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February 17, 1899 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1899-02-17

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Cooley's Taxation
igh. Extraordinary
Hollands, Jurisprudence
Greenleaf, Evidence Vol.


D.A.Tinker&Son JO So W. KOLI.AUF,
Furnishers. Has Received a Fine Linie
334. S. STATE ST. of New Goods.
214 Last Wasina.ton na r -nO Ae

XVpp . 0IBA- Peo
- IMFtercoluato BuranotflRGadCIiG GOStUMC.W. Assess, ~tt Vic ice s. STfTE
J. . P eWAov. 2dot Cire
GOTRELL & LEONARD. Jois . ~t AA t. C ier VNi
AY, N. Y. R r
Cisps, Gowns, and Hoods made to order and rented. Also Ciasos Bl
Canes, (ieeeslHats and Cape,lses College Pins. Address Trasacts a genieral
W. C. KEEN, Western IngeBnkn.Bsnes
Legal H__assell iis cu Paiv. ofCliiaoa BnigIuii
Capitol, S100,00. SurplusendtProfit.-, 140000
Every 1rig in oulr boisis being rep)ainted and varnished 'esossgeotikstioo oss
for spting tifolesehange ousght sotold. P soloS lettesoof
unjw q'E . B. KeNNEl, loe. 5IIAIMSON l
TEOLE'F'4'ONE 106. 515 E. LIBERTY., SW. C.Ati'iSON, Cts'ter.

