E'"THE ,NIVERSITY OF NIICHTGAN DAMP. 3 It r 1ETI4 C C Larg;est Stock, P X X 4 T$3.00, $3.50, $4.25, GodeeLStet I A 1ZI1 $5.00, $6.00. Goseds II I__________ MIGHLGRN G[NTRRL "The Nigra Flls Route." CENTRAL STANDARD) TIME Taking Effect Ag. 14, Iee. Mal and Express ...........3 47.M.1 N. Y. & Boston Special ....... 4 8 FattEatern.............. 943 Atlantic Express ..... .....P 4 . t. Detroit Nigt Express ........ 5 Grantd Rpids Expres ..........1en Mall & Epress..............9 10 A. M. Bost"". N. Y. &Chicago ........813 Fat Western Epress........t1 Is8. M. G. R& (l. Exr snr -......... 4 Chicago Night Epes ...... 40 Pacific txpres............ 10 85 A. 01 0. W. RCIGI.E, H. W. HAYE, G. P. & T. Ag't, Chicago. Agt Ann Aror TME TABLE Taking Effect, Nov. 20, 898. Trains leave Ann Aror y Central Stand- ard ine. 6-,4 A. 0M. 1,:5 A .+1:0P.M 1:2 A t:56tP. M. 8e40 P. n. -Run etwen Ann Aror and Toledo ons All trains daily excepiSnday. E. S. GILMORE, Agent. s. I. BENNETT. G. P. A. DETROIT, YPSILANTI &x ANN AR- BOR RAILWAY. Cars leave Ann Arbr fr Ypsilanti andl Detroit every half hor beginning at 7:15 a. m. U. of M. car leaven City Hal, Detroit, every night after Theater. Special 1T. of M1. arn for all exra ncca sios. Baggge, express and Stdent' nopplies received and delivered. Wait- ing rssm, corner of Ann and Main streets, Ann Arbor, 1ll Griswold treet, D~etroit. The Wabash 'Continental Limited" Saves you time and money. Going hme for Christman? Look hre, then. Yu leave Ann Arbor at 7:23 a. m. and reach Peru 12:03 noon, Loganport 12:26 p m., La~ayette 1:9 p. in., Danville 2:34 p. m., Decatur 4 p. in., Taylorville 440 p. m., St. Louis 6:52 p. m., Chicago 2:40 p. m., Indianapolis 3 p. n., Loiville 7 pM. Close connections at thee stations for all pointn in Indiana, II nois and viis- ooni. The Continental Linitet in the fast, luxurious train of the Wtaah Line and passes Milan going Wet at 8.07 a. in, Connlt the ticket agent of the Aon Aror Rilroad for rates and ask him for a Watah folder. R. S. GENnWOOD, Al. P. A. Ohio Central Lines THE DIRECT LINE TO Howling G (reen, Alaietta, Findltay, Athens, Cuittnetts, MiVW(leport, and Chlreston, W. Ya. Colunihus trains oe Lake Shore Union Station at Toledo. Through trains with Sleeping and Draswig Roomn cars from Detroit aiid Toledo. MOULTON HOCK, Genernl Paenger Ag. Something Nw FIRST-CLASS BOARD foties ndn NO NE EDmnfcoeswe $ per() eek.'Gentlemen, you can onbtaiin a gentuine PAPER VEST'S, 523Washington St.-8 doors West of Mth- ~ r Mandolin or snae ou li r nlanrt-1ZC~h. vasnur Guitar Plain and cloth ctivered, at all prices a. S. OllAslIl, WI. 5. 1PAilEFH,frm5ct$20 atPoSu rd i eeinA n rb , A LA 1t1 CLOCKS, x}+1.00. At the WOWIS ow sr. D q U. OF i. 1PNS, 5 Cents. SHAEBERLE MUSIC STORE Fine Watch Repairing a Sp~ecialty, N o. 1 14 AV. I isci y St. Gosd thiinigs to wear whieii you go J. L. CHAPM1AN, skating. 