4 4 THE UXIYERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. SECOND SEMESTERf BOOKS Cooley's Taxation High, Extraordinary Legal Remedies Hollands, Jurisprudence Greenleaf, Evidence Vol. 1 Mechem, Cases on Agency Elliott, Municipal Corporations D: .Tinker &Son Furnishers. 334 S. STATE ST. Elliott, Cases on porations Private Cor-I IeterGOI1Gaiat~e Bureau o1flc~afemiGG6ostumo. GOTRELL & LEONARD. ALBANY, N. Y. m i Cap, Gowns, and Hoods made to order and rented. Also Class W. C. KERN, Western lltogr., Hasksell Musemn, Univ. of Chicago WE KEEP UP TO DATE. Every rig in our barn is being repainted and varnished for spring trade. HOI.MES' LIVERY, TE.LEPHONE 106. 515 E. LIBE.RTY. Canopy ftsrnishsed for parties. LAM PSR; STUDENTS. We call attention to or complete line of ('enter Dralft Nickel Plated Lamps, ranging in price from 75c to $2.50 each. These Lamps are of the latest and msst improved patterns and makes. Including "The New Ioleesler, ""