2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 31 No Monett for Baseball Team at Pehisehed Daily (Sundays excepte'd) during the Financial difficulties in the athletic Collee yea, atassociation of Northwestern Univer- Cotlgs ~sity threaten to delay the organiza- THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. tion of the baseball teats. The ath- Ores's,: The Inland Press, en iBlock. letic contittee has been able to Bothe Phsnes 147. make ot ties budget, btet is at a loss to findl means with whiich to start the MANAGENG EDI)TOR.. teats in training. A ineeeting of ties F. ENGsaELHARDn, 01L. commecittee wiii be held this creek to 1IcnNrSNS MANA~GER. devise mseanes for secorineg the neces- 0. 11. CLANS, '55 L. sary fucnds. Tiesmnaager has been E131ORS.tolui by the comnmittee tihat lee cannot Athletic Editor, T. It. Weonesn, '05 L. start the seasson on Iprospects, aced it P. W. Jens, '55, A. t1. MceossALee, 01tE, F. D. EAANs, 'so. v. 1. Lue, 'so0 M, is probable the aluniee of the uolver- 5. D. HevUc. '01 E. sity wiii be askedj to give aid. Ties ficnaecial troubles of ties North- wevstere e bnlall ceanagemcent arc not neev ewse. Foer several seasoncs ties athletic Thesbsrption pseeesof 111CDIL i Ise5 frtreasury less beeenraiedc to sepport h5noon PWSCeach a.Nj ,commncions, and asebsall. It has eever bees self-seep- ethee ematterst CCCiCCICed o picationC5C mustCC be,5portieng icetiescllgecareer o n handed CienCCat, e IY O oe 8 in m.,cllge ofan nailed to the editoCrCbeforCe C3t Cp. CCICC h day of ties stuenets noes enrolled. Prof. apr.oee lCC e iiiieysese sdCCC(lark aned the neembers of his cowt- Sbcries ptiones y b e leateC ie' ofe, tiss, teeto hiowevr sytheyca ofe Meyer's, oe slsflls'sC'5'.t wtd, or w~ith Bete-iles , vesa>cnofe Manaer. Subscr~ibe sll conferC.a 5favor by551e0spossiblesolutione of tdicut reporting epromptC ly at tlCC Ciis C5offCicf iureCtdific lt areteoelivsCC er aer. e'C~CC CCCC xcCpt theat the stueeents assist in the oie by741..CC. CoC the qa17 CCC C s t clseaicg sptisdet an which hes'are toCappearC. Ex-Captaine George Miller, who _____ cried ties teatt throucgh last year in Immeeediately Cftier ties exatiica- elite of overcwhelmeineg defeats, to ties tions baseball pracieewtill cmlence credit eef Nsrthiestern baseball, will indoors. Thelca igecwiiilelt e tpinstatedcithe Captaine Macleesney this ties gymceeasiueme after ties JCunior HCp1Cpic aned cilemake every effort ts and work ciii proceed rapidly. Thle recorganeize ties teacre. He wiii be battery canedidates cvilcme neeelc backed by Maceager Hart, who traineicegfirst and ftr aItiCCC5 tll tiesmtacaged ties teamc a year agoe. i i ' -irsoiann- rT HTE MicrscopcalSuppiesINLAND PRESS Dissecting Instruments. ANN ARBOR Everything ynu need tee L abora- tyenouwitt Sind here. rnes Bnes J. J. QUARRY, - B AN-OAKR CAMPUS DRUG STORE. 5BLANKOK KR COLLEGE STUDENTS THE COUNTRY OVER SMOKE SurIruo's GokldenSGcotro h~ices from $15 Up. 4' .,.. Best - the World OLLEGE mnen everywhere are invited te send for the Wanhburn Souernir Ctalotg. It ctnan neary nSopotraits ofartists andncollegianshesidesgiingnsome account of thensnruectnnefWahhureinstentsnandanompetelitnonrnet price. Firstclnassemusic deaersenthe world ever selt Wanhburnser instruments may he ohtained frenm the mahers LYON & HEALY, CHICAGO. attenetiocn ot theseecc teelseetee- voted to themn. Leter all ties ceendi- dates ciii take battery practice is the cage tee accquire skill ice bunetin~g and quickneess ice litticegflee ball. Ties old cage hies iceeneade larger; last yeer by a mteaeke of ties meaenu- facturer it waes