206 S:ote MainsSte-i. 0v M, MART INS e3 French and Spaninh. (SeceondlSemeester.) A new cotirse in Frechl will he :ffered by IDr. ]loirliiinl: 26. His- torical Miirphology of the Frenchi lanigtlage, twol hours. Olpeii 1o 011- deints svlo have plashed coutrsc 14. Course 21 ini Freiici, Conteimpo- vary Diaatt., still be given hy Dir. Tliictie. Couirse 4 in SplanislI, Doii Quisxute, still he givenl asto-iotir cause. DR. BOURLAND. Valentine Partij Mrsc. Grainger wiill givse aValentiiis Party next Saituirdaiy e-enin1g. Thc pro~gramieos will be sealed antiech1 cintaiiiaivalenitie. Ont accounlt of tihi Bryain lecture the party still not biegini until 9:30 oclock. .Admiissionu 50 cents. Baseball Candidates. All canudidates for the biaoebiall teaem are requiestedl lo repsirt it the Gyme daily from 1 1o 4. E. LuwNN, Cant. FUNERAL DIRECTOR Emaiilmineu,a specialty. No. 200 Foortb Ave. Amullante nig'ht and day. Ren. idence 3112 Fifth itve. Alm Cfilocks! Win. ArnoldLedin GET YOUR LUNCTHES Lam.-Lit Students. - Lawv stuideiits desiring to elect Fot RTEN T.-Fllrnishled Roomus literaitystork or lierary stoutett Situgle or envoite. All iioderiiciii- desiriiig 1o elect last sork shioulud vemiences. Mrs. E. F. Warreti,1124 seiid tme a written iapplicatiiion statinig East Aim St. 99 the fact. Laiw stiiieints imiiit havc Lost-Aft the Gym Frily iiiglit; line eiidorscement of Ito priofessors. a ssnake skain cartIccise. Reun to Studeiits on the six year coorse DoILY oftice oait receive rewarud. shioutld see imc. Genieral Consuilta- ____________ tioin hotirs, 12 to 12 :30, tioini 2,'l'. 11. When you wish to plai~n the A. C. SICI..Su(;f-N. Mlandlolini Clubi, youti will liot have toi Lostr-Black silk Mell, black aiplolgize fori yourln dolin if yoti enamilel anid silver bulckle. Finider hove at Waldlo. The Music Coi., please return 534 S. Stote St. 00. Wasingtoni St., have a finue stuck. Fk y l11cuetschtetthe lrotogvapbLet. s ? IzizluiiszTxi isiiua 7?7iii~i=II Iiiizza? a~azszl uiaall-la nloonetomel zz ii Tepuritag I~oe (INCORPORATED) H N ARE WO E' MAKING SH E !+N MN NFrF11 y+M QO r N r M [ uYUUH' MEN'SM r APED STS 1H MM N H H N Ar W. W. TUTTLE9S 38 So. Slate Street. OUR PHOTOS ..ARE.., PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH THE Berryman Studio 1 12 West Huron St. State Phonne 139.1 A. G. SPALDING & BROS. New rk - Chicaugo. ATHLETIC GOODS. Officialtfi ttters Ino all the -leading colleges otcci0s alt.,aathletic lsiniocf th cousntry. Thn -tpaltling Iileriddea~n hy the linlercoilugate A. 0...sA. Chalnon,and all Ls leasd ng etllege- riders.PEery tReqai- sitefo toe BasslllFoot Bail, Golf, Tennis, .ath~letic-s, Oyrnnasin. Spalding's Official League Bali Is th it-Ollicial 1Balltoftte Natnional teage Itido Ue atalone toAtletic Sports Spnaloing's Olicia Base Itll Gaide nor 1899. INIaa n-it it.(,e iss. A. G. SPALDING & BROS., Neon York, Chicago THE BUCKEYE ROUTE. COLUMBUS, HOCKING VALLEY AND TOLEDO RAILWAY, Is line only linnsfconmIthe Toledo Union Station tot's::::tint:-anneinont:s beyond, using Union Parloaron noDapTrains, Seatn 28 cts. Pallmae Sleepers onNight Trains Sttudnts desiring nunequalied facilitieo are in vlitdlt ne ite tBuckeye hdoute.oinnllparten ta npplictlion is localticktet agents, o W. HO. PISHER, 0. t'. and T. A., Unoluabus.Ohio. ON SK The Newest All Kinds $3 5 Fashions One Price :3 5 Stock will be in our Ann Arbor Store about March 1 st. 11o EAST HURON STREET. M, kM N NH ..k tir NH HY. N N N K s+ H H N H H MN }M}-- , r R3; LZUZennonnonooTtesnoncnsen, oc aanaoaei ti iS z~i u =z u hhitttihilihhl WEPATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE.