THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. S A P ONE-HALF PR~ICEm AT H H A N S Students' Laundry Association Wi. VOUGHT-Wam. R. FOX, agets tr THE GRAND LAUNDRY of DETROIT The bet high grad andry in thr Stai. Thr only eahinr drmeictfiih i thrWet. Glove aiih ais gien. All work prramply, oraly ad carnaully dra. Offie 22 S. Sar n. Rridrarr tin Lawrnert, Nrw Stair Phoa. 441. MYusic Studio Plan, Pipe Orgaq and Carrpsltin R. H. KKMPF Froa Stgart Coneratory, Germany. 312 S. Diiain St. Cncert Plana Tnqga THE RENOWEED MANDOLIN VIRTUOSO MR. W. EUGENE PAGE, Will gve leson on the mandolin and gitar at the Unaiversity School of Music every Friday. For Termanard hours apply to the Secretary. DANDALL, ll State Phone 144. Peninsular Engraving Companyj, DETROIT, MIOH. InterGolIOuiate Bureau 01f Rcademn C6ostumeo. GOTRELL & LEONARD, ALBANY, N. Y. Caper Gowns, and Hoods made to order and rented. Also Class- Canes, Clasa Hate and Caps, Claes College Pins. Address W. C. KERN, Wrstern Mngr., Hashell Muansem, Univs. of Chicage FO.... PROMPT SERVICE. NICE CARRIAGES lrer year Party adCalling H o Im e s L iver TE.LEPHfONE 106. 515 E. LIBERTY. LAMPS FOR'STUDENTS. We call attention to our complete line of Center Draft Nickel Plated Lamps, ranginig in price from 75c to $2.50 each. These L~amps are of the latest and most improved patterns and makes. Including "The New Iloc'hester," "The Yale," "The Eoyal," "The Berlin Student Lamp," "The Perfection Student Lamp.":' If you want the beat Lamp for the Leost liloisego come and sse us Old Number: 44 SO. MAIN ST., DE N CO ANARBOR. MICH. D A O SHORE ACRES AT THE ATHENS. Yale lies been presentted with two James A. Hemse owns the finest sum- valuable giftIs, broth rare historical mer home of any actor in America. mauscripts of unusual imsportance. The house, which stands on a knoll Onie is the oniginal mnscript of the overlooking Peconic Bay, is known asnoe adsermnitis of Re.-icy th "Harns Oaks," and is located in theEdarots flid r of fJnat otbyd village of Southampton, L. I. The Ewrs ahro oitii d grounds are beautifully laid oot and wards. It is dated 1719. stretch along the bay shore for nearly a mile. 'There are bathing houses, ponds, A couirse of lectures is to he deliv- docks, etc., and his yacht, "The Ure'ch- ered at Cornell on the subject of en," rides at anchor within gunshot of the house. The place was planned after ,railroads, by President Baldwin of a famous English villa, and the house is the Long Island Railroad. an exact reproduction of one of the most celebrated Queen Anne cottages Prof. Craig will lecture today, in England. Mir. Hemse's own room Tedy at 2 o'clock, Tappan Hall, contains 13 windows, which proves that Tedy s all members of the dramatic profession H. 2, on "'Introdtuction to a 'Jest do not believe in superstition number Literature." 13. Br. Hemse is the author of that ________ remarkably successful play, "Shore Tk rvt esisi alii Acres," which will be given a costly raepitelsosndncg scenic production at the Athens Theatre before the Junior Hop, of Mrs. Rosa on Wednesday, January 25th. Granger. Call at office Granger's JOS. W. KOLLAUF, TAIL.OR, Has Received a Fine Line of New Goods. 214 Est WashngongeSt5., na r 5th Ave. W. J. Beore,Pres. W. AaaRNO set Vice-proet J. V. SEEHuA, Id Vicc-pre JOHN. C. WATZ, Asst.Casher STIITL SRVINGS BRINK Candidates for the 1901 Class Track Tea~e will meet at the Gyinna- slum from 4:30 to 5:15 on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday afternoons. A. M. BsROOKFIxLD, Manager. hevemal of the Chicago boys had a spread Saturday afternoon at the rooms of W..,. MciLauchlan slid J. J. Crowley. 