VOL. IX, No. 90. ANN ARBOR, 31ICH., FRIDAY, JANUJARY 27, 1891'. TinweFCET. TUT FINAL DEBATE TONIGHT the Law Department from Prove BAIRD HAS RETURNED -- City, Utahil. He has show consid-____ To Choose Representatives to Meet erable abiity ini hs work inllie Trip toth East Was Sccesslo Thefnlinter-department debate ystraytamh,_riori H G. H. WI ID C . H foitte choice of debaters against A NEW GYMNASIUM. baselal andl other athetic gg; WI. cUniversity Hall. The judges chosen Northwestern Uniersiti Soon to by yesterday airswering come l in- E THE TAIL10S E are Honi. Chas. . Townsend, of Hae a Fine New Building. deineich(hs fee biad d u Jacksoni; lion. W. W. Wedeniye, Aniouinemoent of a new 4000( i becs ethda potn 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. of Ain Arbor; Ju idge MW. P. Vani iy to discus nmaters iwitlimbu, h T ~gyminasiumr for Northiwesterni iniver- ever, le coisenteul to a short intn- T T Winkle, of Howell, and I. M. Rotb sity wlliiibe iimade asno 00ion lugsiO5ar ewslbarirenlveite AHive jstreceived ia large buns, of Detroit. Prof. Robt. ULl.iii uoily oviitc l iew wLY iarcepl ntat-lionfa-he liof F nVetins for Flton, o elwr , ilOiitilleitpre-iof i0tri> sul Spring amd Siiiiimer. sie. Tueeiquestioni for debate is: acietndslcptms tit'iyoiintenipwihIlti 1 lierchreect ipdrtatitonlaI:J.eItwascmloThatotimeeabolitionchof the Thyr. I .raios ReiveThtlteabltinofte itt((d yesterday that action has lst takeim iwts vry suri seI ml Sf (liectfriniLoidon lielie amie iiii iiitt5 f al latO~l cv beeii taken ly trusteesndii itheau- severaml reasons. I viited ll tine cal ndseite. cpt for doimestic olier infeasible niiuceieit awaits on~y their site- lager colleges mmidiseerat of ithe flTie literary departmemnt hasthe tg.siile iio.lnslvna ie Therspairs fid the it te iMgair. Tie trustees are considerimng tie o, Ha~rvard, Yale, Cornell ii eev R h iekrsfrteltsae~ 1questioii of a clubhouse hull gyimiir- ame nleumniber At all ti tsr ACarimoy, L. Younganod rM >. B.Iliar- i mid mudia new feture l ttheiui iti. arisn, and for the laws L. A. Wilsomn, hshe spetd ytedilrr t ees b uji efotmuli.rad aae MT E. lRydalch,anid I'. D). ammmnu.flaeits ieiisaggessdcbythiion olhieiterofltmIlifit ilinlae 1t . Croy 9,wsnsraied oitltrmiistnlboaltiis ftl ll tems. Of coulrse, the piial-st Lit-a , II.m (aruGrn Raids ndia- iiverity t) have mrnis inile sibject ifdisicssiniibetwee i 0 sos . eniiedldistrct schooluntitiihe iwas 14. hiisedii t tg110uibtis r wcil l ie 1rard li lrigiiig AtalleplabesiF At 18 lie entereti the noirima schooiiiihrinI) tlt(staeiadhlem-frgeterltinaml illm.stolds-f klt Valaraiso, fun., ammiiremainmedi giieiitm' miicleemntii.was moels-nh iecll fmiiitie nianla i s I kthere three years. While tierse e r. H olister ms winiliy indrsudsitlioimlexceptioni ser aimxiiiatyi si-s imemmbr o tme receit itr-the lltnI sill iuse his ifluece cinier theuosiil it f gamies ill, S tai-s WyScitter itimthe tinsteen to adopt such st -ye us. Tie eine for a iloser ielatini icooit, rpfitig i s flit fstructure. 1m inliheticsswitiitiii-,IXWst tsirn--- lthefol oii tmw imii sirtrgr hi ie sniior class fils taken ipliits In imt gc triiliii ti- ato limen foihescing ,g~g, °yelrif b ftv 1i Xi-$1,000 giftti tie gyanmasillii findicil ileges. Timis iii f srm a a -g; puaiso e emteredithis Univerity. ii iniest, munl varouieth mmliil oireav-iipiifsem-woitlit fur ihieii t iii that -is r Hi- iInsheenm a membr of thu- Alphla'beenmhpiiopisedl fr raisimg thit tiiiiiiiiiitn. tm betoc etetraveel omandiilli-th esn-tlt - ecn t k.r ~ 1mm o AuSociety fr thmree years, Itcing its It is Ibenifiiiudh imprttticaldt for lgmmaiifiiliis elisgpc~a resieit at tie resetne c tll. 1i- el ti umiituuclle aiii i aci al . itcu-iw t0 i e ltu- Laftyette Yoimng in a mimbher of tec orieteetr uon hnikdwt htcol- ie TffTC1cssf19(.il ti ifiyrlas subisciioniis, liii theiiieai-hidisecureds-igmesltMt. Baird ?.. MuihuienCY he iiassofl10 e isahome ismifers sill Islifcit cotiutiitiosfiiiont iliiiil lii s nulsal thle (i i mffrtieriity. Hil ebaeht- their fritiiis ini Ci-iiistiii, an no that I hlitiesecsrtin-ti eswit h n-ii ii .ln o rkse n pi ubiuis i imieito thin difituty rai-cuufipatedinisi n ilg the ( iolleges hrI sill notibeIi- lil ii i and I h n, moiluntu. liii- fices f tie cass fo. everalrai nswiii-i liii- e ii llii u iiu jg yeamr, ltouigii e 5wai5tuiierel a ae aim-ails hearduiof thearn bytu i iiiat-m riiii et O n miiofpromise before itooik pat Iibeise anwlrisebt giruuastiiidoentip l.ar. 1t Iiii T o h a cc& o .. r -c e iv i m g t ir i l ah le r. t s a t e r S u s r b d 308SoStteStee. 1'1. I laim-isiu itIfa snior uktiniii he hitiuih hyti i15 i ttsevral lil luremt aiuisu l. I hsui-h- tOO So. Stats Stree. hiss ~ ifs ills Ias a ueli-lt i n mmthe iiewu uilitiii. to cnfilir uiliw i s-i-i-l nuttir ltI ___________________________________ iiu ebatilug andiuratr.y fo icmvel FITZPATRICK RECOVERING I ainiiouci-i-e liii tlili fil l 011hi year, hain ereii-sntedf thic Adel____y-iitrifi C baers uiStil iii oimiht f iitri Wil Return Next Week to Resumnei Hndball Seni-Fnals. soiemty undiiltstietsHehitpmill ork. Thie filioinlg i-,iitheuter Oithe Vests. r nte-d Xiichiganiniithepiicm uutuuio KenFizarcwoisilteem-nlsnthadbl orna liii yo u nlveat r ityoue ni tesuu-t of the Mtli m n i iui tiriit-cn iit sli ti- ii~iitihs iii ollegei I i iuhil luiii lltsa-ahiu-tts Gemeral Hostlu at iiienti: Ioreiv: XX ifI , Bts p -. -ireliter younought to iwear swinninig the contefst. Ihu toolsatBstnwsvsie atModynilue fAai aloi tt~_ oinuuelfthesis vests. It is 1mmLthe finl forthe N dN h s orta- tn iotui um ilnu ut ifii Y b uuuu f hlli ulheapmue ht kin lug unl. bali. If(,'t k part ie his Icfiss o Ciifit-le Biaid. - it"is reoed fM iNi-l Ws I liii 11111 lull uunuuv, We sell thus iest one at s iiucfihuiitimpovd.Slitine leaiglDwuy-t, w11iinro' W. I.ltNe- 31.51 ti r2001 Some foiii- le-ia curtest fast yenr ree hit--c ii- ir vit-t rsi--sill. Iehahe 11111.sihie te iii st i 11111 ofi it lien. Is ~1".A.XXWisiuot 15 1,Iis from Law- hbeeii uat tnly line seelk beforuie i-stanu- ,whoit iiorpututchu;i -Nod- tml,,Belah. Ife cmpiletdi the outmse wisa-cmiiiellieidt guitot the hsplitat-l fl.int- drwsa-be.ti u- I s - ii-- 6 a l~ s PIiidG11U I il teLass-ou high gollaigO con fterrefc eln u: l epartofbfr Jtr fh re t nrt he rrh , A a,-l of tuithewuniiiiatsif fli t he opi-l t inl filltua n it itJieaasi- Cuu, ollege. He mceivreufhis I. in-i uiilnms-i yt, uuaiiu aLi S. tingre m e t hautit iustitutioin i ff494, i-i-luii-iuut-ii hitre, uiinothier- operamtmtiionC(. I XiiI lull Mangr ftERHAPS YOU WILIL N EED ini 33 fit won thin M. A. C. omtttirimsuicsay.Ol esiu-lunel hlrui y I . iii ii iouii lho its bhun rcwatror atl contet. Il~e made ashort stnupi by Dr. Warren oeicof themostell,;-i~itdP te tlkfheitreiiXX sstutgttet=- aliewing fur i-90, e t i-g t im tirttu 'i'i' li t hait(hunLan-i hda uuugideus-Wesry t sti-i-i a:m Gymnlasium 1Suit.theopeatpn "rtz idiot eat inee hat tme coti im sly ben ifs hit-iluntil 1M1uuday of ttthi -ecel i det1Ilnlc' mpra-pl- We s ave liaflarescariets adiiiie hnh a pfrtefis ie la n leu-f the XVehiteu Stcint. cy (Ni n---iiuu-uucu-tutdthu-in letn- Seiaythe best grute - masys'Tis is the inrlst yearhehit akenHe eptsceditim ens-n-thie housiital do i- h ase oa ntt oei pnt mi ny contes. Sm m-hm iIila mii imittil g -i,, d o-hiut eranoferu-u-m ,-r-- ues,. F. . I a an,'01L. wa fow ly iinfeisueeii hiii 1htitio inwill he i ui ii SPORTINrG GOODS wFh'0 it. Ienm,'h sas t imeryA rbtor thinlasio f next week ai hnd e li XXWiltlfrd 11.iliimmarig .Lt suart be'thIitprlienmau u eeruoilibsie uicommecee traininmg tliii-ati;i10in hasitccetedttilthe pifes ofti of tf stemrydesriptien. yeasbem mlirtumie' nem t-re caim iimmediately. iH thit iiimhis aut hyI sica Scmti-ein ___ the Adelpihi Society. Last year ie thisWe1-eni itim liiturs Aadiemyu at A -reptresnited is class ini this oratutritmal J.1..St. Juthnm, isin lithe lwLpe lo,11 W A W 5 comtest, winnmiig thirnd place. Thin ofite f Vainderpoolt, Cnuiuhug & iie ltuili year le rpresseited the Lawv Depart- Geodns, one of this biggest cuorpot-mJ. II. lawsyer, ex '96, ihas a imne ANN ARBORhintit hthsNorthwssesterni finl, tie- atioimlawmirimsnof Nest Yorkn city. hostoum wiitimtSchenuectaduy Lime-ti UP ro Down Town hg for thimrd place ii ranuk. HeIs sill rtom sithm Howe Wilims motvcXWorks mt Shmeiiectmdy, Ntw scttoSt. Opp. oura t W Iin.lEi. Rydalch is a freshmamn in '94, whio is an artiot oi this I'rld Ytork-