3 THE UNIVERSITY OF -AIICHIGAN DAILY. The kind that wear right, I- an N ROBE Fit right, are right, and IPaj am as R at RIGHT PRICE. I50C to $4. Goodspeeds,5Stet MIGflIORN 6[NTRA[ "The Niagara Falls Route." CENTRAL STAONDASRI)TIME Taking Effect Aug. 14, 1898. Mail and Express .............. 7 Pt. N. Y. &Boston Special .......418i Fast Eastern ................943" Atlantic Expregss...........7 45 A. 00. Detroit Night Express........ 5 55" Grand Rapids Ex press .......11 10" M4al1&Express.. . .9 1RA.M. Boston. N. Y. & Chicago .........81B Past Western Esxpress........ 1 30K1P. M. G. R & Kai. Express... Chtcago Night Express ..........943l Pacific Express.............1230SA. 5M. 0. SV. RUGOGLES, H. W. HAYED, G. P. & T. AgtIhicago. Agpt Ano Arbor TIME TABLE Taking Effect, Nov. 120, 1898. Trains leavo Ana Arbor by Central Stand- ard Tint. NOR1TH SOUTH 00:43 .X n.:25 A a. 12:40 P. M. 11:25 A. M1. 4:56 P. M. 8:40P. nRan between Ann Arbor and Toledo osly All trains daily excepitennday. E. S. GILMIORE, Agent. W. H. BENNETT. 0. P. A. DETROIT, YPSILANTI & ANN AR- BOR RAILWAY. Cars leave Ann Arbor for Ypsilanti and Detroit every half hour heginning at 7:15 a. In. U. of M0. car leaveo Cily Hall, Detroit, every night after Theater. Special U. of M. carn for all extra occa- sions. Baggsge, express and Students' supplies received and delivered. Wait- ing rooms, corner of Ann and ?lnii streets, Ann Arbor, 111 Griowold street, Detroit. Something New! PAPER VESTS, Plainl and cliothl covered, at all prices fromn 50c to $2.00 at' Good thiligs to wear whenl you goo skatilig. FIRST-CLASS BOARD (Gn~t lssatd INO NE ED $21'50 er wek.To coo d to the manufacturero when $2.50 pr week.ou0 1.1 obtanin a genuine 523 E.,WshigtoSt.-3 oioor etof Mel Wa I Mandolin or makei c guaseasoe-1'lci hvu n Gui tar . S. PHASi3II, W. S. I IRKFRH loop, bik-wan]. Righ;lt here ion Atis Arbor, ALAIRMl CLUCKS, $1.00. .O(F A. PINS, 50 Cenots. Fine Watch iRepiring a Specoiiy, J. L. CHAPMAN, 206 Soute Moin Streto. French and Spanish. Joidge V. H. Loite, of thocLiw LDe- (Secoind Semlester.) paotniit, ssill speak lit the faiiieri' A.ffe orei rnhwl eisittsa rs eadCre by Dr. Bhoutrlandol: 26. His- toon, Foot. 16 iiod 17, roolectively. torieal Morplology of the Freiocli His hubject is Haobituoal Crimlinials. laioguage, ttoi o oilrS. Opeii 10ostu-___ denits sswlohelip0aosesedl coourse 14. Fraiik C. Kinsey, clhairmnon of the Course 21 ini Frechii, Cooiiico- 1900claslastyoar 011101iiooepeoolciot rary D~ramau,sill he givein hy Dr. relproesentiative 0011isoyear's Jooiior Thiieinie. 11:01:commiittse, iiiteiilotoo leave cooi- Couirse 4 in Spainishi, Doii Quixote, lego000010. Hoessill 1111e the rood for will he given as a to-o~our 0001100 a large nsiirt factoiry. DRt.IBotRL.AND.- Law-.Lit Students. Law stuhdeits desirilig to elect literary work or literary stdtloois desirinigcto elect low ssorksoll senid 1110a0written iapollicantioni sioilig the fact. Luwostulideiots imost liove thie enidorsemienlt of twso profesooors. Studlentlson the six year coulrse souold see 100. Geooerail Coostola- tion hours, 12 to 12.:1), Roooio2,1T. H. A. C. MCLAUUIILIN. Go anid got a skate oii at the Aln Arhbor skating 1park. It is fioe. FOR RENT.