Inter~oIIealat6 Bureau of R f lcahiiG OtMM.
Caps, Gowns, and Hoods made to order and rented. Alao Class
Canee, ClasIlata and Capa, Class College Pins. AddreeaA LO
W. C. KERN, Wetern Stagr.,
D o Haskell Museuin, aivh. of echiags
Leave orders for Has Received a Fine L~ie
CARRIAGES I of New Goods.
tj ~~ flfiIIP.R' I IMIv O H P P M214 EastS WashingtosnSt., nareitO Ave,
W. Aea), isicepros
LAMPS F_.. TU EN S n xc.wvA, tili:-:::8tVNG
IWe call attention to or complete line of ('enter D)raft Nickel Platetd Lamps, 'Iranoacts a greneral
ranginig in price from 75c to $2.50 each. These Lampo are of the latest and BaknBuies
moat improved patterna and makeo. Incloding' "Tle -New ilocheser""The tnigIoies
Yale,"T"'he Royal," The Bterlin Student Lamp, "IThe Perfection Student
Lamp." If you want the beat Lamp for the Least 1Moneyl come aind see 00 FIRST NATIONAL BANK "fA' a.,
Old4 SO. MAIN ST., A I A (ee 'apiita,1 $C0. .Surplus hcl odifi- 4),:'
r ANN ARBOR. MICH. L . ill i/ ir/s 'i' etoee cac:i aics n e ic 2i::on-c
eEcia LIuhtan sld. (J i.h E _r c
E. I. I INNt ,Pres,. IIAliRIS Sl i ;,i
TNotre Dame Meet. After Mrs. Merrie Abbott. " S,_ rf
- -'Ilie Boaird (if (Cntrol, Satoiday Atty.-GenI.(Oren fileid i ic e sii- s. . ii A~iOs(pCa te
Mighlt, decidecd to 11100 the 1rak =ioene couit yestei'day is iliflIniali.Jn
S ~ teamiltii participiate it this iieet, pro- iiiiniii'einatiire'of a (i1o cccii.11cct tI aru m -'t-I ts f~l~ani
vidlinigtiat the riileosiiiiier which it test lin tie of Mrs. Mcri ill -1 I ,.
is hielud aIe satisfactor-y. Ili foriiier baotto the office oif piosic-cutiig it. j is ci :n i:::S'''
pear's tIlcere fliii beennon' c(iicnlionitonic' if Ogeinan " nnGo. Mai n iro 5 Street s'-
K as li the cilY iiitl iiialiii'isi ~ I lie imaiiaier cof the C ornell base-If ,-2 ยง2'::ci:ecoos.'..
voieof tNsftre urIBoaiiie's at n- hal eamnhacannoiiinced ilthat li iiiter S.HSii'.Coi:C
view o our prictice Wtill bcgin: ibout Fecl. 111, inj
Itriitaidieid the picivisoho its per -IieA'ir liiSile '1 T Rn rhrBnj
nlilssiil iti 1 liiif iuot 'eel justifieid ti ilde grainerithlli oe''tiicwi, "ii.- ; ' avii
allo ing liciian to Coiiipete o itli t" ap gioik.l,50'00',s ~n~e s :,xi
gllhi iig c'lccs' .eici i Inix c ily cit Cicorgia, '~iCS~~tn5o .ed- i05'
Unciversity w ose relpresentlatives ''rincl 0 l ic ii Niilrcl iCiitys: o :'es100 (".:
iii're iiot restrciaiedbyar as evie ru-tles 1 -
Aiaiiii several CS iol l League ieniiics, :ofithics to<itc'. cc':): i de p iits, buys acccii :
a(isii'y 00'i. Mr. Biiird has w'ritteiu _____________Iox cng o00he Si' eu'c~itift: C oln'es.
