She-t O 'of 4 0 Pai u. VOL. IX, No. 92. ANN ARBOR, MICH., MONDAY, JANUARY 30, 1899. THREE CENTS. 'WILLI T N G. H. WILD CO., E THE TAILORS 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. T Have just received a large line of Fancy Vestings for Spring and Summer. They are Importations direct from London. Please call and see them. 0 T H E T I 0 R Ink Stains onine egoodo are often nagleted becase of not knowing how to remove tham. We have asnie- theinthatwill coietely reoIe thenitand notin- jure the fnest fabeic. 10 cents a package. O Dll D 'll a N IUI t - ODaing thearet of the cllege yea we willserveIluncitesatnalliours,day er night. Full line of Pipes, Cigars, and 'Tobacco. R. E. JOLLY & CO., 30S So. State Street. [Chamois Vests. When you don't wear your Sweater you ought to wear one of these vests. It is cheaper than taking cold. Wesell ones at $1.50 to $2.00 Some for less. GO!i t' rhdriaGu. PERHAPS YOU WILL NEED a new Sweater or Gymnasium Suit. We have a large variety and at Special Prices. We always carry the best grade. SPORTING GOODS Of every description. WAHR45 ANN ARBOR Up own Down Town. State St. Opp. Court House H1ainSt. GOOD SHOWING Kicking Contest at Pennslania. the side lines and to give a chance Something new in the line of pre- for a fair catch. Made by the Hockei Club on its liminary football training is to be in- The winner of the challenge cup Canadian Trip. augurated at the University of must secure the highest number of The Hockey Club returned yester- Pennsylvania about the first of points e each .of the three contests, day morning from its trip of two February. It is a competition among and should he win the loving cup he games in Canada. The first was the football candidates in kicking and is not entitled to any of the prizes played on Friday against the Wat- catching, the winner to receive a for the separate contests, but they ford, Ont., club and the second challenge cup of the value of $100. will be awarded to the contestants against the Sarnia Hockey Club. Penn's lamentable weakness in back next in order n the number of points In the game with Watford the field work last season has led some won. University club was defeated by the of her leading alumni to advance . The football players at the Uni- score of 7 to 5. The Sarnia club de- this plan in the hope that such an versity have expressed the greatest feated our players by the score of 10 incentive will aid materially in de- enthusiasm over this new contest and to 2. The Sarnia team is one of veloping a number of good kickers the rivalry promises to be very great. Canada's championship teams and who will be good catchers as well. It is also goig to be the means of the University players played a fast The prize is a solid silver cup. Up- drawing out a large number of new game against them. The score, how- on two sides of the cup are engraved men who hope to be able to make ever, does not show what a creditable scenes from the gridiron. On the the team on account of their ability game the University boys played. At other two sides are the announcement in kicking and catching. the close of 15 minutes of play Saa- of the prize and the names of the At the same time with this prac. nia had not gotten within 15 yards winners. The prize will be a per- tice n kicking Coach Woodruff will of our goal. At this time one of petual one, being contested for each also give his men considerable drill Sarnia's players had to retire because year. The winner of the cup must in football maneuver. lhe contests his skate had become loose and the surpass all others in special contests will ted the preliminary spring prac- Sarnia captain asked if the Univer- in all round kicking and handling of tice, which was introduced at Penn- sity club would not be willing to the ball. The contests will be held sylvania last year for the first time. play with one less man, making sides about May 1, and each contestant The American Pharmaceutical Asso- even, saying his player would only must have taken part in about 40 ciation Prizes. be out three or four minutes. Capt. different practices under direction of In 1893 the American Pharma- Haverty consented and retired- Sar- the football captain. ceutical Association provided for an nia's player did not return during Beside the perpetual challenge cup annual distribution of three prizes the half. The absence of Haverty there are three separate cups, vary- valued at $75, $50, and $25 respec- weakened our line so that Sarnia was ing in value from $15 to $50, which tively, for the three most valuable able to make eight goals by the end will be given the winners in the three papers presented at the annual neet- of the half. Michigan then insisted