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January 26, 1899 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1899-01-26

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VOL. IX, No. 89., ANN ARBOR, MIH., THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 1899. Tm Er, 10Cxswi
UDON'T DO IT. Banquet o Washington Alumni. S. L A. IN TROUBLE
_ -r LI 1 Senator (Cushman K. Davis was
President Angell Does Not Think last Tuesday night elected president Cochran and Wendling Want tot
That the Uniersityj Should Leave of the Wasingtoni Alumni assoia- Come the Same Night
IAnn Arbor. tioui of the University of Michigan. P'resident Lathers of the Stuiet
T FIN WINTR SUI9NGST 1{len President Janies B. Angell The thirteenth annual diner of the Letre Association received a se
H heard of the plant of removing the alumni was held at tie bitt house. cial teleploie message yesterday
Untiversity of Michigan to Detroit, Dr. Angell, president of the tiiver afternoon from Iot. Roatrke(ock .
E E ire expressed his disapproval in city, repoded to the toast, "The Uini- rai in which lie was inf ormxed that
9th vigorous terms. "Perfect nonsense" versity." Judge Day, exsecreary tie only avai lahe dtte for his lecture
he declared; "every once ini so oftenm of tie state, and chairman of the twold e Saturday, Feh4. This i,
T W CARYTHELAGES ~ somieone twill think uip some ahsrd peace cmmitissioni was preseti, the date which les already been set
T W CARYTHELAGES T plan like this. Theuniiversity i Of tie Wtashingtont alumni, te for the lecturt y Hon. (eoge R
ASTOCKA here, and P'm ii favor (of leting it following wcre present: Oliver IL. Widig t ie is ttore
1 IN THE CITY. stay here to the etid of te." Spatmlding, Jaiies E. Cook, Cleve- someshat att atlOts itstots slittheit
Ile even sal that Ann Arhor is a lantd;Ahbey J. MGowa, Joh should do. The ledpatlt Lyem
b etter pliaice, anyhiow, setting aside Barnard, M'arrittt Broomus, Alasen Breaut infortmet Mr. Ltthiers tints
Lyh neiault fmvnai C. Burel, Marcus Rtker, Rutfus Hf. they swottld twillitgly aneiei r-
nthat the atvanttages so titue]i talked Thayer, XWilliam L. Ienielt, Gettge W~edlig's dtte tittotgit if otirs~faesali oprsnwt h .Hpis oselP ihp hySol odtelcueas e
Rba E. WASHINGTON ST. disatdvantatges. Arthur A. irties, JohntmF. Shat- tittn here ftr tie ftlirice a~ret 1d ti,
R The otly departmentttwitht an y froth, M. . Fitley, Sttttttt X. ht, paith for tie lectrt. T oi
siecitti leaning ttward thte semte Smith, XXWiliatm DouaIttthy, Duite E. iott does not feel like payitg ftr twio
seems to be the meicl. Sonic tf Fox, Ciares A. Toswne, Ltouis D,. lectures tie satte ntigtt uoly ote of
the doctors adhmit guardedly that tie Xight, F. G. Codren, to. wh viichi etnm le given, itt tt preset
X V k 114 J' ~hospitmah truaititgsiouldbh u c h ntcli Lenmtz,XWilett E. McMilatt, . IE.tiatseteum obtithe tutcoitettttof thi-
-- - - -- prouei fihtr veC.S Hmh, lehr .hr, situatiom. It is hotpet, hwtueve,
Pro~tf. RcadHudsni,tdeami f Minnomtt 1E. Porter, John C. H4:- ithctier that.i Mr. XWedliig mutt e s-
I ktie Literary Depamrtmment, sal thatt mindi, tGto. IE. Lawuton, iJohmut . curet ftr mittther datte, witih is
I UK te reportedl feeitg among nmemmiers Spauiditug, C. I'. Van strtiit, dobtful, otthiutie it wil are t- t.
of the literary facutty itt favor of re- Ernest P. Goodrich, adithatres K. etuancel his datte ttd tinthe -stne titte
Sta nsmovimg tieumiversity tt Detroit Watrt timie tihligttiomm tf tetsointistituti
muittbe a mttetuof vet' istlttetl - ipay imi. Xl. ttckti, hiowever,
Oi a ods< f oimnion.lie thouuught that the subi Junior Hop Arrangements. hasi bietinIbooke ftr timde,t' I
msnoi ttowtotttmo urhtanmetectric railuway service ibe- 'lie trramgetneetts committte ftr Mr. XWeumihiug dienotuithdraw,- it i
u~htwl cmltr twveemi Detroitantd Aiti Arbor intl the Junitr fop uannouncmes uht its i>1possible tithattrous of te :-. I.
tittic. man nrur- mate the reumovalumore ulk]Mn r o er]cmltdfrA ore a etetdtat(
tiutiuiia_= .t htfort' thie ig eetnt. It is texeced tat'tinout trttainmetitof twtltchuresre
the' dectratitns tiis yearswil hut'ful1 ytliif'eret'mntuthits'me-tutu' i~. it.
Hockety Cub, tilt tth oe of formuer yeirs anmiii i
'l'iis RO Te hockey Cui 1rtmrs ht' some respects supleritr. A secwili Bryan Speas Februaruj IN.
ttuorgtanization mututchmitteviuetc' ielectric tesigun is eitg sworkedupu1t h-2sitieut Mutihollndithf tiut'(xo
cotluwether tonly conmtitmues. Sevtetal swiihiit is thoughttwilli utdid utmie tlve'rmtentt u cciiitid aaleht'
M / hj C('tmmiuit tetus are megotittimng fnc toit teattracutivenesof ther tirott-1griiutfrotumlie. Vuti 1. ruttut is-
gimutt gaes tutu si rtwi uo itutches ihtve lions.ltMack tandComtpany te to tt'ithty, stti tat iteither iit it
0 uin theIrest of thllee } it eemiarrangeid. Ott ext Friday have generai supervisitnotf ths ttes FrI 81, to Feb. 20, rjit he
fltte HokeyCl t XXWatfortd, Omt.,tatntitetio tiflrctit wifturnishi temtauui. ;ight, 1rt it. wIs l, uit-ititrici lit4
R. E . JOLLY &. CO., on iSaturdtiay unight will pay the Iftuugteec uil t'tter. It it utimotist dtiesiilht tgltsit ittts lwe ra
'308 So. Statte Street. Stint iatamtiiRtthi ofi'these teatms knownti veutwho tiltlI mitke'the pro-'tt. uei'itiurtty -i t ii upontufort ie
________________a_______ te itutitng tie stunuget in Ctanitdai sitgramtus. 1l[!rttcs iuisersts'tilallit' tiZkst
tuutwowrmutgtamesumaiy bSuexpecteti .erttti teiniutetly secret fortt
'flisTe']Michiigtanmlhue up ufr the gaumeus Meeting of Fresh its. ight. _____
wiitl11ehrtr 'Theefresh hts tmet yestecurd tfter. A Gift fInc the Trophyi loottu-
VesttiHvety, Cap~ti....ight Wig non ad iaoptdiumtsonmindiii teit liiictjyuutttm tue.~ tta.
'i~ieui ii in't seui yo r ntuinig. . . .,.......... Left:XXing as tieir' citisncotors. 'Fle fotlltowigsiThte i trpy oit teirntr it viiiuttbl
Sullivain ....... ............tither yl rm eetu uhhttu tisf uiiiu. lt'it
oe ofthttese ets. t is IBraduley ........ ........ ..Cnter RaktIcey! 1.Hi oDtrtstoge,,
ceprtan ttakingicl. hIrutite.......Cuivern' Pounint Zi!fae h!, li R yoo!fiito hhtttt s i s,
Wellebetuopeca Shnno ...l..lt!. .F ..t...Pontetutiful antitue setter etitde otefti
We selthi'200Sen ftor itt t...........tutt Mcigan! lMuegichigatitly birch aft istira odclontitf
lsns.o 2111SinefrWhitney. ..... . .............Goual Naiughty Tw'.'ii's!utuui . 'iiiis stte is tt lt' quite at
}( sp(Fresh Track Team Meets. ('oplis f this sill hbe1printuuIt teda cslre tutu'atdihighly Wlih , it-
' faitier Stctsshut calleti aiuiet- hsrlttviattt'fon hnIe l ua~e itillhe atbout X7.
igo:the candmtidtes tf the hFreslu -Sol t'trk metuith le Gytit isi uti. --
ututtit ucucktetuutyeterday tfterutun. Tie cae tom nruutittee u-ts tilppointiedu l arIge tututettucof situietmut-tat
Hie triedl to impress onitthei'rumids ts follohs:iRobfiert S. iKtight, Butt buen cun uutig out a tip ututrit tin
ERA OUCuLNED te utecessity of continuuti raititg ScottentieItcitiehm, Btrbiti'tatutsee the poplar 1' ' 'yranudiMnsfiel-i
.Sweater or frouti notwon Ito tie lFresih-Sophmoire Hfllister. Bergertuh''ebyricitied luuieitl&
isciwme tichi sill take plauc itt Fel- AohrNrordiee. tmi uut'',hitsbtutu ceiveti
Gymnasium Su~iut ury. Over 28 mnihave entered AohrPieofee. taunteeltnin omc e
we Save iarge variety std at tieevnsad a prelimnary con- Pofi. I. C. Adatmhos rcive] a pomis~e ot it is not likely that the
SpeciuldPice. itealys test sillS Se held to cuoose conutestauns letter froutm at prouminntmtectnomoic sevral contempitclatd ttre patrtis'
outry the hst grattde. tot tppossotle 1'1meta society of Cle East ii iwhicimhut' is swil matutrialie.
Th vnsil e the 40-yard authotrizedi to offer ii their inameta' a Mi. Chats. Tryout191t howassl
OR I G O S four-lapm rehlay rce, poe vtaut, hih omet proiblemm of Feet'Trd an rcto is so frrctveredulstisIon
Of every description. ju, shot, anth wiak. Protection. Pin. Adatmms is atiCplres- the tot atteindu his classes. lu-,i
.1~TA ~j Class Meeting. etuut of the city, ut on ilt returmmniowevertus yet obligetotig uahuu
, .A Cla'iere ss heaneting tuftime tmedetails of tie ofir mwilhe scuredi ieaviy bitahgd, ilo hatds esue-
senior engieers thia afternooni at at uthseh ish etgsiet iti
ANN ARBOR p. m. itt rootm 10, Engineering Bitdm- fOrmtsby Mellarg, 96 L., hus betlProf, I. At Wenley shuk las.
Up rownaDwn Town ing. All '99 engineers are rquesteti eectedto i the legislature of North nigiht eftrtie Caledoniani Sociey
State St. Opp. Court House ~oh rsn....s~.uftiiieoitnt~hr ut.
lain st obpesn.Dta. o ukgno 'oetBrs

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