the sooner will for their sumumer meets. Had it not come the rewards assured to individ- been for the Notre Dame meet we uals and nations who strive to do would not have commenced early good.w' work. As it is the team will gradu- A New Homeop, Hospital Probable ally work into shape between now u.b and next June, State Senator Giddings in speak ing for the University committee Summer School Protessors. expressed the opinion that the com- At the meeting of the board of re- mittee would be very liberal in its at- gents Friday the following were ap- titude towards appropriations which pointed oi the faculty of the summer it would recommend for the Univer- school: Profs. Beman, McLaughlin, sity. "This is especially true," said Trueblood, Hench and Scott; assist. the senator, ''as regards the hospitals ant professors, Reed and Markley, i- which, in the present crowded condi- structors, Highley, Lichty, Mensel, tions of the wards, are a disgrace to Guthe, HIall, Strauss, Goulding, the State of Michigan. I am in- Effinger Pillsbury, Dennison, Gran clined to believe that if Ann Arbor surd, and Munson; assistant istruc- will donate a site, the legislature will tors Campbell, Bliss and Waite. make an appropriation for a suitable Profs. Drake and Lloyd were given hospital building and equipment. leaves of absence to study abroad Personally I am in favor of turning from May to September and instruc- over the present homeopathic hospi- tor in French Victor E. Francois was tal to the regulars and building a given a leave of absence for one new homeopathic building, thns put- year. The degree of dental surgeon ting an end to their constant quar- was conferred on Carl A, Lebert, of reling." Stuttgart, Germany. The pharmacy This evening Dr. Cushney of the class was given permission to plant Medical Department will deliver a trees on the campus. special lecture on "New Facts Con- cerning the Mammalian Heart." The students of Yale are complain- This lecture is one of the series to be ing of the increasing cost of room delivered before the medical students rent in the dormitories. Ten years by the members of the faculty. The ago the average price per room was lecture will be based on some original $1.50 a week, a few of the more ex- work on which Dr. Cushney has pensive bringing $3. Today more been engaged for some time past. than one-half of the 450 rooms The lecture will be given at 7:30 p. rented bring over $5, and a few come in. in lower lecture room of the Med- as high as $10 a week. Several at ical Building. A cordial invitation 75 cents are rented out to needy stu- is extended to all. dents. Of the students attending the academic college 60 per cent live Dartmouth, Cornell, Chicago, in dormitories. At Princeton it Pennsylvania, and Michigan are the reaches as high as 80 per cent. five Universities to each of which the New England Free Trade League Wm. Charles, Jr., '01, correspond- offers prizes of of $100 and $50 for emt for the Detroit News is confined essays on the subject, "Whom does to his bed by a serious attack of the protection protect?" grippe. upaTwn State St. ANN ARBOR Dawn Town Opp. Conu-*iluse flainst.