4 4 Til UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. SECOND SEMESTER GO TO Cooley's Taxation High, Extraordinary Legal Remedies Hollands, Jurisprudence Greenleaf, Evidence Vol. 1 Mechem, Cases on Agency Elliott, Municipal Corporations Stabler's Art Store FOR Art Novelties and Fine Frame Mouldings, 217 S. 4th Ave. Phiona. 173. S ALI03B U V'Q5 JOS. W . KOLLAUF, T I O 3 Drugs and Optical Goods fAIIOR Has Deceived a Fine Line of New Goods. Cook House Block, Huron St. Intercollouiato Bureau of tcaaMIeGo08tume. GOTRELL & LEONARD, ALBANY, N. Y. Cape, Gowns, and Hoods made to order and rented. Also Claes Canes, Clasesflats end Cape, Clase College Pine. Addreee W. C. K EeSE, Westen 1Mgr., Haskeoll Musem, Slaiv, of Chicago WE KEEP UP TO DATE. Every rig in our barne ie being repainted aud varnished for epring trade. HO LMES' LIVERY,, TE.LEPHtONE 106. 5153 E. LIB3ERTY. Canopy furniehed for partis. L AD PS .FOSTUDENTS, We call attention to or complete line of ('enter Drett Nickel P'lated Lamps. ranging in price fronm 75c to :2.50 each. These Lampe are of the latest and most improved patterns and makee. Including "The New Iloehesler, ""The Vale," "The Royal, ""The Berlin Student Lamp, ""The Pertection Student Lamp." If yon want the heat Lamp for the Least M1oieey come and see us Old Number: 44 50O. MAIN ST., E N ~ "1 ANN ARBOR,, MICH. D A O 214 Eest WashingtOo St., nearc 5th Ave. W. J. BOOTH,PES. sj_] . 5ARNOD, st20V ice-ps .SIAT C tass 8 ~t Jeas..Woee, Aat.Co{sjs SINGS BRANK Transacts a general, lBankig Business. Elliott, Cases on porations Private Cor-I SHEEHAN & CO. University Booksellers. Students' Laundry Association Wee. VOUGnT-Wme. R. FOX, agens foe THE GRCAND LAUNDRYv, of DETROIT The heat high goade ltadeyiatoe State. The only machitne doesaticefinish is the Wesi. Gloea finish also gives. All week promaptly, fleetly adearefally dose. Office 202 S. Slate s. tesidence 61 atense s.. New Slate Phone. 441. Music Stuodio Plano. Pipe Orgas and Caoesition Rm. H. KKl M PF FroamStuttgart Coaservatory, Getany. 312 S. nieisionSt5. Conaert Piece Teolog THE RIEOW5NED MANDOLIN VIRTUOSO MRg. W. EUGENE PAGE, Will gire lessons on the mandolin and guitar at the tieiver sity School Of Mulisic every Friday. For Terms and hoiirs apply to the Secretary. DAN DALL, State Phone 144- Penin~sular Engraving Comnpangj, DETROIT, MICH. Storiy by a U. ofl M. Man. Mr. Geo. Horton, a University of Michilgani gradoate, is thte auttlor of a story entitled "A Ftair Brigand," now runinig itt the Chicago 'limes- Herald, Sutndaey editiont. Thte pub. lishters write Mr. Stoiflet, their ageint here asefollows: "'In connelcioti with the inclosed circlar we tlhougltt it tmight be of interest 1o yoti to know' that Mr. Geo. Hiortoin, thte author of ''The Fair Brigantd," is a gradoate of Ann Ar- boir. Doubtless omany people in Aon Arbior will remniember hin. Mr. Hortonss ias 01ntilrecently beenl Unitedl Slates consul at Athens, Greece, where the material for the story was obtained. We thtinle if you will call thtis fart to the attention of yk.ur patronso it wiii be of consieder- able vaiuetoeI you it secttrinlg sttb- scripltionls for the Suniday Times- Herald, anid shall be glad if it has this reslt." Yours treuly, TtHE CItlCAeio TIDIES-HTERoAL. LoS-At the Gymo Friedsy eight; a sitake chin card case. Return to DAILY offieeatod receive reward. English Litcraturc. Course 6 A-Etnglish Literattire from iMoilton teo Wordswvorthll viimeet in Rotm 4, 'Tappan H-all, at tile hours annlountced. LOCIe A. STRAUSS. There is ine ekating at the Ann Arbor skating park. LOST-Black silk Mell, black etnamel and silver buckle. Finder please retutrn 534 S. State St. (IC FOR RENT-Suite or single; bath,; furnlace. 331 Packard St., 31 blocks from campus. 4 Mr.,XW. Euigenle Page, mandolin teacher, wiii be at lte Schosl of -Music on Friday frotm 2 to 4, to meet popils for the secon~d semester. 'Those cotttemlplatinlg taking the secuiid semsester are urgedl to call and seee Mr. Page on Friday. WANTED-Everoestosbhy the latest amd moset iateetiagcase eversinveted. "'hotes Btall at Hou"ac" Iaisthsyed hy tees persees: echorepreseltina Bseaiead 'ilesoe its runs, hits ad teosathesaias aneelgaes plaedsanthesfild. Seatprespaid toeanyeddoes 050recei1 of 1. BIASE BALL AT HOaME CO., 508, 509, Chtasher of teseeseree, Detroit Mich. FIRST NATIONAL BA N K ofAn Ab Capitll.S100,00. Surplus aad Profits,E40,00t 't'ratnsataogeneralhbankingbsineos. Foreiga oehangebousght and sold. Furnish lettes at credit. E. 0. KtNNE, Poet. nARRtSON SOU0LE, Vice-Pes. 5. W. CLARSeON, Cashier, Co. Mean adIunStrets. Capital, 110,001. 5Surplus, $30,000. Transaetsa geelhbankinghbsiesse. RRetmPF, Pree. C. SOGReENE, Vice-Pree. The fRonflM or Savings Bank Ca'pital Stock. $50,000.PSrplus, $510,000. Rtesoures, $1t,100()0. Orgaized under thse General Banking Las of this State. Receives delos-its, bhts eand cells aehage sos ths seincipal cties atthe United Slates.Drostlecase'd uoprpereeidenication eafety deposit hooxeto eret. eteese: eChititnMcePres.; W.O.leei sa, Vice-Iree; Chs. E.isocKasCehie;S J. Fritz AssistlantCashier. LAMB & SPENCER, ..THE .. Fancy Grocers We keep everything usually kept ina fscelase Grocery and Bakery. Calii and see ue. 318 S. STATE ST. YOU'RE NEXT U. of M. Barber Shop anti Bath ltooms. J. R. TsteJAxOWSas. Prop. 322 G. State St RAZOR HONING IS A SCIENCE.... We Guaranetee Our Week. WARREN THE BARBER. THE m O DElJ of State Street BARBER S aOP ias uNN& ELY'S BAR ER HOP If you desire first-claas work and courteous treatment try George and tHarry at 332 S. State St. ENOCH UIL1LIILL, FuneralDiieco Cells atteaded Day oe Eight. No. 1e1 E. Liherty Street. Residece633 S Foarth Ave, Phoet1"., -THOSE sNOBBY TROUSERS MIL WARD THE ~DRESS SUITS STATE S Look f r theWhen you receive Lo k o t e ark!I a gift see tihat the namle "I~aller" is on the articlo or on tho box. TJhis is a guiaran~tee that it is good. Souvenir Holiday Gifts! The largest lime in Wash- telsaw County of gifts desirable for ladies and gentlemen. Examine our Stock. 71Wh/~I~1,,58, I