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February 18, 1899 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1899-02-18

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VOL. IX, No. 102






Have ;just receivedl a large
le of Fancy Vestings for
Springanl SLMumer.
Ldirect from London. Please
call and see thems.


Fresh Today.
O060nDag ad NigIh.
night. Fall lse of PipesCigarssad
R. E. JOLLY & CO.,
308 So. State Street.
Witch Hazel.
The extract that we sell at 25
cents a pint is the same quality
and strength as that which
sells at $1.00 a pint in bottles
with yellow labels. Some is
weak sod watery. Some is
made with wood alcohol. Ours
is the straight article-20c for
a pint in your bottle.
Law Books
For the Second Semester
Text Books
For all the departents.
1Baugh1 and Exchasged.
Best Linen Paper, 15, 20 asnd 25e per lb.

LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE. They were ill favor of givinlg the ENGINEERS ENTERTAIN.
Homoteopalthic hospital to the regula~r_
Theq sre Unanimously in Favor of shol aniOld of building a new hospi. Listen to Sories of Life on the
a Larqe Appropriation for the tal for tile Homopahic Departmlet Yosemite.
University~. if tile city would give tieland.11 Prof. MotmrE olysrtr
Ploy thought that con~siderin~g ie to tierUniver.was maey'herctcar-
rile clomittee of tile legislatureeUlaivertitf molls whilhdittile r(-0y
con~sistin~g of Messrs. Chanberllain, ceived tile growth of tie UlniveritSile Senitsorkl~lerodlecet igintba
Csrtl, ilever Poter Brstoandis swonderful ellen com~paredi witih tilt lanersterfer's. Tie etire en ileer-
Geldings, arrivedl iere Thursdaly of (tier stte un~iversitieOslnd til e '
stnng Te owre entertainled at igfacultyvwts ipresnt.
Tilryrat~~llllins andltbequestsO ty TeEnierigGleCubfr
tile homne(f Presidient anti Mrs. have received. IlsldOsi.F0.lrsn}riid
James B. Angell during the evening, Tile commllitee left for Lansingwsedmsc.F . rwpeie
anli ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n ((e 1 ~ltlltr11Profs. Clrhart,
an ntthere tile regenltso(f tile lae yesterdaly f ternIon, avil 01(1as 11tm llls10eMrr5ev
University. Matters pertaininlg toDaind oniuadMrStv
tile University were talked over. Oratorical Contest Next Week. 011s 11a(10brif rema~lr-
'They spent yesterday ini looking Tie lea0ss oratorical contestson11 Spakinlg(f tile Yoemllite an1d(1hlr
((vr tile Universty' 101nd5see~inits 11101100 (ext Moatnigt and11 001- crest Prof. Cooley pa 11 a hg ti-
were needed. Preident Angel l dtotad compoition51ll(l . 1(10 'They dill tieir wot-t in ilso( Imanly
Secretary 5W11(e too(k them arouto 11yet ihanded ill thir m Iarkin~gs, so it awamy 011111.I sha1 lllts remlelbtr
tievlltoOlIilgs 111OIOO. 1 lti~ll~ juslt w01(1 sill spv ' (1y.I (1 0(1 toslep( for ihours t
In tile mloninlg tile first visit 50155'1'110snola 1w clas repreentaltives Ol).U
paid to1(1tile hitlts1. These burlid- (lave been selected. They ate Carl II tol a((l rl l 11(1h011hsith is ilalr
inlgs swere crfully inspeclted, being V. Wiser and1( H. S. Tannellr. Thle ill till ironling holle 0. 111h1'reas
tiseir recentipoeet. Tehaentluapited, cote~t tfrom till'rnen1, althoughltilt
latttr ipart of tile forenoon 5was0sp1e111 0110thinig Ihich ltile conltstnlt f11(1wasti' t(siest andlften id
in1 lokin~g over till'n1100l11150bsid- sholud relellier is tha~t 11(1lpro1mp1t- nt'atsf. Itwa' . rbutte to
ing. Thle senior last class 10110visitedl ing sill beI'allwedt~. If a conltstnlt tle cr011'that till executive ofIce,
iandt several of 0110 comilttee enter- forgots ihis speechlwthile 1upo011tilwh red11 t ltem1(s(10(111rd1, 111(1 to
tained tile classwstllsadvice 00 legallat10form nd 11(recives lassisace 11011t 011011: i'I only1)'ha1(1to~se 111011 110
lractice. ThleyilisoIexpi fsedl (beltanybody ill tile 1ll1ilOc, ill' sillnomntslgeIwudbe ilngo
views iln regladltothe University. Il1m111111011ll l on1110111tc thm gailst 11y'other1 0(e(
til 11 lllll~l, 11101tii I O~l~ili Iti i il te lnaly.' Just(letd'((it 1100s(((t
lila afternoon5115ssenthi viit out (f tile conltest by tile judtges. ibtenlgiven tie Yseml~ie flt 11r
insg the difereat lbor tories. Of '1110conltessill 11 alloepe 110t10 Ikhbt tilt'St. P(t, 0110hwa
tile lllelical laboraltories tosel tof Dr. 1r. m~(1. ill tiltLast Builing, Ioom (T.notpresntItlalPthightl
Vaughan~l, 1I01tillllIand(1Lombardl MmbersofIlltileOratorical Assoia..110P~ol 111 uilnlg(lelg
stre visitted. 111100se orking in11heti0111w(ill Ie adml~itted (Ill 1presntation1gt lthe11plrise."
lboratories received 01h0(01 Othtllsi- of m(emlber'sip tieces. To otira A New Bra in Whist.