Mechem. Cases on Agency CanBopytfuirnishiedltotr parties..
Elliott. Municipal CorporationslI D Q ' Q T I W N T
I Capitt al, stt,00. Suiplus' , 000. 5sTr
Elliott. Cases on Private Cor- We call attentioin to or complete line of (,enter Draft -Nickel 1Plated Lamps enPe.a C. 5 in uieesis Po
Oratons ranginig in price from 7.5e to 2.50 each. These Lamps are of the latest and ' Fioes . 1BesoesF. Cashtie.
p ; most improved patterns and makes. Including "Flhe New Rochester, "" The
Yale," "'The Royal," "The B3erlin Studeint Lamp, ""11'The Perfection Student ,p .R
Lamp." If you want the (test Lamp for the Least Afo itey coie nstd see us IfThelfon Mr 'Savings Bank
Old Number: to 0,10O~poo
44 S0. MAIN ST., N Caital t Bok.re' 510.,4sSrl0 50,0.
ANN ARBOR. MaCH. 0 a s-iss-sisonee th t0e,etikOG Le
.....__ _._- --- --- --- ---- _- - ---- .--_ _ - - otftisState-. Receivsrdetposits, . - ndse ls
Storsi bi1 a U. OiF M. Man. { Interpretation oif Faust. I tae.Dts ced upion prpridetifica tion
SH E HAN CO afty depositosto rest.
S ) ,EH N, Mr.-..e. Ihorto2 ln, niersity Of An nerrtai of Fat1t ttwill Itbe'~ e'isre lriottos Sl oe]: Pso; . . ies,:a
{Miecsigant graduiate, iS the author off giveti in Newsberry Hall toniglht at 8 .J. Frits Aesr tt asier~e.
University Booksellers. a story entitled "A Fair B3rigs id ':o'clock, by Mrs. G. I'. Pease of theo
DOW rotltiog it the('hicaogo '1imse- Sopor School of Grotory, ((tie go E E
hlcerl, Stuntdty edition. The 1)ub1- All foiens ao nd moemsbersofsel so-
St udent s'Laundry Association ulshers writem. Stofllettheir agent ciatitot ate invited. dinssitu fle.LAr M B& SPos:T 1
soreOGIT\m I.FX aet o as f-otr" T E.
Wi,. 5ettOii-Wss. i. ~tt, 1too 11Iiconiieetion switli titeinclossedl EnglishbLiterature.
THE GREANDI)T.5NI)1iY, ofC IDETROIT ejcieclar tee thiotight it migh lt be of Cotirsoe -iegil iti(u
The biest high grae ldry- int ssthe Stat Tte. le iterest to you to kiiocc (hat Mr'. Geo. f Wrswrh-nymahnediticfiihinte et l Jn iltiontti to rsswvii I ll meetFa c G ru er
Gove finiosaso ivegn. dn.All osol.promptloy,,Itortoni, the tatthoi of "'I'le Fair i hoo 4 apethal i h
neatiy andI corefully nIds11 >Tapie.11 t h
Ofie225 tt-t ir~~set orsr,.Brigsad' is a gradmate of Ani l osrs sanniounced. We koep everythingnusally kept ina
New s 5tsePhonsee. Xi. iboi'. Doubtless 10a1n)'people ini Ann Lois A. Sris~ds. Sa-ho rcr n lkr.Cl
Arbor wsill remoemeberm'iet. Mr. I__ _ and see ue.
Hotn has uni eentlyeee etl Threi fnesatnga the Atnn 318 S. STATE ST.
M ----t-;;Ui'iited States consul 1at Athenms, Arbor skatiimg park. YOU'RE NEXT
Pisse, Pope Oral snd Crspasitios Greece, stucco tliteimatrial for tite
story wsts obtaimiod. We think if Loecr-At tie Gym Fridasy itighit, U. of M. Barber Sblo
HII. H P,,. NM iE]F1 yomu will csll this fact to tlie atteiitioiia snmake skimn carelcase. Reformn to sud Batlei toolas-
Caneri rrne of ytrirpatromus it cwiii be of consider- I,)Amm~v office aind receive reccasrd. i"J. '. T oewsoI, Prep. sIC s. Stte s o
Frso'rittgartsosesstors, Gray able value to you iii securing sub- -R Z RH NN
I15Oeso i PeeTro scriptiomis ftr ties Seunday 'I'me-s. Me-. W. Eugmme Page, itandoline ISASCIENC
--RTUSO .Herald, ienrd hall be glad if it limes teacher, will be at te School of WeA SaroErCEr or.
THE REnlOW"EoscN ANOm IRTUOO 1mthi resuit." Music on Friday frome 2 to 4, to meet WARREN TE BARBER.
Youers truly, pupils for the second sensetr. 'Thsose T
MR.'W'. EUGENE PAGE, i Ies C'HICAGsO TmaDIMES-1EsAm. contemplsatineg taking the second =I____------------
---eeete are mrged to call aidedee THE MODEL of State Street
Will geve lessons onith(le mandolin and ~ Spoken English. M ABE HPis Dbess &REVY'S
goite at the L ists' ersify Schaool of ie casi vi Page o Friday. BRE H PIt you desire
iTleclsinSpokk~n Fanglishll on-meoy- first-class work and courteous treatment
Music every Friday. For'Terms and IseedTEWednesdayet(noty merleet end
meetot~omdmsy anHams." Ii e played(notto r ge nd hrryat 32.S.Stat -.
hours apply to the Secretary. Moindayaand .Thursday) mt 9. T'1' ie tHo em " Itg s caycoed bo r Bser ereanstrya 325tt t
Ii ol D l sdeach representing a Bose Bail star end will scoer Embalmer and
inoioog -arena, hits as err-era the rame as n aejIFnrlDrco
NDAMorphology cwiii meet Moinday, ped on th ield. Seemtitrepaid is any addrearFses iree
NWediesdtay ead Friday at 10. BASE BALL AT HOME CO., alaolrD ayeor Night
.080, 509. Ciharmer emCrmmrrce, N.10. Ltherty Sir-rt, Beidrace 15S
State Phone 144. GEORE HE-MPL.. Derorit Mtch. Foueth Ace, Phoane29.:

The New Blue
Shades in Gentlemen's Neckwear---
We have just received them---A
little spring-like, but handsome.


1231S. MAIN ST.

...TA! FORS.

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