THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 IRONCL T ADh A strong, serviceable shoe. 3 soles-,--sewed. Soli I ~ wear-resisters. (6 to 11)...$24900 ,CENTRAL, STAND)ARD)TIME Taking Eftet Aug. 14, 1898. Mal and Express ...........3 47 PM'i N. Y. & Boston Special ....... 4 5 sot Eastern ..............90430 Atlantic Expres.............. 45 A. tO. Detroit Night Express........ 5 55 Grand Rapids Express.......11 tlO1 Mail & Enprtss.............918 A. 5u. Boston. N. Y. & Chicago.........8103 Past Westernt Express.t......138 P. u. 0. tR. & Kal. Exnrent..........5 45" Chicagn Night Express ........ 940 Pacific Estiress.............12 30 A. M. . . RUttIGLES, 10. XW. HAYES, G.P. & T. Al-'t. Ithicago. AgE tAttn Arbor TIME TABLE Taking Et ne, Nor.205, 18'98. Trains lease Ann Arhor by Central Stand. ard Tine. NORTH SOUTH 8:43 A. M. *l:25A. !i. * 120 1,.Nt.11:25 A t. 4:56P. 8:405P. M. #Ratt betweeen Ann Arhor and Toledo only. All trains daily exceptlSunday. E. S. GILMORE, Agent. WE. H. BENNETT. G. P. A. DETROIT, YPSILANTI & ANN AR- BOR RAILWAY. Cars leave Ann Arbor for Ypsilanti and IDetroit every half hour beginning at 7:15 a. in. U. of Ml. ear leaves City Hlall; Detroit, every night lifter Theater. Special U. of i1.I cars for all extra occa- sious. Baggage, express and Students' supplies received and delivered. Wait- ing rooms, corner of Annl and Main streets, Ann Arbor, 2ll Griswold street, Detroit. The Wabash "Continental Limited" Saves you time and money. Gining home for Christmas? Look here, then. You tease Ann Arbor lit 7:25 a. m. and reach P'eru 12:05 noon, Logansport 12:213 p. mi., LaFayette 1:19 p. in., Danville 2:34 p. in., Decatur 4 p. so., Taylorville 4:40 p. in., St. Louis 6:52 p. mn., Chicago 2:40 p. mn., Indianapolis 3 p. in., Louisville ip. m. Close connections at these stations for all points itn Indiana, Illinois sod Mis- souri. The Continental Limitedl is the faot, luxulriouis train of the Wabash Line and passes Milan going West at 8:07 a. i. Consult the ticket aigent of tics Ann Arblor Rtailroad for rates and risk him for a Wabash folder. R. S. (iaen Nsooo, iU. P. A. Ohio Central Lines THE DIRECT LINE TO Bowling Greeii, Marietta, tsanidlh.5-. Athens, Columllbus, Midhllelsort, and Chiarlestoni, W. Via. -Colunibus trains use Lake Shore Union Station at Toledo. Thirotugli trainis with Sleeping and Drawing Room cars from Detroit and Toledo. MOUJLTOiN HOUR, Gesersl Passenger Agt. CORRECT AND STYLISH TAILORING WVe loperlate the finlest tahiling traode ini the city, 0811 eqitlayi n jtthe State. We respectfulhly solicit yotlur valedipaltronaltge. All garmlents matle by u01 kept pressed lant ill reipirlfo coie year. 104> E. Hitroii. New Stante Phaone 4; CALENDAR. French and Spanish. Satsirdaiy, ,Jan. 28-Mrs. Jarley's (Scotnt Semnester.) Waix Works iii tniversity Hail. A nesw conirse in French willl Iridily, lJan. 27.-Junior Sociatoff sleretd by 1)r. 1iotrlatni:26.iI l 'iislr.tosrical Morphlology of the Fren1 harbo tlGynasiumt. langualge, tsvo hours. Open to sti Monday, Jan. 30-Prof. ii. W. dleints who hov asedSSS coulrse 14. Tausosig illGoiod Goivernmni eti ctuire Couirse 21 inl Frenchl, Conlteli coustre rary Dralmil,still be giveln by 1 Molliay, Jan. 30 -Rev. F'loretice lTlicele. Kollock Crotoker ini the Unity Club Coucrse 4 ill Splnnisli, DoiQtiixot course oil''The Minlistry of the still he given as a tswo-lhonir copse. fBeatttiftul to tie lsets~." D.BTJIAD Ttieoday, Jan. 31-Eugeine V. Debo Arrangemients for the Matiske' iGodGvrmnLetrCoreenaeetaDeriOpr -oTsday, Feb. T--Normnal 'Train- are iiiis conmplete. 'The D., Y. & lug Associatioii meeting. A. wiletin a special car for Ar _____ ____________ Arbor atnc Ypsilanti peopl~le if ciloni 'Thle lecture by Prof. D)ock, on- peroono mand ini their nsian. Sea nuntced fior last night, was posltoned still toe reserveh aiid full partictula oti account of the illneos of the lec- given at either thle Ann Arbor+ tuirer. 'Thie lecture will be given Ypsilanti Roomis. some tille next oweek, at a hate to be The Anti Arbor Music Cit.ji anmuouceil.purchased a baiikriipt stock of banj FoR RENT--A suite of rootis at with which is some of the famiii 1132 XWashtenaws ave. Furnlace heal, Waldos which they oifer at abcl gas and bath. wholesale price. L lRentschler, the IIb'otooraphev. jibe (INCORPORATED) I _ __TiN_ _ MAESNFrR~I O E Nfo~ ThMotN'U -t-ae "HIAVE YOU SEEN 'Tihe New Bruino Manoloins~ OF 12 STRINGS? " id They are4.'for a 'le ait te SHAEBERLE MUSIC STORE Down tn Licay.Street, cbui onl. thresodons oricc::.:MMon Si, ANN ARIIOI. FUNERAL DIRECTOR Eronbalming a specialty. No. 200 Fourth be Ave. Ambulance night andi day. Res- ie deuce 302 fifthi As. eb M~rM tllocks! t Wm. ArnoldLedin 1li GET YOUR nnLUNCHES ,II Ar ar W. W. TUTTLE'S or 338 So Stile Stree. ist OUR PHOTOS j0s Ms ..ARE..; mt PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH THE SBerryman Studio I 1 12 West Huron St. Stae Phoine 119,1 A. G. SPALDING & BROS. New Yrk - cliecag. ATHLETIC GOODS. Official ostitters to all te leaditig colleges scolns and ahletic clabs of the contry. The Spaling 11Ilynr idieii PTthe IntercollegIa A. A. A. A. Caiypions, and all the leadlng college riders. Estery Reui sits for Base Ball, Eot Iall, Golf, Tenis, Ahleics, ytnasitii. Spalding's Official League Ball Is the Official Sal ot the National Leagae anid all the leading college aaasoitions. Hiasdssoe ataogae nt Athletic Sots Frento anyp address. Spalding's Official Base Ball Guide ioe 180, March 0. 10 Cets. A. G. SPALDING & BROS., Nes Yok Chicago THE BUCKEYE ROUTE. COLUMBUS, HOCKING VALLEY AND TOLEDO RAILWAY, Is the only lee frosie Toledo Unio Saionio ts Cinuhbeand poins beonstd, aslng Unioi nepit teirisisalt at Columbust. Parlor Cars as Day Trais, Seats 25 cts. Pliman Sepera as Night Trains Students desiring unqalled facilities are in. vited tsar.e the u ScheytRoute, Fill1 parties. lason appliaia In local ticket agents, or -W. A. FISHER, . . and T. A., Cslumbas, Oho. ALL STYLES $3.50 I Shoe Made. Ann Arbor Store: 11o EAST HURON STREET. FACTORY-Brockton, Mass. Z I :1 11 Ff. ffl WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE.