THE UNIYETISITY OF MICHlIGAN DAILY.3 3 The kind that wear right, and NIlE ROBES Fit right, are right, and _____ _____ _____ ___at__RIGH-T PRICE. 50cto1.9G dS ain , Street. MI6BIGf1N GEN~tRfL P.O BBECTILR-E~i 'The Niagara Falls Route.' CENTRAL. STANDARD TIME Taking Eftect .Aug. 14, 1898. MaiiandFExpres .......3 47P.m. N. Y. & BostonSpecial....... 4 58 Fat Easten...............9S43" Atli Expss ...............7 45 A. ii. Detroit Nixht Ixpresa ....... 5 55 Grand Rapids Expess ......I1 10 Mail & Express............S 58 A. St. BuStm, NY. &Cicago.......85130 Fast Western Epress........S1 M. G. R &&Ital. Exrt s ............5 45" Chicano iNight Sixprest.........) 3 Pacifie Expe ............12T30SA. M. We operate the finest tailoritig traide in the city, and equal any iii the State. We i°espectfilly solicit your valuted p)atiitiage. All garments nmade sy, its kept pressed and in r(epair fotr 106 Ei. Hurone. New Si.te J51ose 43. G.EP. & T. AgEt, Cicago, A'S tAnnO Arbor CALENDAR. Valentine Psirhj ________________________________ luisdaiy, 1eb.16-Dr. C. ii. lMri. Graiigiei'williven Va X~leinjl .,-Johnisonitiatliiressies the iMeilSo .- Partiy iiit Satuirdaiyevei.i heii NRBOtd jiri'niiii5still be seailed andi{ eacli 1,<\ AFisay, Pe.24-FreshmniiLaitw ii~ii5 contain Sziait'. On Siclltiiit of ia e tthCokHue teBynlcue the party wi) illio P O~~t liusday, Fieb. 21-Websier So. hiogin iiiiil 9:30 o'clock. Adisioni T it atuta,1ihlsHl. 5 etTIME TABLE ( n~trd 1 i b 51<-Col. XW. 1. -- - - Taisng Effrct, Nov. 2355 1898. IBryan 'olli Iste iiiiold(Goveriimenti l~tI,01-1s1),I -A viery desirable suiie Trainssitaie AnnIArbor b entraS~S.l Stad- Cl1bin UniCiverity 11allion "111- iwithiololsets.XWell lheatediithiii ar50 linle. ______________________________________ ilisiii miot water. Staioiairy bowls ii and all NislZiiS St OC 5.55 XXililsa ellS Jb.22-lIon Clii. ds niiliioniveniienices. 439) S. Divi- 51: .0 . , z l2. S. A. fowvne iinivlrsillti-Hll, dlibverion1555Si. 5 1565 P. A. 8.401 5>. 9. Annu ial XVisliiigi ii's Birsthdiay aidl dlress oniile suibject, °,Lest We Los'-Goll aicl in iii tiaihed "Run bei tw'' iee Ia;ara ndlitISI ToledoSonly o rPiii."o t'ani iii, atGy ii last Fidaiy-i'nighti. All trisdil.liy teeiiiinchy.'' , 2P I A. F'inerretorn tiito ,lIthi fieSill1re- E. s.C SLAIUiISE,Ageent. Wedesday,F.1 22-P1of. 11111 Wv. 11. BENNETT, 0. tP. A. McLaiiglli addlretses Daugheliirs if tceili tlitall. ___________________________________Bllit8 'il oItil "11 litai o s Go ,iiiilhet asate on it the AnnS DETRITYPSLANI &ANNAI4~11~t1 i S iii lii iiJ~n. Siiiii ootArbor skating palrk. It is fine DETRIT, PSILNTI& AN AP 11tir Ciiliinies." BOR RAILWAY. Baseball Candidates. Nii iiatteioi w liii ical youiiareire All canidaties lor the llaseball girin ahg adidi~iiiiii orguitariitihe Cars leave Ann Arbor for Ypsilan~ti teamlliare reqiuiestediloiepor at tie HMsic C()., XvlS liiii iiiiiSt.,clii anid Dotroit every half boor beininig GC daily lfruS 1 toi 4. piliease youi. liiiey havie thei.XXaldoi, at 7:15 a. iii. U. of M. ear leates lily E cN at Xataai Xalb ii-r ine h.all, Detroit, every night after Theater.E.LNClt nriadWshu ntuult. To sem t ltothe inanufacturers when yooutcin obinaSgeiiinse ash urnManolin o Gutar o Itighlt lhere ill AinArbor, At the SHALE ELE MUSIC STORE N«. 