2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Wrinkle a Good Nlumber. __ _ +N f fN +t iIf ft L. Ji dh ° The January naunaber of theTH ahtiahed Daily (Suadaytsaeaaepted) duain, t~lrall nieit ernethis Micrscpical Su pi esPRS tmornaing. It is ata esptecially gootid oc ~ILN aleaya.atnutober, the jokes being tiaaely and -asNLAN THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, fill of life sndth ie art work upa to AN AR R 13riE:. Tht tnlat Pr'a.t4 litajag tlock. Wbkes tttlrdY ovri y Dissecting Instruments. ANARO Balat'aata.ardln'p'9 I1.,ad represents aI 'hN(I NG IIhEITORI. yatuttg totaacotaaatettiatg on thte t aeythiag yaa ataed tat Lere r± fl'Bnd r F.'Na a t at,'01at.. aprItaglike jJaituary weather. Thte rP nes Bn es u8axess MAxxNra it. frtnitispticce is by Whitehiettd and is J1JQ7 fJ R-yANt + 0. It. HtAMS, 'd0 L. qutite tt clever liecre of work. Jd' i t .. iii1a'1'1ts. lWrinkle". favorite is Pro~fft. M1. CAMPIUS tDRUGt STORE.f BLANK-BOOK MAKERS AthlticEdit r . It. Waaaaaaa, '00 t.. Weniley lietad of tite dejiarttient tOf li.' ,.0'. aaa,"., A. ti. 5tcnAttaaza, 'dli.t, Pliiloopana d ti is also bty Ilarliti. E)tAMAN, '00, Ot. ILetin, 'W0M, The relter page is by Whtitehetad. I + !'ffH f 0. 0 licarat di . HItpictures i a mtderia girl'shotudotir - ____ atad relareselats three or fior girls r Cg =disctissitng the cointg Junior IHop. Th eaataaaaptiaa ta pr icoftAIL s $.:>0 forThe iletails are e ell worked ot. COI LFJGE T DE T -cottaege aar, xat hareguaratdatliatry beforeta'hlere are also an extr-a large natitber S U E T ai (atal day. Ntices, 6eaaacat'tatt, atad 'a attrIntaenaadttttrtiptat iatiolt i stat behaof cairtototnsall weldtrawni. - dna t theDtILt o ffaticatbefaae 85p. in., or T hetli editotritils are tip to lriot'le's ' T" ad a totitorabefoeat'i. fta.atlit'day iotthtta atitttthichteyateexetettdtostaitlartl, the dodeOtt the Northuweat- C'OUNTRllY taaraitttlaas11a11bit tail at ia th.ATI itet, rrn-tuhit'igtiitdebate, ad the onie on OVERt atro ttlsnt at orwith Busnesit > oSpaters New Year's Itesoltitioti hiSMK -iataiag proatlytlat tsdOficeanytai dliiio at1adr o elve ppe.beitig especially goodl. ur satire tin i eA agesitatdaet'aisittg nattmtbe itan the TitmesHiera lda write tip of the s ic" t y5 . a it ppa dyr ' tt i i t 'S tu d e it Ito " last 5't rd a y' iiig ht I f 'ub u ! 's O orvii S itP G -- =-is iquite approtpriate. There is also N .'ttAttt OFTOD':'t tI'StUE. the aisuialtatont tof verse, tonies _______ F. D. ZEAMAN. and1 jokes.' Resolutions of Regret. The ctaittetof the Senitti'En-i giuter'cltasIthavinig in chtarge the irtitg up of resoluitiotis itt the hleath of Blutrr ttrdvy, otreaof the %litttt, htave retorted theifitlttlowig: teis ttetitbers of the Enaginteer- inga Class if '9t9, of the University if licliigtat, feeling keetnly the losif air belavetd feliowcit latsmatte aid Frienid, Buarr Hardy, take this tieaus 'f expressinig in sotme sitall meaisuore tur deepja rdi't for hinitiwhio teas so suddenily taketa front our tidest when aeailig the etnd of the ipreparation of li~s life's wuork. As a perseveritig ohile student and an upriighit hontor- able utati his influence anong his friends will always be retnenmbered. W~e, as a class, wish to extetid to his famaily, atidtoe most detar