2 THE UNIVE"RSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. o " ;" C~ . e Storsj bia a U. ol M. Man. W of~ . n~. Mr. Geo. Horton, a University of Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during ties Michigani graduate, is tite athior olf College year, at a story entitled "A Fair Brigand,'' THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. now rulnning in tlie Chiicago Times- ')FFeucE: The iland Presst, Heonaing Block. Herald, Suniday eiiition. Thie pub-'Bt.hns17lseswit r tflt hi gn ihere as followcs: MANAGING EICTOR. 1t coinnectin with the inclosed F. ENoaEcuAato 0 L. circtilar wo thought it Bight be of BU INES5MANAGER. itterest to yco ttokiiow that Mr. Geo. 0,ii I 'o,00kL. Hortoni, the autttitr of ''The Fair Atltc EDITORS. AtltcEditor, T. B. ow, T. . L. ll~w rigatnd," is a graduate of Attn Ar- P. W. JOES, '99, A. I.M toOIooLsL.i E bor. Douibtlessimaiiy people iii Aiin F. 0. Ecusas,'lilt C. H. Leoc, oo to, Arbtor will reiiimiber Ititm. Mr. 0.0D. HBceoees 10 E. J. B. WOOD, 'tO. Hfortoit has uiitil receiitly beeit Uioited tlaites cosul at Athens, Greece, where the material for the _______________ _______story wo btained. We tltintk if The susciptionopriedoof the DAILY ito 2t50 toerytowiii rall this fact to the atteintioti he cottecse yeas, with a regular delivery hefoe txiib frsdr noon ceA day. Noatices, comamanicationc, and of yctir patronit wl eo osdr other mattes inteodd f oe publicationctrsct be abole value to yotu lo secttioc sob- haided tooat the DAIsY offic befores8 pm., or mulled to the editor hefore :3 p. m. of she day orriptiotis for thte SunditiTimues- previos to that on which they ace expected t0 Herald, aiid shall be glad if it htas Subscriptions way he tell at the DAILY office, tis reault. toeyer's, oa Stofllet's c wstaod, oe with Businss Manuger. 5Subscribers will cofer a lavce hy Yors troly, rep0 orig promaptly at this office anyfailure at earrir o deliver pater. THlE CHICAtho TIMES-HEOAtD. Allichanges inadvertisng matter msabe in the officehbyi4pm. en the day previouseto that ou which they are to appear. Io CHARGEaor TOoDAc'S ISSE, J. n. WcOOn. oTO REVIVE WI-lIST. Whist Club Meeting Thursdaij For That Purpose. A meeting of the U. of M. Whiist Glob will be held in the Masoitic Club rooms Thursday eveing, whten the fate of the organization will, it is expected, be determinsed. At nit time this year itas the club eitjiyed the vigorous existence of its first season, owing to the apathy of old iteimbere and the comparative scarcity of slew mfaterial. T.lhe hotpe ot tite leading spirits at the tine the club was organized that it woulnd almost itmtme- diately becomoe a reitresentative stu- deitt affair, has slot, as yet, beest realized, chiefly, it seemls, because the isitereat ini the gamse wxhiclo it wcas supposed existed was spassoodic raiher titan substantial. At presenst thseclub is ftully eqosipped for the puirpose for which it wcas orgastized asnd one mtore effort wciii he made to isifuse soufficientt life into it to make constissuance seem dlesir- able. It is proptosed to practically re-organlize, if sufficient intereot oil the part of neon mess is manifested. The purpose of Thursday tiight's meetisig is to determitte fully atnt fintally what shtall be dotne. All stus- dents-in the University interested iii effecting an organsizatiton 055 lites simiilar to those of Yale, Harvard, Prinscetoss, Chicago asid other soiccess- ful uniiversity whtist clubs, asid will- ing to back their isiterest by an ex- pensditure of money-a ridictulously small amonst comopared with the ends to be attained, but somewht greater than has been exacted of