be rr pl - - -- ------------ ----- VOL. IX, No. 86. ANN ARBOR, MICH., MONDAY, JANUARY 23, 1899. THmEE CENTS. r X1 r T --% MOVE TO DETROIT. H FINE WINTER SUITINGS H E E T WE CARRY THE LARGEST T A STOCK( IN THE CITY. L yL R 108 E. WASHINGTONST. Allegretti's Chocolates Fresh Yesterday. WILDE' (RE I ODui Dau ad Ni R. Dnring the rest of the college year we wl se e ulc t al ot rse dao nihtF ol ie of ipe gars n Tobacco. R. E. JOLLY & CO., 308 So. State Street. Chamois Vests. When you don't wear your Sweater you ought to wear one of these vests. It i0 cheaper than taking cold. We sell the best ones at $1.50 to $2.00 Some for less. Calkins' rhdallldGu. P ERHAPS YOU WILL NEED a n Sweater or Gymnasium Suit. We have a large variety and at Special Prices. We always carry the best grade. SPORTING GOODS Of every description- WAHR5 ANNARBOR Eening News Agitating the Ques- tion. The Detroit Evenieg News is still keeping up its warfare against the permanent location of the U. of M. at Ann Arbor, and continues advo- cating its removal to Detroit. The only solace which it holds out for Ann Arbor in case this is done is that possibly a great Normal school can utilize the buildings on the campus-. The following is the News' edi- torial: In no way could the bicentenary of our beautiful city be celebrated more easily or with greater effect than by the removal hither of the University of Michigan. It could be done easily, because the $3,000,- 000 which would probably be needed to accomplish it could be raised by au issue of city bonds, the paymentt of which would be distributed through a series of years and would be but little felt by the taxpayers. Meanwhile it would add 3,000 or more persons to our population to be fed, clothed and amused, none of whom would come at all in competi- tion with bread-winners already here. But there are higher reasons why we should aspire to it. Nothing can make a city more famous than the possession of a great university. Ox- ford and Cambridge never would be heard of but for their famous insti tutions of learning, and so of many other places-New Haven, Ithaca, Cambridge, Mass., and our own Ann Arbor. Universities bring the cities possessing them closely in touch withi the whole world. No doubt, too, they tend to raise the intellectual tone of the conimunity Another great benefit it would be to our city would be its affording an object about which our wealthy peo- ple could center their pride and liberality, for without a doubt a broad spirit of liberality would be in- cited ly the possessot of an itit"- tion of world-wide fame-. The university would be the gainer because it would enjoy larger means, draw an increased number of stu- dents and have the benefit of the ad- vantages which a great city would give, to say nothing of the advantages afforded for acquatic sports, whicht enter so largely into university life. The state of Milhigant wouldl le benefitedbecatse it would receiva, as a gift, not only the new and commo- dious plant the city would provide, but also a handsome endowment fund, which would by so much relieve the taxpayers of the state at large. Ann _Arbor need not necessarily suffer by the transfer, for the state would still hold property there avail- able for some other education insti- tution --perhaps a great normal school. It is well known that some of the professors would heartily favor the removal as a step forward in the building up of the institution, but naturally they do not wish their names to be made public. C. B. Eyer, '88 L., now practicing in Chicago was a guest at the Sigma Chi house yesterday, on his way est, Saturdag Eening's Trouble at the Athens Theatre. On account of a little trouble which occurrd at the Athens Thea- tie Saturday the yellow journals of Chicago and other cities have a new sensation and for weeks the public will be entertained with graphc accounts of fearful riots between Ann Arbor students and the police, with thousands of dollars worth of damage. The Tistes-Herald came out yesterday morning with a first. page leader on the affair.