different contests which constitute ing. Last year this resolution was on playing her full team and Sarnia the challenge cup competition. amended so as to provide $50, $30 put in one of her fastest players to The rules governing these contests and $20 for the first, second, and fill up her number, have been drawn up by Coach Wood- third prizes. These are known as The second half was very fast aid ruff and are extremely minute and the Association Prizes and are award- our men more than held their own. intricate. The first is a driving con- ed by a special committee appointed Haverty made the first goal after test and from the nature of the rules each year by the president. In ad- two minutes of play, and Bradley it is evident that Coach Woodruff dition to these prizes the association made another in 14 minutes. Sarnia still clings to his hard, low drive established two more prizes at only succeeded in making two goals kick, which Minds, in '97, executed the meeting, which was held in this half with the fastest kind of so finely. The measurements for the Baltimore last August. They are playing. kick are made in such a way that the known as the "Hermann Hager Me- This is fine showing when it is low, hard drive will count for much morial Prize' of $50 for meritorious considered that our team had never more than a kick after the Hersch- work in Pharmacy, and the ''John played a match game together before berger style. Each contestant has a M. Maisel Prize" of $50 for valu- they left, and they played against dozen trials, and from the candidates able work ihe Pharmacognosy. crack teams, the best eight are taken for a final The committee appointed by Presi- The boys made a very favorable competition. The kicks are neside dent Dohe of Baltimore consisteI impression. They were praised on both with and against the wind. The of Prof. J. 0. Schlotterbeck, chair- all sides for their clean, gentlemanly teen are divided into pairs and ac- mone School of Pharmacy, University playing and-were royally entertained ourracy is one of the first elements of Micheigan, Prof. Francis Hemm, At Watford a spread was given in entering into the contest. The men St. Louis College of Pharmacy, Mr. their honor. At Sarnia a large dele- kick to one another and if the kick Joseph E. Morrison, Editor of the gation attended the banquet in their is caught by the opponent he gets Canadian Pharmaceutical Jornal honor. Thirty of the members an advantage of five yards for every and Gazette. stayed up until 4 o'clock to see them fair catch. A record of each man's After a careful consideration of off on their train, and gave them twork is carefully kept to determine the nunerous papers presented the hearty U. of M. yell as farewell. the final result. coinittee have made the following The defensive work of Barabe and Te secon contest is a contest n awards in the below named order. Sherman was equal to that of Sar puneting. dtlace kicking, kicks for First Prize-Certain Alkaloidal nia, whose defense is considered the gosalso eeriodides A. . Prescott sed I. M. best in Canada. No further matches goas ahsoee no th onpetitiona Gordm. will be played until after examina- tkn ut Second Prize.-Standards for Black tions. A second team will then be cursyeeitmadofs uch impo and White Mustard Seeds, John U. organized and regular practice begim- ance. Each contestaat is to have 12 Ltoyd. _ nc. ac onesan i o-av - t'hird Prize-7-he Standardization At a meeting of the '99 baseball trials ii this contest also. ThirdmPrieAThd andArkliaW. team Saturday J. W. Bannon, of .The third contest is in drol> kick- of Voumnetric Acid ad Alkali, W. A Pucener. Portsmouth, 0., was chosen captain ing and place kicking. This will Hermann Hager Memorial Prize.-- for the ensuing season. Nearly all probably be the contest most empha- Noaardmae the members of last year's team are sized, for it not only includes drop JoInM. Maisch Prize. in college and prospects for again kicking for goals, but punt outs, 0 E wiening the championship are excel- goals from placement and kick off. qualitative Examination of Pos- lent. There are 12 drop kicks allowed each dered Drugs, Henry Kremer. contestant, three from the 30-yard This is the third consecutive year H. B. Marsh, ex-'99, a former line, three from the 40-yard line and that Prof. Prescott has received member of the 'Varsity bicycle three from angles near the 20-yard prizes from this Association. squad spent Sunday with friends in line. The punt outs are made at Monday, Jan. 30-Prof. F. W. the city. He is at present travelling difficult angles also, the kicker being Taussig in Good Government lecture for the Kalamazoo Novelty Company. compelled to stand five yards from course.