members of the old cish-are in- vited to be present. It is protbable, though the matter has not been sub- mitted to a vote, that the msesubers of the old club will go in on an equaol footing with new nuen to secuire a re- organization asnd that the sold officero will voluntarily retire in favor of such new mess as may he selected. The cs-operation of all whsist players in the University is invited, on the basis of an equal voice las the rehab- ilitation of whist as a student interest, the members of the club as at presesst constituted, reserving only the right to determine the disposition of its own present interests. The meeting will begin at 7;45 sharp. The Notre Dame Baseball Game. Not tuuclt recetnt progress has been etade in secuirisng gatmes. One owitht Noitre Dame, to be played iii Ansi Arbtor on Josie 10, is the ostly WVest- ern game whiich is at all certaist. At presesit this gamse, with the Toledo League series asid thte Eastern galieo, snakes up the schedule for next sea- son. A moonkey skisn filled with Socot- ruse aloes has been atdted to tile Meseuimo of Ptarinacogitosy of tile University. Thtis is the origistal package as it was sent from Alt-lea. [lie exhibit canse from Moth Bros. &T Co., Baltitmore. English Literature. Ctttrse 6 A-Entglish Literature 'romtilttonito lWtrdsoworth iliiimeet is RIootm 4, 'Tappan Hail, at the hours anntounaced. Louts A. STR.AUSS. Ladies of the Unilversity of Michti- gain, jinssclasses at Mirs. Ross Granger's Schtool of Dattcing. $3 fromt Saturday until the season closes, MN1ay 1. _____ __ Baseball Candidates. All cantdidates for the baseball team are requested to reiport at lie Gyta daily from 1 to 4. E. LUNE, Capt. Yale wiii send relay teams to the Pensisylvanila meet this year. Last year Yale refused to esiter in the tmeet asid ontly Penntsylvantia, Chi- cagot and Michigan wcere in the relay rtaces. I ATHENS THEATRE, Friday, Feb. 17, I David Belacco'so(Treat Inteenational boccees, the Heart of Maryland I UCdesrte peesoal directiont of the authee, p rieate5 hy David Belna-co's Company, With the (Origtnal Scnes andAc- Pciesseoreiecs. The Mutdal Life Ins. Co., Of New York. Guarantees largee Paid-upIns-ueance,Cash and Loean Valuesad Exltended Insuce thau any othe caatpaay. Agents Wunted. Adrs, 1.A. IERtSON, Diet. Sapt., 4d8s5, . 2s d ace., Detroit, t tub Microscopical supies THE INLAND PRESS Dissecting Instruments. * ANN ARBOR Everything Yostnsed tor Lateoeh.g tory workProu will fBinderse. J. J. QUARRY, - B AN-KAER CAMPUS DRUG STORE. j B N OCKKR COLLEGE STUDENTS I THE I COUNTRY OVER SMOKE Prices from $15 Up. ,' Best ~ - World COLLEGE meo everywhere ame invised to send for the Washhorn Soovenir Catalog. Itscontainocerly 300potraisofatsistsnd collegian,besides givinggsameacicout of the constructionoafasnhburn instments and a complete listiofnt prices. First-cassu music dealers the world overrnets Washbarsu, oe instraments may he ubtained from the makers L YON& HEALY, CHICAGO. S1lUDENTS' LECTURE 0. ASSOCIATION, JNIUui Boston Temple Quartette Assisted by Miss Elvie Burnett, Reader. ADMISSION - - - 50 CENTS. 1899 Crescents M. STAEBLER'S $35.00 Cresceilt Bevel Gear Chain- Cycle Emporium, less, - - - $60.00 Juveniles, - - - 25.00 119 WEST WASHINGTON ST., All fited with Dunlap Dletachable Tires. A NN ARBOR. GRAN GER' S CHOL OF DANCING.e $5.00 per Tern of 12 Weeks. PROGRAMME PARTY EACH SATURDAY EVENING. Private Lessons by Appointment. Bell 'P'hone 246. So is oueefamtouts ice Crean,bt IItheeiaferecese taha' thc colder it 15geto the saore of ourae 333yoa nant. It'sPrety **lE3 MAC WHITE, S ty C1d113 10S. MAIN ST. BEN ell Phone, 500; State, 155,