-aturday night which evidently was the pro. duct of the extremely versatile imag- inatiot of one of their editors. Like effusions from other papers may be expected. Manager Lieseiter of the opera house had announced Saturday's performance as a strictly "studentt night,'' one evening in which the students could have as nmuch fun and make as much noise as they wished, and nothing would be done to prevent the good time. Nothing beyond the making of a great deal of noise occurred during the entire evening. Toward the middle of the second act Manager Lieseiter, be- lieving the performance was going beyond the bounds of decency, caused the curtain to be rung down. This closed the performance. Afterwards a number of students became engaged in an altercation with some of the stage hands near the stage entrance. Stoies were thrown and several windows brokent including the large plate glass one in front of the Times office. The po. lice took a hand and arrested three students although it is very doubtful if they secured the real authors of the trouble. The boys were released early Sunday morning upon promis- ing to pay for the damage done, which will a.nount to about $50. Manager Liesetter when seen last evening said: " have had so little trouble and dis- turbance in the ohera house this year that I determined to give the boys one night in which they could do as they wished, providing of course that no rough conduct took place. They were allowed to make as mucht noise as they pleased and no attempt was made to stop them. I have no fault to find with the conduct of those present and saw nothing thatt eeut beyond the bounds of the gen ertal dectirumi swlichm tas observed. I hope that the boys will appreciate my good feeling towards them and endeavor to reciprocate by observing good order at future performances." Washington Alumni Association. The annual dinner of the Wash- ingtou Association of Michigan Uni- versity will be given at the Ebbitt at Washington, D. C., on Tuesday evening, Jan. 24. The president of the association, Senator Davis, of Minnesota, announces that President Angell will be in Washington and promises an interesting address on the subject of his recent mission in the orient. President Angell has been reap- pointed regent of the Smithsonian Institute at Washington. Michigan's Hockey Team. At an open meeting of hockey enthusiasts held Saturday the per. manent organization of a U. of M. Hockey Club was effected. This club will be represented by a U. of M. team each year. A committee of three-Ed. Kenwood, chairman; Ed. Spannon and C. R. Davis-was ap- pointed to draw up a constitution and the following officers were elect- ed: Captain, J. M. Haverty; mana- ger, Stanley Horning; acting mana- ger, J. J. Sullivan; president, O. W. Bradley; vice-president, C. A. Bara- bee; secretary and treasurer, W. Monkmtan. Juo. M. Haverty, 2nd vice-presi- dent of '99 Law, from Pittsburg, Pa., has played on Pittsburg's lead- ing hockey team for three years and is an expert fancy skater, having taken part in several large contests. Stanley Horning, '99 D., from Chatham, Out., has played on the Chatham hockey team. J. J. Sullivan, '00 D., from Sault Ste. Marie, Out., has played on St. Catherines and Toronto University. 0. W. Bradley, '01 Nl, from Ot- tawa, Out., has played on Aberdeen hockey team and was captain for four years. W. Monkmnan, '01 D., from Wat- ford, Ott., has played on one of the leading teams in Canada. C. A. Barabee, '01 E., from Ne- gautee, is a strong defensive player. Others trying for the team are C. R. Davis, Ed. Kenwood, Ed. Shan- non, A. Moore, Fredluutd, Binzel, Acklay, Martin, Peters and J. C. Taylor. All members of the team are to be U. of M. students. An exhibition gime will be played in Ann Arbor at an early date, so as to enable all to see the game as it should be played. President Angell has been spoken to it regard to the organization of a team and is strongly in favor of it, and expressed an opinion that we should keep up with the Eastern schools in the sport Mr. Whitney, instructor in mathematics, is seen on the ice each day for practice. Mana- ger Weinberg opens his rink free to all hockey players from 9 to 12 a. m. and 6 to 7 each day. A game had been arranged with the Windsor team but is now indefinitely post- poned on account of bad ice. Michigan Debaters Chosen. Pennsylvania Union met last even- ing it College Hall. The order of the evenmig was a debate between the mnembers of the Micluigan team and a scrub team from the Union, con- sisting of R. 'White, H. L. Grote, J. B. Kratz and R. S. Meade. The re- sult of this debate decided the alter. sate on the Michigan team. le judges present were Dr. Gude- man, Dr. Childs, Dean Lewis and Dr. Alden, the sub committee of the debate committee. She decision is as follows: TIhe members of the team who shall speak at Michigan are, Allen, Morris, Riddle; alternate, White.-Pennsylvanian. Monday, Jan. 30-Prof. F. W. Taussig in Good Government lecture course. Up rown state St. Down Town Opp. court louse !liain St.