4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 4 TH UNVERSTY F MCHIGN DILY STUDENTS Would you save money? Then buy your Books at the 8TU DE>NT8 BOOKSTORE' anitEfiflM& 60., State Street. For First Year Law Students We have Cooley's Blackstone, Anson on Contracts, Cooley Torts, Huffcutt's Cases on Contracts, Burdick Sales, Burdick Cases on Sales. For First Year Medical Students Gray's Anatomy, Stenberg's Bacteriology, Freer's Chemistry, Gould's Medical Dictionary, Vaughan and Novy's Ptomains. For First Year Dental Students Gray's Anatomy, Freer's Chemistry, Gould's Medical Dictionary, Essig Prosthetic Dentistry. For Literary Department Stu- dents We have all the Greek and Latin Books, French, German, Mathemati- cal and Engineering Books. SECOND-HAND BOOKS, DRAWING INSTRUMENTS. Waterman & Parker's Foun- tain Pens. SH[EHt1N & 60., State Street. (Students' Lecture Association.) The complete announcement for the course is out and speaks for itself. To the new students we would like to say that a large part of their college ex- perience will consist in hear- ing and seeing ereat and noted characters such as no other town affords for so small an expense. At least three num- bers on the course are worth one dollar each. The whole course costs only two dollars with an additional cost for re- served seats to the entire course. Once reserved always reserved. S.bitA. CORRECT MODERATE STYLES PRICES The most complete line of un-to-date Men's Furnishing in the city, is at D. A. TINKER & SON, 334 S. State St. dealers in Hats, Caps, Fine Neckwear, E. & W. and Cluett's Collars and Cuffs, Fancy and White Shirts, Night Robes, Pajamas, Bath Robes, gym Suits and Shoes, Laboratory Suits and Aprons, Underwear. Hosiery, Jewelry, Umbrel- las. Men's Olothes to order at low prices, 8t, quality and style guaranteed. COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF SWEATERS AGENCY FOR THE CELEBRATED LONGLEY $3 HAT L We have decided to satisfy a long felt want for an up-to date turn out, and so L have added to our stoch of ne horses and carriages, a [ALLY-HO, which seats L fourtren persons. Coaching parties will sow belan order. Secure a date fur the L Y Tally-Ho. Call up y H H OLMES LIVERY H O Telephone 106. 515 EAST LIBERTY ST. 0 LAMPS F STUDENTS We call attention to our complete line of Center Draft Nickel Plated Lamps, ranging in price from 75c to $2.50 each. These Lamps are of the latest and most improved patterns and makes. Including "The New Rochester," "The Yale," "TheRoyal," "The Berlin Student Lamp," "The Perfection Student Lamp." If you want the best Lamp for the Least Money come and see us Old Number: 44 O. MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR ,MICH. DECNH&. New Games Scheduled. Athletic Director Baird has se- The in cured two new games to be added to which wa our football schedule. On Wednes- noon was day, Oct. 12, Michigan will play noon at 5 Michigan Agricultural College, and attendan on Wednesday, Oct. 19, she will play zation wi Case Scientific School. Both of At the these colleges have good elevens and night Mi will put up strong games. The sea- appear ii son tickets will be good for admissiou duction ' to these games. Mr. Mailo Himself Will Plat. For de Last year, the evening before take priv Pudd'nhead Wilson was presented ate stude here, Mr. Mayo was taken sick, and (A.M.); for four weeks afterwards was in a An hospital at Grand Rapids. His part was well played by his understudy, The Mr. Donald Smith. But this year reopen o Mr. Mayo will play his own part and 324 5. St a fine performance may be expected. ticulars a His supporting company is nearly the RALo sane as last year. At the Athens' please Saturday, Oct. 8. ' Pes WANTED-Trombones, Altos, Cor- To RE nets, and Clarionets. Old members front sui will please send in their addresses at house. 5 once to E. P. dePont, 509 East Jef- Chas. ferson. Mandolin Two newly furnished Suites with all cessor toI conveniences at 802 Monroe St., opp. Ann Arbi campus. 11 chestra M The University homoepathic Hos- TUTOR pital Guild will meet on Thursday at in Greek, 3 o'clock with Mrs. Harrison Soule, try. Te: South University Ave. SENIOR,7 LOs.-A Mercury-foot pin of red Try thi and white enamel. Finder please first-class leave at Steward's office or Sorosis Meals an house. 9-10 day and n CONSIGNED TO US. nn Qcd Prrlt F na i S Notice. eeting of the Oracle Board as to be held yesterday after- postponed until this after- 'o'clock in Room 9. A full ce is desired as a new organi- ll be made. Ypsilanti Opera House to- r. Harrison J. Walse will n the Empire Theatre pro- 'The Lost Paradise." Notice. Ifciencies in Greek or Latin ate instruction with gradu- nt. Call or address E. L. 306 N. State. 9 n Arbor Art School. n Arbor Art School will n Monday, October 3d, at ate St. For terms and par- pply to P R. LATIMER, B. L, Director. notice change of address. 6--10 ENT.-Single room, $1.50; te, $2.25; in a new modern 07 Lawrence St. 5-10 F. Steinbaur, teacher of , Banjeau and Guitar. Suc- Mel Gillespie. Studio with or Music Co. Mandolin Or- lusic furnished. 6-11 RING.-Make up condition Latin, Algebra or Geome- rms low. Call or address 702 Church St. 4-9 e Portland Cafe for board, , and only $3.00 per week. d lunches at all hours. Open light. JOS. W. KOLLAUF, M'JILiOR' oEALE: IN Fine Domestic and Foreign WOOLENS has removed to 214 East Washington St., near 5th Ave. Will be pleased to see old and new customers. W. J. BaoTn, PREas. w. ARnL, 1st Vice-preo J. . Snnac, 2d Vice-pens l N t Jna. C..WALTZ,Ass.ishier t7 BRINK Transacts a general Banking Business. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Orcunale 153 Capial, 10,C5. Surplus ad Prots, 14d,00 'raunsactse5 feneaing business. Foreign exchngetoght nd sold. Frnish lessrs of credit. E.D. KINNE, Pres. HARRISON SOUL. ViePrs. S. W. CLARKSON, Cashier, Cor. Main andoHuronStreets. Capital, 150,000. Surplus, $30,000. 't'ransacts a generalbanking business. R, KExpr, Pres. C. E. GREENE, Vice-Pres. FRE. H. HELseR, Cashier. The flin flrbor Savins Bank Capitastock.S50,.O r. srplurs,s150,. esorcs. $1,10,000 COanied unde he Generl Baking.Lws of this State. TRceies deposits, by and sells casageontse pricipal cities of the Uited States. tDeafts cashe upon proper dentication. Saety deost boe to ren. Orrevses: Christian Mak Pres.;W. D.lHarri ma, Vice-Pros.: tias. E.IHiscoa, Cashier; M. J. Friz, Asistnt Csir. LAMB & SPENCER, . . THE . . Fancy Grocers We keep everything usually kept in a first-class Grocery and Bakery. Call and see ue. 318 S. STATE ST. STUDENTS' LAUNDRY ASSOCIATION. WM. VOUGT-WM. R. FOX, AGENTS FoR THE GRAND LAUNDRY, OF DETROI'r. The beehighre laundry i s the State. The only mahne dometie f5nish in to West. Glove finish also given. All work promptly, neatly and carefully done. The Excelsior Laundry Co., OF KALAMAZOO. Collars..........................1 Cent Cuffs.........................3 " Shirts ......................... isther finish. Satisfaction guaranteed. Give usa trial Office 202S. Statest. Residence 01 Lawrence at. New State Phone. 441. M.W.MILMARD 1 -rr7 ~6 ~ -ANeRfi" r-l.... (1.5 7 0 n a e riu ay a atuuray, ct. 7, 0. A manufacturer's line of Fancy Shirts. Bright, new, natty effects. Unlimited number of patterns. Prices to suit you all. WAGNER & CO.E 123 S. MAIN ST. Furnishers.