3a THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. } m ~ ZI Bryan lectured at the -University "+..,.*..^ ^ M_' ^^^""^"^^" at O ~ .~a4. of Wisconsin last night.an ,ublished Daily (Sudays ecepted) daring the Prof. Stanley has had a second re- $18.00an $20.00 TE College yar, ut lapse andl is very ill at the home of 0 ESSUT an OVR AS TEUNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Prof. Kelsey. [OL' UT n VROT Frmere: The inland Frecs, Hennisg Blck Dr. Wenley is still confined to his ICosBthPne14.ouewhplriy Hesntr- STR LO IN HUE. theuse them as you choose MANAGING EDITOR. ported out of danger yet.o F. NEcncuc, '01 L. All candidates for tle basebal )) IlOUSINESOS MANAGER. teamc are expected to report daily a o. . l~s, 'soL. the Gymnasicum from 1 to 3i o'clock EDITORS. Dr. Bradhacw spoke inc SackeS Athltic Edior .cR. Woousew,'05 L. Hll last night on the subject "...*N++Ni+++++ ++ ?.W Oxs, 9, A.U cDOGL~'1 . . H. Les, '050M,. i"ught I to Study on Sunay?" OUR STERLING QUALITIES V.D.htUDnscecx'011r. IT. 13. wol.,0. B. M.L Aostinc has givenctisp is ptt AEORSLN AVRIES sition aseoicstrcctor -t GGrnet's a++++++«++++++++ soo eslt cc Ncicc. cccccuccttcceImdccncicg school. The suceeccpicspie of thec lActr s 1e 2W foIe Glee Club Notice. , 0 he caee yea, with a regularc I .ivecr)eforec IThere ciiiheeccteeeting of thc nnedac hey. ccus c icc lcicccsa oc ccnttoigic ~ w . othesmttericctend od l Iice ccrcousclbe civercuts Glee Club tngtit mailed to cle editoc befocec p cm.cofcte dacyl loccI 24, at !71). Ill. sarp. OVERCOATS previos co that.o whichcthey crecc. cclcd tc I . J. STPIE Leadter. PUk &ce as you wntuo upic.1,-YLL(IZ :I,.yers o Stttlt nw~tad o wih B In siSTAR CLOTHING HOUSE. klanues. Shcctilcece eill cce tfavorcbye Course in Oranic Eolutio.10 e Crer oa dc,erl pre1Tils coursciii e given durna5ctSngpop ttlr fie ayfineo Alt hangesctitc cccleciiiscg me u st eu inccc thSfieby4pu thedi pciecco chtile ice Ir em cceser as a ose lours enwhc te aetottpat Cusaedicc tie cccccctoscet.Tl 0.1) SAN'llIgs at 7:30 icc the Mtseto n 1. G R1C = S cO T Webster Banquet Lecture Roomccby Prof.IReighar. .J. arcndcccs lveotcl h cclDr. Lillie cnd cwilIe ilustrated MOTR N MNFCUESO Arageet hv nal be ly stereop ticn. First lecture, Thors- CHfEMICAL and PHYSICAL APPARATUS. cloitell for tie banlciuet o X oW eb 10 IGHSUOPIC FINDlNGS. Headualrters for cll Loobr- liter Socity to be givenl Tuesdcay cxeicg . 'e . tor Supplies aight nils011' hall. It is expect. 112S.SaiStrceet An Aoor, Sieh. ed thtat caboct 200Ciii e present. Law-Lit Students. ____________ -- _____________ Rail 1J Samclpson of East Berkshire, Lawc stcdects desiring to elec TRY HOT CHOCOLATE Vtt.,i(, pie ientofcilcsoidy wlllitrorfwrthe itesocietyns cviiiasmaserliterarye wo escin orkelctorw oliterary(alie tstseude.n will repond to toasts are, Gerge secd ccc a writteco application stating 200, EAST WASHINGTON STREET, :Kligly, Lery A. Wilsonce Johna E. (le fact. Laow students cust Iave 316 SOUTH STATE STREET steicn, Cares Simons, acd C. F. Students onltihe ix year course m 0d .rye ysterssred licc any stl. Wiscer. Tickets lay e secred of slould see cce. General Consulta- any of thle followcicng gentlemen, tion hocrs, 12 tcc 12:30, Roomi 2,'. I.B Y George )-larrs, 0. P. Soni, I. Er- A. C. McL AUuolI~N AT S TOi!M I . R 1mb. WAN B. iiodc, acd C. A.