to him, 'sor heartfelt symtpathly ini their be. seavement. (Signted) F. Lawis BuowN, JAS. C. ARMSlTROINdG, Committee. F. M. Hall, this year's football :coach, is ini the city for a fewt days. lie will reave stton far the Pilip- ;ine Isltiads, where lie witl endeavor to piurchase lairge tracts of titmbem'. '[There is a person inite city who hao 'Subscribed $10,000 to the fittd witichi Mr. Hail will hiandle. PresitlettDraper, of theh'ier adee- y ofhIlinis, lass issued an itnvita- tion to etacht trgantizationtof thes itnstituttionto t setid otte delegate to a university cotigress, uvichel is called aus deliberate ott the hetavy tdtebt of the Athletic Associatiton. The semaiannutlal mteetitag of the Northern Tri-St ate Medical Associa- (101n uas held in Hillstdale yesterday, wsitla abouit 30 phtysiciasofrcott the ptates ttf Itidiatta, Ohio and Michai- na present. A piaper was retad by Bir. Nancrede. Henry Hugla Johnson, congress- saan from the Sixth Itndiana district, Itichinond, Ind., has beenm invited to 'ieiivered the Washington's birthday jaddress at the University. Invitations are out for a receptiona to be given Friday evening by Dr. and Mrs. Fleming Cartrow. Iniander. lt'ar Jattuary tautmber taf the In. louder teatspliced ott sale tuhistmtrna- lng. alahere tire even tmore thtanthtet usual tatiaber otf interestitig articles antd clevcr verse. Norutma Kinig Me- Ititeswtitssodli"Thelallays of Arthur Wing Pirer'o." It ittata article of cotisiderabtle lenigthlanatd shttws care- fuil study atdat n ituanderstaandinig of the sitbject miatter treatedl. "Tue Fellow antdl Blute Afloat'' by Edwhi Denby is pecrhaaps as uweil written and poultiar att article as Inlander has tad for tmataytmontlis. It is a pleas. itng ntarratidon of the advetttres of thte Michigan alumni snth ie Yostnite duritig the late uwsr. Itsuo TIoku- iiaga cotntributes an article on "'Stu- denat Life in Japain." It contains tuchiantterestitag ai vahuabie in' formation. Onae of the large plato glass win- dows ini Quarry's drug stare sins State street was smashed by sotne utuknown person or persons late 'Tuesday tniglit. 'fte loss will be at least $75. Dr. C. B. Kenyon uwas calletd to Jontesville intl Albiotn yesterdhay ott professiottatibtsitaess. ATHENS THEATRE, Grandsf Souvenir Niti What Happened To Jones? Saturday. Jan. 28th. Paicaes, , ,5$1. Drugs and OpticaliGoods Cook House Block, Huron St. Wanted=3 Students To s olicit esucription to lte Chicago Record A fne oppotnity to earn some money. G. M. STEPHEN15, '59 1.. Prices front $15 Uip. t~ obtatedsasthhe Itntis sin earl tig0totito tstsad egi , e stu i es.odi ti t eacon KOAL.. AVER~Y KIND M. STAEBLER, 119 WEST WASHINGTON ST., BOTH PHONES; NO. 10n. ANN ARBOR. GagrsMAYNARD ST. BELL 'PHONE 248. Grarngeremet f MS.ROSS GRANGER.attdt Acsdei termedtate Claass-Mosday eveninsa. Advanictd Clis-Taesday ctenitngs AeadPmogrTmmeEParty ach Saturday Evening. TIKTa, $5.00.Gocodt12tweeks frottttitttofistating,. In Closc PaicCfAese With tarearnming and going of the seaaons aresttefastios in Shoes. The Styles at yesterday are seas forgotten ini the dtsire tot that of to-mrnrca'. See sat windownllfor the best ap-to'-date line at the styles tsr to-mucrrow. 1.19 nnsArbWanigtn St R1PI1lLL9S SHOE SOEYiu, AnAca