fecsmsailel. Tis trouble bees noes beetn remedeiled and it is both longer anid deeper titan formcerly acedciii accoetemodate at one time aboust a dozesnceecrs emen than were this tci get into it lest year. Coacle Cleark heas requvested that all cacedidetes ceet him lee the gymneasiumn on Febe. 11, cvleeuliee ciii confer with theceattout practice citd training. Booming McAicagl. The attorneys of Manistee have conned a circular ts thc attcrneeys of the state settineg forth ties claeimes of Judge A. V. McAlvay fsr tie sus- premne judgesheip of Miehigan. The address is ligily cmpien-e tary to Jeudge McAlvaey testifyiceg his bight charaeter, ine educactioce his legal attainemensts, lenee his experiece. 1901 Social Committee. President Walter L. McLaugline has appoineted tiesosicial coeeiceittee of the sopiesceere class. The cememittee will cmeet very sooceacid arranege for a series of class socials this year. The namees of theembeeelers fellse: 'Wareieate S. Baeldwin, cheirmean; Harry E. Beker, Leslie J. Tefft, Piliip IH. Feereehtem, Miss Jaces V. Poilacheaced Miss Edith A. Wheeler. Michigan Has the Affirmative. Clhicags heas choencties negative of thee qtuestisoetco be ciebated wsithi Micheigane.chi is "'Admeittineg it to be constitutiocnal, a federal grauacted inscone tax is desirtbei." Ties de- bate ciii be held is Chicago on Aprii 7._____ ___ The corner stonec of ties Gordoce Memorial Cslisge cvas laid recenetly at Kheartoumc, Egypt. Thee college is whoelly sndeneoiinational aced thee instruction wili be conducted in the Arabic language. 'floccal bracech of the Daugh- ters of the Acelericaca Revolution has ciessen ties foleecwicng officers for the essing year: Mrs. Jatnes B. Acegell, regent; Mrs. 'Win. N. Browne, vice- regenet; Mrs. Hldeah Richeards, re- cot'dincg secretary; Mrs. Alice Wood- bridge, correspondiceg secretary; Mrs. Caroline D. Loving, treasucrer; Mrs. \V. G. Dety, historian; Mrs. Henry H. Hutchins, Mrs. J. L. Babcock and Mrs. Josephine H. Murfin, ex- ecutive csmmcittee. Baseball Outlook at Chicago Not Bright. The prospects of Chicago in base- ball are noat as bright as they have bees is formeer years. The field will not suffer cmaterially, hot at present no strocag battery candidates have apeheeared tee take the place of Gard- cer aced Clarke of last year's team. Thus far there seemns to have been ceo great eagernesoscmanifested to play an easterns game, although offers have bee had. Judge V. H. Lanee was in Jackson ste Saturday and Sunday the guest of W. H. Washington. Ties Scientific Club met Saturday eveceineg at the residence of Mr. Ray. ceeond C. Davis on Cihsrch street. Ties first appointmnent to a pro. fesssrsieip in the University wsas that of Dr. Ass Gray. He was cmade pr'ofessor of Bstaney sod Zoology. IATHENS THEATRE,I JAS. A. HERNE'S Shore Acres Wednesday, Jan. 25th. Petcee, 25e, 50e, tee, $t. This space belongs to the Students' Lecture Association. KOAL..0 AVER~Y KIND M. STELR 119 WEST WASHINGTON ST., BOTH PHONES, NO. 1OB. ANN ARBOR. I- i MAYNARD ST. BELL 'PHONE 246. Granget ter rs UsdernenngementfMRS ROSS GRANGER. Beines lassees- entlemen, 10 a.m., ateednys; Ladies, 4p no. Saturdays l~esd mq tIternmediate las-Menday evenings. Advenced Cease-Tuesday evenings Tc Programme Party Each Saturday Evening. TIKETS, $a.00oo. ed12weeksteeom time etestarting. ]in Cose Paciv~ssme With the coming and going of the seanens are the fashions in Shoeee. The Styles ef yesterday are neon foegetten in the desire Car that of to-morow. See our windown~for the best up-to-date line of the stylen for to-marrow. 19WalgtssSt. 11 F IV HO ~ jAnn Arbor.