4 4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. SECOND SEM ESTER LAW BOOKS Coley's Taxation GO TO I WILL GIVE JOS.W.KLAF Stabler's Art Store 20 per cent Reduction to all Students TJ1AILO4R, FOR Art Novelties and of the U. of Al. on goods purchased HsRcie ieLn Fine Frame Mouldings. at moy store, of New Goods. SaibuysDrug 214hoast WashingtoS.ner81A. 217 s. 401hAve. Phsonte 173.3 Store,________________ ________________W. J. BOOT ,PA s W 1osSt~ice-pre 8 hs IntorGOIloiato Bureau of tlGademiG Gostume.o.C. 'JV.55.s Nar As.~t.dCaoepe SfVIN G8 GOTRELL &LEONARD. J i ALBANY, N. Y. B/i~N . Caps, Gowns, and Hoods roads to order sod rented. Also (lass 'transacts a general. Canes, Class Hats and Caps, Class College Psis. Address Blanking Blusiness. W. C. KERON, WesternMn~g., High, Extraordinary Remedies Legal Hollands, Jurisprudence Greenleaf, Evidence Vol. 1 Mechem, Cases on Agency Elliott, Municipal Corporations Elliott, Cases on Private Cor- porations SHEEA&Co University Booksellers. Students' Laundry Association Wm . OUGFI5-Win. 5. FO)X, agensefer 'I'll IE GAND LO.A5ND5Y, of DE'TOtOIT The( best high gradle lausdry int he Stale. The eoly mcahine doastiefinish is the weet. ,Gtoe finish atsa gtves. Altwa okprtealtty, nettlyandcefullotyone. Offtcet2025.. tate st.Restdente 6ts tawresce st. New State Phose. 441. iMusic Studio Pia, Ptpe Organ snd Cot'sposttso H. H. KK- lM PF FromSttttart tCasseevatory, Germanoy. 312 S. Divtis St. Concert Ptsro Tantpg THE REN'OWNED MANDOLIN VIRTUOSO MR. W. EUGENE PAGE, Will gore lessons on the mandolin and guitar at the University School of Music every Friday. For Terms and hours apply to the Secretary. DWANDALL, "4 State Phone 144. Peninsular Engracing Compangj, DETROIT, MICH. WEKEEP UPTO DATE. Every rig inrs oisarit is hbtingtrepintedlantd vttrnishied lot spirinsg radle. HOLMES" LIVERY, TE.LE.FflONE 106. 1513C. LIBNERTY. HNS1 I NA 1I~UNAR .AN Organ;zed;1863 tapiotal, $100,1'00. Strplus.aosoProfile, S40,I0t Troantstsa geeralbankinogteueintees. Poreign ereeogttnselold.PFuenieh letters of credit. E. D). KINNE, Preee. HARRISON SOTtLE. V ice.Pee, 5. W. CLARSON, Cashibee. Canstopy fritstsheltd itsparties, cook&1vhaivin ~~~~~~~5L A S UMPS.Ct FORmsu~dfsoe~rt We eall tttenttioti to our complete line of Center iKraft Nickel Plated Lamis, geners aloig iess ranging in prire frost 75c to "2.50 each. Tliese L~amsp are of the latest and R,.I eXFr 5es. C. E. 0 50000, vice-Pres. moost imoproved patterns and toaktes. Incltuding"hNeRoesr,"Te FE.HBLR Chi. Yale" "t'h Roal,""Th BelinStudetnt Lamp," I 'Ihe P ertection Studlent Lamp." If you want the hest Lasmp for the 1LeoottS.Honey Borne anid see us I in^ro ain Bn Old Number: 1c _ -rSaigsBn 44 SO. MAIN ST., CapiI1 b ~ f~ ~ taSoc.5t0, 000.5Srlsee, 'Se-0,00 ANN ARBOR, MICH. i"D E A NiO * Resoutrce'siltS,1000 _______________________________________________________________________ Oroteeizosondete GenerealBainbtg Laws of tisoState. Recetves oepote, bee adsel S. C. A, Meeting. Story bgI a U oilM. Man e'oehanontho e rip itototiotleof othet'Uoitetd StatteoDrat sce ppopS e rsdS ifcto The Sissetay sorninsg devotiotntdl Mr. Ge. Horouae S tsof eichganoafe t eositboeto Mekeen . W.).tae Soeetitig of te S. C. A.,Febh. 10, F"esotat d towSite t tnginoth'e aeago .. 