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February 17, 1899 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1899-02-17

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Z h I Ad) }(' 4
VOL. IX, No. 101. ANN AIRBOR, MCH., FRIDAY, EB1RUARY 1 7, 1 89). ri nio CENTS
Slfegxlar practice for the cominig~
leiigt delphiSociet wllr bseal sasnbeanTu dy 1nd{Will Speak in Unicerxitg FHail on
toighdt mel otcetyngnrl l hl illxviicontinue Stedily uti ltdloo ieraim
7 t scndsmetrinw plretig atice is feasible. The cge hasrilirn
rI 1 iihe prograni follows: Music; eur bee ixedlixxlo the muain floor of thas ixoriviili n i irrt
H 6 . H.WILD ® . H ret events, Mr. I leverdoii declix yixlx eeyda rm n Ia~hll, AWilix 1 Jenning lBran xwii
xI' lorton, Mi.AUle; dxeate, tin. g radeeryiiiyheroudxxol3ed at-seak before the G(odiox(vrnmuent
r Thav/I it the i'nitedl t alesslihoxilvtfar ht°f iGidteruyb(xion 'iuperialiox. "L iiol00
E THE TAI LORS .z faifr r te lit.f ianidxatis tixetatperd
xxithxdxawxall svereigntcrm h lxxCp.x un hs htther piut to a large aud~iiee xand at e-
08l E. WASHINGTON ST. 1[xtliilirtiiiii rrxviin ie yar-''athiriii gt oxbe a great maiy ore Ihusiastie reeptxion for i'. Bran.
a .tive, Ar . i Pttis aii Matthxewso;i none too erly fix begiii practice For a ong whil it was a (atter f
ixealive, MTe-rs. hBryaixtand Dexwey;ad as Cpt. Lunnx syo it is atting, unertainy swheter Mr. B3rx xxx culd
Have ut reciex la~rgeo Itelrixxxxxciix'e ex-ircidext Van (wihixgigtxoutti ea n oerniexo xt Howxever, wien he re-
inof Fancy Veo xi fo Hok;lProspetive, iPreoidext C. 1. the xxen whoix nake tie hplxes on the eied iscrixt siciuarge from ihe army
Spring andxx e:1xiaey rtc eot 11 lth ewoethth ol oeo
They xreJxn~xrixtoii , I lrre. Citis xeixrtMx.Slael.teamll viihave to be ixauxy with ie
Thy reImorato tick. For that reiasxxnlte uxrge all wixixever ate was cxxnveiiet fxr
Ldxrcxtfront Londoin. Pleasie L j)I. Ovj aNrsirlili Wr le.A i xoclndxiates fix getiut at xxncelaniigef botl teclxb adim sinxelf, anx the
caladsete.TeAp an \ progrilmxfxr teat xworkt il e cae0 atexf ['ci. 1, xas oettlexd 1101.
meein tnihtisasfolos:A oach (lark io paying esiecial at- lHeias xx~nxxvecxl txx seaki on
talk oltewone tSantiago y tenioto the litcers wo irxe -"heln Tx"bthnte
YMajor Nnlcredei; reaxding, i\Iis tieing every xfternixoxn in the gymxxipxxxlxexxixf the 1thilippxcxixxeogex sei-
Austix; impiirompxit, M. iBexsoxxln; iixt ilce're 1 sir ~os, DMr. Braxi decixexi txx -eak xxi
debate, Jle leedThxat the Uixtx sxrxl itiii lxxirxaxIxmpllierliism."''le xaovi(ifthe
dioxlil ie ilixliixiivs ~ l::ll;i ants foiot iiittePhilixixoinornxiisseinex
ixi soiyd'afl tIixxisl i es wi om re teverl "Sutg Pasvo te- t ooel ops wanx
as 41 _____ ltey l li-anxi (hlarles; linegtive, ixatclly xiis-e igxxi1xi'rei aie ix'e xxiixxlx i:x~in
Ailes x (lwillr ad:Cshun. xi Ix lylikely toi le xevelxxiex,blxxi s yet it theiacceptace xf tle trxai wiih
is txxx exii erii:xxrnke1xxx.iBeliii.e Sjxaiut htieteiti-ixxxfthe islands
Ixiix -diction. nlxr c oiillxy.Hils adihxeoa, to
1>01 -01 ii- vt BTERSO ITY,- - -morroix igt xiixcoti Ii schiel
lii Th igr,iam of Welsfei xSicietc The Celebration oi the 22nd OF iveas aslo hoxxwctie Ihxisiiiixxe pxixb-
C h c l t s for -tixnight is xc foihxos FnIm xrompt ipti Februrxi. hxe shoixldxibxcsetlex.
