THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 HILDE BRAND, THE NEW TAILOR: ......................... 4 *+*++4+++++++++4+++++++++++++++*++*++++*++ i 4PPPPPH 7rr ferrrrrTrrr rrrrrrrrrrrrPTVrrrT n rT7T TrTr rTrW'W lw v v ! MWIGHIGRN GENTIUIL The Niagara Falls Route. CENTRAL STANDARD TIME Taking Effect Atsg. 14, 1898. tail ted Express .............347 11.1 ;. Y.&iBoston Special .......45 PintFEastern ............... 4 Atlatic o xpreSS............7 45 A. tX. Detroit Night lxpress........ 5 55o g.,aud Rapids Express.........11 10 Mtail & Exspresa. ...'...t..18A. Al. Boston. N. Y. & Chicos........813" Fast W~etern Express.......... 38 1. mt. ,. R. & K~al. Express ...........5 45 Chicago NigihstExpress .........943 1acitsc Express ........12 30 A. Mt. Something New!I PAPER VESTS,I Plaits tad cloth covered, at all prices from 501c to $2.00 at Brown'Store Goodit thtings~ to wearidihts yottgio skatitig. YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED prassitht the RBOARD you are bettisng.'rTes sakeaochange. Iise us atrial, We guarantee you wittlibe tleased. X2.50 petrtseek. Onttwots blocks fsom tie'Camps--5a23IE.Washt' itn St.--3 sloosswest ofi Slxtltdist Chttrch. J. S. itRSHIR. W.SARER. Props. Stew'ard. ALARM CLOCKS, $1.00. U. OF M. PINS, 50 Censts. 'Fists Watect tepairixg a Speciaty, J. L. CHAPMANI 2SxoeeMEinStreet. oI. Iv. RUGI ES, H. W. stAF-S, G. P. & T. Ag'st, Chicago. Ag-'t Ass Arhor CALENDAR. Valentine Party. --- -- -ttoday, Feb. 20-Pedagogical Mrs. Granger will give a Valentitne r Society, in Itosin 4, Tappan Hall. Thrty next Saturday evening. Tfhe 'w ~Saturday, Feb. 18-Col. W. J. progranics will be sealed and etach y _- - lityan addresses Good Goverinmetnt contain a valentine. Ott accounst of - TLIR'O"AID" Club in Uttiversity Hall on "ItM- the Bryxa lectutre the party will ntc r J ..' iieitxistu. begin until 9:30 o'clock. Admtissoin TIME TABLE TLuesday, Feb. 21-Webster So- 50 cens. cietyEfet 188.Banquet at NickeN sHall. - ___'__ TatngEfetNev. 20,1558. Wednesday, Feb. 22-Hon Chas. FOR RENT--A very tdesirable site Traint tease Ane Arbor hy Cettral Stand- 4. Townewith tonclosetstWellllieteedvwit d Tiste. .witsyncoin UniversitylHalladelivers NORTH 5OCTH Annsusal Wtashington's Birthday ad- htot water. Stationary bowls atnd all NORTHSOUTH ditess ots the subject, "Lest Wesodrcnviee.435.Ii- -8:430A. M. - I5tA. ss. 1 ~ mdFreneiecs 39S ii at12:40 . s. 11:25 A. 11. 1 orget" ionSt.J 1:56 P. D.e:4t . 5hle. Wednesday, Feb. 22-Prof. A. C. ________ Rus htwee ea rhr iedToedooas Mel''augliln addresses Daughters of LOST-Gold watch ectaini attached Alt traias dailty escept Sunday. , tIh' American Revolutiott at Harris to fan, at Gym last Friday night. E. S. OtOAtORE, Agent. Httll at S p. i. ott "Hose Spaita Lost Finder return to this office atnd re- 5'. t-i. nENF-tiTT. 0. P. A. Hecr Colonies."cevrwad Friday, Feb. 24-FreshmtienaLaw ________ DEROTYPILNT &AN A.Bantquet at the Cook Hottse. Ann Arbor is vet'y fortunate itt Go and get a skate on at thte Ann Iaving a btgiiet soko iui BOR RAILWAY. Arbor skating park. It is fine, goods, rota by people who look after Cars leave Ann Arbor for Ypsilanti FOxRDENT-Suite or single; bath, to the Music Co. on Wasbington St. sod Detroit every half hour beginning fttrtnace. 