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October 06, 1898 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1898-10-06

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'W I i




You May Have
The one you have may be worn out,
and you may want to replace it. We
have them all in up-to-date style.
Our line of Druggist's Sundries is
336 south StateStreet. t
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plies. R. E. JOLLY & CO.
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Complete outfits even to
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dent tovisit ace Bookstsres, whether
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alt your needs and at prices guar-
anteed. Alt kinds of Second-hand
books bought and sold.
Up Town Down Down
State St. Opp. Court House
lain Street

'VARSITY SCORED ON. Literary Societies. James L. High Dead.
Next Saturday evening the liter- James L. High, the distinguished
Scrubs Score the First Touchdown ary societies, Alpha Nu and Adelphi, Chicago jurist and for a number of
ol the Season. will hold their first programme meet- years a lecturer of the Law Depart-
ons of the year. Their work will ment of the U. of M., died in Chi-
Yesterday afternoon the football be ;pushed from the start because of cago Monday, an indirect victim of
men had the hardest practice of the the necessity of making an early the conditions of Montauk Point.
season. The playing was hard and choice of debating teams to repre- Mr. High appears to have con.
considerably faster than the day be- sent the Literary Department in the tracted the illness which subsequent
fore. The Scrubs succeeding in finals, the winners of which will rep- ly turned to a fatal malady at Cam
scoring one touchdown on the 'Var- resent the University in our debates Wikoff, where he and Mrs. High, had
sity and almost worked the ball down in the Central Debating League and gone to visit and nurse their son,
the field for another one before prac- with Pennsylvania. The programmes Shirley High, a member of Company
tice closed. The coaches were aided to be offered are given below: A, First Illinois Infantry, Young
in their work by Street who was at ALPHA NU. High returned from Santiago an in-
Williams College last year and Music, valid, and his parents lost no time in
played quarterback on the eleven and Impromptu...................Mr. Bills
secoytdbaeoh nPhunnygrams.............Mr. Paul going to his relief. They succeeded
second base on the nie while there. DEBATE: ResolvedThat our naval in getting a furlough for him, and
Caley was put at fullback on the strength is incommensurate with our then brought him in triumph to
Scrubs and did excellent work there, territorial greatness. Chicago and to their country home
generally making a good gain when. Affirmative.. Mr. Sweat, Mr. Rheinfrank
ever he bucked the 'Varsity line. Negative.........Mr. Diehl, Mr. Strong at Glencoe.
Mr. Kiteley, Soon after their arrival Mr. High
Whitcomb and Blencoe both made Vacation Etchings...... Mr. Corwin, himself was taken ill. He complained
pretty runs with the ball. Richard- Mr. Reynolds of severe headaches, and his illness
son at left end on the Scrubs got Paper.................... Mr. Moody was soon discovered to be malarial
right into the game and made several MusicI was co dto toablaria
ADLII fever. It was thotglt advisable to
very clever tackleswhich gained him Music-Piano Solo. Mr. Ringolski move him to his town residence,
the applause of the spectators. Ver- Events of the Week ......Jas. A. Evans where arrived Saturday night. Soon
non, who played half on the '95 Re- DEBATE: Resolved, That we should re- after his arrival his malady took the
serves, lined up yesterday for the tain the Phillipines. f f br e '
first time and played left half on tte Affirmative.....Mr. Tupper, Mr. Slaterform ocererospinal mengitis and
Negative..........Mr. Raab, Mr. Pettis became alarming. From this con-
Scrubs. Hat Speaches. dition he never rallied, but lost con-
Oversmith, whose shoulder was Music. sciousness yesterday morning passed
dislocated in the practice Tuesday, is Important business meeting. away early in the afternon.pis
getting along well with it. Dr. family and friends stood around his
Spitzley set the artn and has advised Neo Medical Fraternityj. fati.yaud frento nd his
A.e rtriy th P .ea h bedside, htt were not recognised.
Oversmith to stay out of the game A new fraternity, the PT Beta PhiThe deceased graduated from the
for two weeks. has made its appearance in the Med-L t e te U. of M. in
