THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 14; 9 4 1Track Tean Start Work. fLf. X. + Though it was not expected to lk conmmsence training for the track PublishedDaily (Suend3as xceted) during the teams util Tuestlay, a"ag oue (solg ea.a were swocking its the gymunasaum last THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. week on the (lays set out for special 9FsioeseTh're inland Press, Henning Block. work. Tomorrow, however, work Both 5Phonae, 147,silliseg in earnst. Thest oarting EDITOR. framtes wtill be pot down and every. MVANA GING IDT t body coached as to t orso its runnsing. F. NGEHtAe RDas, '55 L. Fr a tissse boths the spriniters andI .; I5UsIN55 MANG~aIL, distassce runnetrastwill trains togethser 0. E11. tlas, 00DTR.L. asnl practice startintg ansd rusininsg _______________________across the floor of thse gyssaiumts. Athletic Editor, T. It. Wasesttew, 05 L. attoilnnhve enstthd P. W. dates, 'O99, A. 13. Met:seasLL, O , tMtst ni nIaebensrtle F. 0. EsaWA, a00: 5C. It. teas, '4asM, across the floorssoeethsat tiseIssess will 0. 5D. (teseeses. 'OtE. sot bse stiffensed by runtninsg toosoon( S \ on tihe harsl flossr. Ott Monssays, , Wedntesdatys sssns Fridays thsecssi ad- dasles toe thse pole-vauslt wtill reptort he slsue sltatsaionapre leam deia2, h5fratass ntftont Sto 4 o'clock. Ott ease eachsday.Ict. use, e nrsaaasrtiao, atd tite samedysteteihcenwl otherelsashes itstened or 1 iseisataiosst -bie si ts tigitser tl handdsina at DILY ate br ae 8a e ia.,oatbeisa ched sotse lasemsenst frosts( musiled sto(the edtar efret3tpi5. ofathetdsay 4:30 toa5:15iInte afterntoont. Ttes- preseiass to that answaich eyt(SIare expetedtot apaeat. sitys, Thusrsdasland tslSatutrdayvs troms . sb.seipitians nta } tbe tailat:itse DILYaalies, Mrser's, oaS aotle iewrssst ad,.o at h tainisesv to154 o'clock still Ibe given tt tise wMrol Mansager. 5ttlseerj se wllrconicratas tr in titarfbyst Coayright 19, reo tinpromtly at thus ffcean asyIilarts Pes aeri h (a fo cristodeis erepaper. 4 :30)tosc5:1<5, tliosoe simbitioso to be All changes in aadv tsi a' hatters cItaeui she stficeshy 4Ip. st. stat ha day preiouastthat runntsers, either losng sir shtort distattce, snehichlthtse se toItsappear,.i S-s. ~- GENERAL CLEARING UP --OF Winter Suits and Overcoats $20.0()Stilts or Overcoats $15.00. 15.00 "1 " 13.50. 15.00 """ 10.50. 10.00 " " 7.50. SHIRTS--- All our Regular Dollar Colored Shirts, Clearing Price - - 75e GLOVES--- Silk Lined Cape Gloves, $2.00 Gloves---------------$1.50 Silk Lined Kid stud Mocha, $1.50 Gloves---------------$1.00 See our Wiudows for Clearing Prices en Fashiouable Suits, Overcoasts and Furnishings. Noble's Star Clothing House, 1 209 S. MAIN ST. :P -7 zs\ l -7 -QT. (-)1Th\ IN CHtARGEatssTAat'ISSUE P. sW JONES. Molsre tisans ialfsof tise gansoin __ _- - - =-=thse handeball toutrnastseshiave been Bill to Close Ann Arbor Saloons. playrsd. Sissce tise last snotice in tise The AlliehigtttsAnti - Salosnss Lcagttc DALY thscfssllossisng resulits tave hsave reptresentaitives int Lansgloo~ issk- been reacisesd. Hoffmsans wssn frsoms insg after tiheir intereats. Ottofsitthse Bstsge two straiglht sets, Bishtoptsont bills thsey weilipress is onse establisht- fromssChse by dlefautlt, Walshs wosn ing a tisree-tmilim itit its college frstts Peslick tswo straigltt seta, Gore townost ititisn whiicihliquo als l noii10 ~ etes fomPuttell its a close cosntest he sold. ChastirmanttsBran1t, of thetw so outt of thsree gamses. 