'o booAsist.t C se etttloe wrill he adldressedlbhy the Rev. \Xtil- TimoeeesIerolot.Sto ae d'tio n.Toesp'Sloe is0htees litaiti AT. Foarret,pasobteor'of the Chutrchit na oetoewoth teiclsdcrclrw of Christ let this city. The atinie oftt lthaot Me.0:::Gceoortor o e ntotof et 'lo 000:00r0B1t andis0a adiOtt nnA rbobo~or. A B S the service is at 9:15 at. rso All U ni-StlteioslAtoAh: versity tudents tare especially w ltor i ool:eauoo.Mo t. o elor o t a ountlrecently1 beenoUStitedi So 0tat e0sulti Ath~eoooG (eceT FIR corsted,awhere telo e al e o r he slo wa osotaiotoeo. ---______Wet; lolootaif yonoowill cllthfi s o te tSl e n-~co Bond For a Priue. tiooflyouerpateonseitwill be of eeosidleale vletoo you eurineeog suhscriptieosae forte x r c The hoewlitig illes under uew SundayjTieeald, oo atd hal e glditt Fao er .ntanatgeinentt soil Sill give a hox of Yooerseruly'. cigars to the osle smakirt the highest Too eraseooaoTrMEe-srAoLo.. We keep everything usually kept ina three garmec tverage in 30 days froso English Lieaue first-class Grocery and Bakery. Call Mcsiday. Prices redtsced.true, and see ue. ________Ciourse 16 A-English Literature 318, 5. STATE ST. All ensgineers wishing to try for frosm. Miltotn to Wordsworth ls viiseetYdRENX the Tech mtassdolisn cluhbtre requestedl in Rootm 4, Tappan Ball, at theYO REN X to report 'Thursday, :Feh. 23, at 4 p. sours antnotsnced. U. of M. Barber Shop so. in Room 3 engineering huilding. Louis A. STRAUS. arnd Bath RoIos. MILTON C. HARTMSAN, Leader. J. 5R. TseaAsewsso' Prop. 322tS. eSte St There is flue skating at thte Ann PATRONIZE Spoken English. Arbor skating parik. WARREN THE BARBER, Tise class in Spokens English will AND YOU WILL ALWAYS soeet Monday a1(1 Wedntesday (nsot LOST-At the Gyms Fridaoy night; BE IN LINE. Monday and yThsursday) tt 9. Tite a snake skils card case. Retusrn toj SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. ciass in Old English Phsonology asnd DAILY off'ice ansd receive rewvard. THE MODEL of State Street Mopo rg illsmeet Mosiday, WN -D -se ht SelteladBARBER SHOP is uNN& ELY'- Morpito-Eogyyone u h aetadIf you desire Wedulesday andt Frida y at 10. mst intere stngtsme evee ottented. "Base first-class work and courteous treatment GEORGE HEaeL. Bli tSom~se." ISteisplayea hy Iwo pertsngsadBar a each repreetnting a Bsoernall nise anodtwillsce try Georg n arya 32 S. Stste St. - -- in rus, hitsand ereoes the ames anyoratse___________ Arecent niihistrel sh~ow at Iow'a played ss she field. Sent peepaid to soy asdlrestoame enlpec optoof 5. ( IETER urbar nd State Usiversity cleared $200 for IBAS5EBALL AT HOME CO., ENUUI DIETER LE, Funeral Direcor 0 0,X9,CabrSfCmeeMe. sssttdelsyeNhS tlteir athletic associations. D),5,CsoeotMirc, Clsatne a rNgt No. t16l S. Liheety Street. Residence 53:t S ______________________________________________________________Fourth Ave, Ithoe e1ta., Don't Throw Your='TOS-TOUER Glasses 5no satter how' hadlv thtey src hroken. We A way will repair eye-glasses and " LW R setcewhile you wait, or MILwARd lensd 5011 another pair whlile TH E 'yours are bteinlg fixed. Notiting hrst the hest soaterils, explert work- . TAILOR moanship anol hontest prices. Eyes~' cxsamine~d free of chsarge. a~rW'~ DRESS SUITS STATE STw R e 'v, _ AL ... t G.- j 11 h .i i0' *l tT .Q1