He was showing up well and will ical Department. The society was 1866. He will be best remembered
be tissed in the line at guard. organized last year and during the by the members of his profession as
The following is the line up: past summer secured the residence of aofessohnH
vASTv. scaCsS. the late Professor W. S. Perry, on atlya auto Hank a books mtue
Brown.............c...........Hampton Washington street, as a chapter productions of recent years, and are
Kramer............r. g.............Allen house. The present chapter is a standard authorities both in this
France....I........1. g..."."."..".. . .Smith branch of the national fraternity ofs country.and .iegan.h is
Dye...............r. t ........... White the same name which has chapters ncountry and in England. His great
Wood.............1. t...Larsen, Symons d work on "Injunctions" is now in its
Bennett............r.e.......Richardson many of the medical colleges of the third edition, the last edition having
Chase...........1. . .. Inglis country. The local chapter starts in received his careful revision eight
Whitcomb oa.......q. .............Mr strong with a fair sized membership years ago. His works on "Receivers
Widman... " .....r. h.........Barabee of representative men of the medical and Extraordinary Legal Remedies"
Aerron o,, .. h. Ya r o department. are in their second edition.
Malone..... " "" Baldwin Kenon's Colors.
Keena,Hoover..... b......Caley, Ba In all probability special decora- Why a Japanese Student is Here.
Foreign Students at U. of M. tions will be made at the Athens Shigeru Matsuyama is one of the
is Theatre, Saturday evening, when the three Japanese students stdying in
The University of Michigan is football teams will attend in a body. the Universty of Michigan this year.
known the world over as an educa- These decorations will be in the maise "Matsy", as he has been dubbed by
tional center. The latest proofs of and blue of Michigan and the mauve his fellows, is Senior Engineer, 21
this are two young Mexicans, David of Kenyon. Kenyon's college yell years old, and hails from Tokio.
Castilla, aged 26, who has entered is "Heika! Heika Heika! Ken- Three years ago he came from his
the Engineering Department with yon! Kenyon! Kenyon!" native land, and passed the entrance
advanced standing from Lehigh Uni- examination to enter the University..
versity, and Emilis Arizpo, of Make Your Entries Today. "In our schools, English, French,.
Saltillo, also an engineer. William Tennis Manager Riegelman wishes and German are taught. English is
Edwin Manhope, of Bailieloro, Cavan the DAILY to announce that all en- very popular, and the grammar
County, Ireland, entered Tuesday in tries for the fall tournament must be schools have it," said Mr. Matsuy-
the Law Department. No students handed in to him not later than 5:30 ama. "I learned to read and write
have enrolled from Puerto Rico or o'clock this afternoon. He will be in it, but did not learn to speak it.
Cuba and the one Hawaiian left last in the reading room of the Gymna- That is just the way you teach for-
June. sium this atternoon for the purpose eign languages in the schools in this
of receiving entries. Tomorrow's country. My first year was very
Outlook Unltacorable' DAILY will publish a complete list of hard to get along in, but now I am
The present outlook for a succes- the drawings. all right as I speak English.'
ful football season at the Michigan "Japan has very good schools, the
State Normal is rather dubious. At The football team of Co. A, 31st grammar grade which takes ei ht
a mass meeting of students and Michigan Volunteers has asked'for a years, high school lasting five yers
faculty held at that institution last game with the U. of M. The man- and college with a three year course.
Tuesday evening, it was made known agement has offered them one of the Then there is the Imperial Univer-
that the financial condition of their middle of the week dates. The Co. sity which is as high as the Univer-
Athletic Association is in rather a A team has a number of Michigan's sities in this country.
bad state and unless some plan can good players and ought to put up a "Why did I come here to school in-
be devised for placing the association strong game. stead of staying there? Well the
on a better financial basis it may be ''Jerry" Harrington, '99, will course at my home is theoretical
necessary to cancel all football games complete his course is Chicago Uni- while yours is more practical.
scheduled for the present season. versity this year. [continued on Page 2.

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