2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. ~i .. U, of M. Turns Out Better Teachers s 1Vb Than The Normal. Published Daily (Sundtaysexecepted) during the The recent Detroit educational bill Cottege year. at in specifyttng the qualificationt: 4 the THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, applcants for positions as superttt_ )Fr~a 'heiatadPn.a Ieaae"iteaa. tendent, (itrectors, attd prieteipals Btoth Phones(47 ders'nanis a gradtttte(of the Nortual MANAGING EDITOR. ttave eight years experience in teacit- F. ENaELHAaD, 101 L. ing whle tite University gradttate a3UttaNESS MANAGER. (teed have tnly six. v. IL. (Iee, 00 L. As att ex-superitttendenit of schools EITORtS. states it 'The Normnal is an excellent Athtetie Editor, T. It. Weenasac,'0 L. ittstittttiott as far as it goes, hut its P. W. JOaEa, '99, A. 11. McDeeca a, 'e E. cors of stutdy cannot of necessity F. D. EAM a, '0, . 1. Luva, 'SM, broaden onis as does a Utniversity 0. 0. Hietacte. '01E.J.. cc.OseD, '00. 1 The ashubscripatio rie atthe DALY ise2.5t fee he cattoge year, wittttareaguaradelivary tbeore eonaeth day. Notices, cnnuuna icattoas,ad ottaer mattereitened frteebtcatieoan mttbe handed ia at the DAnLY attice befoaea8 p a.,or matted ta the tdiltobee 3 pCn. of thttt',ay previoustothatnhch atthey areextectedito ubscritetions meay be tett at tihe DAter atfiee, Meye', or Stofttet's aeaetatet, oe with Iteeleece: Manaager. Subscritberstwilt oeaavoraa ty' reitortiag potlay at this oftice anay tailure at carers ta detiver tatper. Attechanges ia advertieiag amattermtein the ofe ebyattp. n. aa the day previous to that oa which they are toappt~ear. FARMERS' INSTITUTE. Held at the Unicersittibbu Invitation oft the Regents. The Washtettaw Coty Farttters' Institute CwilIte iteld itt Newberry Hall tettay antd tottorrowt. The tteet- intg is hteld its Anti Arhttr at thte intvitation of the Regents of thte Utti- versity. Six sehsionts will he held, the first tharee today and thte last tharee tocmorroaw. 'r'ite follsowintg is thte program. WEDNESDAY. SEcCTION I. 9:30-Suar Beets- Prof. Clitttont D. Setitthtof Atd A. C., anti Dr. P. C. Freer, U. of M. SaC. II. 1:30-Dairy Tspics- C. P. Gootdricht, Fortt Atkinson, Wis., and Dr. \5yttterttatt, M. A. C. SEC. III. t :30-Pt'sgreso and Edta- catistt-Prof. J. L. Sttyder, M. A. C. Haw ts be Happysoante Farme-Mrs. Ella A. Rockwvood, of Flintt. THnRSDcAY. Sat.. IV'. 9 :30-ltie/tigan Schtools and Hsw toIsmsprove Thtett-Prof. B. A. Hintsdale atta Miss J. A. Kittg of thce Normal. Ties IlhilippieeJslands Prof. J. B. Steere. SaC. V. 1 :30-Farti Craps-- Prof. Smtith. Btusiness Part of 1"armt- ing. Social Taxratio. Prof. H. C. Adatns, IU. of M. SaC. VI. Evettittg. Addresses by Dr. R. C. Bootte of tite Normnal and Prof. It. 1A. Wentley. A XWomena's Sectisot sill he held eachc afternooanina charge of Miss Jentnie Buell. These mneetittgs are open to the public. Reception to Bryian. Some of the citizents of Antt Arbor are mtaking eiltttrate preparatitons for a mamamtotht receptiont toCol. NV. J. Bryan, at the Court Hoose, next Saturday. It is exiaected he will he entertained for diniter by Walter C. Mack and for sutpper by Prof. Trtue- blosd. Tue Court Hause will be up- propriately decorated and a good band engaged for the occasiont. Large delegations are expected front all parts of this county aatd neigh- boring cities. Trie Ann Arbor Rail- road has anniotced a special excur- siou rate for this day. A large re- ception cottcmittee of Ann Arbor's representative aaen has been apapoint.. ed and the comnmittee in charge promises to make the occasion a memorable one. returee. Sittce the introductiotn of the tern yetars' pedagogical cotirse intthie University, cotnditionts titers have atiaterially changed, anttionte wit stt takenth il cotase int ceannectiena wetl htis (thter work seetts a more accept- able candidate." All Freshmen Sueaters. eTe fttllttwintgmteti are enititled to wesar thte stwe'aters ttf thte All-Fresh- mten teatti Emerstti, Gardencer, Ira- zier, Leiphesimier, Worden, ''urner, Chtilds, White, Brooks, Spoffarti, Hetover, Hesrstett, Scotten, atid Stev- etts. 