2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 211 2-~1 ~ preseint, there are threej patiet f # 1. there under the care of this circ'. all of thiem worthy cases which com Pxihied Daily (Sndaysexcepted) during tim not have medical cat's if this char' Coilegeya. t (l idk not furnish te means. 'T THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Circle hopes to raise all inecesa Otatto: Tret inlaid Patsi, Henning locnka. fundls this year by volunatary co Boath Phos i"a,.14 tribitonts, not only from the tteoi MAN< AcxGG I~TORt. anid stiadeits of Aini Arbsor, btut a F'. ENGETIARDt, '0I L frio te King's Dauighters ttrota BU~SYNESS :InANACSGER. tilt the State as patienits fromt ttd 0. It.liANS, 100 L.tace as wcell as ttse in AnnAt A EDsITORSC. areassistedl. All conttribtttittns si Atiletic Oi tita. t. i.Wootttota, 'ott. tatthe 'Treasurer, 'Mrs. Etoatis 1. lHo P .W.Jass,,tt. A. i. McocLteata i '1:e, 1536 Hill street, will be most thItat F. D. EAWNo, 'to, ('.]Ii. Lune, 'so0MA fully received. 'tS Stilll Hammering Away At te Stuit 11111 OveiCetat Stock- Boundtto totet t he 5tocIk diow- Profits tie tot cosiderttd---We iv stit Cash iat tti issessbn of tie yeltr, not ineittCttidis-If you I (x. 1). IIUI NL7TT. '01 E. { The susittin tpra icofte DAILY is t.50tft tae aolege trattit a tigulat divetr'ty befo noon11 eta. Naote, couitatutioats, and aot atter iiitendedilfor' publicttatioauttbit handena t otheItoILYofftcbeforiet8 p. am., an tattled lto te edittrabeflma3 pin . of athe ay priouto Ithat an whaictey areeetedt Stfiiipion atyiittltbalele to it athDALofice, May't, oato :at'sa atwtitd, ta with Bustinats Mata.subsiberhtiln a l nertafaoritaby repting- tptaaitly itt this oficeanty failitraat csiarriestliveotpaper Atlcangasain adveatisin" itanatt taut blin the aoisy 41p.i. oat hitsay preisto tatit Three Worthql Charities, The Utt~es' tb (ffsstespat/tic) Hsspitail Guildi swas organizied Nov. 1897 as a chtarity. Its object is to nitd anly neehdy iperston who desires treatmtetnt at the Hitaoopaitic IHos- pital, atnd issistthose tpatieants in the exhtaustedt. The Guildi is notatakitngan eff'irt t, provide a free bed, fair this puar- lasso, Mrs. Jarley's Wax Wtorks will appear ini LUniversity Hall otn Satuir- day evening, fai. 28, atdmtissiona 25 cts. 'We ask the sulapoirt of all for this worthay chaarity. Tie Frut ansd Iilower Misintwas ua:ganized layte Womten's Leagute, atad its airnt triginaallyits te name inialies, wats tot furnisha fruit atad dhoers Cs the patietats at telaos- ptitals.'Note, altotagha this is dotne at Christmas antdlat Easter, te work of tenissitontis atucha tider. Last year considerabale maontey was spent a- furatisintg the sun-rons, and in providling somte comafort ando beauty for the ptarlors of the nturses' laslme. At Christmtas, a Cihristmtas tree was decoratedi, siimple presetnts selected for the cildtreat, andt fruit atad flowera givenatoi the other inamates ofj the hosspitals. Besides this, te board iof needy piatients was paid whten it wtas sotatvisedlby atteatbers of the 1~'tauit autd Fliwer Missiotn Commtittee whotswereentgtagedl at the hospitals atshstdetts or doctors. However, the greatest ihart af thtis latter wcork is doate by the Htospital Circle of the King's Daughters in thte Unaiversity hotspital (Allopathtic) ad by the Hoitttpatliic Hspital Gutild itt the Houioopathtic Hotspital, btut the Fruit aitd Flower Mission is 'willing lit timles toi supplaeenit this work whenithttetther sotcieties feel that thtey-cana tot longer suappotrt an aitieni. The chtairmntorfte fault and Flouwer AM issiot iSl' appintted yearly frotnt thet Litertary D~epart- mooet of thte University, layte presi- denttof thea Womaen's Leagute. Thte work of te Missioin is initendedl to be adivieedi betweenate Alioptatlaic aid te Hoaitceopathaic Hospitals itt proportison Ctote ateedis attdlnumber of patients itt each. Due University Hsspital Circlceof thae King's Dautghters is orgataizead by faculty anad town ladies ansd students, fair te sole purpose of helpinagateedy flak in the University Hospital. At Hours flar Track Candidates. re'a> ot tiW ta Ct'rack Manager McLeatt anatotancesv slates torthie varioius trtack possittins. 'r ryl Shott put, Monday, Wedinesdia', itid1 Frdyfot4:45 is 5:15; pole ' r1lin vu ti n the samte daa'froi toa Nobe's 01 Gthi IIOusO e4; sprinters antihaurdlers, es No ,uuluiuI7b Thuarsday al Satuirday froit 4:45 to / 209 SOUTH MAIN ST.r 5:15; bightJutmtpers, froit 3 to 4 ont te same slays. Antyonbe whot cait not comiae at these tiates is requested to report to te still lie irraniged.. ' a ' LI & n'.N _____________ taiN1ORTh''5S 5ttttMANUFACTURES Ot' Bryans Date Fixed. CHE.1CAILt c and PYSICAXL APPARCATUS. Presidlent Mulholland, of te Good 1ICROSCOPIC FINDINGS. HealdqutCers foanlILabor-- Govertataetat Chub, received a tele- tory Suapplies grati frotan ii. Wins. J. Brytaityes-i1125S.aMain Staee,.Ann Armaa, Miab, terdhay statimag that either of te thates, lFeb. 18 or Feb. 20, could be TRY HOT CH C L T , hiatd for his lectutre here. Saturday Nontalitt it tesawert aight. Fel. 18, wits cotisidered thte 200 EAST WASHINGTON STREET, moast dlesirable unighat, so it has beentaSUHSTT TET peormantently settled aipota for the Tatnes3SOUH TAE TRE lecture. University hal has alsomtaade 1 owryry ss~ytcitytevvofC beeta definitely sectared fsr tat aight. ___ Manatager Lisetaer fears that ticket BOY(S! STOP ! MILL~ARD spltinfrtegetSlSihATEFussell engagement itt this city niext KINDEDrnDTM lTHlE mnatlamay becsine rampthant and has- LUf11L PitNTERt teats Cs make te annuntcemenat that postivly otmor thn Bg ickts ORA GAME OF POOL OR BILLIARDS-AnAroAik trill be sosidhis ainy one persota. Y psi'-__Huron____St. ___East _ _of___F.__and___M.___Bank.__ anti hats already sipokeit fsr 150 tickets, 1)exter for 75 and Salute for 5C). I ATHENS THEATRE Gr anid Souvenir Nighi What I Happex To Jon( Saturday,1 Pit",25tt50c'7lo 6 qAL.ISBURY ti tirtis spiace belngs to the Studsentis' Lecture Associattin. aed Jan. 28th. r- =7b ALI Drugs and Olpical:Goods (0A L .. t~t~ I~L Cook House Block. Huron SI. M. STAEBL ER. ___119i WEST WASHINGTON ST., BOTH PHONES NO. 100. ANN ARBOR. ' MAYNARD ST. BELL 'PHONE 240. Peninsuiar Granger3s inderdeanimagealaf MRS. ROSS GRANGER. Beginner' (Classes-Gnittemn, 10 a~i. Saturdaya;;Ldiasn 4tpat.Sate day4 dem tot ematdati Cass-Motday ev'nntgs. Advantoad Ctss-Tansday evniatgs iic emt Programmn Party Each Saturday Evnng, " ~TICKETS,$S00Go oadt12 we eaaromiieofsating;t. Company, DETROI In closc Pace~'vA~" With the earning and gaing of the snasons are the fashibons in Shunt. T'he Styles of yesterday ate nate fargatten in the desire far that of n-menass' .Senear windawn;fne uhe hesi np-la-date linenof the styies fur intorrow. 1 abntmS Rf1RILt'8 SHOE STORLY ntAr.. t T, MICH. ..