331 Packard S1.,3?. blocks No finer stock of small goods and at 7:15 a. m. U. of M. car leaves City frott campus. 4 shteet tunsic in tile state. t _) I C I' 1' NO NEED To sendl to the manufacturers when yen can obtain a genuine vaSiiurflGutar o Right here. ins Ann Arbor, At the SHAEBERLE MUSIC STORE No. 114 W. Liberty St. 0. M. MARTIN,, FUNERAL DIRECTOR Embalming a specialty. N. 2091 S. 4th Ave. Ambulance nightE and day. Res- idence 302 Fi'fth Ae Alarn Cloclks ® 'IVichim" Plls~D Win. ArnoldLadn GET YOUR LUNCHES AT W. W. TUTTLE-S 338 So. State Street. OUR PHOTOS PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH THE Berryman Studio 1 12 West Huron St. State 5Phe 11a9. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. News Yrk - Chicago. ATHLETIC GOODS. Official outfitters to alt the leading coteges schols ad athletic subs of teoutry. The Saldigticyre, rdda y the Intercotleglate A. A. A. A. Ciaattons, asd attlElhe leadilg olege riders. Eery Bqu- site toe Bae nal, ~ot Bai,Gof, Tosis, Ahletics, Gysmtnas. Spalding's Officiat League Bait tIsEle Official Balt of te Ntitoal Lagueo an l h edn ollegeasasoiatios. Frostsoasy address. Spatdiag's Ofiriia ae Ball udo for 1S9 Sarch 30. 10 Cots. A. . 5PALDffNG & BROS.. New York Chicaga THE BUCKEYE ROUTE. COLUMBUS, HOCKING VALLEY AND TOLEDO RAILWAY, Is the only liesrout the Toledo Uin Station 0to Cousahs ad points bhoynd, usig Lnin Depot termialas at Colmbsi. Paror Carso Day Tans, Sat 2 t. Pullman Slepers on Night Trains Students desiring ueqaaled facilities are is ited tonese the BueyeysRout. Fislh parties lore on application t lent tiet aget, or w. a. FSHER, . P. and T. A. Clmbus,. Ohio. Special i' . of t. cars for all extra occa- lions. Baggage. express and Students' supplies received and delivered. Wait- Icrooams, cirner of Ann anti Main streets, Anni Arbor, 111 Griswvold street, Detroit. The Wabash "Continental Limited"j forsyo time and money. Going home frChristmas? Look here, then. You leave Ann Arbor at 7:21 a. mn. and reach Peru 12:05I noon, Logansport 12:20 p. nm., LaFayette 1:19 p. in., Danville 2:34 p. in., Decatur 4 p. in., Taylorville 4:40 p. in., St. Louis 6:52 p. in., Chicago 2:40 p. in., Indianapolis r p. in., Louisville C7sp.m Coe connections at these -stations for all points in Indiana, Illinois and Mis- souri. The Continental Limited is the fast, luxurious train of the Wtabash Lice and passes Milan going West at 8:07 a. ni. Consult the ticket agent of the Ann Arbor Railroad for rates and tiok him for a Wabash folder. R. S. GREcxsvoos, II. P. A. Ohio Central ines THE DIRECT LINE TO. Bowfing Greens, MBi-iettiar Findslay, Athtenss, CGolhinhmns, NMidleport, and Chatlesttmn, IW. Va. folulesbue trains use Lake Shore LUnion Station at toledo. 'l'laougli traitisswith Sleeping and Drawinig Room ears from Detroit and Toledo. MOU.L'rON HOUK, Geneeal Passenger Agt. L' lRentschler, the Plhotographer. ARE WOMEN'S KN H E Co. ON MEN'S SHAPED LASTS 4 The Newest All Kinds35 Fashions One Price EP Stock will be in our Ann Arbor Store about March 1 st. 3 no EAST HURON STREET. WE PARNZiGODERSDRUG STORE.