VB. ilhixxiva, C. D. Laxihs,xxiii F.-Thue addxrsslxx e giveni huytProf. ( Mrl. Bryani vial iriixin AnniiA-
I'.Lyonux dehbate " 1ess1xed, 'iha Anivrexw C. McLauighiixn, xxixWah- hir abiouti niovnxtxxxxvrowxx- xiiixii le
Ithey-nversity vf Michiginxihoulinxih xgiix sBirthdiay, wivlle up~onxextertaixnedxiliiitixi afeixixuix hi
lxFCesh Todiay. le ixxived to iDi-troitiprovidlexdDetroiit '"SpiaixitxxxIi lv-iiiteii States, in !r. Walltr Malck. le xxil be
fiunishi siitaxhe gixixixds xxnxdhbiild- America, xxxdite uay Spainic ire to acmt at the ieiofby tlie leu.irliic
ixgs;'' afirimatie, 'I. A. Coninhiixllxxxv ic hr Colonxx-iies n he Iiehiti-il Cxxuity C('ittxulee andxia diiv-'atxii
AV. P. Leex; negtive, It. A. SxiithxStates t ai xin pios-ssioxi of thexm.' 'Wxfsueitsithhe fUnxi vexsityx badx.
j Sl 1 AI xxiiiand L. L Heapj; critics reiport, It is a suijct fullsf ixitiest attisflu xte lafternoonihexi l biiii:-veil a
WILDER H 1 R1 JA1Y Exeri-. ximeadteeaemnmylesons in ece tio a h Cur oue ythe
0 D~flDdU dil NIU~t. nan Society xiii give te 'Glee Cluxti''hskidly cnisented ISixglex-diss~iickts0 ensre
ifiollow~ ~ ~ inb ,Sg prgronixght:ieCurnatntoaidxivi itfle celebratioxx, sigigservedl sats 2a xdets 1extra. Seas
wil ar,; 1nco s ll ousdayortoic,, igiod Silge';decamtinsoxgs aippropiriate ltx the ixiasioxin. lxxxa' le reseriedxill veuixisit
sighv. iiii hm uCrowlsey; essay Stringer; ortinix, Everyonie is ixviedxi paricipate Wlder's Drug Stre o Stae street.
