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January 28, 1899 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1899-01-28

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--IntorcolIeuiato Burau o01ficadCmic Gostu m.
Caps, Gowns. and Hoods made to order aod reoted. Also Class
Csoes, Class Hsts sod Caps, Class College Pins. Address A L Ii
WV. C. KERN, Western Singr.,
HsasltAlsemn, Univ. ofeme~iage
1ev oders orHis Received a Fine Linse,
CARRIAGES " ~ of New Goods.
JUNIOR HOP flO llil011es L ivery 214Elst Washing-l on5S., ner 5th Av,
TBLEPIIONE 106. 515 E. LIBERTY. W. J. IBa~x rss . svcrs . 81111
We call attentioni to oor rompilete line of (Center D)raft N ickel Plated Lamps, 'transacts a general
rangiog in price froio 75c to $2.o50 each. These Lamps are o1 the latest and
osmost losproved patterns and makes. Inclusding "The -New Ilochester," "The skn hoies
Dale," "'The ttoyal, ""The Bonlis Student Lamp,"'"The Perfection 'Student NAIAL
Lansp." If you want the best Lamp for the Least Monty comse and see os FRTNTINLBNKc~~;
Old Number: soa iotOSiss.it s~-tSS
4450O. MAIN ST.,aptal 1.,foI srpls ad 1'rit-, ,00
ANN ARBOR. MICH. D E A Nt0 W lsosgs-isa «egisi ssi i.in Fuiesh Foreign
WHA T TAPPENIBI) T iS T O S. C. A. MectinP. D. KIN 'I;, tes. iiARit~i~SiN501 1F,
NIGHT. A i oils lrigsi-Sn .. . IARiiisssN tolCasise
Willianm Gillette has giren no a versa tteSna onn etn
tile and assomplished stsige liar in "Tto Ms. nelwl sksilseko
Mlush hohnson'" hot for coisd tloodedi 'Missions inii Turkey." A letteri "' I> & r Fh~tilt11B C
and artistic falsehotod the hero of that froiii J~resse 1. Mtsrden last year's 55'rd -
stirring fairce is sot for a iooment in it!spresidetl('itAntlitrky
wtitha the droumimer Jones itnlBroadihurst's ,iitiaAitth 1s-e, rsStain aIluniretiiii is.
"What I fapp)eneui to Jones" which comstr illise readt. This is a spe^ts1 sir - 1ICositalI j".5555'n, 4;30,000 . aa-a
to the Athens 'Theatre, tonighit. One vice arrangedl ly lihe missionary coms- ( 5nrlbni-biies
chapter from his experience is equaiil to Iititlee, suit1 will hieof a~trticiilar i R, KRi M rEes. C. iE. GREFNE, Vice-i'se,
several avlumes-if exciting adventure. imterexstas. I i s s. t asiers. adfrproe fnrainiol
lie tius-laasier to tell whtat didsi'Tkrvt e e tos ias Icita h -n rs stir Rn
haippens to him. Just shoot the titue ipivti lssit it f
thatt everyoane begins to wotnder busw thie befotre tlieIttlior Ilaj, oifr~s.IBtossuaitalSk 0. S auplsit, $1500'0
comtitlicationis are goitig toa le straight. Granger. ('tll ati tftice (Iiranger a tisassree.siaco,00,00.
ened stut, theiitapudenttfellotwsexecutes Acateity, 3ll2 Mtsvtitii-t. ottsimdt-t ilss the ti rea shnist'aw-
a toeti torsal cotaroltionsatnd presto. le of thi-sstair. iier tsestops.is, tbitscaii:t
is forgiven. 't'heot'toantyincludes i -- --srsiethn~ ilsgstie pisnisuul estiSs ot the tsiter
'bJon Allison, I,. Sioldeite Powell, Bar- Cii itttria lt 90 'Iasafatyepotrits oeastssiet, ~~-
itey Shsltoosgli, Frank N. 1ope, tLouis l'rrk .T aitiwill tieIt at lie Gymntia- stFretsia'iiistian 3Mast. i'res. W. I tri
11oihart Chales reen , Coa Vil- siu fro i 4:0 to5:15on llc'da ''111111,viec1're.: .ha ti1-roeisc ., asilier:-Al
Iteilist, tisilesGretue Coc Wi. 'sittat rasit Lii) it 115 ii Yti da J. Friz Ass. tautahir~.
lliias li1t tbager', 1I86le len Iirotrt, Tlittt-slytsatattiSatur-day sfloritoatits._
',istore Birodhlaay, Katherine Wteston X 1R~iI.'>1In~r
aid Miud tison..L l os'ti~t saitgr A D a t r n f
Weslemtan Guild Lecture. Ani Arbor Railroad Connectiotas. LAIYIB SPENCERfl

