THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGANf DAILY. 3 i t * + +' ,A HILEBRNDTHE NEW]I HILD RAND,110 E.Washin lp . , . n _ . _ . _ A wb . bl a. ss A A®AO d.AA, 1J "l A 4f, d, $ f 0+4+*+P ffI 11TeNagr alsRue" CORRECTAND STYLISH TAILO ImnNC. r 1 v FAILOP, gton St. 1111 EYOU SEEN The New Bruno Mandolins OF 12 STRINGS?" They are for Sale att the SHAE8EHLE MUSIC STORE iDow n I. iiirty.iSlrect, iut only three loors fromImin St. ANN ARBOR. 'ENTttAi. STANDiARD IME Ti-tk Takng3+P~ct.Au. 4,1_99,V~te t ue operate the finest talilorlng trade ill thfe city, and RI Yi an Expretissit............34 .V.e(tial any Ill the, State. 1'.& t S i'totareic .........7 4; - We reslectfully solicit yotrtl vled patronage. voit Nia-ht Exprsi......... ," All . rn tit tS n ole 1Ityusl'ikettite ssttl and(1illrenairt(for cd Rapid. Expres.........IItoi G~f G o WEAN. one year. k, xr & Chicoe. 8 1~~ .? yr (T IvIo:Eypress ... t ..... 38 1. i. it. & Eat i. ....o ......;e. iE545ac> egona i;ii icinXpess ...s..........9t43 i..tiiif r te~ens.............12 30 A.N. - -. - New State Phone 43. v. tUGil~s. 1H. NV. HAYES, ,P. & '. Agi. iChicago. AgO' Ann Artor CALENDAR. Fredi I. Vickers, '{ft1'1I., is ee- 1 icsav Jttt 1 ttieit V Deistriciantifir De ILa Mar's Nievadta Golti rr ,,iniGoodiCiovern inetit Lecture Coutrse. Mintitg Co., tatd is ivell pliasdoithvll ________ liett, i.1 4:5 . ,the counitry.' 'lL OA Wedhiesd aly,-Feb.I----:1h. il.,A u dlesi h Jttatetttet TIME TABLE \.appastl nl.iPubli metifperf the iilir,eletreiitotit log F~rDeanoI.,0,I>.5I witchirelidelevered i'c cir teiic adt C f' ietity. .oceti ro.-eo A Assof oition letii( ubet h dr e.s a iii the Jan ar diitsle e ~ thiT rnh n pnih aelsbtya le tcreilmaporitifn Irai. iEffe$t,)Not. t0e 1-898. iilelplial2tton. "tl iS i . i.ii55A (ce _til eiiele aJstvof efor cto (roy n ii .h sOf'tIistuae n ii Abvcd a ite iAssi tion I . ltirlaittDr. .At.olog tiftile l pi i i orplthelMe. al SO~ailsepSOUTH utia1Mrplchtandogy is h. farultyhaFreen aTracden.rieo E.:3 . . .- 17l3l . N1 . Age8,t0 byttgeilg',ltitehohr.'a peii So dO 8 it:ar'r. t.lvA dii tlehae taseu i Jour1nAl alill aty oni he fresltt R*EinCourseen1GiinFrebor thelGym. 26. is- riary Dlramca, will lie given by Dr. lays, Thutrsdlays anid Satuirdays, at fDETROIT, YPSILANTI & ANN AR. hee :1 .ii, JS ~lsi o BOR RAILWAY. Coturse 4 ill Span ih, Doni Quixote, TieAtt rtirMscCi. Is will he given ats a two-hotar cos.1 tars leave Aim Arhbor for Ypsiluinti D)R. IlouneLAND. puirchasedl a ibanikruipt stock of hanjosI .d Detrcit every half hour heginning ihwihi om ftefmu at :5a. gyn. t7, of M. ear leaves (ity Go slnd get a skate tin at the Ann Waildos wiiel they oiler at about all, Detroit, euvery night after Theater. Arhor skating piark. It is fite. whoilesale price. pIcaeisi1'. of .1. ears for all extra tictol- - --- - -___________ birn#. Baggage, express and Studients ' oapplies received and delivered. Walt- the .v ; rooms, ecirner if Ann and Main{y 0ensb rteP o gap r. j ireets, Alin A rhor, ll (Gri siold street,. Detroit. 