-Fulrnishoed Rooims. Single (1orestite. All iiooderii coil. venienoces. Mrs. FE. F. Warreni,1)24 East Annl St. 99 YpsilaniOpoeran Hou~se, Tesdcaliy, Feb. 14. A. vaouoeville aind caike- wcalk by locail society 10010101in llaoock face. 118 1 amil goadal o1ly aceoumuilatliiig 11 miusicl library. elle Music Co. haove a very fine assotmen0lt of thoestand0- arod works in tasty binidiiigs-very 010ea01)too. At the SHAEBERLE MUSIC STORE Nlo. 1 14 WV. I ilwerty St. 0. M. MARTIN. FUNERAL DIRECTOR Embalmoing 0 specialty. No. 2011 Fourth Ave. Ambloancte night and day. Res- odetiee102lithiA vee Mci Wn. Arnold, edn ,Jeweler GET YOUR LUNCHES W, W. TUTTLE'S 3 So. Slate Street. OUR PHOTOS PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH THE Berryman Studio I1I12 West Huron St. State FPhnne 119,5 A. G. SPALDING & BROS. Nesw Ysrk - Chicago. ATHLETIC GOODS. Oficial outfiters no all she leading colleges .coolos art- ath~letic oloolox of Sloe contry. Tiur spaidinsg Ilicycle, ridden ioy the Iftrt000c00100A. A. A. A. Ciootion~s and all thoe I. diog college roders. Everry Requi- site foe Base Ball. booot Boll, Go11, Tennis, ttietieo., Oynioonastol. Spaldings Ofricial League Ball Is th ffci~al Bll of thoe National Leagao stndlail the eadoiogcollego associationst. HadOllieCatolOgue eof.AihletcSpoeto hie o oi o n}oad eexo. Spalding's Otlicia Base Bail Guide for 1h99, Jlao ch s o t en, s. A. G. SPALDING & BROS., Noe York, Chicago THE BUCKEYE ROUTE. COLUMBUS, HOCKING VALLEY AND TOLEDO RAILWAY, Is theooly iy ne 1100tomte oolednoUnion Station eoctttt~ ~ n10000 lntsbyniod, seing Units Olcpoo teriwnas t oi 00 00011 Parlor Cirs on Dap Trains, teats 25 cts. Pullman Sleepers oo Night Trains Sloodlecnde:-iri eoonqooaidcd lioties are in 1 ited to0t0e theBi:t cxc RllieoooFStll pacncua la;onlapplicaon oo ocaltickci suenior FW. itFISHIER, 0. 1'.al T. A., Unlainhco. Ohio. 1CRentucbler, the I1Totogapbcr. The Wabash "Continental Limited" 77I Saves you tilme anod money. Dloing hoe for Christmas?tLaokc hrre, then. Yosi leave Ann Arbor at 7:25 a. mn and reach± Peru 12:05 noon, Logansport 12:26 p , in., LaFayette i:19 p.mi., Darville 2:34 p. in., Decatur 4 p. in., Tai lorville 4:40 p. n~. Louis 6:52 p. in., Chicago 2:40 p. in., Indianapolis 3 p. in., Louisville 7 p.mi. Close connections at these stations for z all points in Indiana, I1 inois and is~- r soturi. The Continental Limits I is the fast, luxunrioun train of the 1Vabash . Line and posses Milan going West at 8.07 a. mn.Consutlt the ticket agent of the Ainn Ar: or Rai rood for rates and ask him fo- a Wauash folder - R. 8. GgEENWOOD, M P. A. Ohio Centra leies THE DIRECT LINE TO r Boswlin.g Greeii, Mnsriettna, M Fliadimy, Athenms, Colussnbxis, 31 itdleport, and Chaalestois, W. Vna. " Columbus trains use Lake shore Union2 Station at ioledo. Thronugh trainis with, Sleeping and Draswing Room cars from Detroit and Toledo. MOULTON HOUE, General Passenger Agt. t T P uritar) 1oe (INCORPORATED) ZZZZ:ZSZZZZI7.T II IIZ 111722 M H VE ARE___________ ON MEN'S MAREN SHAPED MAIG S HOES LASTS The Newest All Kinds $35 Fashions One Price$35 Stock will be in our Ann Arbor Store about March 1 st. "0i EAST HURON STREET. k ~ G .. , .. .. r M M H Nn M + Nr w" rF. Nr NI- Nti r K M V t zdYI3 Y 2ienianinsosa.5sasa.sz.5oaouooc=xaiuaaszz nooononoaanaaanoooaaa ciiuuzuIi. WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE.