2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. J aps Studdjing Medicine. of fP at en. Two newtaJaaese studlents have jtst entered tihe [univri'itv, 'I. Ohno, 7ablathed Daily (Sunedays ax'epteda) at titapthe iti the Medical T Pepar'ttnent, andl Y. ('atte year. at Miktamii, who ttili sttudy po~liticatlk THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. scei~e. 'T'heir three't counitrymttttt 'Eiate'Theinltaaad Prs, it that loc. wito nweealtetedyitheeere Very bottthoes'<. glad'1(1to see anyoetalfer ttoe, a Si< AA(i caEDI'O'R.l they have been meeting at Toka- I' I'tatttlttt 'ttnap 's roofsttot ItIk over oldl tittas. ;tJ l t55 ANA l i. Tthey are ,alt smeat.tMieteandtivery sifc,n ins. Mrf. Ohnottt ias otttital fotsaevaeral Atata' a'tatlio, T. .It . Vo nw,'L. yellraittStiltl 1rttttieoartt tl11)ir 0. taE,'1, a A. 11. 'ItlcDoca LL.att, 't1 , OatO it rasig ettjttitt ttte 0 tAa.tas. 'tar . C. It.1I , a'0t31 tteiatiteat ~'Stent tatiia atltt G. D. HUT)NUTT.'01 E.adti.Alptyi h nvra tetatitt Japan; ittfttct, thte gatvern- sentt ttili ''tal rgizeatttt other. Thte - teattal tcience ot' (ertanytleis their atae ttaaa 'sar,, wtita t'atttt tta 'a' dlveybeoeItdetli andttt vet' o ul' tyearts it mautisI aoon t elt aa. Nattta.aaaaaatcommtutaticatiosadSat thtiere toatetl a taatattaataaataataa at'atr oteil'proagress atnd a cditnttt tnat 'a'a tatalaa efoe Sapti.. ar repat to tta enlairctlleges atih ittte, talt tt dit or'at efaorea'tt pttt . tiota t aytat tar to ith ttat tt whiar t ataerexeted t herthe lanewth ieoariesaIra explitead. saahaaai al'taa.' belaatat attA ILYofatite, OttttayspIttttt sturgery's In ilai 'II t oart Staat't''s atta'ag aw t'tareorw it tBaitrat verlt pimtiittve rtte. .1lila stt'ang ;> tSrtt Suastritea's atilacanatr a a aati t ttttrtltby . a aaaalaatr 'ao-np yattirieanyaa failuare o CPt e~ tao ' t thiitai SOea attig It tavr latiat a. h l Ientio a k ic u a e lIaitlaata a dv eatatiing a aatltr aaaaOtaae in ittt tl tai aak cat'te at , tta, tat 4t1 a. l aontta sta y pt rinstaa taat ttty daitgttta tttattottaaa Itt the lit toe otal eiageas taave atatae imulchtto 'a C1t ;Eort Iat ~lar, Iremotave ttee jtuaicottfiatetaeoipie. EASER taP etacit litkeltat. tt Ameratica. Atitietit's I tASTeIrun TP .] ottthratcoeltietty ibtaeaititba aaintd t rowaiam att ta a ta't, taf atwtichttieltattter is the atn alt tffere't't'sattattet text tait citiet silrt. 1'a''ver yer titeteais it a. trt thanatist heyt'sotbmttittead deit tltweti ity athbtiqttet atf ttichi itoni- =zteterllsupo whch heywil metivet ericit ffi ciaas ttt titoetta a. Sitce iMr. B itri-s retturn it itt' ittioe ewok f heoas rccive tele aigrltam t'totttHlarvardi ta1ti. It issaidthtit he'sutcaesstat awtit at tefittite ipropaoitiontfortat'fotaot- the Japaitesefleat in tite,(itiina-Jttpan tttil gattie tallttetiatte ofereat attitwatnwaltduitto tt ite omatntidinig by Iteatllntiteirtatame tgratundia traittedltliege gradinates. ne oftathitse titree prtooitins Facuitqi Concert Postponed. iat btaen acetetd toyot. Tite teritas tetext facltity cotntert ot the 'aiIlitt contiiderett ty the itoardt of vriySho fMscta a Co(troi ltindAtihietic Bottrdibetore otlhavertlySiti iotFriestaemtitalt -the dieisiont islantnounced~t. Surely11H l aaednestday eveninig, Feb. 2, ltoe ltndperaitpso rtgamens awiitbehats itein postpote'dito'Tthurstday piet ati il. atei otaeeventinI'eoh9, as Prof. Athertto ITthetaseball tettam tiut tatke its Jonas, tihe piantist, wni give a recital ,visal 'Westerit trilp tdtring tito Eaoter i etroit on thte eveinbgatf Feb. 2. vactatin. The schtedule tor flits trip Chicago hat stsubitittedth te follow- tins tat yet beeni tmaite publaic, buit itig subiject foradebiate tatotolunhia it wiltlile gaees with theo big for considoratione: "Reolved, That tar1liandaet several mnoetr ones. flee hst interests oftatfeUiteal States Theiomeatogaesflits year wilt not arould he coinservedl by the aecquisl- lie as itiumerouso as itay were last. tion of Cuba, Porto Riro and fle Iosraver theyaw.11 ho iniformlty Philippines.,' btetter, for seteral oftat eitsmai~ller Antntlene- taeer-le - itl colleges whta were playediitat year A ogtenwperflsith willtibettao hotfitsyatr. general lbary of flee Univorsify is ___ _______that oat the Proviadeitce (It. I.) Daily Fifty-oaie stuatentis aid gradtittes Jsournaal foar 1860.66, ation Prosialent hate gaiteoust as meissiotnarias from Agel wasedfor of fleeeitaper. fhb Utniversitv. Of these il9 havto Butler Leaeh, '00, salt last year heent ront to China, , to Itdiat, 5tat left the Citliveroily to attend the 'Tourkey, 4 ts Japten, 5 to Aftricae, 2 Agricutueral Catllege, is nosy attend- ,eacih to Mexico, Ifltyand Arabia, 1 beg the Chicago nighf-sclhool of lawy. to Bulgtaria, 1.tat Alaska, aind 1 to ____________________ (Jorali. Otto tas gone as mtissionary to thoeInditenstaed pita has not yet ATHENS THEATRE, 10011 ssigited to aity field. Thetom-n-_ her is ahout eqenlly adividetd hetaveent Gr