- Mitigty. TilE Heart ofl Marln, ALNJ)to INIMIWR( RTFEN THE ____ -~ __- ~PRINTERt JDrt. II S. Bourcns ho wais oe of TheAGAeartF ofo Marylcund," whichbor isel telacolig 1pcarty which raised tiheihave its preins presentation in Ann Abra h testngt .al FOR St.Ga t oF.OL OR Ba, Anaericanc flag 1v01 tile Island of witnessed y a large and fashionable- - __ _____________________ GOnec was icc several dangerous re- audience is plainly evident in the n eoncoitericlg expeditiocns and con- usually large advance sale of seats. ducted tile negotiations cwitia Aminal. 'The Heart of Maryland" is in feaur cc acts, and findo its action during the, do and other insurgent leaders. He period cwhen the Civil War wan at itati carried nesageo cunder fire during height. Throughout the play, the inter the attack ocoMacila. After tihe nt of the spectators centre upon the surrtilr o th ciy ie wo cadestruggle of the heroine Maryland al- offier-etrit Jcoral.vert , to prevent the pursuit of her lover chief healthofie.DtotJunl by in enemies, and his capture, which would result in hici speedy and igncin- Rot. Junius E. Beal, editor of the ous deathc ac spy Of all the wonder- Ti pc coooteSuet'LcueAscain Got'iei,cwiii deliver aco address be- fully realistic scenes, tinged with the ; TIti pc iecog t ieSooeosrecor soecto fre the Business Mecn's Cicas, ct the glamor of romance, whicho David Belas-1 en an devised to enhance the interest congregational chucre, next Succday, of his dracmca, he has never created one immaediately after- the nmoroicgs ser o thrilling, so illustrious of the grnd- vice upocn the subject, "Combuinations nr and force of the power of a woman's ink trade coAd tieir effect oco tie oral love when driven to desperation as that n the belfry of the church tower. y developmcent and prosperity of thiso cossottoy.> Amng the volunteers wcoioocreI ATHENS THEATRE, I_____ _____________________ stationed in the Phillipicnes is J. D. - Kilpatrick of 1900, oce of the fresh- Friday, Feb. 17, 1899 Crescents M. STAEBL ER'S enlistem daatr at the outbreak ofla.tle Hcar Dacicee,lascoGeatIferaCycle3Fj. mastatooseoothsesscH uclecoochte cCyclcetEmpor$35m0 with at Xyomoing regicmecnt whihbhcas H at M rln 3sCent Revel Gear Chaicn-He r of M yan ls, _ $0.00Em oi , snatonce to Macila. At last re of Juvenles, - - - 2.00 119 WEST WAHtNGTON ST., potM.Klao sa c od Ud eIie pesonal drecticon o tc Aasg et Oit Dnlap Deacale Tres. ANN ARBOR. Prof. Jacob E. Iteiglard, director I)avidl Belasco's Comupansy RANGER'S SCHOOL. OF DANCING. of tlhe zoological laboratory of the wich cccecriginal scens ad A - p erTerna of 12 Weeks. University, addressed the Muskegon cecoca e. Prices,a5c, Me, 75c, $a. OR M E PRY EC AUD Y EEIG acid Ionia county farmer' institutes, PROG_____ __ R A MEeAonsEAH byRAppcYen EllEcIhNG . held thiso week at Rtavecuna and Port. -- --- - _vaai sb Apiten.BlS'oe26 land, respectively. The Mutual Life Iris. CO, II E A H N Of New Tak.N E YY The office of the Board of Regeats Asets $277,516,325.36. las Patent Leather Shoes for Sprin, is tie Eglish Flat in the new law building has recently Gluranteslaeger Paidaup Insurenmce cash areaL.e.W hv hcoi uto n ac.I os;aa beene furnished with a new carpetaLoan cannesuicy. Ectended Inruace than anjLs.W aethmi utnad ae fyuwn and nesw desko for each member of Agents Wanted. - besuceosulloo s SecOsf Radsea, orslos th or.Addes, tD. A 1I aeRSNbiaS oS.fctor FRIASH E T AP119 Wnnbongtoa ca 5