' Ilk> VOL. IX, No. 100. T T H G. H.WILD CO., H E THE TAILORS E; 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. T Have just received a largeT Ain of Fancy Vetings for A ISping and Summier. L iect frei nedon. Please call and see thea. Allegretti's Chocolates Fresh Today. On rDdu addMiOh. Daring the rset at the cellege year we willserv ess etie at al teau,day at ight. Fall ine o f Pipe, Cigas,ad R. E. JOLLY & CO., 38 So. State Street. . Witch Hazel. The extract hat we sell at 25 cents a pint is te same qatlity and trength as that which ells at $1i0t a tpint in o tes with yellow labels. Sate is weak ad watery. Some ie made with wood alehol. Our. is the straight aricl-20e fr a pint in your bttle. dIKiIIS' Pnrhdwd U Law Books Fr the Seondt Semester and Text Books Fr al the deparmets. SECOND-HAND BOOKS Bught and Echaged. Best Lien Papser, 15, 20 ndt2ct tepertb. WAH R'5 ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1899. PENNSYLVANIA DEBATE. Judges Selected ---Sletees o Con- testants. Mst of the arracngements for te Penusylvanica debate wvhich is ti be held icn Uneiversity Hlal oathie first Friday of neset moncth, lave beene conmpleted. The ocnly part rain ing to be decided pas is to select the presiding officer. The three judges zgreed apiec by the tao Uni versities hacve consented tee serve. Judge WilliametWhite is oene of the best known en aciniceNewc Yrk State. He is a ditrict judge, ila icoice is in Buffalio. Hit. Edward It. OMalley also is a citizen of buffalo, N. Y. lie is quite laisous as an retor and many of our students lave lad the pleasure of hearineg 1im. At preseentle is City Attrney at Biuffalo. Hat. J. L. Griffiths is a very praominenet man ice Indicna politic. ie is a well known speaker andclat present is a profesor ice the Indian apolis Late Schoaol. Hisleomee is ice Indianacpolis whlere lieles leld nunm- ous meucicipal and state offices. At thce ilast Repulitcanect steee cocvectin Ie was defeated by oly a few votes fromc being selected as the IRepublicane candidate for governor. At Penncsylvania muclh interest is being showsn in tie deheate acd tey are meakicng every effort tieneccorage acid drill tiheir ea into winncicg aple. Willilacm Draper Leeis, Decan df the Pentesylvancia Lace Scholewtill accatmpaney the team~c. All lace st- leeds ice the United States are ac jnicitted ceicIrof. Leeis is Ie is the authtcr of works n Backestone anti (Greenleaf acn Evidenece. Sketches of tie Pececslvacia de hcaters mcay be interesticng. The leader of tihe debate: Roland Sletor .Barnis, '99 L., prepared at Latreece- vile Accademey, for Priecetn Uni versity aned graduated there wetic the degree of A. B. inc 1696. Ile tienc ecitered tie Pensylvania Late Schooci ceiere ie is ncowestudyinig. He tas ac repcesetative of P'ennsylecania ice the Cornecll debate of 187, buit did tet debate last year. His homee is ccc Philadelphiia. Thce secocud enc: Williama Harvey Allenc is a new debater at Penncsyl. evaniae. He fied a felcohip at the Ucniversity of JChicagoc last yearted note holds the felloiccpc of Pliicl Sceece at Peninsylvania. 'Te tihirdcin: Jacces Wihiteford Rtiddle, Jr., 1900, C. is a gcduae of tihe Cetral Hcgh Scocol of Philadel pcla. He captaicneed his class debt- ing teama last year, acd tak tie Philo prize for tie best criginacl de- bate. He is ace associate editor of te Penncsyvniaananceeeditor ace the Red acd Bue. He is one of the vicee-presidlents of the Pecnsylvania Ucnioncandchaimnc of tle cme- nmittee oci Politics and Natioal Legislation. The altercnate, Thocmas Raeiburcn Wihite comees from Richmonetd, Ind., aced is a graduate of Eariham College 'where he was a meccber of tie stalf of thce college meontly, represented thce college at the itercollegiate tennis meet in '96, and was captain of thce '95_'96 footlball teamccs. Sice comccing to Penntsylvaniatelice tess won prizes ie ic e hlettccnctests acid ascc speaker at lice Cornelel debiate iccst year. He is tttwtV editor of te Americuan Lawe Jegister, a mthelyl legal perioedical piublishcediiy lice Pennsaylvaniae Late Depaertmcenet, aced is alsoe presidiecntcithlie Penncsylvaiac Debaticng Unionec. Michigan's Past Records in Inter- collegiate Oratorio. InJonnecectiocn withe the Oratorieal Conctests ap~proacinig, it ceciy he interestineg to tote thce previous ccit- tests. Of thce eighct ctests whlichi cave beenceled sinece lice founinicg ci' the iNorthcern Oratorical Leacgue. Meicigate has sevecn victocries tee ler credit actd Northwesternc one. Icctihe cantest tehiclh Northwtesterne saten. Micicigant okctihird pleece beicng healecn also by Wisccoine. Ti cocre teas very cloese, out oef a possible 600 pocintls Wisconesine lad 476 andec Michti- gate 475. In thce Ucniversity contests flee Late aced Literary Depa~rtmencts leave eachc weone four firsts acedtoter secondes. 