tsticaly. A sholrt 011110 100 a11s01tile Oadmlisaion1(ill e Inomlina. '11(e [1h1University Wist Clb bh((s
spent illtile engieeringg iaboratry folosing sill be tlhe ((rder (f tilce 1((010tile conclusionthat011151o01 20
wtatcinig tile 011011practice. The contests: m(1n110011(10 (1(110to1floisinig whist5
last departmeont visitedl by 1110 cornl- Jun1ior Law, Fob. 20. clib and t 0o1(10mettin~g 10001101(
nilttee ws Sthe gymn~easium~, whiere Sophomolre Literary, Feb. 21. Tlhursday Inigit 011 ty (1(11 decide
they produoced some consternation Freashsan Las, Feb. 23. whehetio ,1g on(1or to givolnjI 01(
among the classes of Barbour Gym- Junior Litesary, Fel. 25. gl~ti eiar llbro (1
Ilassu rn. Senior Litosary, IFo. 27. speecihes took 1(1ac0 sith1 the result
President Angelswhens asked wiat -ta h lbuaiosydcddt
sould be tile result of the inspectionl Freshmen Laws Will Banquet. tiaYiecu lll1Il(S) oioit
an~d 1(01 large an appropriation tihey 'rie fresislsetllaw held a Imetilg take a 1101 leaso (f life, to fill p its
would recomme~snd, had little to say. yesterdiay afternoonlI to consider 0110 rankis witl (OetIlmembiers anti to bring
He sid: 11I0 is for tisem not for 111, (atter of st cass banqut (11101tisothso club up~ to its high stndallr of
to docide wiat tile)' are going to do. Washingtons Birthday ceebration.las11t year. Tihe trolbe 1(5s been t1(01
It would be more proper for 11(011 to Aftr a sarp dicussion tile report temmeshv o enatv
an15o001100 1110result of tileilrvisit, of tile lcommlitteon01banqulet sas ac eoulllghi 1(0year 11n gttin~g 1(0(
They sill have to 11do oethinlg very cped. TIhie bantqut is to he held maltria~ 10llnothoclb 0and the old
00011 for all bills to ie pased tiis at tile Cooklou1110 (ext Fridlay, Feb. m~emlbers haive bolen tdropp3ing (111
sessiols 1t be recommen~olded to tile 24, and1tcost2 i lte. Amto wih hersltat hecuhs
legislature at Lansing before Inext wals mIade to ases tileclass 25 cns wndledOsead11ly.~~05 0gilgo
Tulesday. At thlat 0111( we sill apiecoeffor tile WashinilgtonI Birtihday No eahm brisgng na
knsoswtile ftsii result of tiheir visit.'' celebratioln. 'Til foloswing comm~lIit- ntillhunt1(1 1or n(ew0(((01, (11(13judging
'11ire members of 1110 comittee tee was appinlted to collect 01(0 tax tbyrthillen01thusiasm tllel (StIig
themnselves refused to say anything a1(1dlmem~bers (f tielare retiuestedi01 r t illbeplety100(1(1. 'Thee
for publication. Tim only expres- pay01 10(I 100 t010:\iin 00collg(Ifnd1110(11 dovotecnube(Ifslt
soRn of opinio~nswhich they m~ade w1055Sim~ons, Shlerwo(od, McCandless, 0)1001111aloagot Itml~ I
before tile lasw class. Chamnberlin, Trible, Wickson, Dicies, A. 1)(1(nen Itwho (world1 ie 0t1 lernth ie
tile chlairm~an of tile comml~ittee, Car. Joyce, TIrayer, 1111, 11051, and1 gamle. All t1(0s0 ar iheatily urgdl
toll, Cheever, adPotrresponded Winti11.10en tn nx mei b ells
to ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Tusa eveclsfrsecls x Wenols itr~~l enin~g. Playsillbei
toth cll orspeces hey e- Dental Soietq Election, at 8 o'iloksap. -(1o0110 (eed 110
pressedl themlseves as frendls of tile Tile D0nt0a1 Society hit m seting afraid of joiilg becas 110 is 11(1
University anld decared tihat tile)' thefirst (of til eto ele110ctors a good playerI. These 1100tie very
wtouldi do their best to see tiat it is adapitncsaycrmtes nnta h lbws ogt n
swell taken care Iof at Lansin~g. Theoy The officers lectedi were all meml~bers 1(1n1101150w1111 be0iterestedin 11lern-
stoulid recomm~lend~ an appropriation( of tile jun~ior 0100s. 'rie eletion lig theO ine polints of the gamse Oand
wisens they returnl. Thsey expected resutd: Preaident, A. 1P. 'Thoms; thssst5001(1 regularly. For 01(10
that this tould pass, for 1110 legisa vice-president, Miss Delia fO'Connor; reason1 timetints heartily ivites all
ture is favorably disposed to thesecSOrtrl), J. E. Stoffr; treassrer, ilteldinlg Stisiters to atend tie ((len
University JH oe. 111f110'lS l 1letlg llrdy
T.'he approporiations referred to is st . es. 01Al o mm~rittee ll dalsoa- 1)110 'husdy
intintededafor amIlrlt hospital.oTose
inlitene tougiltwtoisal.UnThe-to arrange to program~s for tile regu. 'rie first prelim~inary gae of tie
comitte tougt tat he nivr-lar fortnightly metin~gs. hadal doubles has been played.
sit)' neod 1(01 and larger laboatories __________ Dacher 5111 Donldsonls defete
but that the need of hospital im- A. M. Smith, '97, is visitinlghasS Dsyer alnd Lalrnour, two tlI 51105o101
provemnet svershadowted all else. friends in Ann Arbor foits fest days. of three.

Up Town
Slats St.

Down Town
Opp. Court Ho u
(lain S

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