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P. L. Sherman Worcester's Secre- Junior Class Social.
tary. The Junior Class will give, Fri-
P. L. Sherman, Ph. D., will ac- day evening, at Barbour Gymnasium,
company Prof. Worcester to the its first class party of the year. This
Philippines, and will act as his pri. party il be it the form of a recep-
vate secretary. Dr. Sherman has tion extended by the bys to the
been instructor in general chemistry girls of the class. Though no indi.
in the University since 1895, when vidal ainvitations have been sentt
lie took his doctor's degree at the out, it is expected that almost every
University of Munich. He finished metiber of the class will be there.
his undergraduate work iu 1881 at A general ivitation has been ex-
Ant Arbor, and sent to Munich the teaed to all byteansifointies on1
same year. Long acquaintance with t-e blletii boards. Only the male
Prof. Worcester and special know-l members of the class will be obligedl
edge of mineralogy, which will be to present tickets at the door. They
useful in studying the resources of call secure these from any member
the islands, gave Dr. Sherman an of the social committee. The mem-
advantage over the score of appli. bers of the committee are E. S. Cor.
cants that met Prof. Worcester Sat- wit, chairman; I. T. Rabb, T. L.
urday night. The report was cur- Robinson, Miss C. E. Barclay, Miss
rent among the students Saturday L. L. Shernian and Miss M. A. God.
that the salary attached to the clerk- dard. It is the intention of the com-i
ship was $3,000 a year and expenses. tittee to give a series of these socials
Prof. Worcester said yesterday, how- and allow the class an opportunity to
ever, that the salary had not as yet become acquainted with itself. The
been definitely fixed, though it was socials will be informal and a pleas.
certain to be sufficiently large to al. ant evenig is promised to all who
low for the risk taken in making attend. There will not only be dane-
such a decided change of climate. itg, but gatmes and other amusements
will be provided for those who do not
Manager Baird at Pennei. care to dance.
The following appeared in the Another U. of M. Man in the Senate.
Philadelphia Record of Jan. 19. Porter J. McCumber has just been
MICHIGAN AFTER GAMEs. elected to represent North Dakota in
Jamecs Baird, an old star octthe the United States Senate. Mr. Mc-
University football teat was in this Cuumber is a native of Chicago and
Univrsiy fotbll eamwasm ths oly 3 yarsold Hegraduated
city yesterday in conference with from the Law Department in '80.
John C. Bell, chairman of the Ui- He went to North Dakota and located
versity of the Pennsylvania Football at Wahpett, where te formed ti
Committee. It is said that Michigant partersoi h eitl B. L. Bogtrt.
has requtestedt the Quakers to give prnrhpwt .L oat
thea gaest bothe i baseball atid aBe is a lawyer of great ability and
fotball. g ensylvaniabasealwaydastan orator he has few equals in the
fotbali. Petsylvatia has alteays West. He is a stanch republican,
been ready to meet any team which sound on the financial question, and
she could do so, and not ijure her a enthusiastic worker for the suc-
ttn prospects. It is certain that cess of the party. Mr. McCumber
Michigan's request is looked upon was a member of the territorial house
with favor, for the Pennsylvania of representatives and council in 1885
faculty has sent a communication to and 186, and state's attorney of
Michigan requesting her rules upon Richland County. The prospective
amateur standing to be submitted for senator has been a political leader in
investigation. If these rules prove North Dakota almost since his arrival
satisfactory and proper, arra"ge- in the state, and he has numerous
ments can be made it is more than friends in almost all of its counties.
probable that the Quakers will ateet As a legislator be was a hard worker
Michigan upon the diamond and and was alwas on the side of th'e
gridiroat the comning season. There adwslayontesiefte
gnpeople wherein there was conflict be-
has been some talk that the game tween public interest and private
with Michigan will be played upon gain. He is married and has two
the same trip the Pennsylvania team children.
will make to Chicago, but as thisc
will bring the two games very close Prof. Jonas on a Concert Tour.
together and bring both Western Prof. Albert Jonas is adding new
teams to Philadelphia the season fol- laurels to his already great name and
,.wig, it is more probable that the honer to Ann Arbor. His tour is
Michigan game will form one of the quite extensive, thus bringing the
football attractions at Franklin Field University school of music to the at.
next fall. tention of a large number of people.
Cornell Overlooked. Wednesday last lie played to an en.
thusiastic audience in Baltimore,
Cornell appears to have been over- then followed concerts at Williams-
looked by Harvard and Yale in their port and Allentown, Pa. At each
rowig plans. The latter two col- ,,lace lie was heartily received, re-
leges went ahead and arranged for a sponding to numerous encores. Prof.
regatta at New London without col- Jonas is at present in New York with
suiting Cornell. Cornell was then his manager, Victor Thrane, arrang-
asked to join them it a race there, ing for future concerts.
but declined, so that there will be no
triangular race this year. Probably The Sigtna Phi house took fire
another regatta will be held at a con- Saturday afternoon from some un-
venient place in which Columbia, known cause. The prompt response
Cornell, Wisconsin and other schools of the fire company saved the house
will participate, with but a few dollars damage.
English Impressions oI American
An English university professor,
Percy Gardner, gives his "Impress.
ions of American Utiversities" in an
article in the Nineteenth Centery,
which should be welcomed in this
country like all intelligent foreign
comment on our institutions.
The firt thig this visitor notices
is this great extetsion of the grad-
ate courses in recent years which has
operated to cut down the American
attendance at German universities.
This, he thinks, is an excellent fea-
ture of our modern educational sys-
tem, and he commends it to the con-
sideration of Oxford and Cambridge.
One of thei icidents that impressed
him most during his stay at Harvard
was his meeting there with a society
of young Canadians who were work-
ig as instructors or graduate stu-
detts. He urges that the English
universities should do their utmost
to attract such men from all the
British colonies.
A difference that struck him very
forcibly was that of management and
administration. Oxford and Cam-
bridge are, he says, the most com-
plete democracies in existence. "The
congregation at Oxford and the
senate at Cambridge, comprising all
the resident teachers, have a power
which is almost unlimited in matters
of finance, of organization and of
ordinance." But in this country
there is an external board of trustees
to which grave questions are referred
and it often happens that the college
or university president is a sort of
"boss," an educational boss who
corresponds to the political and com-
mercial boss, for in every institution
here power seems to gravitate into
the hands of one man.
Prof. Gardner is not friendly to
coeducation, and from an examina-
tion of statistics he is inclined to be-
lieve that the separate schools will
gain as the years go by. He derives
some comfort from the falling off in
the proportion of women to men at
Ann Arbor during the last five years
and in the increased attendance at
women's colleges. The great pre-
ponderance of women teachers in the
country does not strike him favor-
ably, and in commenting on the com-
plaints made by Ann Arbor women
because they were not more largely
represented on the teaching staff he
says unsympathetically: "If only
nature had abstained from original
injustice and instituted equality when
the female sex was organized these
questions aight have admitted of a
readier solution."
In referring to undergraduate in-
stitutions the professor speaks of the
collegiate debate, which he found
dry and stupid. "At the Oxford or
Cambridge Union," he says, "one
would certainly not hear six or eight
consecutive speeches which dealt so
little in irony, in sarcasm or in humor
as those to which I listened at Har-
vard." In athletics he noticed a
tendency to extremes in individuals
without that general participation in
outdoor sports which is characteristic
of the English universities.