tcc the Notse lTamin iiiiageiiieit for! 'rol . 11. ln. Ii Iuiijicci cliso 1a 'et 5:ci~sn oi1s'csh oren .- ii
reply cll Ilie will receive cr111, ccc class if 181,is u s it tbeeni 'ilap J.Ii- tzA-'- t::Csi er
dob, e satisfactory acid orta 0itdd01' heclee feli- -
will be peruci tied Itc go. Ini the last Veering inl1the 1niversity of ci Cii I on-~
year ibere bas eii a (decided choinge ;sin.31 . .1Jhoiiiin iitpreint-ri i LABS
Students Laundry AssociatIon Iaiiy if Itle cciuses fo~rcriticisim have l'civersiiv, St.I Coiis. T1 lE
ill volnnari- disipliini'neio
TII I ((RAND Ai.11 I )11', ofIIET'iIOIT - liciliiiigI el t helbciii lege iaib thatcIGr c %
The biiSgSgei 0i1\7e ousSm hl'lian' li ii iccciiigtciili Ii-iet hilfliitoncies oh itltwio AnneAr
onliy rnorhinc doCm''eic i i iithe W t in lihe'gameIslie'tliis'fcall, 'showscvnthi'ir ciidcc11i3ic1 li
Glovefnhs o g~iven. All work iromply inteniitiioii nicotain fli equail footingbii ii'i' i a kthcfIlcl'lve. We fee)i every'thing isnally Ikeptit a
Officepoi s Statert. Ie idenet~toLawrene st. itIoliercoileishinnte.ateicthe': sailone,1erotveilos Fallt-cecvsofirs-classGr ccey and cakery Cii:
05c 0 s 5cic i. tiiiic'iI. c441. een mcliiak ie i'icll''ootbit llleiii li'tlIi lii;11'.S. legree fri'iiiii lIii it iersity ade as
Nicheyici'wile.lucyc ut hi' "' ' ' lv~liii'8' Ilie othler is Piolr.'ieideicik 318 S. STATE ST.
cniilinii liii- -ic-u- --
11..4sh' Sui o iiest iiito thlierefiormaictionuic hirt iciicl ciig~dccdli-
ooaCoepo too iiir __!__Y URE NEXT
Piano, Pipe Orgao dC o ihell ic il'cileiitsis i otCcii beii li e - O
g rpoi cccbne .I tiiwountl lbtcacmiisfotis' to ic Caniii daclit's fiii'the 1901 Claiss U. 4W',.1- . . rShlop)
n" ..H . 1;_ K~IS\1P hF'losesmerly ecaeroif the dilbtfil-ti'cirickitin ill mcciiitiiiei' Gvii lnn ccla- Sn(t 134.11-11 Rols. 2~i'
Bes of th ir aiaue cicl's such a c iii from :311tic 5:15 Oi ''lencl ay, T I. ic)Jiancc i, Pr'p.:i 22S ~ t
FrccimiSililidol: CCcicecrvciicry, iermcccy.ccc letn tiihopp rtcuity, is is thieln' pro0 1 iii ii 1) iiclSciturdacy afit'nooics.
312 S. DcvicsoSt. Coneut Pianos Tooicgposeiineit, if cmipeting ciiietqual A:\t. 31.lROI: iIm , oManager. RAZOR HON I NG
herinms iihCicaigo, Iltliniioisad '1 - slnenaii'ci h c IS A SCIENCE...
THE RESNSONEDMANOIIRTUiitOSO M aei - cii.Aricir skcating hark.'dC0ccoiecCWc.
MR. W. EUJGENE PAGE P'i .C.3igocte i i A''i-iiyci 0icyiiiio o ARREN THE BARBER
cible to iceet hits lcasses again iii co ii c'NED-Everyo~l neC buy c the l os s
Will ~eve lessons oil the mindolin and W'eclneiclav. SBcii atHome." It iC played iby twccpcrsinsaTHE MODEL of state Street
guitar at the UiJtivs'.sif 3 'lcool of - ----is iin, iiicscici ericcscthe same ast any gameiCBARBERSO
"ccc i Ii'N '-Sh in'de, ite;' bcthi fur ;le on cthei, id. snticpr'paici 10 dny daress R SH P yon ds
ttusic every Friday. 1t7oe ''orseian d ciickai d st. 'nieCceiptsof me. firot-claso workt cnd courteouo trecitune'
houssapply t icctc eeetary. iave'. 018:% hits-. 0>>bocks SASSE SAI A''ITiNOME ., try Gerane ar t3? tt-t.
frontc ailiilis. ns OC Dctci r otichead.rya 325 tt c
J) ANDA LL, K l -vENOCHiDE1 RL uealDrco
___ Lookyou receive Cll"tndeDay r 'icght0.;
State Phone 144. mf r i airk I( iis eif t sli th ie No. 1Lid. Liberty Siree-i. Ressi' 4
__ t e hiL I e' k"'j THOSE NOBBY TROUSERS
P go. Souvenir Holiday Giifts! T ne Iclige t lil Wsa
t' v Couty 'tof gifts tei ' " le fot' ltttlit s flit'1 Ce ltlelel.
1"imc u r c ciiSt'ie]-.