114 WV. iberty St. 0e m W Al~IIL.e FUNERAL DIRECTOR Elmhlmimle a sipecialty. No. 2tt S. 4th Ave. Asli~ua intonight alid Say, Kt3s dence 102 lu h 11ie. michIm N Ps . Ar oldJeweler GET YOUJR W. W. TUTTLE'S 338 So. Stite Street. OUR PHOTOS ..ARE.., PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH THE Berryman Studio 1 12 West Huron St. State Ponsme S1S3,s A. G. SPALDING & .BHOS. eN ew-ok - hieseo. ATHLETIC GOODS. Official sotitiooi.toill iii l eaing ii leliiges s cho ls at,,w fi iei i' ii softil utrS y. 'Sir -painig Bic~ycle, Soriddeny the illliiiillititi- . A. .. Clnisand u 1st lifor Ct ii iiBiitiFiioiBail, Golf, Tenii, 151111 -lies, (.yiss 011:11. Spalilinig's Officiat League Batl is tlhei oitil liitheNatioal league indilh ediilillge asii oiiitionese eoolingOrtic iiia iasueSBal Guiide for 189 l i , 1 011 ef5. s0 A. Gi. SPALDING & [tROS., New Yrek, Chicago THE BIUCKEYE ROUTE. COLUMBUS, HOCKING VALLEY AND TOLEDO RAILWAY, to Yttt 5an ipuiio liheyait, axingt'Uion~s Parlar Care oin Day Trains, Seats 25 tts. Pulmat Sieepers as NighIt rans Si~dn i dlliieeJiiu neiitm~ liilSfalitileeSee is tilul11ite t ii(h i e ye o ut~tiiie Fali 5pactiee lage oniaplicinio l0ocal tEit Oetaet, ES W. lS. SCISSOER, G. lI.and T' A. Caiaaiuuas. DoSS. Speciat t. of M.tclisSfor 1all extra occa- aions. Baggage, express and Staitenta' aapplies received and delivered. Wait- lug rooms, corner of Ann and _StainI streeta, Ann Arbor, III Griswold street, Getrolis The Wabash "Continental Limited" Saves yoo time and money. going home for Christmas? Iook 1lire, then. Yoti leave Asn Arbor mt 7:25 a. mn ad rech tPeru 12:05 noont, Logansport 12:26 p io., Lafayette 1:19 p. in., Darville 2:34 p. in., Deeature 4 p. in., Ta9 lorville 4:40d p. in., St. Louis 6:52 p. in., Chicago 2:40 p. in., Indianapolis 3 p. in., Lousville 7 p. m. close conneetions at these stations for alt points iii Indiana, 11 inois sod . is. souri. The tontinental Limits-i is the fast, loxtirioss trais of the Wabash Line and paxoos Eiilin gsing West at 3.07 a. io. tcoosalt the ticket agenst of the Ann Anmor Ridlrood for rates end ask him fo'" a Wauoash folder. Ri. S. GRENuWOOD, M1 P. A. Ohio Central Lines THE DIRECT LINE TO B[owlinsg'Grents, Marietta, i'isiia9 .y, Atlseus5, ColaiiiSSeeu, li(1(IIeiort, and CllarieStoss, W.V. a. Cslumbuss trains nse Lakes~hore union Station at Toledo. Through trains withi Sleeping anid Drawin~g Room cars fromc Detroit aid Toledo. MOULTON HOU5K, Gieeal Patseniger Agt. lentscbler, the llhtograper. - e onto t. nnrZnZYT==T I I TLTTZ~r=ISIE11Z 1 11Z SIZZ ZZZI.ZZF T he11.iZZ11i.11Li ii1ZZZI 1Z1SZZZ Z11..1iZZiiiZ.1111 PuritF MEN5 APED STS N ' I::+ h H H H N NN h h M rd Ed q w H h N N H M ryH N H _ ARE MAKING FtEr ON SH, LA; The Newest All Kinds Fashions One Price " Stock will bo in our Ann Arbor Store about March 1 st. nuo EAS T HURON STREET. K.. :; Na+ u., . N NH +EN M "°M NH u~ H H H N Sht NH H it 4a " HSZH .ZIa~tzX7SSTIex ZxceitBoo0oSZI lioS07esS1toZZoZ3X ,,ESSLS Z i IYoZS S Ie11i1SS~it WE PATRONIZE GOODYIEAR'S DRUG STORE.