4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. S w K A 'P K 1Furn islhers. 34S. STATE ST. JOS. V.KOLLAUTf GOT LF. L &LOIU t('oYs,"_. efI1 os.} C an", t:A sdo oo:1: &tr:: r y9ti rrta5. T L PIPIIONE 106. 515 E. t I~l ETY.IUcO ONEZ4 ALF A T }tL g ;itV f,,. 'ic, S H K K H LA iPS-STUDENS IWe call attention to our conmpete lise of (tenter iPraitt'Nickel :Plateit Lamps. ranuginig in price from 7ie to .'2.505 each. These Lamps are of tile latest snot most improved patterns and mlakes. Including "'File New lVollester," "The1 Yale," "The Royal, ""-The Berln Studenlt.amp, ""'[he JerfectimnS tudent Lamp" If youl wanlt tiheat Lamp for the Least M.otley come anld see usj Old Number:E N.{ t 44 S0. MAIN ST.,1 ANN ARBOR. MICI-I DE N &IO A A "1492" AT THlE ATHENĀ°S. #Aspleodid likenese of Stuart is pub- lished elsewhere oo this page, "Thek N male Patti" whose mnsrvelous sieging has created such ferver sod discussioo 5 in the musical world. Many whlo hear him slog io thlat sweetly toned soprano voice of his, refuse to believe that Stuart Students' Laundry Association is not womian. That it is a soprano voice sweetly tooed like a woman's, no Wms. V011T-Rn. IR. Fin:, sgonts for one ever questioed. heonly explanati)o- thlat 1ca1n Ice THE RAN ir.x~iDIZ , o DEROITI ofere 1st.a it is but a gift of God to The hell high grade laundlry in 1the Sate. 'The man. Stuart, although it is not his real only mciel d5oetic inish :1inltse west. name, has almost become part of the Gloe id, also, givns. All 1wor10prompt1ly' aadee o hudh erIi neatly and careflly dloemn niee o.sol eha i orao aia.Stte i. l~ctdcse01 l~wrlc I own name he woelid hardly recognize it. Ofic 2t .Stae rlResidence1410 . : n tStuart is of Italian parentage, his 'eew Sate Phne.441 fmoth~er being a very fanmous singer in the church of Italy. At ilis birth the ifuh Studieo Inmother of Stuart lisot her voice com- pletely, thus is explained why the m100 Place, Pipe Orars and Conossition becaume so endowed by divinity. These arc well known scientific facts, the Pt.. . [( INIPE" nother giving up tier voice for her child. Frel 511 ,l 01 0zz I o v (xruis }o , srcools of Europe, and has appeared throughouit Europe before the crowned 3111 a' Division St. Cancert Piano Tunting ieadts of royalty as well as in all the -flatuous European C'oncert htalls, which alro all of uigh claso standing, whore lie '1HE aENOWNED MIANDOLIN tIRTtUOSO made tritumlph after triumph,.lie baa Ialso triumphalintly ticured Mexico and MR. WV. EUGENE PAGE, !Soulth Amierica. So to thlose who have necer heard him, this wonderful singers Will coo loiie on lie ewadlin and appearance here will be a treat, anid to guitar li thue Vivtii ejsil y tSbll 4 Ia those who have heard bins le will be Miaisic every Friday. For Termnd1: gladly welcomed back tio Denver. Hei ' is a favorite here. Last season his com- hours apply to the Secretary. paniy did a tremendous business here. I le will appiear in that beautiful extrava- A DA L. ganza "14112, and is supported by a ~,, i .most excellent company of artists. His 4ecompany numbers 50 people. At the Stt hn 44, Athens 'Theatre Monday evening, Feb. 6, ID. IF. Dillon, '99 L.,. who has been stuldyillg law illtile office (if Judge Leachl at Palmler, Mass., has' returnied to college, and expects to graduate with his class. Wile ill' Massachulsetts he passed (lie slate bar examlination. {Orations Must Be In By Feb. 10. Any member of the Oratorical Association Inay be entered for tile annu~tal con~test in oratory by placilng three type writtens copies of his ora- 11011 with the secretary of tile asso- ciatioln before 6l p. in., Friday, Feb.' 10, '99, providinlg that the oirationl sliall not contain niore than 1,850 words, anld that the said metmber is inl tile sophtomore, julnior or senilor1 class of tile Literary Departmnent, or either of the classes i1ntile Lawv De- partinlent, anld providing that the said mem~tlber Ias not received any academie degrees, or 1111 no mnore thenl four years college credit in all departments. Jf. A. OPENHE1wm151t, Secy. 417 E. University Ave. h'oa RENT-Side suite; bath, fur. nace. 331 Packard t., 3 , blocks' from camptus. WAN TED-A roomum~ate; good ac- comm~lodation offered. Law preferred. Enquire at U. of M. IDAILY' office. 95 CtlCr, e Main and1 eth:., .uitt;..cO::' R lds', Pres. 5 O ' V n+ ,i- The inn firhor Savinlqs Bank ('apital Stck.ti. steselSurlusic, $150,000. It".oc, 1,10,t0.O. Organiedundertt'e 10 (enrelB1asking ILer cf thts Statc. Receivesrepcoseits, buyeand rct 'ecange on the principal cititesof the tUntted: Stats. Deat al se on ieprperidetnification' iSafety deposit b,,oesto real. OFFCR' a:Christian Mack Pes.; W. 1) llsc man5, Vice-Pree.; Chae. E. flisc,tCashier, M J.Frtz Aesstan'Chier. LA B THE Fancy Grocers We keep everything usually kept in a* first-class Grocery and Bakery. Cual and see us. 318 S. STATE ST. YOU'RE NEXT U. of 3,1. Bar-ber Shosp 1.fa(t Bathy Doomas. J. It. TRejssOWSsm[, Prop. 102 5. Ptatr C'f RAZOR HONING IS A :SCIENCE .. Wec Guarantesoliar vork. WARREN THE BARBER, I-- --. THE MODEL of State Street isDes&eire' 3BARBER SHOP ItisDcyo u desire first-class work and courteous treatment try George and Hlarry at 332 S. Stlate St.. ENOCH, UIELIL Funeral Director Calesattended lassoa Night. No.e 161 F._Liberty A Street. _etnc03 i-art v, 'ee Sc. The New Blue Shades in Gentlemen's Ni \Ve have just received little spring-like, but, hand. 123 S. MAIN ST.& THOSE NOBBY TROUSERS eckwear-- MIL WARD them-__AlT HEAI O .TATAIROR