4 -iHE UNIVERSITY OP MICHIGAN DAILY. w A ONE-HALF AT D.A.Tinker& Son .' ......_.. _._.._....°: : F u rnish ers. o ......334 S. STATE ST. InterG0Iigoidte IBureau 01flRGadeMIG Gostume. GSOTRELL & LEONARZD. topns, anl' d Hoods mide to oriler 'sod rented, Also (hoas (Canes, (io Hat anil (aps, Clas(ollege Pins. Address W. C. KUit . WeIstern n Mi., HaskellliMiueu ,ni. of(Chicagoi P iI .11lPT LA'ECMPAGS STDN. alev" y The P Rynal"'eli eringuetI m ~~eIereto tdn OldNumer a L ANN ARBORP . MICHE TS s H F Kl H A SHORE ACRES AT THtE ATHENS. I'Shore Acres" has heen played up- wards of 1,700 times in this country, and *is universally recognized as the greatest pastoral play ever written for this Eng- lishi-speaiking staige. It is strange, hut true, that tlhis interesting comedy-drama ivan offered to every well-known theat- _________ - ~rical manager in America, and, while a number of them thought "Shore Acres" Students' Laundry Association a fairly good play, they did not care In risk any money in its production. All Win. VOUuv-wsi. R. Fox,. s;enssfor this happened shoot eight years ago, and since then these astute purveyors THE GRAND LAOJNIIY, of DETROIT of the drama annually count up the The iet iiighgiiadeldy int State. eIfortunes they might have earned with oniy miaciiiedomesic finiiish i tesie;. this charming idyl of Americmin home Goivc finii sasie-m. All we orkoptly. life In speaking of "'Shore Acres," the neaily aiidcaefuiiiiy iioie. Rev. Lyman Ahhott said some time Officec ii25. Siaie si.iiesiiience 610 Lawrence st ago: "If there were inure such whole- New State Piioie. 44i. sonic playo as 'Shore Acres,' the whole- sale denunciation of the stage hy the Ji usic stadio pulpit could not long survive." For the piresent season entire new scenery has Piano, Pipe Orgaq and Compositisn beee prepared for "Shore Acres," and several novel effects have been intro- IE . -f. IK.E MI P IF duloed. The play is undeilined for pree sentation at the Athens It'heatre tonight. Feea 'lei 0 o s cii .(Sieii... Lecture bq Dr. Doch. 312 S. DiisionSt5. Cancert PianesTuniiiu Tliio eveninig at 7:50 p. in. iii the liiier letuirieyoni of the Medical THE RENOWNED MAiDOiIN ViRTUOSO Illillilu, Dr. Dock still address the MR. W. EUGENE PAGE, tiiiltis ifIlie SMedical Deparimnt. I'IHis suiijectt sill lie maladia. This is Will g~ve lessons oii the mnadolin and lithe list of a ccrii's oi lectures on this guitar at the IUiiivnisityr School Of -ii hecl, anld all thiise whoi are iiiter- luiini every Friday. For 'Terims and estid are cordially invited. hours apply to the Secretary. Cmiiltsfrte 10 ls T1ruck '[ce-trill meet at the Gyicnts- AN Di\ L.. iiiiiifromit4:31) to 5:15 ci 'Tuesday, Tler day atnd Snatirdaty aftermomsiii. State Phone 1144. A. M1. BmoKI ctnm), Manager. Wisconsimiaiid Chicago hiave ar- ranged a chess match by correspond- eiice. 'T'lie pliay it6ill commenmcee iiimeidiately after tlie semiester examinaioiniis are over. Oue move is to he uncle each tiny. Take private lessoins ini daiiciiig before (lie Junior Hop, of Mrs. Ross Granger. Cull at office Graiiger's Academiy, 312 Maynardl. Ann Arbor Railroad Connections. Via the Aiii Arbor Railroad you caic coniiect for iiiportant pointo as belowe. Leave Aim Arbor. 