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February 16, 1899 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1899-02-16

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rEastern Football Games.
. s ® + Director Baird has recently rc-
Publitshed Daity (Sundays excepted) during the ceived itfers of football gamaes front
coeec year. at leverti of the Enotersa collectes All tof
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, tltt'tt wislit to platy-(nttttieir ltotte
grtotndo sasnt'e utnwillitng to cosrtt
')FFsea: The Intand Presse, tenning Bock. We.Ytl tasrttsttt ttttt
oth thoaes 47"es. alhawrtnadwns
to platya gatne witht tt at New Ravesn
h ANA 1GJN( ITR. susttttimte dariatg te first lart nof
F.ENhaxAnn.'Ot L. Novemaber. Pritncetons wattts a gate
B3USIN. S,'00anANAGE . fssr Nov. it. Penttsylvastia hao alo
0. I. ttOS. 'nL. offered si oaelate early in tieseattne
. >HUrr>ttt outhti. Ao yet nttling defittite htas'
Athtettc Editoe, T. K. Weananse, 'tO L. been doste towardlthte acceptance of
P. W. JONaS, '99, A. tt. Ms.oOAeca.t, '0t E.
F. D.SAssAN, 'On. C. tt. Lena. 'no as, atty of thtese dtes.
G. 0. Itenanes. 'o1aF. J. 0. Wean), 'St.Stdns
ZM4 rmLaw stuento desirinag to elect
literary wo'srk tor literary tudents
The suhscrip~ton pries ofat the' DAILY s, 2'0.foteesesirintgeto elect late sork altottld
he easeg' year, with areguar el'iveytbtefore
non eacts day. Nosticesa, i,,miain, ansd sesadttte a written apsplicatiott tatitsg
other'attejenas tdee rapblaatint'aAss beatha ~e fact. Lane stuetsomtsttlttve
haded 5aintt at thesDILY oicefosrae 8p na..o
matted no the ediso eftarecs3ap. in. afthste day thetendtslsroseent of tseo prssfessos.
previousatota tonsswhich thsey are expcted to Stunletsoontthle six year ecstrse
g acstis inessay tbe'ltft a caaat tt DIY fie, lsallsee e nrl ntla
Meyc's,oSofssaia' s as'atss,soresitah Bsisc~s"'ts.5a5t5
MaaageSbs.ccre il casster a atvas batisstt hosurs, 12 tss 12:30, Roosts 2, T. Hi.
rseportigpsrosmpty a aeatt fica any failure at A. C. Mc'LrsUnatnbth.
Carrers t e livess ape.
All chassgs sinsadverctisinge ssates asset 5se a-__in______
the ofhicesy 4 p. m. en te (ay trevistasso thus Minstrel Showo Men.
an which they ass toapars.
All isersssts o its to e IInconnectedi
T,., f _v nm ~nntctssc5tca W t heN'ntr~.elt daShow nwil tnet


A. tH.0ttt OLALL.

A Large Crowd in Attendance at
Newnberrsy Hall.
Thse fouth annusal meecttinsg of thse
Washtentaw Fasrmsers' Institute cont-
vened at 10 o'closck yestcrdlay tmortn-
itng itt Neweberey hlsl. Tltere weere
aboutt 201) cell-knsowns Washatentawt
farmters presettt. T'he meaet'ing weats
called t's ordler lay thte presidett , \Wias.
Camtpbell. Purayer oats offteredi by
Rev. J. M. Gelstons. After t fete
brief remiarks by' Presidentt Campbesttll,
be itntrosduced Prosf. Clinstons D. Smtiths
of tite Agriculturasl College welo weas
dowen for a tltk otn Ssgatr Beets, Ile
said~ thsere weas asn itent'tse antd swide-
spread interest its thse su estt ash over
Michaigatn. Ile siwelit paticularly
upnpt thse featurso of especiasi inter-
ct to farmeets anis Iprosective beet
The land best suitedl for raisistg
ougar bseets is thsat rater sandysl
frost i2 tos 14 ittchies an deptlh atnd
not under laid seist tiff clay. A still'
clay usasly causeds thse beets tos
brasncth asnd ssake thsetm store difficualt
to cleats titus dlecreasinsg their vaine.
Beets growne ons black mttetk weere
sotmetits very gasts andssiomste tuise
very poosr, tlhought alwcays large its
stze. 'T'le ptrofesoar saisd slant science,
could stat explains thse variationt. iThe
need nsed saus of vitali impostrtance.
It requsires flee years tos produce thse
hest quality of beet sed asad unless
thsis quality is used thse results swill be
At thse cosnlsons of Prof. Smtiths's
papaer thse mseetinsg asdjourncd to tihe
mtesdical lectare roasm whsere Pr'.
Freer gave a msiot interestinsg talk,
illusstrated by stereopsticont viesws tn
thse history of thse beet susgar industry
ansd the methsosd of msanufactsuring
te ssugar frost beets.
Medical Societyj Meeting Tonight
'Thle University Medical Society
well bald its secontd smeetisng tonighat
at S p. us. its tihe lower lecture roomst.
Tlie address of thse evensing still he
given by Dr. Collins IH. Johnssotn of
Granad Raupids. Dr. Johansont is a
gradusate sat thse Univeersity, A. B. 'St,
M. D. 'S81, ansd is presideut of thse
State Medical Society. This lecture
is open to the public anss nil ase
cordially invited.

'l'hursdtay, Feb. 1fs, ast 4:30 p. stn.
sisarpin iaRoom Gt , U. H. At tiais
mseetinsg, rsgsalatr ihnsrs fos'relheasal,
etc. sill ise (let ie
i100 0. 11. H ANys, Manager.
ThisaUssiversity Y. M. C". A. swill
castesrtasin the Y. M. C. A. of the
Mtatte Noarmaal Schosol its a socisal at
Saclkett 1as,111 Fiday evensing, Feb.
17 All yonsstg smetn are welicomse.
Tise ii. of M. Rifles trill reosumea
s'sytasr sdrill, beginnsinig tonighst at
7 :i0. Somimpo alsrtanst Ibusinsess is tos
trantsactedi before tsa drill begins.
Mr. Davsid Belasco's latest pospuar
w iticet eneccessasti a drameatist will he
given its teist ans only pserfossnance an
tis city, at the Attess'Theatre, Friday,
Feb. t7, whtn our plasygoseraswi1lhae
dan opportunty ta jadg- Sac themsselesa
a (tster thtee is any exagcgeration in the
tiberat psasa so eniersaltly bstcowedc
aspen its peefortaes lxsehere. "'Tte
Hteart of \tsrylanti" is 'creanlty in. ex-
5reaciost. thae characters are typical at
thes lieing lhumenity that foartes str
social surroaundinse and the theane of
thse sory neveaover-resch(-s thtenmodest;
of statusac, nor is the atory itself eathter
its incidesnt or astion otter thaan prob-
able. In T3 he tHert of Marylasnd" he
htas soughs. to gice drasasatieuemphasis to
that quaity of da~tntlees couratge sod
heroic selt-sa'rifice withs which lace in-
spaires soasso when datnger theastens
thae ante05) eswhomshlteuasbestawed
her affection. 'The comspany is said to
be* one upon wham site has bestowed
ser affeectton. te ompany is taid to
be oats of the strangest in artistia repa-
tastian that has benn included an thee ans
at aey play att preenst on tour to that

++++++++++++ ....... .. .+ .
Microscopical Supplies THAN PES
Dissecting Instruments.
tEcs'yttsts yusnaeedfrLaboa-a
tory woyuna illsttndthere. j rrinters, Binders,
J. J. QUARRY, -AD- +
Surhu~s oldn S~ptr
Prices from $15 Up. $
- World
COtLLEGE noen everer~ne ass ineited tosesnd car the Washhburn uenir Cetelog.
It contuas narlsy 3oportraitseocuatitsndcollegiuans,bsidsgiving asmeccunet
or the censtraction o Wahuna inastruents andeanuompltesitsfanet pricss.
First-ctuss cmusac dealaersthe maoaoes setl Washurnsornntrumesntns mep be
obtauned ro tma kr
Tis space baelongsto te Stuadents' Lecture associattion.

Friday, Feb. 17, 1899 Crescents M STAEBLER'S
f ai easid c's a O t Internautonat$35.00
I ,Crescesat Bevel Gear Chain- 1515 Cycle Emporium,
Heart of aryiana , less, - --$00
Juvetiles, - .- _ 23.00 119 WEST WASHINGTON ST.,
unaste cpesontsadirectinathe A llftetitaclpDtahbeTrs.A N A B R
D)avid Bel-isco's CompuitLy. GRANGERS SCHOOL~ OF DANCING.
With the OrigialtScenes and As.
Privte Lssos byAppintmnt.Bell 'Photne 246.
The Mutual Life Ins. Co.,PrvtLetnbyApitn.
Of Ne York. * Sosas rfaostle Csrem,hbtt
Asacts $277 516 325 36. ' 7lk I thedantsonee an that te colder
Gnrxtcetsslargernaid-zipot'toostoses h asd Io u antits~aeoeofaour cam
Lahles and xtendeInsurPrettyanumuyMAC WHITE.
AlgetsWanted. i1 10 S. MAIN ST.
Address, D. A. PttatSOtF.Dist. Supt. ttrt t etl Phon e, 1s6;btate, 591,
48t daea., OnesSt Mc.

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