'rie ncamees of tice winncers withithteir raninicgs ancd lice ranckincg iflice ttwo diepartencts tar eachcyeaer are hcere a -* 91t '97 'S Lace Lit Gormliey....... LwL aweee oberats ....... tc aw ee ong ...... Lit Laew Sadier,..... Lawa Lca dlays ...... Lawa Lit Ingrsaihame...I Lit Lit Amese .. ..... Lit Lit Simo s .a ..... a u ie3 4a2i THREE CENTS WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY. Arrangements Nearig Completed btj Committee. 'fle arrancgemcents forlie exer doses to ie heldl cit Wedinesdacy, Feb. 22, icc lie celeiratione of \Vashlig- lac's Birthdeacy are nearly all cecm- pleted scnd the eaceceittee prraisean c enjocyablecp~rogramtc. Thei' Universicty ao seedecidedly fortunecate lee secring so gifted ace oraetoer asconet Ca. A. Townece to deliver tice address, cas afairs at 'casinicgtoacccke it almocest impoessi- ble tee secire te accavaeilcble seakers fronttthentioael ciital. Mre. Townte is ace ortor of nationecal faie aenil ias spoekent actplitical, litereary ancd lpatriotic octbjects icc cll buet ice satets iinte CUnionc, cwtic a degree of acceptaibility cof whichciche ceccy tech feel proud. He is a coccm- paratively youn cg cmcean, being bocrcice 1858. Educcated ice the commoenc schooecls of Michigane le received the tegree offth. B. at thee University cn i861. lie tas thec lass eorator thate year acncdiice1889 was chosen Aiuitiilderatr, eiering anetaddress ice Univerity flal onc "Onesun- tired Years of Democecrecy.'' Mr. Taweceteas admcitted tee tics tar in 1286, practicineg tiree years at Mar- quette, Mici., cee year at Chicago andce since that timce has beetlecated at iDuiutih, Minne. He tas elected to Concgress itt 1894, fromee t hii concgressionalcc district of Minnecsoeta as ac Releicalhnc, hsdo puladirity beicg ttestedl iy cc plucrclityccf 1000cecnd ac cmajority ecf cabout 3,500. On Februrti-y , 1i96 h e cslivered a sipeehe icnthee Ioueicof hRepresenta tive, called "Silver Riesorctinc- flee Duty of tiche eubieane Pary," weicimm encediatey gave himiccnatitnal renownee eoatean eorator and public speakier. His vietsocithie mcney qucestionct cbieing iceacord i thiichis party,lie tewithdte joining tics frces of the Silver Repccbliane party of weiiche ie is naetionecal chiairmcan. In 1896 and 192 lie wsa the fusion candcidatce fior Cacgres ice iis old district aned icesidte of thee ver- twhelinig Repulethlecican jrity tas defeated iy only 7 12 antd 463 votes respcteively. Mr. Towncechat at. waysa beetn atearmecfriencdl of ticsUni verity and rececnly deiveredl a toast at ithe WashingtonccAumncei banquet. Ile feels honoredi by iis icvitatin tee eauddress ihis ealmaetcmater and wil ucdubtedly give us a great speech. His subhjecttilite "Lest We Fr. uet' aced Mr. 'Iotw-ecwtil take lie clharacter acd teaccinicgs of Washinig- tent as ct basis fr sorcte cnsideratin of thee presentc rsis icetur cnational career. M. 'rowewillteih he c guest of DeeaIlHutchcinsodcuring bis visit in the city. It ha ta be hoed that an enthusiastic celcoecetill e tendecired to our dithnguished aumcnus acd guest acd that the student body will co-oplerate twitic the cccmeittee in 'ciharge to reake the Washington Birthday exercises a success. Reserves Picture. 'Varsity Reserves' fodotbal picture will be taken Saturday at 2 p. in., at Hetchier's. F. W. POTTER, 1Ass. Mngr. Notre Dame Indoor Meet. A telegrainc tees received last nigict frocm 'lrainecr Fitzpatrick sayiceg ticat ice twouldi arrive here teocmorrowce after- neoon. Ott lis arrival iceteill iccccce- diateiy takhe chatrge cof thee trecki teatn. It Ices bee decided lee send a tceamc of 11 menc to te indooecr traeckh meeet hceldi at Notre Damce, Mearch 11. althoaugh thtic rack teecee torkha es bee delayed ace accounct af ticscx- ccccinatiatcs andi thee ahbsencee of TIraiteer Fitzpaetrick, titers is still theeeeksc heft focr active work, and Capt. Mcl- Leac esepecialily desires tcthathailod meen teill comecue dct foir reguchar pcre tics. Mete are twanted far beetle the quarter mnile aced tche scrdies. Chciacgoe ande 'Wisconcsine ihave bathe beecn haerdi eltrwirk prepaering foerlice deect, btee thee facet thcat Trainter Fitz- peatrick icas retturned teill putt test vigor icnto the ence anced a teincditec teamaecmay be iloetd tar. Sousa's Band Coming. Ucnder thee attspices ofethie Woan'se Leaegue Sotusa's Batedteillceckes I secocndc appeara-uce itt University Hail Saturday evencing, April 2. 'iTis til afftord a gtood opportuneity far thee lovers atfippular mausic to hesar a fleescocncert. '01 L. Baseball Men. All cacndidates tfor tics 'Of' Law baseball teacm are requested to meest ice Rococ A, at 3i p. :n., Friday, Feb. 17. C. G. FERnRaS, Magr. Up rown State at. ANIN ARBOR Down Town Opp. Court Hlous.e PianSt.