4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MIE MGA-N DAILY. 4 THE UNiVERSITY OF MIOHIGAN DAILY. A D. A.Tinker &Son' Furnishers. 334. S. STATE ST. JOS. W. KOLLAUF, TAILOR, Has Received a Fine Line of New Goods. 214 East Washiogton St., near 5it Ave. W. J. BoOTs, PRES. SfT W. AROLD stit Vice-pins J. V.Saoco 2d Vict-prs JOHN.C. WALTZ, Asst. CashiseSiIN BRINK Transacts a general Banking Business. I1terGoIIeuiate6 Bureau 01fIlGademiG Gostumne. GOTRELL & LEONARD. ALBANY, N. Y. Caps, Gowns, and Hoods made to order and rented. Also Class Canes, Class Hats and Caps, Class College Pins. Address W. C. KERN, Western Mogr., Haskel ltuseuo, Uivh. of Cicago CARRIAGE; JUNIOR HC )Holmes' Liver3j TELEPH'*ONE 106. 515 E. LIEE.RT' s H H LAMPS O STUDENTS We call attention to our complete line of Center Draft Nickel Plated Lamp ranging in price from 75c to $2.50 each. These Lamps are of the latest an most improved patterns and makes. Including "1The New Rochester,""ttTl Yale,""11The Royal, ""1The Berlin Student Lamp," "1The Perfection Studer Lamp." If you want the best Lamp for the Least Moisey come and see u; Old Number: 44 NSO. MAIN ST..,E N C AN ARBOR. MICH. D A & 0 Y. is A ,,j Wax Figures Perflorm. Will Plau Toledo. Mrs. Jarley's wax works imeported 'Ihe Toledo league team will play N from England, but with thse faces and a series of games this spring with the figures familar arounid the campus 'Varsity. A cointract has been signed atnd the clsthes of all the celebrated betsweesn Director Baird and the mass- S personages of history frost Diogesnes ager of the Toledo team, in which it ____ ____ - ____ Ito, the hero of Thansgiving day is agreed that a series of the games gaime, entertained a large audieince ini be played ini Anni Arbor. Thse first Students' Laundry Association University Hall last Satursday night. gains will be played on Mondsaty, Win VOOIT-W,, N.FeO, ge~tefos Tie spectators showsed their appre- Apsril 3, and after that there swill be Wm.vo~xTWi. R Px, gets or ciation of thseItumosr tsf the occasiosis cie gamie on every sucessive day (ex- THlE GRAND L.AUNDRY, of DETROIT and the audiable smile at the shak- ceipt Suniday) uintil thse test gamses are The bosshigh graeoudyithe sate ct. Ths lng kinees of Pochahosttasswshsoispened plasyed.Thse 'ruled:) teamt t iisseich oly mahet domsestic finish intse West. h grews itto a roarissg strisugrer teamstthian the Bay City Gtove fOnishalosivten. Atl wssrk promptlse programit. neattyoandcaefulltytdose. laughs at the gyratintgineter apspess- teamtt shicht played a simtilar series of office 202 5. Statest. tisaidess 610 Lawesnceest. dages ifth le tdusky Amsericass beauty gtames with thse 'Varsity last year. New statiePhones. 44 as site closed thte performoance witho a Outs team will talssoiseimtuchs stronsger 1Fcs s cdc cake walk. All o~f thte figusres were tlhtan last year antd every game its St utd us I excellentt antd many oif tisett lackedl this series shsossld be a fisse exhtibitiont piano, Pitt Organ sod Compeosition thttt set expressisos of face ciuomo of baseball. The Athtletic Board swill to theinisferior class of wax figures, probsabiy sell seasoni tickets good fssr " K. H i iB NI EPrF'best smiled at thte autsiensce its a way thte whtole series. Last year it ticket Fromt Stutitgart Conservaotory, Gemany. almsost humast. A few were fitted for test gamses was sold for $1, tand 312B. issto It Cncet Pos To~gwith miechanical apparatus by which the single admtissio wasti5 cents 312 . Dvison t. oncrt ian itey could mtove across the stage or excepstsit Saturdays slien it was - - ---ent soittods which were interpreted 25 cents. THE RENOWNED MANDOLIX VIRTUOOSO by Mrs. Jarley. It swould be iso- possible to tell which figure or group There is fine skattintg at the Atti MR. W. EUGENE PAGE, was the best, but Lady Jane Grey, Arbr _satig _prk Will g~slsoso h adlnad1he Maid of Athens, ansi Lord WANTED-Every sote to bay the iatest cod guitar at the Univ'ersity Schsool Of Byrossusndoubtedly were ideal ittBll teetoe.tiesae dbertso ers"onse Ablsic every Friday. Por Terms and thersipassiventess. sash represetng aBase Baottnieanstwitliscoe in rttos, hitt coderors the sme Osasty gae boors apply to ths Secretary. Caddcepo lc10 lassdyedothefiteld. 5Sent prepstd to coy addresos Candidtes fo the 101 00la s rctpt cf t5e. - Track Teastl will meet at tise Gyunant- BAEBLLA HM C. AN A Lsiuc fromt 4:30 to 5:15 on Tuesday, Detreit Mich. Thursday ansd Saturday afternoons. Go andt get ta skate on at the Anns State Phone 1144. A. M. BROOKFIELD, Manager. Arbor skatintg sark. It is fiue. -FIRST NATIONAL DAN Kstaonn sboe Capital, s100s000. Surptos cod Proeits, 140,000 ' Transacts a generatltsanking easiness. Foreign echantge bought asoled. Frslettr cof credit. B. 0. KINNE, Pres. HARRISON SOULE, Vise-Pet, S. W. CLARSsON, Cachier, Cor. Maio aodtuonoSteetis. Capitasl, 50,000. Susrplus, $30,000. Trassctsx genteratbanking business. N , KoXPFs, Pres. C. E. GootNE, Vice-Pres. t Foot. HB BELSER. Cashier. The ilofrbor Savings Bank Ca'pital Stock. 50,000. Sourpius, $100,000. Reseorcs, 51.100.000. Organizedounder theGeoeraliBanking Lowe of thts State. Restesvs depesits, boys ansellts- echabe onsothe prtontipal eities ci the Uoited T5totes.Drts sheed spontprperseidenctificaties ~Safety depesttiboxes toret. SOss~Ests: ChisitinoMck.Pes.;W. DueHaei toot, Vice-Prees.;tChse. E.HiscecK, Cashiser;N J. Fitz Asistat Casie. LAMB &SPENCER,. THE. Fancy Grocers We keep everything usually kept in a. first-ciltss Grocery and B3akery. Cell and see us. 318 S. STATE ST. YOU'RE NEXT U. tof' M. Barber Siop uaiBatlooitu)1 - J. Rt. TssOJANo Sis, Prop. 322 5. State St RAZOR HONING IS A SCIENCE ... We Guarantee Our Week. WARREN THE BARBER, THE MODEL of State Street BARBE SHOPis DoUse & ELY'S BA BR H P It you desire first-elass work and courteous treatment try George aud Harry at 332 S. State St. ENOCH DIETERLE, FunrDaieco Calls tatteoded DBoeNight. No. t6t B. Liberty Street. Rtesideoce 5Mtt Fourth Aye, Phoes120., [THOSE NOBBY TROUSERS MIL WARD THE TAILOR DESS SUITSy STATS The New Blue Shades in Gentlemen's Neckwear--- We have just received them---A little spring-like, but handsome. Wf1GNEfI & 0., 123'S. MAIN ST. : ...TALORS. ~...\ J,