wtudetS' LSuL d rt y I-SSOCitHofl 'IcTiextleettitre tao ite W dl-i 's'itliih u Alm lArbor liatlroa ti OttT 1lE.
Will. VsiUIt(iI- l . ii. t'(a en. orit t It (niltl rs-s- wtill lbe i g ta i iiven inate iConaet, I l i mprta ~tt posintsa -r
TA .(tA DI~DIY , lal :tl etlili.i s atir ii stitiscl i avai g,'itabelow. I'C Il~
tiI1(iigti'-siitlt Iuus ofttsti Tat Osir i 1 jVt ce1 ,
lasts. 251, arai 1t 1 r.J.II.( slclii, LeavIc-no n aA lsit-.l tI I. V I
'Is tiasiy- of Ablsan3'y N. V, it -shaia hh 1 es. t ati
only iiachiu i, iine dnelltt1;ia.hn....Atrhe 0,-a.ur .. ii n.
Gltove fina-s s- - .Alsttala opI stl jt1i till be i- ( liiit iii (It htii esiti- -5att ""s ..i:a15 airalo give.kAlessrketers-Ilaitag atoata...lirive' keith4 itt
neiitly unt1 5Oti huh ilctt.neiii-,l.25sA. itta...lArrive i C ' We a. '. 151).r ti at tetkeelrseverytingl Ilat'y.e t'il t
Ofiss 202 S. Sit-te t iesi'Ji tat 'sLaw c e: t . , liii a).. A rai ive snitaua.isi s - : 5 53)) and see tie.St ePhn.41.
CoeSa tlit e ~.lit anihi t b'el rlit l ' ercn))ta n'.il .. Ar i ve tuisille.i . .. : . i tata
11'11w.othe Il at N tt ionl I rriee of'ci tslsas...123 ot 18 S. STATE ST.
ft Sti o Con(atatrol o'taf ,, ECuitoth eLgtii attae a t11:-)i.' l.. rivste 't-sl 'sssst :5 u
iarai i o a t-rx 0ohtjaelt: itlsiri .:1?ai. Ili. ..A rrive- aa -mis, ris, tO.20,pi .YOU 'RE N EXCT
Piano, Pips Orgcr) and Cocianstitiax -:2tao, il,..Arite,- tiali 4:5t- .Ili
- 'l lo l~lo h in m lvd 1:5a l . rra-iv tLl a>( issp-~ll 4-15 isis)
'h i ss itass i ht-e( ) Ll lttotlss i t s1401 ilu Assisct tmlii ,...h 6 6::15 .tPL. :it BI II .ioi li
IF . L~ K M 11'8:40nl ii saua fhs'ci a-i isti apin Ats.. - ssstt-i t . It. inG 11 ;O Stis Ins 122i.i taer
EsromsStut .a: t 'ns-isatsr'tes Os o, . - arcil's w ailhlibe t-e siibst fo liii m .2 truss' Istils it .his, :5a. I ii-ca 5i si. 225 1i
312 S. Diiion Si. Canaant PianTunipg i slathis.hiteittars ib.. lit saiiti 5 8 il p rr RAZOR HOING
, -tl~ i~t, it i iats }'- aft-r liii a.5 I. Ii...0 .rve tey ity.. 30).ri
lu' si al , hthe ('istigie- 4:561)Ilit..At i t 'rsn .. 7501ill I S A SCI ENCE .
MSemnustor ~ttliew ampbelwirll lead ttai Wsss ata1 u t,- ttt IARREN THE BARBER.
MR. WEUGENE P vAAGE1:I tie1E1t~at.stitsNrt-itaoe- isussi t a a
__I-all at itoses." Its aplilaedbysass a satTHE MODEL of State 'Street
1!'11h ga u6lerSrtna0'inthismasndolin and hIltstli igt hs-. ,J e acrrt et-~-~ia-a Bi-i-sBaill unie and ilsoreis IUNN& 11I.'a
gu trstti iu riy S-i i lost- at' i <b'sittt le-.aitsnisits-hi runestat ts n e eros the S as as to ny siam BARB ER SHOP gia tteLlie-i rS101o lydIt you desire
a i c itevey iriday. For Termis atid sssk am Pt ssst i i rtcas;sk mt oreu runs
hiaasal0t8it.:catr.Cttstitisiia'0:ii-r)tuu li ias l a nhabe soaCmmerce5, try George snd hMsrry it Illi S. State St.
hours pply o tal *ecrtar-ciilliStismas. -

R ADPen insu]

_____ __- -- -~ ENOCH DIETERLE, Emblmer an~d
9L ,f WTheti You heceive l Cils atiedesasstsy as Eight.
State Phone I4.L U k I aI II~rk i gift se'e thiat thse No. 161E. iber~aty Sireesi. Residence53S
44 Mark EaFouth Ave, Phones129.;
intamet s Illhtr"is -_____
0th the atitiitl'our' 0thtl-e1)box. 'Iltis is tt guhhaanteeatihat it is
good.. Souvenir Holiday Gifts ! I'harIigest lile -itt Wash
far tenaw o un20lty of gifts dlesir'able" for lad~ie's antd genmtlemnei.


i t





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