0. M. MARTIN.. FUNERAL DIRECTOR kirntillling a specialty. No. 20n 0Fourth Ass. .nmhulanenight iaiilda..Rets idence 31021FiftA Xi 1111 Clocks(8 Win. ArnoldLading GET YOUR LUNCHES I AT W W. TUTTLE'S :318 So Mate Street. OUR PHOTOS PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH !THE Berryman Studio I 112 West Huron St. State tPhoe 119. A\. G. SPALDING & BROS. NewiiYork - Chticago. ATHLETIC GOODS. Offieial outfittees to all the leading collegesi schools andtletui cubs..ofitie ecointry. The Spnalding iclnve, ridden by the 1Intercoullegiate A. A. A. A. Champions, andi j it the leading ecollege riders. Every Bhqgii cite tfortBast Ball, Fast Ball, Gall, Tennis, Athletics, Gymnisiami ISpaldting's Official League Bal {Ist the OfficlialBatll ofi the Nattional Leagae cud all lie leading college ssociations. liaiidsoiiie titalogue of Athletic Sports Fee toi aty addesns. Scalding's Official Bose Ball Guide fce 1898, March 30, 10 Cents. A. G. SPALDING & BROS5.. New York, Chicago THE 13UCKEYE ROUTE. "COLUMBUS, HOCKING VALLEY AND TOLEDO RAILWAY, ts thn nnly line fromthe Totlede UninStaion teCeleetbon andeoints end, sing Union Depoi einatiielsat Clumho. Parlor Cart at Day Trains, Seats 25 cts. Pullman Steepersn Night Trains Studensedesirtng unequalled faciities are In sited lonue the Buckeye Rsoute. Foil parllco Lees on applicaetion to local ticket ageats, or W. B. FISHERI, B. P. and T.A. Columbue, Oo. The Wabash 'Continental limited" aeyotieand money. Going home -o hitaLook here, then. You Jcave Ainn Arhor at 7:25 a. m. and reach "erti 12:05 noon, Logansport 12:26 p. .,LaFa yette 5:19) p.mi., Danvilie 2:34 p. t., Diecatur4 p. mi., Taylorville 4:401 Vi n., St. Louis 6:52 p. mn., Chicago 2:40 p. mi., Iniano~lisiO3 p. mi., Louisville p. m. Close connection at these stations for _al point in Indiana, Illinois and Mlis- ,oon. Thle (ontinentlal Limitetd is the trlouniriotis train of the Wahbasi Line ad tasses Milan going West at :07 a. in. Consult the ticket agent sf eo Ann Arbor Railroad for rateo and sole himi for a Wahash folder. II. S. Gatnnsvoona, TN. P. A. Ohio Central Lines THE DIRECT LINE TO Btowlinig Greene, Marietta , Fieillay, Athoens, Colesootts, M~ii((teport, and Chalrlestont, W. Vat. Columihus trains use Lake Shore Union Station at Toledo. Thirought trains with Sleeping and D~rawilng ioom cars fromo Detroit ad Toledo. ]tO5LTtrON OUK, Ceseral Passenger Agt. H-+ y N N.{ ryN 1iN H' t+1 H Ft M H K M M M I t F tliillli lYZfl ZLZoeoto'toceccee SZZYZIodoecooeeToeIlZSI ZtP Yreoat~iZi7ZlloSZT1ZYZZIZTZZiZZ The PuritaI) shoe MAKERS OF rURITfIN! fO[ ~o 'OR MEN yyi y H FFN , ,',. M,, M NH }}MNM M ALL STYLES $3.50 The Most Up-to-date" Shoe Made. Ann Arbor Store: i io EAST HURON STREET. FACTORY-Brockton, Mass, WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE.