2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Published Daily (Sndas excepted) during the College yea. at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. OFEr;o: The Inland Press, Henning Block. Both Phones 147 MANAGING EDITOR. F. ENOELRARD, '01L. BUsINESS MANAGER. O.11. ANs, '00L. EDITORS. Athletic Editor, T. . WooDoe, '00 L. P. W. JONES, 'S9, A. H. MDOo AtL, 'it . F.D. EAmAN,'00, C.H.LUND,'00M, G.D.cHUDNUTT,01E. J. B. Woo, '00. The subscription price of the DAILY is !2.50 for he cole year, with a rgure rdeivry befole aooa each day. N otice, comuncicatins, atd other matter intended for publication roust be haaded in at the DcY ellce rforeb p ma.,r amailed to te editrebeorcee.3 p. mofeltie day previous to that on which they are expected to appear. Su hcriptions may be left at the DAILY office, Sleyer', or Srrtlet's "ewetod, or with Britre" Mtaager. Srrlrciheril coafer a faor y reporting prorptly at this oOlic any failure of carriers to deliver paper. All changes in advertiing matter must be in the oflice by4 p. m. on the day previous to that on which t hey are to appear. IN GARaE OF ToDAY's ISUE, P W .JONES. President Eliot's Annual Report. President Eliot of Harvard has just made a very interesting report as to affairs at Harvard and reviews the record of last year and makes many suggestions for changes. He refers to the question of short- ening the college course to three years. He supports the plan by offering figures showing that a large number of men now complete all, or nearly all, of the requirements in three years necessary to receive a bachelor's degree from the college. In reviewing the work of the differ- ent departments during the past year mention is made of the revision and raising the standard required for ad- mission to the college and the Law- rence Scientific Schosl. Although it was not the intention of the faculty to increase the amount of work necessary, yet a very appreciable gain in scholarship is observed in every department. Free Trade Essaq Competition Open to Laws. Word has been received from the Free Trade League that any student in the University not enrolled in the "Graduate School," may compete for the prize offered for the best essay on, "Whom Does Protection Protect." This decision will increase the inter- est in the contest inasmuch as it throws the competition open to mem- bers of the Law Department. Harry Lovell, '99, has completed his college course and left Friday for his home in Flint where he will re- main for several days. He has secured an excellent position with a large life insurance company in New York City and starts work there im- mediately. He intends to remove there with his wife and family and will make his home in Brooklyn. "Dutch" Ferbert has been called home on account of the serious ill. ness of his sister. As she is ill with typhoid fever it is improbable that he will be able to return for some time. Ralph V. Magoffin, '01, who went with Co. A, 31st Michigan last spring has returned to resume his studies this semester. Prof. B. A. Hinsdale, of the Peda- gogical Department of the Univer. sity, gave an address at an educa- tirrual meeting at Ihpemng, Jat. 27. His subject was "The Age of Schools." Miss Jennie P. White, '97, who since graduating has been teaching English in the Elgin high school, has been obliged by ill health to give up her position and return to her home in Peoria, Ill. Prof. Bradley M. Thompson, of the Law Department, will give an address on early English farming on Thursday, Feb. 16, at the Calhoun County Farmers' Institute, to be held at Marshall. Arrangements are now being made to hold in University Hall a memo- rial meeting in honor of Judge T. M. Cooley and Prof. E. L. Walter. Addresses will be given by Mr. C. A. Kent and Prof. Hudson. The date of the meeting is Sunday, Feb. 26. E. R. Hedrick, '96, who is spend. ing two years in Harvard, will ap- pear before the American Mathe- matical Society, with a paper on, Three Dimensional Determitals." The screity meets in New York, Feb. 25. 'Bill" Allen, of football fame, greatly distinguished himself at the Stafford fire Friday evening by his bravery and cool work in fighting the flames. He has been tendered a vote of thanks by Acting-chief Ed. wards, of the fire department. He also desires to thank other students who rendered valuable assistance. ATHENS THEATRE,, Friday, Feb. 17, David BeIasco s rcat international Success, the Heart of Maryland tnder theyperonald irection oo the autorospesentred iy David Belasco's Company, With the Original Scenes and Ac cessoric. Prices, 25c, 50c, 6e, $1. The Mutual Life Ins. Co., of New York. Assets $277,516,325.36. Guarartees larger Paid.up Insurance, cash and Lrao Value ancd Extended Insurance than any other corccpay. Agents Wanted. Address, D. A. PIERSON, Dis. spt., 40.5 2d ae., Detoit, Ech. j~AII BURY' j Drugs and Optical Goods Cook House Block, Huron St. Peninsular Engracing Compang, DETROIT, MICH. $18.00 and $20.00 NOBLE'S SUITS and OVERCOATS STAR CLOTHING HOUSE. "s theew as you choose; $13-50j 7 OUR STERLING QUALITIES + + RE OUR SILENT ADVERTISERS. + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ $ 15.00 SUITS and OVERCOATS Pick them as you want to pick. They are nowjSTAR CLOTHING HOUSE. IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERSOF CHEMICAL and PHYSICAL APPARATUS. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS. Headquarters for all Labora- tory Supplies 112s. Main Street, Ann Araor, Mich. TRY HOT CHOCOLATE, None like it elsewhere. 200 EAST WASHINGTON STREET, 316 SOUTH STATE STREET. The largest asorttofransosr odies in the city, node houely. O~ysters served in any style. BOYS! A STOP ! MILLARD AT THE KINDLIGfIINPRINTER FOR A GAME OF POOL OR BILLIARDS- PRANTER Hueon St. East nf F. and B. Bask. Ann Arhor. Mich This space belongs to the Students' Lecture Association. i 1899 CrescentsM. STAEBLER'S $35.00 Crescent Bevel Gear Chain. Cycle Emporium I .0011mpoium less, - - - U Juveniles, - - - 2 All Iltted with Dunlap Detachable Tires. 5.00 119 WEST WASHINGTON ST., ANN ARBOR. GRANGER'S SCHOOL OF DANCING. $5.00 per Term of 12 Weeks. PROGRAMME PARTY EACH SATURDAY EVENING. Private Lessons by Appointment. Bell 'Phone 246. A NEW THING In Patent Leather Shoes for Spring, is the English Flat Last. We have them in Button and Lace. If you want to be successful, look successful and wear our shoes. O STORE An AbrtonSt