7:25ia_ i.... Arrive St. Leus'....:52pi 7:25i a. s. Arrive KasasiCity-..:i5ia.imi. 7i:25a. m.... Arrive Coliimibus...21)pi. j 725a. in.... Arriveie iii. Soi 53p.m i:25 a.m..Arrive tndinapolis.... :5pm 7:25 a. tit...Arrive Louisville. t10p. in. 17:2 ai...Arrive Fert sayei..o1iiccioo 1225aoisni.... ArivetCiiicinnati... .,7:0iai m 11i25 a. ii..Arrive ti escisiud...:5n n 11:25 a. i..Arrivetiashin vo...10 .m 1:2-.5a. ini... Arrise Philadelphia.. .4:t5p. in. 11:25 a. i... Arrive Coluc busi......855ip. a: 1:25 a.i....Arrive iDayon...... is610p.im. 8:49 p. ii....Arrive Cimivitisati. 55..65 a.ini 8:4l p. .Arrive tCilumbiis...6:0atn 8:40 .. iii... Arrive Lansin .. .5 .coin.i 8:4: a.m.tAriveOrand iRapis.ii12i55inoon 456 up. in.... Arrive Saginaw.....800 p. Il.. 4:56 p. m...arrive icar city.5...:o'p. in:. 4:5p. iii...SrieLassinig . 'lrii's."'. 4:56 p. Di.. .. Arrive Grandu tapids.. .9:55 p. mi. 4:5 . m....ArriveFPunt.......c.7:0p.sm. WAiNTED-Every one to ipiv the intent asd iiist isieestisg euiie ever invented. "Bias Bail at itsmi." It ivsplayedi by twepercss eacereisenting auBaseBlinand iwill sense is runse, hits and errcrs tihe saeuias aniy ise piayeii on the field. 5Sitprepaid in any aiddress onsrcecipito1c. B3ASE BALL AT HOSSiE CO, 5il8. i09, Chiimier of Commeirce, netrirMichSlt. JOS W, KOLLAUF, TAILOR, Hals Received, a Fine Line of Newi Goods. 214 Eas waiimngton St5., near Sin Ave. W.J.'anccr,uPRS. 8ThTh W. AsseD tsiTe-r-us J. V. StisERAN, 2d Tice-es BRINK Transacts a general Banking Blusiness. FIRST NATIONAL BANKOrnnd13 Caipi, 'il10,(os. Snrpliis anii Profile, 840,E00 'rrascsisaigeneralsai.ng splminess. Foreign exchangelioughit and scud. Piurnish lettiseoh credli. E. D. KINE,.Pret.liARdRIStON SOiULE, S. iv. CLARKeSON, Cshir, tsr. Maiinaid Iluros Streets. Capital, $5o,000c. 5Splus, 530,000. Transt:ta geeralnkinig busineii. R, Ea Pies. C.EN, Vice-Pres. FRE. HBELSE. Cshier IThe linn Arbor Savings Bank Capital1Sticek. 1,000e. Siirpliis, $505,0. Resources,.51,100,000 Ornie euder tiee GenOseral iianiing Laws ci tisl State. Receives depoitls, buys and sells exchanege o e bsprincipal citiese cithe Usited Sbuts.Drsftis csshed upes proiier identifictsion Safetyidepiosii boxes to renl. OppicRs:,-ChrisiansMack Pres.; W.iD.iiarri riss, Vice-Pres.; Chasi. E. hliscoex, Cashiere; I. J. Fritz Assisttsier. LAMB & SPENCER, THE . Fancy Grocers We keep everything usually kept in a first-class Grocery and Blakery. Call and see us. 318 S. STATE ST. YOU'RE NEXT U. of A1. Barber Shiop an1(1 Bali.thItoois. A. R. Tacusvcwsai, 5'rcp. 323 5. State St RAZOR HONING IS A SCIENCE .. . W5eGuratetOur 'dorik. WARREN THE BARBER. THE MODEL of State Street BAR ER HOP is Dju & 1E.s',. BAR ER HOP If you desire first-clasorck and courteous treatment try Gecrge and Harry at 1112 S. State St. ENOCH DIELILEIEFneaLi9eo Callm attended Duy ur Eight. No. cm E Lierty Stret. Residence 5t3S Fourih Avs, Phonse1209. °° ~THOSE NOBBY TROUSERS M VII oh ged eamug qalimies. We' will see T I O 123 S. MAIN ST. ..TELOS.,.