'Te Athletic Associationi is at present atot in ecnditiona to buy thtese sweaters attd thte men will probably cave to pay for titeir own, wit sttch assistance as thte classes maay give. 'te sweaters are to be bias witit thte class figures itt yelloaw. Ait sffort will he emade to hadve the fresht- ocent classes, intthic variouts depart- tttents to whiich tite players belontg, proovide the caps. Stearns Collection Being Put in Place. After an interval of two weeks, tite stork on te Stearnts ntusical ctl- lectiont is again being putshed forward. Mr. Ptautl Aorstroea of thte Detroit Art Mtseaatat has chtarge of the stork ad was compelled to leave tttwn for tat eseks. XWitht his retuirta the ar- raugetnentt of the exhibit is being. pressed with all itaste andaltics collec- tion still iin all proabuility soon be' opetn to public exhibition. A frozen water pipe ceticected with thte ratage at tics Delta U. House ex- ploded yesterday mtorninig from tics team formced wenet the fire was ligitted, doing coacsiderable damage. Thte tot coals fromtnhic stove set the kitcentoan firs, antd tics fire depart. taenct was called, quickly puttintgot te fire. Tics damage is estimated at $18.00 and $20.00 NOBLE'S SUITS and OVERCOATS STAR LOTHNG HUSE. Choose them as youachoose; STARCLOHIN HOSE. they are now- OUR TERING$13.50J OUP,______ STERLING_________QUALITIES + + ARE OUR SILENT f-IDVERTISERS.+ +++++++++4+++++++++++.++**++-++++ S$15.00I SUITS and OVERCOATS NOBLE'S Pith them as youaanilaoppeck. They are na-STRHUE IMPRuTERS ANDtaMANUFaACTERcuS OF CHEMICAL and PHYSICAL APPARATUS. MICOSCOPIC FINDINGS. Hleadquiarters for all Labora- tory Supplies li2 S. Matn Street, Ama Arena, Etch. TRY HOT CHOCOLATE, Name lthe it elsewahere. 200 EAST WASHINGTON STREET, 316 SOUTH STATE STREET. The (urgent a-sotetofata ndies in the city, amade hanrty. oysterasnserved inany style 4V BOYS ! ATESTOP!a'MILL~ARD KIDRATTHSTH PRIN TR FOR A GAME OF POOL OR BILLIARDS. Huaron St.IEaast F. and M. Bask.AaAhuMn $200. Go and get a skate on at tlae Ann Arbor skatiicg park. It is fine. I ATHENS THEATRE, Friday, Feb. 17, Daid Itelaco's aGreat Intenationat huccesthej Heart of Maryland Uderatheesaldaretonaofthte athorpresentdhby David Belasco's Comanya, Wth the Orginalt ScenandAn- The Mutual Life Ins. Co., O New York. Assetu $277,516,325.36. Gearar.teea (cager Paid-tip Isacer, ash and Loan Vataesad Exteaded Iasuraace thananay ether coiapaay. AgetaWanted. Address, D. A. PIERSON, Dial. Supt., 485 2d ave., Deti, Etch, Ticis space belsngs to tics Students' Lecture Association. 1899 Crescents MSABEM $35.00M.S A B E S Cresceict Bevel Gear Chain- CycleEmoum less, - - -. $60.00Emoi, Juvenciles, - -- 25.00 119 WEST WASHINGTON ST., Alt Satted with Danlap Detachable Tires. A NN ARBOR. GRANGER'S UNH00J OF DANCING.e $5.00 per Terma of 12 Weeks. PROGRAMME PARTY EACH SATURDAY EVENING. Private Lesons by Appointment. Bali 'Phone 246. A NEW THING Ia Patent Leatihst Shesstor Spring, is the English Fiat Last. We have themn in Buttotn and Lace. If you. want to he successful, look successful and wear our shoes. 1JA 19 1 W, A H E T R , A shirbngian St. An1rbr