'robaeco. (rbce enyfxxx
R. . JOLLY & CO., lRydalch; speec, A. E. Browvx; imx- lind to aiii te "M.iVerixxn Ladieo _
308 So. State Street. (xxromptsix disussiox, Messxr. Fileriiaxi Associatiox;'' xxx the "Dauxvghters f Mntrei Sho.
_______________________-j; xxxiJohnxsoxn;:deibate, '".Reoled, the AmixeicaniReoleutiin,'' xixer Te last openie xetig oinuxxsfre
Th'x fat a ostituxtioxnalxiamxendimxextcwhioe aiSiecen the eitertliiiiiieit is shxoxicanuxxiiatsseld xexiyeseray
AIL I sihouldHz l hulxibe secuextiwhiereby Sexiatoxrs giveninxxtie patriotic nwork to wiciixafternxoonilll Romxx(' Unixixrsity
vv~~t~~o ei I shalhi- eected by direct vote f the they ari- espectiv-ey- uleged. 'lhe I-al, axd inixa arrangemxextmuaxe
ieoplxe; xaffirmaivhxe, Dye xanii Clxxxii; extertxaixxmxen xiii be hedi at lairis I fr lie fuxixny event xof te ixleg
lbs extrat that ieell at 21 ieative, D~ay axnd Daxxxexihirg. Hlxl Feb 2 .Tikt05ya.0aae as a indu
cnts a pint is thi same iquality cus and ~ xxx.'ikt 11yar aiie ainhs iilu
adstrength xs thatiwhichxceit. _...--___--- i aimotnothe oiximlete tte mcoxu ilpaxicwand
sells at $1.00 a pint in botties iriiDtiOtiiiAi. SOIEiTY. Baseball With Wisconsin. !ixnwihylo laes Smes TePdgoclScet=wlletseete. MusiailiDiretor Louis
wvt ellondwaels. Some is M'dayeesgogcFlsd-ityxiiitucy- 'radee hsebali gaies have hbeenI Eieiis comiposixg a specislixareb
mawek x ond aery. SOers wt MoWcx 0 t7-iscxxisixxfor this asixiwsritixg specixai music for the
s the straight arice-20c for o'cixck, lxxnroomix4, T'appanxHal. seasoni. 'T'he first two xiiie playexiocsd i txii eteedaxro
apint in your bottle. Subject, "'lEducatioxxal Literatvre" on successive cxays at Madisoni, Aril the managemiet to give a leaxi sixoiw
{ [Senior Enrgineers' Smoker. 20 axd 21. 'ihe tiirt gamie xiileut red-hot from start to finis-onec
ll lt P a~ a hsevenixig the Seior Exginers pae at Derit oxx Decoratioxn Day, replete with local cracks, te iatet
i oidain xformxili haxquef a My 0.-tercoeg games al- ''cooxi''soxgs and funny situationxs.
-- -- -- -Hangtefer's Hallioin Washixnxgtoxn ready arrxxgedl are: Notre Daxme, at The extertainmnxtiill e made tx
1~ax o kssteet. Professor M. . Cooley, Nor+~xe ~ri2,a ii r fit college life axd so appeal to te
La U ISwho has this iweek resruxie theI bor, Juneil; Cornely-l, at Itiica, studext body. The company will e
FoeSec ondhv~x Semeser classes which lie left xwhen cailed May 24; ii-he\Vi-xit, runie 16, 17 the largest aggregatioxi ever gottein
anid into service withx [le Yosemite, xiii ad-1- together on one stage to give a sil-
Fext Booksbe he le guest of honor. Aul the Last evenixg Dxr. Colixs H1. John dent perfxrmnce andI the street par-
otiher muexbers of the egineerixg sox, of Graxnd Eliiiis, ielivered the ads is to e a gorgeous affai. The
[.arr lliitde departmxens. facuty iwili alsi e the guests of fle second lecture inx thex series of the date for the show has not has not
SECON-HANDBOOKS clis. 'The banquet xiii begin at 8 University Medical Association..Tile eex set definitely as yet.
SEON -AN OOS o' ciock. No prograxmxhlsa beex ar- lecture ias lxargely attexnded and was
Boaugiht adyxeuanged. ranged, hut the different professors highly appreciated by xiii present. Dr. MlcCarroi ol Detroit at Harris
Rledut, .nn apers, >0and -naxi5cu J1 iS. xwii he called upon for speeches and Dr. Johnxson's lecture was an his. Hall.
Slite muexers o the cass who have toricai one, andi concerned the his. Arthur L a. Hall ii speak in
7 h talent will be expected to con. tory of muedicine. He traced the Harris Hall, at 5 p. in. Friday, and
\\T A ~ occibtothe ecoyamiteluich f hascowrxexoiteiisted as omixhar tmte spea. atoh amplace turdayil
tcaon.The cmteeyhichof wlenoursexifsnediasmanfrton thxe imeaDr.tJoh e sarrolacfeStriail
ANN ARBOR charge of the affair is W. h. Me- physicik:s efore the Chritian era afternoon at 4 o'clock. There will
lip rown Down Town Kee, chairman; F L. Brown, C. W. down to the liuesent highly developed be young people's meeting sat those
sose . Opp. Cout KQ s Whitney and C. W.Cal. science..-hour.

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