'of 94 PaiI VoL. IX, No. 9. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1898. Foun PAGES. I TO COACH FRESHMEN. Arbor on Oct. 8th, to witness the performance of "Pudd'nbead Wil- Quarterback "Ikeg" Clark Secured son" to be given by Mr. Edwin for the Work. Mayo and his company at the Athens Theater on the evening of that day. T ti The athletic management has de- This of course includes the Univer- H FINE FALL SUITINGS H o give pont sity manager and yourself. If you H dthe new football material that enter- will kindly notify Mr. L. J. Liese- E C ed college this fall. The freshmen mer, the local manager, just how E are to have a coach to direct the mnetell geruithew pr*ieo is ya e ny tmany seats will be required he will practice of first year men only. At save them from the front rows. Hop. the meeting of the Athletic Board ing tobhe favored with yonr presence, T WE CARRY THE LARGEST T last night Director Baird presented a I remain, STOCK plan to the effect that Henry Clark, yours very trny, A STOCK A '00 L., be secured as a coach for the Wa. L. MALL ager Co. IN THE CITY. football men in the freshmen class. All the men at the training table The plan was heartily approved and are included in the invitation. adopted. Its purpose is to encourage Special decorations will be made for the new men to come out and prac- the occassion, the college colors of tice. They will be given a part of the two teams being used. 1oe E. WASHINGTON ST. the field for their own use and every R B freshman in college who has any Scrubs Hold the Varsit. football ability whatsoever is request- Not as many men turned out yes. ed to come out and report to the terday afternoon for football practice coach. Mr. Clark played quarter. as did the day before. There were 'dback on Ciicago's Varsity inc1895 not enough men to form four elevens. and his experience in coaching since The 'Varsity and the Scrubs were ++++N + ++ m then will make him a valuable man, given some hard work after the pre- It is hoped that the freshmen will liinary ractice in kickin tack. You May Have + take advantage of this oportunity nay pratc g, ae- Met pponyling, and blocking. Caley was out Forgotten and turn out in large numbers for for the first time and played quarter- YOUR TOOTH BRUSH, practice. At Harvard last week 114 back on the Scrubs. Playing a big YOUR BLACKING BRUSH, candidates came out at the first call man like Caley at quarterback is or YOUR WHISK-BROOM, for the freshmen football eleven, somewhat of an experiment and will + The Board also decided to place a be closely watched by the coaches. The one you have may be worn out, row of benches along each of the side His weight strengthened the Scrubs andyoumaywanttorepiaceit. We lines of the football field, inside the have them a in up-to-date style. very much behd the line, and en- O± (5ie iinae of Druggist's Sundries is ropes, for the convenience of the abled them to hold the 'Varsity for scrubs and newspaper reporters. 'Ibis downs several times. Widman was WILDER'S PHARMACY will keep them down and enable the 336 South state street spectators to get a better view of the Clark helped with the coaching. +N+ +++ +++++++++++ + games. The men lined up as follows: DON'T FORGET The resignation of Ira Campbell en...................Cs r DO'TF O LDGE IABLEas treasurer was accepted and Cuth-Brown..........................aen the OLD RELIABLE herr.......r ...... Alle House. Hot and cold lunches bert C. Adams was elected in his France.............g..............Dye at all hours. Chocolates and Ice place. Carl Green resigned . his McDonald ...... r. t ...........White Cream Soda Water, Pipes, Cigars and position of interscholastic manager Wood.............1. t...............Day Tobacco, and full line of Smoking Sup- and the Board elected A. B. Gins- Vidman, Bennett..r. e.........Ganshaw plie. R.E. JLLYdr. O. ad te Bord eectd A.B. Goe-Snow ............1. e..........haes plies. R. E. JOLLY & 00 sheck to the place. T. W. Potter, Talcott. q. b . Caley 100 L. was elected assistant football Avery..........r.h............Mohr manager. The three vacancies on Whitcomb.........1. h...........Weeks HISTOLOGY, the Board will be filled at the next Keena.............f. b...........Barabe BACTERIOLOGY, meeting. In the German Department. Choral Union Meets. Dr. Fluegel, who has been added PATHOLOGY. The members of the Choral Union to the German Department this year, gathered together in the School of is a native German and came to this Complete outfits even to Music last evening for the opening country two years ago. In Germany Knives and Scissors, rehearsal of the year. The uual he pursued the usual courses of train. number of young men and women ing, taiag the required military Our Price is Bottom, turned out and work began at once. work and finally holding the rank of Prof. Stanley was on hand looking lieutenant in the Reserves. Later n uusually well and happy after his he successfully passed the examina- CALKINS'PHARMACY "tip abyodeurngheppumer tions of state and was instructor in C ALKNS' HAR trip abroad during the summer months. He spoke of his pleasure the Gymnasia. For the next five at being back once more and outlined years he was tutor in the family of a the work for the early part of the German general, during which time GET year. In regard to the Choral Union he traveled over the whole of Europe concert the professor said that it excepting Russia. Last year he was would be somewhat of a departure instructor in Tuft's College, Boston. ACU AINTE0 from the usual run of annual con- His researches have been mostly certs. A number of short selections, along the line of classical philology, Jest athia tiure wehBowostose 'tmiscellaneous in character, will be with especial attention paid to Ovid. detovis t eBown, twetee mBesides his doctoral thesis, "Ques- op town or down town, we want to rendered instead of one long oratorio. ties vis Ctic " he is te get aqainted with you sod invite _________ youtomake or stores your rendee. tiones Ovidian Critic", he is the Voo. Wes are Bookalers to the Incited to the Show. author of some minor works. lo csUNIVERSITY,an e fe pca tow pries on second-hand books or The graduate manager is in re- sit yoepart ends a ecdaupr c eiptofthefollowing invitation toMr. E. C. Champion, B. S. (Chem.) aed. u kinds oaSecodhaad the team, and their opponents next 99, is private assistant to Prof. Ed- AWdSaturday. It explains itself, ward D. Campbell of the Department W A H R 45 M. CHS. BIRDof Analytic Chemistry. '~XJ/X~ j R~4S Mi. CHAs. BAIRD, U. of M. Football Team. Prof. F. C. Newcombe has charge TWO STORES DEAR Sn:-I wish to tender, of the administrative work in Botany Up Town Down Down through you, an invitation to the U. in the absence of Prof. V. M. Spald- State St. Opp. cosrt Hote of M. and Kenyon football teams, ing, who has been given a year's flidt Street who I understand are to meet in Ann leave of absence. MASS MEETING. Will be Held at Gymnasium Next Friday Night. The Athletic Association of the University will holda big mass meet- ing at the Waterman Gymnasium next Friday evening, at 7:30 o'clock. The entire student body is invited tc be present at this meeting. Its ob. ject is to arouse enthusiasm in ath- letics among the students. Speeches will be made by Professors McLaugh- lin, Johnson and McMurrich, Eddy Shields, Athletic Director Baird, Coaches Hall and Ferbert, and Capt. Bennett. The U. of M. Band will be present and make its first appear- ance for this season. The 'Varsity Glee Club will also be there and sing if its organization is completed be- fore that time. Plans will be considered for reduc- ing and wiping out the deficit of $1,500 which is now hanging over the Athletic liasociation. Yell masters will be appointed for the game with Kenyon the following day and an effort will be made to have system- atic cheering. A meeting of this kind is necessary to develop the proper enthusiasm and college spirit among the students, and every member of the student body who has the interest of his Uni- versity at heart should turn out to this meeting and do all in his power to make it a howling success. Faculty Concert. Tomorrow evening the first Fa- ulty Concert of the year will be given at Frieze 'Memorial Hall. The following programme will be pre- sented: 1. Sonata for Piano and Violin, Op. 12, No. 1, Allegro con brio; Te- ma con variazioni, andante con moto; rondo.allegro.....Beethove ALBERTO JONAs, HERMANN A. ZEITz. 2. a Old Heidelberg, Thou Fair One..................Jensen b The Merry, Merry Lark...... .......... ......Ethelbert Nevin c A Song of Faith......Chaminade GARDNEmR S. LAMSON. 3. emEtude do Concert.. MeDowel.: b Slumber Song.. Adel AuderOhe e Turkish March from the "Ruins of Athens" Beethoven. ... A. Rubinsteim d Waltz caprice "Man lebt our einmal"............Strauss-Tausig ALBERTO JONAS. 4. a "Am Ufer des Flussesdes Man- zanans....................Jensen b Aria der Zerlina...........Mozart Since I am once more alone...- ................. Tschaikowsky ALIcE BAILEY. 5. Fantaisie-Caprice, Op.1l.Vieuxtemps. HERMANN A. ZEITZ. Training School for Nurses. The third annual commencement of the training school for nurses asso- ciated with the homoopathic hospital of the University of Michigan will be held Saturday evening, October 8, in the building of the homoeopathic medical college. The commence- ment address will be by Dr. W. B. Hinsdale and the presentation of di- plomas and badges by Dr. R. S. Cope- land. The graduates are Miss Bertha J. Bryant of London, Ont., and Miss Lillian Peltier of Mt. Clemens, Mich. Following the commencement exer- cises proper there will a reception for the students and nurses of the de- partment.