'The club has a spread weekly at the rooms of one of the anembers. Dr. Angell left today for Wash. ington D. C., to attend a meeting of the Smuithsonian Institution. While theme lie will also attend a mneetinig of the U. of Mi. Club. Prof. MacLaughlin entertained the Muskegon studlents at his home last evening. The professor formuerly lived in Muskegon. The studenits of Cornell Unsiver- sity have contributed about $600 for the support of thes track team. Academy, 312 Maynard. Ann Arbor Hailroad Connections. Via the Anni Arbor Rialmoad you can consnect for important points as belouw. Leave Ann Arbor. 1:10 a. a.... .ArriycSt. Loots.5..:52 p.i. 7:25 a. m.... ArivreroKassCity..7:15 a.m. 1:2 a. m... Arrive'u .2:1lp. m 7:25 a. in.... Arrive Cincinnat...5:3t prm 1:215am.... Arrive Indianaolis...:51p. 7:21, ...mArrie Louiville...:10 p, mn 17:25 a. ..Arrive Fort Wayne....l12:35anoon 11:25 a. m.... Arrive Cincinnuati....7:t0 a.i. 11:25 a. ..Arrive Cleoeland.1..:51)'.i. 11:25 a. m.... Arrive Washingten..:05 p. M 11:25ia. m.... ArrivelBaltimor e.1..:0 p. i. ... Arrive Philadelphia....d4:35p. in. 11:21 a. m... Arrive Cla has.0..:11 p.i. 1:215a. i m.Arnive IDayto. .. 6:10 p. in. 8:49 p. den..AriverCincinnati...:0 a.mi 0:40 p. m... Arrive Columhoe.0 1:0 am. 8:43 a. m.... Arrive Lansing. i.1:0 a. an. 8:43 a. m....Arrivr~ra,,d Rapids.. 12:55 sees 45650p. m....Arrive Saginaw.... 800Op. m. 4:50 p. mn...Arries Bay City ....8:+p.m. Arriv'eLansing .. 7:0 pm' GraraRapids...9:5p. m 4:560p. m.... Arrive Flilet...... :0p.m. WANTEtD-Every sac is hay the latestad marlintereting eamer oneted. 'Base Bell at Game." It is plaed 0y two personr rach repreeting a BPerBal ninr and will scare is roes, hits ad errors 11:e tome as any gasae played as the aid. Sent prepaid loseny'addrers as receipt of l5t. BASE BALL AT GORE CO., 505. 555, Ghaebe of ommeror, netroit Mich. Transacts a general Banking Business. FIRST NATIONAL BAN K 1orAAo63o Capital, .8100,( 00. Suiles asd Preois, 140,000 'ranssacts a general bootleg businero. Foein exhagehboughtad sold. Fuonelm letters of credit. E. 0.RINE, Pros. HARRISON S OULE, Vie-~Pre S. W. GLARKtSON, Cashmers Con. Rain atd 5urmrnstStroee. Capital, 150,000. Sumrpies, $ 30,000. Transectsa gcneralhankisngbusiness. R,RKnxr, Pr. . E. GREENEa,Vicer. FRED. HGBLs-os. Cashir. 1The lAnn tArbIor SavingsI Bank CapitllSlosh. $5,0,000. Sorpluc, $1'000 Reorces, $1,100,000. Oogaaierd unetdr thr General Basting Law' of thms StCate. Recoives deo~sitr, hoyt end sells exhneon the principl clities of the Cnitedi etatt~s. tirafts cased epee proper idontification Saety deositoes to ralt. OFFRetoos"Chistian Mach Pres.; W. O.Ilerri man, Vice-Pres.; Chas. E. ilisocKs, Gashier; 5M. . hoitz AnssstCashser LAMB &SPENCER, THE .. Fancy Grocers We keep everything usually kept in a first-class Grocery and Bakery. Cell and see us. 318 S. STATE ST. YOU'RE NEXT U. of M. Barbcn Shop atnd B~atRos. J. R. TROJANOWSKI, Prep. 322 S. State St RAZOR HONING IS A SCIENCE.. Ws Guaratse OsrWork. WARREN THE BARBER, THE MODEL of State Street BARBER 1SHO ONN & ELY'C BA BE S OP If yuou desire first-class work and courteous treatment try George and Harry at 132 S. State St. ENOCH VIE LIL rlle~ireto Galls attoaded Day or Night. No. 161 E. Liberty Street. Besidence 5e3 5 Foerth Ave,, Phone 1059. THOSE NOBBY TROUSERS MVIL WARD THE DESS SUITS STATE S1 ,Look for h M ark!.a if see that the oH the Lrticle or on the box. This is a guarantee that it is good. Souvenir Holiday Gifts ! The largest lino in Wash. tenaw County of gifts, desirable; for ladies and gentlemen. Examine our Mock. y~hihc2a8