4 -1. HE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 4 iHE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. A ONE-HALF riiC AT IntmroI16uiate Bureau 01f16 RG&MIG Go~tumc. GTEL& LEONARD.,v VJLir Caps, Gowns, and Hoods made to order and rented. Also Class Canes, Class Hate and Caps, Class College Pins. Address TA L R W. C. KERN, Western lnagr., Foil... -'jTSEVC Has% Receivedl a Fiane Linse, PRMP SRIC o NwGoods. \ICEf ICARRIAGESf1 tJ214 East i1.shia,,to SI. 1421-atr Ae Ititsc yoor Party and Calling II 'k~E**' Liv- ery COdes at TBLEF'S'ONE 106. 515 E. LIBERTY. W. J. Bo0rie.P11--. ________________________W. AResie, 1h't pice-pros fS~fITE LAMPS EO STUDENTS, BAa~tV.~ J\NKS We call attentionl to or complete line of ('enter :Draft -Nickel Plated Lamps, ranging in price from 75c to $2.50 each. These Lamps are of the latest and most improved patterns and makes. Including "Tihe New llorhester," "!The Yale," "1The Royal," "The Berlin Studenlt Lamp," "'The Perfectioln Student Lamp."c- If yen want thle best Lamp for the Leastf miely comnald see us Old Number: D A ' 0 44 SO. MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. MICH. D A O 'transacts a general Banking IBusiness. FIRST NATIONAL BANK ofass d ('spiel, "100(00. Surplts andtProfits, 40.0N0 ecagbought andsd old. Furnsh ]otter o IF, s H H A Graham Tatalor Msara Come. WHIAT IAPNITOJN . i0.INItr.IAIRtN5110 L Pe, lilteSttldttllts' Christianl Asoocite., The coming attraction lat the Athens s. W. CI.ARllSIINClhe.to. taitwoktl'frtTheattre next Saturdlay evening is- -- -_ tion1 reptorts htiswr h is George II. Broadhurst's comedy success semellster this year llas Ibeenl sore ' What Haeppetned to Jones" which held thtatn urdittarily successofuol. At lAres- the boards of the lBijou Tteat re, New -----___--r_ l ent it 11110 itli 65t0 (mitembers 1501 (f York, four months, and is nttt running whih ae nw Teyat the Strand 'Theatre, London, As its Csl.'lantsd .tett tstets. trtetaeten ' tyare to1ttgjt title would indicate, tile play deals with Catpiit.l,1451 o.Surls:, $10000 rnsrt secotte st'verl Nvell knttwn speakers'tt serious of amttsing situations asd gnrlolhn bies and0 relousott trkers for thteir meet-. complications which it good catewtill R mi.tFte, Pros. C'. tE. GOsto e('-Prs.' tns ext So'mtester. Among othters, interpiret, amottng them severali ttell FRstD. II Brjt.stt. Catthttr. titO 'known favorites: John Alison, (. GrahmTatt tylotr tf Cloiago, the Sololene Pnwtell, Barney, SlClonough, 'lhe Penn PirIporSaisBtk fattius soucital sttlemetistt eformner 1ist Frank X. Httoe, Louis Ilbeinir t, S..i1UIS BaI ectedcl (harles (Greenl,(Coras Williamss, Jtiliet Caitastot:ck.$(0. esteu Sllti, 150,000,tt itYM.CA.ttrtsiIti'1Sager, Helent lltrcourt, Elanore lirttd- licottttc'.5io,ttOO.00h .1T .A hsas hdi so ucsflo To' h'iey ltv.hay, Catherine Weston and MAati COi gzdu~e t'tt:ctttttr te (tosnit Bkin,,, 1 aw,- Allison. ttoSii.Iocso Iottt. ttoot ot iitt'rcasedth leir tetttbcrsltcxha;entepincrt 11( ipal oot io f t he t1 5: U ht 2511 aitt liave raised at lrge, sti Tt 'ako' jrivtet io'ssos it altiu S afeitty dpcitttItttsc'to trut. tver thteir current ceiseo. 'l'lhery, before tlte Chas. 's..osIi. tci t si(,;t 1,bfreteJniru::Hoo : ..I'_ , have beeti carryinlg ottaggressive, J.ettretzCotssitttAbt (Casiticr. wotrk gettitng jttbs fitr titte tltani 10(0 Acadleity, 312 Mt'taola. tenuan mtis atileast 1,500 'clls. I- 1A man 0 o nr inrn Ann Arbor Railroad Connections.14IYDCi erl~ l Student' Launry Assoiation Baseball Captains. ofo tnAio i lt ~ t 'I Stdns anryAscito hie 'ttlltiis of tte leadoinog citl-iionntliotltt ill:. VO Gt VIi't 5':: i.'tFt), i cu:t's tt lo ' bte'tfoerosif soet t Ij '11 U GRIAND LAINIDRY,.4)t DETOI)''ITt seatsttiiOf 181) 1 are' is follows': e Fantttt rlotr. - ':T oot bes t gtic laundrytilt::tft i t. 5state 't'e lPinctont, 1. W\. Koofer'; '5Tlo, . 725_.n..Artot St. tLottt..2ol ahn o eicfnsh l ~ et :ji.r GtovoeOfin ishalo: itit:. Al tort ot ptly, A. 11. D liotlles; Matrva) '], 1 . o( 7:25 a ....Arrive'oKanstiso ity..7:t_ . Wei1 n neaty an carfull don. Iln~rbon; ennslvana, G llin er 7:251. ri...A2Tvf, olo. oil keel: ct'erytliit.ie kep evry ting ttuatlily e keiot < lloz07. tit t tttt ot tOi:tt>s' 7':''ioyvtit, ilsot 27 .lt... Arosve 'ti'tino di. .5:39 11ti.tto' first-claoss Grocery tatu llstery. (Cai Nowce202 5:'tae t ei::::'. 0I~wr~ne t. ! ('ittell, T..F. Slitlotgh fhsi t 7 25 1 i...A iveIn ianaolis .15 :t.t:. todOes. W . L. hlighter; Browntt,0. 'AV. Sed-tj 12 an ..Ariveot : OttOo....12:3.0nton 318 S. STATE ST. wiot Lehtigh, E,. (3. (3, 'rt'cla '11 :2 n...Arrie oevt ad. . 5.5 .1.11___ ofe' ytc itgoEcto ele tJt 01to Art't'uin io Io YOU'RE NEXT Piano, Ptpe Orgo,5 and Cuapaitiui I.3 1.' s'ti'ielt\o'~ ~ iit, A S t 2 t o ..ii Arrite Itiitutetpl 05Iplit 1 1t t 1':251,').11 Itil I li il..A ivt 1511i .. iti p.ills co B eh K. Lm H. K MPF tititl, .V rw liiha .9)t..Arr it:eCitcinntio...i6:t5 .t.ni. (1 ?0 io)1 84 a.i..Arrissettr'andIt' ils. 12:5n o j 3i2 S. Diito ts. Goncert PtaoTuato1g Thterei' s ile oktti"tg theI iltiltn4:06 P"it ... Arriett'dStiit.......O80 t n.RAZOR HONING 4:6pn ....Arit'O I iyptity. 8:0 Op. n Arl~tr skatinig1)ark1. 4t:.plit..Areie Lo,:o: 50gV. rri'oIIS A SCIENCE ____ _ _At':Ot:lltt Ii .it' t p ll.Gaateiu ok T~lt' III Ott~t:56A'dvll-.liii'l'i..11Arertt FIlit. ...... . . it 01lt isilio'(il it TH EONDi111D)~~L~'I0O Ctatltidteefor 01st 1901 Il WARR EN liTHE BARBER, MR. . EUIGE3NE PA E, Tratek T1eto nwill ilee~ttat te .o ittt OA''iOlo'015i tit t - l S111).ro :31) to:5:15 1511 Istesuly, tost iterestig OttilO '00r iovenled. Ise 'lur(Ia aid atrda Oter ottls tlittaRone."It ilslayd ytorsonaTHE IMODEL of "'fateSMteet AIvill givt lessott onll tilemtn l itntand '111cly' ieaSttrchtflrrelt puti S ttsellt.i <;a Buse Bltl ti a il:,ore' iss. N I ' guit'aratthe lLiivt',si}FySchol Ioh A.. .IN t'n. oFEI, - K 'e.i rnhtos:arid terriosio 10th nasa thYgasoBARBER 'SHOP If you desire 31 ISO o'v''ylFriday~. "or lerilto id -:- 11ge o ktt 01 oiIt l :recipt:t of:01te. first-cltoss worksIndlcoourteous 1treatent Go lldge a kae ol t te tt ASE BAIL.A'T 110)110 CO.,I try Genrge atod larry tat 3302 S. State St. liotors lappjly to thle 'ecretry' , ' ' It't . titi:::Chmbtrof Ci ota ece DRAND ALL, Slate Phone 144. Peninsular Engraving Compangj, DETROIT. MICH. Look for the Mark!, Vwl ourcev 011 the taticle' or' 011the box. Ilijo is a gtutarantoeethtat it is goodl. Souvenir Holiday Gifts ! Thlar iigest liCill 'Wash. t('lltoW Coutnty (If gifts lesirlflle: for 'laties 1and( genltlemlenl. JISxtalillet our1' Mock. fluE I aneal Diretotr Nit. 16ttI. Libetpy Street. lResidence 50 0 Ftoou1 rt ' v, t'iihoemL. THOSE NOBBY TROUSERS MIL WARD THE TAILOR DRESS SUITS STATE S: I