'lTersetare leagtue, stiile itt Lansing, sidi: ive store gameas to be played ill use -We shttll prasenstis bill prssvisding ptrelimtintaries. that the qulestiosn of prohtibitiss ini cootities sltall be siubmsittesd to thte A test of thse ittimsate friend~s ands people at regularsp ~rinsg lectissns, classitates of Hasrry Lovell, '99, gave ssnsteadsl of ihavintg it sbttittedl at ae little party its his lsontsr Satutrday special electlitns. We instends to hatve evensing. Mr. Lovell ittishshIis this qutestisunsvsotesd upon its as utilitycillege scsrk tlsis semoeater andsi sill counstties ts asssible, ant u site lct leave immsediately fosr NetsYsrk to in1 wosrking tar titehistasge is to se tke anl excellenst positioss siths a the pesople itt the counttties tte cx- large life inisutraneeI-otsnsaitsy thsere. pease of hldhinsg special electionso. - - - believe that thse saloosn mess will jssin Unity Club Lecture. swith us inthiis, sats 'ossd ise astno1'T'onight,ste23rsd, 1Dr. Joisn it benefit to thsemt to insist upon thtis ffinger, Insstructosr in Ftrencht in thse expense. We shasll alsos sork fosr University, tdelivers Iis lecture be- better suptervisiont of drag stores in tote tlhe Unity Clubthn sTh"le Frenschs tise niatter of liqusor sellitng. Another Academsy." It will un~dou~btedly he measure thsat wse slall psropse is that extremeely interestinsg. no saloonisstay dso business sthinl thsree siles of intstitutionts of learnittgOlhio hs the largest nutmber of in strictly csllege townis, and w se shsall college studsensts of any state in tise nasme the tossssaits the Iill. Gill1- Uioin, esse-thisrd of swholtsatee 550 tisercissl cities, siuch as Detrait, still stent. nsot be imenttissnesinitsthebi1 tinolglon sc n ro, Ylsstis- __________________________ clani leisonsasedsAlst Alesat, wP TIE S TH-EATRE, shall ask thsat the litmit be establsedsl EN antd arosundIthse agricultural collage JA. .HE ES at Lansinsg, ats the college is so tar from thse center of the city that thse h U-% salootis inthle city scousldhe affecttd Sh r very little,' Dr. Doack of te mledical facuty-]A e still deliver thse irst of the secial c e lectulres by tlhe facilty next WedWensaJ.25h nesday evening at 8Spins.itntte enaaJn 5h last lecture rooms of thse tedical Prce, 15c,5, 7, l$,1. building. Dr. Dosecstill talk ont_____________________ malaria. Dusrinsg thse past summlter, Dr. Dock wss'aoste of thse expserts ap , pointed by Surgessn-Gens. Sternsber'g Peninsular to study mtalaria aog the troosadws staindfratm tia - agaadsae tKoxilTnn n r v n The King's Dauglhters still give a entertainmtenst text Friday evenilng at University h~all. 'ihe enttertains- ment still cosnsio stofthse famsotts 'COflI anu, Mrs. -Jarley's Wax Wr4orks. 'tse proceeds still be for the beuetit of DETROIT, MIOH. the Homeopathic hospital. IMPOTERS AND MANtUFACasTERoS OP CHEMICAL aid PHYSICAL APPARATUS. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS. lHeadquarters for.all Labora- tory Supplies 155 uasesAnAnStS TRY HOT CHOCOLATE, Nosue like it eltewhere. 200 EAST WASHINGTON STREET, 316 SOUTH STATE STREET. The lrtueas ssortmetuofaSCandies iun tesity, made haarly. oystesserved ie any style 112S.Man tretAn Abo, 4c. K.., BOYS! STOP!-1MI.LARD THlE KINDLRAtIIEAITMh FOR A GAME OF POOL OR BILLIARDS.-n eur tk Iurono5t. M. Bank,.n ror ih 'fie space belongs to the Students' Lecture Association. KOAL.. EVER~Y KIND M. STAEBLER, 119 WEST WASHINGTON ST., BOTH PHONES, RO. 108. ANN ARBOR. 4 y 1 MAYNARD ST. BELL 'PHONE 246. Granger s nemngmno MS OSGAGR C {en a nemediate tUas-Monday evenitngs. Adeanced Clssa-Tuesday eveninga ill Programme Party eiach Saturday Evnuing. Ae~em ~ TICKETS, $5.00. Goaod12sweekslfromtielstar etng. In Close Pacsars" With the earning and gaing af Ike seasanu are Ike fashions in Shaes. The Styles at yesterday are saan forgatten in the desire far that aftot-maraow. See our wndows, for she best upto-date line of Ike styles tat la-maraow.R SHE " 119 W LLSW1~i Ann htbngton St.