iix %4d r o ' lri f I III ( { ' I I_ \ ^ VOL. IX, No. 98. Vo.IN.9.ANN ARBOR, HICH., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 1I, 18 99. Ti-REE CENTS vvWIL4I T HG6. H. WILD CO., E THE TAILORS 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. T Have just received a large Aline of FacyVestings for 1Spring aSure Ldirect from London. Please ncall and see them. 0 R T H E T I 0 R Allegretti's Chocolates Fresh Today. DonuDanUaddNiOR,. Durieg the. test of the college yearwe ailsrvuchse at ollihaurs, day ar nhi.Fal inea at Pipes,aasattd Tobacce. R. E. JOLLY & 00., 808 So. State Street. IWitch Hazel. The extract that we eell at 25 cents a pint it the same quality and strength tts thiat which sells at $1.0J a pint in ho ties with yellow labels. Some is weak and watery. Some ie maede with wood alcohol. Curs itstestraight article-20c Inc apint in your bottle. GAMifS' rhdFllkGUj Law Books Far the Second Semester and Text Books- Far all tht departments. SECOND-HAND BOOKS Bout and Exchanged. Best Linen Paptr, 15, 20 and 25e pertlb. WAHR45 ANN ARBOR UP town Down Town State bt. Opp. Court tIou..e rlain St. HARVARD'S ATHLETICS. Southern Club Banquet CUPID IN ANN ARBOR. --Satitrilay ight the Souttherit Club ___ President Eliot's Opinion on the met at Prettytmatn's for their smii- junior Hop Time Made the Occasion Benefits oil College Sports. attttual bnquet. Sutmse 3ditettblers for a Wedding. saet ownittio a very eicely served sup- 'loughte uio iiifhi Presidenet C. W. Eliot of Harvard per, Dir. Vautghittn tatd Prof. Waite er 0Jiiirlseottl College its his recent attiual report were the guests of the evnitig. arit sotie respects mnttethave devottes contsidertble attentioei to tile The folotwing toasts were rspotd. comse tl i h ttded fispe subject of atiletics. Not otly Htr ed to: pasesersthem.ste a ngemitlesr vtard's, bit college athletics ln eaua- Imtpressiotns, by T. R. Dan, Ki- maytati. 'ulthe treereit ertal are consideelrd, tucky; linis ixed, aid the lights por all Tae startlitig part of the report iin Georgia, by H. K. Morrisoi, Geor-ofclitarofsiilipertces coniniction swithi ialetics is tihat it gia; o theyh chae foatlsfs itr.Bt ftaviirs tinetalblismieit of freshmttanti Our Club, by J. At. Aniersoni,lOt preiminiiary for atweddig the athletics. '[le suibstantce of his arge- Missouri; it1-isalop was a gloiries success, whlich is tiett is as follows: Malgnarnineiity to the Vaquished, "fTe early orgaitiosn uf thre by W. J. Lanier, Arkaisas; very iportnt as its results sill re- frehma crw nd resmanfotbal SuthrnGirs, y J D Doald minssifor a litetimet. fesiaitberae tetimfelttatiefotall s entetGilkyy. D Diti- Miss AilnE. Coeatt, of St. Jeseph, teaite efreth etatiiotheagotwhle Thesitr o loedy. .terain M ., was otite ef the guests of the q uitied eili tchothrandwhie Ttie sarefitisver byeitertsit.Phli Delta Jhi frtterity. Mr. Morria the best leaders its these sports are ing remiarks from Dr. Vaughaitati hd alnctS.iipiM. , s still unpreeved, isan inijiriiits i- Prof. Waite. .iete1.ieer ls ofshe 'eetaph NOi Mr oca wthiche is oftens a istitg otne Atrtleasucety Ipart of the even eeed iteofMisstCoPiettPhave bee Itercollegiate footbtall frygoig ing a brief buiness tetetitg w fiendits lfor eemany years adadeu titl miete wtho haeve jutst joitneel the Uni- held ansd thee tolloewing officers see utknow the stury loses muchi of its veisity, causes it grieve interfereitee elieteel for the secind ulenielr: rotmetncee Thiy tok aevaitge of ewitls their studies at the worst pos- Pre ideet, J. L. Reid, Kentucky;te esiii ttatie h le i Bible timie, sameely, at the vry hein-s.vie-presidet, W. J. Lanier, Ar deided that io mosre auspicouss timie niug of their Univiersity cat-or.'' lkansts; seeratrv, 1. S. Allyn could be (hoistd for a edeisg. Mr. That lart f fle repeort closes wills Georgit; WV S. Singles, Missouri. Ieeli sssle es leei.H a rater edubiousthese of the go od rIes oyaecsieestog eived thet eegree of A. B. from effects of athletic conteests. It is t iehey kentee le theeUnieirisity, is V Yaelivrsitutiy andel sill cotine in be rememeebred theit I'resideit Eliot a hhourishinig cotnditione andelis cal-ehey sdsciall erehr teas~o atldateea teiuu hpesei oe of tlis tudtents fromsetheesctooltadueeiv i erehr its t onthml, atreenuoc s o lot outherii statas. M-ttigsare hel___ext___June._ offoblanevnnwi ntMeig hllhy reconicled to thea gamse. tie thee ist Saturdait e achemothtli TOASTMASTERS' CLUB "It is still us ematter of doubt ewhether :tleroomi cllsefth iee telestsee the istessied gamieosehiche miainlhy- iesyieit raecrilyiiEnjos Its Annual First Semester interest thea public lava at guttd phys. citeadytiembraecodalyi Banquet at the Cook House. hal effect sun thee players. Geeat _________ Last eveninug thea Tastnaster' pats tre ttakens tee prevent unfit rees Handball Doubles. Cle held its sixthsannuautl baquet. frosts engagineg lee tle violent sposrt; Taesetries are tel its tir the Theetaquetas f the club are asways but hue spite set all these effortosusan doeubles inhanduubalteandlthe maettcheendeleightful andushtitleoee was nusex. phlysically unefit for such strainsstheewill be paeyd imedeeitetly. Thea cetionu. Fourteenimemeers of the get into the unilversity recs sitd bal list of aents is quite lrge asd the club withe their younsg lady friends teams. Whether the fiut seme who tgumesedsosuld be very'chese sed exciliitenede to feicit'05 remarks and take part lee thecholuuty conutestaul races n tg. Thee galles must he played otfellnjoedit asuptuous repast. and gamees are thereby mude physic. before the Easter vacaetions, whliche W. S. Gilbert presided as toast. ally itter to bear thnea subsequents gives everyboidy amspleatthee. 'lisa uster cud wills a few well cosen strainss setbusineass or hprofessionual life drewings tir the preimeinaries re- remartksk intoducdleach seateker. s still are ttn questsion. Cases of salted as folielo: Nobody knewt what wats thee suject demeoinstratedh injury are frequent; Adonms, W. McNeil vs. Bishop, cutIis tast until after le was seated let cases of lprovted prfit or tiuvan - Hfffumai. eat the table. Etude acqittet imIir- tage are rest easily to e exhibited.'' Baldinr, oeboorn vs. Niles, Cor sel ire a manereeer which wold lave ''Thee principal beneefit of athletic's wise, onchs redit to thee eitst practiced accrues to the hunedredls of students Walsh, Noordsier vs. Houghton, after-dinr seaker. Thea program shon play twhoulesomue guessesanttak IeaLesilee. wsa as followsee: vigorous exercise withsoutaver being MDler, Donaldson vs Dttyr, L. tOur Nohie Slves-.....Mr. Miller. heard of i intercollegiate conetests.'' Ar-mosur. Aumerican Colonial Empire-... - Ire reference tee the popuular hue- Ryat, Jordane vs. Taylor, Hitns.Tes, hetci" " Itouse-th " Mr. Harrson. resion that igh scholass ire college Chasue,Ilosceli vs. Lownts-euut, uTheeBorngHose,..w-Br. IHanrio. ire apt tee be mean of posr phsysique, Weiss. Sle-------------------.tsr. Eans. President Elict has5cussepjeled statistics Gillet, Gune,hbye. Men of ranner,...- Mica Miller. ,soigthat 82 per cet of all te lobsn and American tatriotism, howig"Conditionally Passed' --Maneq Re--------------Mr. Eston. colege riers examtined dering ttwo ce Notices to This Effect. tolege oieqiriisms, -- - Min Mcereary. yeairscrud 53 iper easel setthee colar. r he ietryD'terueet i ittheordom-----------M... iss Miller. ship swinnrers its thee sateeto years,tlo faie Liiiter tepte nct esll l ichigen - th... - r. Ceverdn. htedt andquiteralcir.dere-itfetw taking combehinedehcourses, lave Course in Organic Eolution. fortre wani aid ger iger.entaero- received their notices fromeethee Ad- This cutrsatwill ha givu during forklthereatong su olarr pcentaeofrs eheistu-etiva Board. It s net yet the pruesent setteestar s a eere hur thiansits thee shole body of tudents knowssn exactly' iows rmansy' conrditiones course, insted of a tteoe lour course exariniued. stre settit this year. TrieUi. as satted its thus'nnunrttscerenet. Tiles vesity authourities, hewsever, state lecureeswilhe glven n hurday Banquet Postponed. that thee nuber stis abotut thne sorte evenings at 7:30 in the Museum Th bnqetwic ws o e ausal tir thee first semsester.1nLee LctnetaItuRm by Prof. Reigard TenhelbanquetFe ith7shas toenluava the seconds semestser thee nubler is ard Dr. Lilie anti sill be illustrated sirled(tir oeeekl. It twill be hlcd asways smraler beaeuseof e the large hy stereopshticonu. First lecture'Ihurs. aott uekHees sstee avenue3 of tuerehar et rleuers swho do not re- day etcning, Feb. 16. Feb. 2. Irs this aditiona~l tisse theelrsatrhefitasuetr C. FreshGaussas Isset pleasing little couuesiteeexseto to ssrk upo nmore G. F. Patl '99, wh stu aore the poern entitled "'lTo a Street Musician" erthusiasu nii the class crd hate a editoriae oa uerds of the Mielliganenusian its the January numseber of Cfurrent larger attentdarnce. The per capita cud Wrinskle has hbee called houe lierure. It is rerinted from the tax will be 62 per plate. by the serious illness of his mother. San Francisco Exuaier. I